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Uni girl propositioned for sex - but cops do nothing


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3 hours ago, wealthychef said:


Good questions.  It's hard to know how the law even *should* be written to protect both the women who might be harassed and the men who might be falsely accused here.  


I think the problem is even deeper than that.  It's not your/our country or society.  It's up to Thai people to determine how the laws should be written.  


As I mentioned earlier, we didn't protect the right of black people to vote in the US until 1965.  If you tried to pass that same law in 1930 you probably would have had riots (not that it went smoothly in 1965 either).  Society wasn't ready for it until 1965.  Or look at gay marriage.  Not like gay people or marriage are new concepts.  Why did it take until the second decade of the twenty second century in order to allow two adults to do what they want?  Even many of the politicians who were all gushy when it happened were against it 10 years ago.  


Us farangs see things through the filter of a society who has already come to terms with some of these issues.  Thailand is in a different spot.  


Again, I'm not defending what the guy did.  I'm just saying that so many people here are so quick to blame the cops for not doing anything or get their panties all in a bunch because Thai laws don't protect women but laws and norms are a constantly evolving beast to be influenced by the people in that society.  


Or to put it differently, go back in a time machine to 1930 and try to convince people that black people should have the same rights as white people.  Go ahead and get all self righteous that cops won't do anything when a restaurant owner denies a black person the right to eat alongside white people.  


Think it would do any good?  Were the police stupid or lazy or whatever else people are calling the Thai cops?  Or were the cops just enforcing existing laws and norms of the times?  


Sure, in hindsight the question seems absurd.  But look how long it took society to come around.  



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I read your post,and i agree with what you say.However you will notice that within the first line of my post,i did actually admit that sexual harassment is not a crime here. I stand by my comment that Thailand is not a normal country in these respects,because as you say,womens rights here, are a  millennium away.And i still uphold my comment regarding women being looked upon as chattels.This country is male oriented and as long as we have police(who are meant to protect and serve)who say that rape/attempted rape is not a serious offence,a leader who comments that women shouldnt wear bikini's unless they are ugly,then we might as well be living on Mars.I am fully aware that this is not another country,and i am fully aware that no changes in that direction will be made,because,they dont want to!

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10 hours ago, wealthychef said:


Do you have the right to open her car door and try to get into the car without being invited?  To repeat the request despite being rebuffed a few times to the point where the girl is seeking help from a stranger?  

No, not to open the car door. 

The repeating is also wrong if the girl is visibly scared.. To repeat the question it has to become harassment at some point. 

I dont want to victimblame here but sometimes women prefer and respect men who are persistent, if you do a google search for this you will actually find dating advice like that,, but clearly there is a difference between persistent and harassment,, 


Personally if i was hitting on a girl and she said no and got scared i would back the <deleted> off,, i dont like to scare people.. 


This guy clearly has some screws loose but i dont think he did anything illegal besides showing the video which is illegal in thailand or so i thought. 

To arrest someone for harassment or stalking you need like one or two more of these incidents from the same guy i think.

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21 hours ago, trogers said:

Ahhh... the annual police exams don't cover stalking...


Would this not be sexual harassment , intimidation, and being in possession of pornographic martial being  used to harass women.

I think the police could make some charges out of that lot, plus the above stalking.

Maybe the boy is a rich boy, now that would answer a lot of questions.

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20 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

No crime has been committed?  I hope something like this happened to the daughters of the policemen n we shall see if there are any crimes committed.. 

This man should not be left out in the streets. he is a predator waiting to commit rape.

Maybe but are you saying that all a lady has to do is say this happened and off to jail you go. I don't want to live in that world.  Freedom comes with a price and sometimes its ugly.

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18 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


Would this not be sexual harassment , intimidation, and being in possession of pornographic martial being  used to harass women.

I think the police could make some charges out of that lot, plus the above stalking.

Maybe the boy is a rich boy, now that would answer a lot of questions.

irony warning: Actually the girl watched the porno so she commited a crime as well. And the police could not verify that the man was in posession of porn because then they themselves would have to watch it, and then they would risk losing their jobs for watching porno on the job

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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

Maybe but are you saying that all a lady has to do is say this happened and off to jail you go. I don't want to live in that world.  Freedom comes with a price and sometimes its ugly.

