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Butt naked farang lets the western side down in Pai!


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5 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Given that Thai businessmen purvey all sorts of legal and illegal drugs, not to mention hookers of every sex and age, it seems to be a case of double-standards to then complain about a couple of those tourists flashing their dangly bits whilst swimming.


Matthew 7:3: "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

well said ...........

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3 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

Disrespecting the mourning of HM9, being stupid guest in LOS. Stiff fine & community service. Don't need these yobs anymore.


What has this to do with ANYTHING?

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8 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

Disrespecting the mourning of HM9, being stupid guest in LOS. Stiff fine & community service. Don't need these yobs anymore.

Don't even get a  a community service for kicking a 6 year old in the head!  but agree with the fine.

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Thailand will change when Thais and Thailand want it to happen. Of course there are many things that I as an expat would like to see happen- road safety; a fairer judicial system; and on and on. As I have said- one must accept the fact that this is Thailand and as non Thais we have no say in how it will progress or not progress. If one cannot accept it for what it is- you live a miserable life complaining and frustrated. 

When I go to the UK I don't complain to the British about the Brexit vote; the days of the Empire or some of the inconsistencies of life. I try and get along and respect the local traditions. Is it so wrong to expect foreigners coming to Thailand respect Thai traditions?


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These hippies knew that kids could see them, so should be prosecuted for being a sexual predator back home!!!!  and shamed in their local paper while doing hard time!!!


99.9999999999999999999999 of all tourists to LOS are evil.  good thing these idiots gave us an easy reason to send them home.


ex-pats in thailand ranked last in all categories.  backpackers second to last.....

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Thailand will change when Thais and Thailand want it to happen. Of course there are many things that I as an expat would like to see happen- road safety; a fairer judicial system; and on and on. As I have said- one must accept the fact that this is Thailand and as non Thais we have no say in how it will progress or not progress. If one cannot accept it for what it is- you live a miserable life complaining and frustrated. 

When I go to the UK I don't complain to the British about the Brexit vote; the days of the Empire or some of the inconsistencies of life. I try and get along and respect the local traditions. Is it so wrong to expect foreigners coming to Thailand respect Thai traditions?


I think a lot of Thais do want change and it will happen, hopefully, one