That guy followed the girl around and even when the girl went to the lady at the somtam stall, the guy still refused to go away and still propositioned the girl. The lady at the somtam stall who protected the girl was her witness and even took a video.

what more do u need? penetration? are we reading a different article?


There is evidence of harassment and attempts at trying to molest and to commit rape against the will of this girl in this article. Is that not enough to arrest the man? So in Thailand where prostitution is illegal, a man who proposition a girl and harasses her with evidence caught on video n with eye witness is not liable for any crimes or charges? ( yes in Thailand prostitution is illegal and there are soapy massages all around..)


Please read thoroughly before u refute my comments. Thank You have a nice day. 

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A 25 year old man asks a 21 year old woman if she wants a bit and the cops did nothing.

I can see why. Look at the state of her face. Maybe the police were trying to tell her to take his offer as that's all your going to get ugly women.

Whats wrong with her? Has she got a burn injury?

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They can do nothing as no offence has been committed? That's strange because the BIB stop 1000's of farrang on motorbikes each day, and after checking everything is in order they invent an reason for a fine.  

This poor girl has a genuine reason to be fearful of this persistent creep. Surely the cops can at least scare him with a threat of action if he goes near her again?

Oh well.... as been said before, no money in real policing.


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17 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

That guy followed the girl around and even when the girl went to the lady at the somtam stall, the guy still refused to go away and still propositioned the girl. The lady at the somtam stall who protected the girl was her witness and even took a video.

what more do u need? penetration? are we reading a different article?


There is evidence of harassment and attempts at trying to molest and to commit rape against the will of this girl in this article. Is that not enough to arrest the man? So in Thailand where prostitution is illegal, a man who proposition a girl and harasses her with evidence caught on video n with eye witness is not liable for any crimes or charges? ( yes in Thailand prostitution is illegal and there are soapy massages all around..)


Please read thoroughly before u refute my comments. Thank You have a nice day. 

The witness has seen nothing but a guy riding around on a motorbike, that has been accused of harassment. All else is he said she said and no police in any country are going to hunt this guy down based on that. What evidence is there? Evidence is something you can look at not just what she says.         Please read thoroughly before saying there is evidence of attempted rape. You cannot molest a 21 year old unless she is retarded. It is sexual harassment or assault if he grabbed her.  I am not sticking up for this scum bag if the "allegations" are true but I see no evidence there to convict him of anything.  Good luck

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On 1/10/2017 at 5:34 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

This (in any other normal country) would blatantly be a case of sexual harassment. But in Thailand it is not.The comment about waiting for something to happen,is laughable.Would they be more happy to do something if she was raped,or raped and murdered?When will the male ego,realise that women are not chattels to be used as they see fit?My wife is quite a stunner even at 45.When she was younger she was beautiful.Her take on this post,is,that she always carried a kraft knife in her bag,She quite honestly told me that if this guy had not given up,and even if he laid a hand on her,she would have gutted him like a fish.

What evidence would they use in a normal country? Her word? The other witness did not see the video. What other evidence is there " I saw him drive his bike around the block a few times looking at her".  The best she could do in western countries is get a restraining order from the police if they or she knows who he is, then if he breaks that order he will be arrested for harassment. It is a case of sexual harassment if it is true, but if you are implying that her word and the word of another who did not see the crime is enough to throw every boy or man that is accused of this then the girls/ladies could use that law against you very effectively any time they wanted couldn't they?

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He said,she said.You should know that this will never be sorted The guy si meant to have shown her pics of a sexual act on his telephone.He said,she said.I have already said that this is not a normal country in the respect if sexual crimes.You are bashing your head against a brick wall if think any different.It is a country where the male ego is the law and women are mere chattels.If you dont know that,then you havent been here long enough.We ahve a police force that regards any sexual attack on a woman,not a serious crime.dont waste my time with trying to make a point that is already,by now ,moot.

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10 hours ago, Grubster said:

The witness has seen nothing but a guy riding around on a motorbike, that has been accused of harassment. All else is he said she said and no police in any country are going to hunt this guy down based on that. What evidence is there? Evidence is something you can look at not just what she says.         Please read thoroughly before saying there is evidence of attempted rape. You cannot molest a 21 year old unless she is retarded. It is sexual harassment or assault if he grabbed her.  I am not sticking up for this scum bag if the "allegations" are true but I see no evidence there to convict him of anything.  Good luck

But the man wouldn't take no for an answer and followed her to a som tam stall where he tried again to "take her home".


She said she had just been at the gym nearby and was going to the bank at the market to deposit some money. As she parked a man came and opened the passenger door and tried to get in while asking her for her phone number, reports Sanook.

She managed to get away and ran for help to a female som tam vendor nearby but the man followed her as if nothing was wrong and said: "Come on let's go home together now".


The som tam seller advised her to call police and take a video of the man while she protected her..


But not before he had been circling in the area on his motorcycle.


The som tam seller said that she had seen it all. She said that the victim was a pretty girl and when she saw the man go up to her car she thought to herself: "Funny that such a pretty girl would have such an ugly boyfriend".


"But then she came over all scared saying she had been asked for sex and shown a video," said the som tam seller. "The man came over and wai-ed me and said he was taking her home after I asked if he knew her. While we were waiting for the police he got on a motorbike outside a convenience store and was circling all about looking at her", she added.


I must be reading it wrong from this article? I read that she went to the somtam stall lady to ask for help. The somtam lady upon knowing what happened was approach by the man n the man tried again to take the girl home (harrassment?) 

The somtam lady ask the girl to take a video of the man. 

Witness account  n video of the man stated in the article. 

Can u kindly point out to me if i am not thorough enough n if i wrongly accused this man of wrongdoing through what i read on this article from Thaivisa? 

Good luck. Warmest Regards


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1 hour ago, Moonmoon said:

But the man wouldn't take no for an answer and followed her to a som tam stall where he tried again to "take her home".


She said she had just been at the gym nearby and was going to the bank at the market to deposit some money. As she parked a man came and opened the passenger door and tried to get in while asking her for her phone number, reports Sanook.

She managed to get away and ran for help to a female som tam vendor nearby but the man followed her as if nothing was wrong and said: "Come on let's go home together now".


The som tam seller advised her to call police and take a video of the man while she protected her..


But not before he had been circling in the area on his motorcycle.


The som tam seller said that she had seen it all. She said that the victim was a pretty girl and when she saw the man go up to her car she thought to herself: "Funny that such a pretty girl would have such an ugly boyfriend".


"But then she came over all scared saying she had been asked for sex and shown a video," said the som tam seller. "The man came over and wai-ed me and said he was taking her home after I asked if he knew her. While we were waiting for the police he got on a motorbike outside a convenience store and was circling all about looking at her", she added.


I must be reading it wrong from this article? I read that she went to the somtam stall lady to ask for help. The somtam lady upon knowing what happened was approach by the man n the man tried again to take the girl home (harrassment?) 

The somtam lady ask the girl to take a video of the man. 

Witness account  n video of the man stated in the article. 

Can u kindly point out to me if i am not thorough enough n if i wrongly accused this man of wrongdoing through what i read on this article from Thaivisa? 

Good luck. Warmest Regards


Yes I understand, there is still no evidence that he broke any law. It is not illegal to follow someone while talking to them even if they don't want you to. It is not illegal to say you are going to take someone home. It may be illegal to show the video but the third party did not see that. It is not illegal to ride around looking at someone. It is not illegal for me to open you door to your car to ask you something. If she gets a restraining order then approaching her after that is illegal. If he forcefully restrained her at anytime he would have been breaking the law.  Its really simple, you have to or should have to break a law before you are arrested. The only illegal thing he may have done is show her the video which would be she said he said useless evidence. Good luck and I hope your son is never wrongly accused of date rape or similar, as in a jury of twelve of you he would definitely be convicted.


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On 1/10/2017 at 0:51 PM, ezflip said:

... Why won't the cops do anything - I don't understand", she added.


Because Thailand is male oriented and you have no rights, yet. Why is it that a rapist gets a 1 year sentence (out in 6 months) but a drug dealer gets 5 to 10 years. While we are at it, why is there no penalty for stalking a women...

Exactly...I feel a bit amused at her question...after all...she and all Thais MADE Thailand this way with their apathy...

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14 hours ago, Grubster said:

Yes I understand, there is still no evidence that he broke any law. It is not illegal to follow someone while talking to them even if they don't want you to. It is not illegal to say you are going to take someone home. It may be illegal to show the video but the third party did not see that. It is not illegal to ride around looking at someone. It is not illegal for me to open you door to your car to ask you something. If she gets a restraining order then approaching her after that is illegal. If he forcefully restrained her at anytime he would have been breaking the law.  Its really simple, you have to or should have to break a law before you are arrested. The only illegal thing he may have done is show her the video which would be she said he said useless evidence. Good luck and I hope your son is never wrongly accused of date rape or similar, as in a jury of twelve of you he would definitely be convicted.


For me i argue against the case of the pharmaceutical heiress when she woke up drunk and puke and accused the man of trying rape her.

But for this case, this girl was not drunk and clearly in distress caused by the man following her around and trying to get her to have sex. Even when she called the police and tried to get them to do something, they could not. Not even restraining order was offered like u suggested.

There are many cases like this in Thailand. A guy likes the looks of this certain girl, staying in the same condo or apartment building or even just riding around on his bike. then rapes occurred cause 1 fine day the culprit decides to get drunk n strikes when the girl is sleeping in the room and in most cases murder as well.

Whether I am a man or woman, if someone tries to harass me in this manner, I do want there to be laws for my protection.

You can argue from your legal standpoint, but for me in this case. The girl is in distress and does not know the man at all. What does she gain from trying to get the police to arrest the man? Attention seeker? thinking everyman of the street wants to have sex with her at random?

The police should have patrol the area and try to get hold of the man and not arrest him for rape, no but they should have get him and give him a warning and also keep him in their records as a potential sex crime suspect just in case he does strike. 

Prevention is better than cure. there is no cure for rape.

As for my future son, I will advised him if the girl refuses his advances, then move on to the next one. There are many other girls available.

I also hope your daughter never gets approach and harass in this manner. and if she does tell her u cannot do anything as no crime has been committed cos its only she says and he says, nothing wrong if someones proposition her for sex and even after she refuses continues to stalk her.



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3 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

For me i argue against the case of the pharmaceutical heiress when she woke up drunk and puke and accused the man of trying rape her.

But for this case, this girl was not drunk and clearly in distress caused by the man following her around and trying to get her to have sex. Even when she called the police and tried to get them to do something, they could not. Not even restraining order was offered like u suggested.

There are many cases like this in Thailand. A guy likes the looks of this certain girl, staying in the same condo or apartment building or even just riding around on his bike. then rapes occurred cause 1 fine day the culprit decides to get drunk n strikes when the girl is sleeping in the room and in most cases murder as well.

Whether I am a man or woman, if someone tries to harass me in this manner, I do want there to be laws for my protection.

You can argue from your legal standpoint, but for me in this case. The girl is in distress and does not know the man at all. What does she gain from trying to get the police to arrest the man? Attention seeker? thinking everyman of the street wants to have sex with her at random?

The police should have patrol the area and try to get hold of the man and not arrest him for rape, no but they should have get him and give him a warning and also keep him in their records as a potential sex crime suspect just in case he does strike. 

Prevention is better than cure. there is no cure for rape.

As for my future son, I will advised him if the girl refuses his advances, then move on to the next one. There are many other girls available.

I also hope your daughter never gets approach and harass in this manner. and if she does tell her u cannot do anything as no crime has been committed cos its only she says and he says, nothing wrong if someones proposition her for sex and even after she refuses continues to stalk her.



Well maybe the cops would have given him a warning if they knew who he was. As for your son if he had consensual sex with a girl who later felt bad about it and told her family that he forced her, then I would have no choice but to believe her as he must be guilty as you say. So off to prison and a marked man for life, and if you don't think this happens everyday then you are a fool.

           You started out this debate saying the man was blatantly guilty of crimes, you are starting to come around to your senses I think.

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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

Well maybe the cops would have given him a warning if they knew who he was. As for your son if he had consensual sex with a girl who later felt bad about it and told her family that he forced her, then I would have no choice but to believe her as he must be guilty as you say. So off to prison and a marked man for life, and if you don't think this happens everyday then you are a fool.

           You started out this debate saying the man was blatantly guilty of crimes, you are starting to come around to your senses I think.

U r talking about a completely different issue. The article states that this girl was being harass in broad daylight by a complete stranger. If she put herself in a situation where she got drunk n got involved with another guy then maybe she was asking for it. Like i have mention, i base my comments on this article alone.

And if this was the case of the drunk girl who ended up in short time hotel with a another man while she was drunk then i have my doubts of her story. But these r 2 completely different situations. U 

 the fact that she was in a public place, going about her own business to the gym n bank n not disturbing anyone n being harass by this man with intent to commit sexual misconduct is disgusting.

U r bringing a totally different situation n environment which did not happen in this case to your argument. Lets go to the article on the thai drunk heiress claiming she was raped or molested, lets go n agree there. But for this case, i simply cannot see your point of view unless u prove otherwise from other accounts that this girl was not stalk m harass in broad daylight by a complete stranger.

To bring my son into this issue here is totally off course. I m not coming to my

senses, they r fine where they r, While u r arguing off topic n completely not base on this article at all. 

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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

Well maybe the cops would have given him a warning if they knew who he was. As for your son if he had consensual sex with a girl who later felt bad about it and told her family that he forced her, then I would have no choice but to believe her as he must be guilty as you say. So off to prison and a marked man for life, and if you don't think this happens everyday then you are a fool.

           You started out this debate saying the man was blatantly guilty of crimes, you are starting to come around to your senses I think.

I hope the girl whom my son had sex with is your daughter, so u that u can be understanding n let him off or even better still fight for his case, cos its a you know she said he said case.

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25 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

U r talking about a completely different issue. The article states that this girl was being harass in broad daylight by a complete stranger. If she put herself in a situation where she got drunk n got involved with another guy then maybe she was asking for it. Like i have mention, i base my comments on this article alone.

And if this was the case of the drunk girl who ended up in short time hotel with a another man while she was drunk then i have my doubts of her story. But these r 2 completely different situations. U 

 the fact that she was in a public place, going about her own business to the gym n bank n not disturbing anyone n being harass by this man with intent to commit sexual misconduct is disgusting.

U r bringing a totally different situation n environment which did not happen in this case to your argument. Lets go to the article on the thai drunk heiress claiming she was raped or molested, lets go n agree there. But for this case, i simply cannot see your point of view unless u prove otherwise from other accounts that this girl was not stalk m harass in broad daylight by a complete stranger.

To bring my son into this issue here is totally off course. I m not coming to my

senses, they r fine where they r, While u r arguing off topic n completely not base on this article at all. 

There is no evidence of a crime is all I tried to get through you head, you said he was clearly guilty of crimes, thats our issue. Forget it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/10/2017 at 0:17 PM, digibum said:


I don't think you're accurate in terms of how the law works, at least in the US.  The police do not determine if a crime was committed.  A jury or a judge does that.  Police are only there to determine whether or not probable cause to make an arrest exists.


And, this may come as a shock but in the US unless you are suspected of a crime, you don't have to speak to the police at all.  If the police stop you on the street you can ask them if you are being legally detained which they have to have probable cause for.  If they do not have probable cause you are free to leave and-or refuse to answer any questions, including your name.  


How would that "information report" help?  Complainant claims 27 year old male of average weight and average height was stalking her.  Attempted to question identified individual but he said his name was "Mickey Mouse" and told me to go F myself.  Lacking probable cause, suspect was allowed to leave.  





Right.  I worked the streets in the 4th largest city in the US for 10 yeats and dealt with the district attorney's office daily...I don't know much. You no doubt are one of millions of armchair attorneys. You, by your opening paragraph demonstrated that you are the one that has no idea...juries and judges determine GUILT, District attorneys determine if an arrest is warranted. Crawl back to your bar.

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On 1/10/2017 at 0:17 PM, digibum said:


I don't think you're accurate in terms of how the law works, at least in the US.  The police do not determine if a crime was committed.  A jury or a judge does that.  Police are only there to determine whether or not probable cause to make an arrest exists.


And, this may come as a shock but in the US unless you are suspected of a crime, you don't have to speak to the police at all.  If the police stop you on the street you can ask them if you are being legally detained which they have to have probable cause for.  If they do not have probable cause you are free to leave and-or refuse to answer any questions, including your name.  


How would that "information report" help?  Complainant claims 27 year old male of average weight and average height was stalking her.  Attempted to question identified individual but he said his name was "Mickey Mouse" and told me to go F myself.  Lacking probable cause, suspect was allowed to leave.  





Dealing with blokes who have never worked the streets is like trying to pick up cement with a pitchfork,  doesn't work and I don't have all the time it would take to set you straight.

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yes, ordinary everyday knuckleheads can now make and play videos on the spot. it's ****not**** a funny story and it's definitely not at all newsworthy.

could anyone think otherwise?
where would the line be drawn?

    and some suggest it should go to a court?

I'm tired of the nonsense stories.  this is like the USA.


Edited by maewang99
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16 hours ago, davo2003 said:

Right.  I worked the streets in the 4th largest city in the US for 10 yeats and dealt with the district attorney's office daily...I don't know much. You no doubt are one of millions of armchair attorneys. You, by your opening paragraph demonstrated that you are the one that has no idea...juries and judges determine GUILT, District attorneys determine if an arrest is warranted. Crawl back to your bar.


Oh, did  you work the streets?  Wow.  Very impressed.  You're aware that these are laws, right?  Doesn't matter if you work on the street or in a high rise, the criminal legal system is fairly well-defined.  They're not really open to street interpretation.  


I said POLICE do not determine if a crime was committed (which was what I was responding to).  Then you refuted me by saying that the DISTRICT ATTORNEY determines if an arrest is warranted (which still isn't whether or not a crime was committed - just whether or not enough probably cause exists to file charges).  


And can you see that there is a difference between a district attorney determining if there is enough cause to file a charge and whether a judge or jury determine whether or not the accused is guilty of said charge and thus determining whether or not a crime was committed?  


The police determine if there is probable cause to detain and arrest.  The District Attorney decides whether or not to file charges and a judge and jury determine whether or not a crime was committed (by the accused) by issuing a verdict of guilty or not guilty.  


So let's say, for instance, I tell a cop that he's an idiot.  The cop, incorrectly thinks I've violated some law, say assaulting a police officer.  The district attorney is new out of law school and thinks my behavior is appalling and files charges.  Keep in mind, just because charges are filed still doesn't mean that a crime has actually been committed.  


I appear in front of a judge and the judge disagrees with the district attorney and throws the case out because . . . well, my rights under the first amendment are pretty established, the complaint lacks anything that is actual assault on the police officer, and the judge thinks it would be a total waste of time and government resources to take the case to trial.  


Did a crime occur?  


Maybe it's you that needs to crawl back to a bar and share your stories about working on the street.  Nobody is impressed here in the sober world.  


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One thing I noticed is that Thai girls who wear shorts and show their legs and body are looked upon as easy victims or prostitutes by some Thai men . She had just been at the gym so that explains the picture.  


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7 hours ago, digibum said:


Oh, did  you work the streets?  Wow.  Very impressed.  You're aware that these are laws, right?  Doesn't matter if you work on the street or in a high rise, the criminal legal system is fairly well-defined.  They're not really open to street interpretation.  


I said POLICE do not determine if a crime was committed (which was what I was responding to).  Then you refuted me by saying that the DISTRICT ATTORNEY determines if an arrest is warranted (which still isn't whether or not a crime was committed - just whether or not enough probably cause exists to file charges).  


And can you see that there is a difference between a district attorney determining if there is enough cause to file a charge and whether a judge or jury determine whether or not the accused is guilty of said charge and thus determining whether or not a crime was committed?  


The police determine if there is probable cause to detain and arrest.  The District Attorney decides whether or not to file charges and a judge and jury determine whether or not a crime was committed (by the accused) by issuing a verdict of guilty or not guilty.  


So let's say, for instance, I tell a cop that he's an idiot.  The cop, incorrectly thinks I've violated some law, say assaulting a police officer.  The district attorney is new out of law school and thinks my behavior is appalling and files charges.  Keep in mind, just because charges are filed still doesn't mean that a crime has actually been committed.  


I appear in front of a judge and the judge disagrees with the district attorney and throws the case out because . . . well, my rights under the first amendment are pretty established, the complaint lacks anything that is actual assault on the police officer, and the judge thinks it would be a total waste of time and government resources to take the case to trial.  


Did a crime occur?  


Maybe it's you that needs to crawl back to a bar and share your stories about working on the street.  Nobody is impressed here in the sober world.  


Your stories make me sleepy, please continue.  You are only demonstrating you know zero about probable cause, arrest, charging, trials, and all the people in between.  Not even the newest and most ignorant DA would accept charges in the scenario you have put forth. Please continue to display your ignorance, I find it amusing.

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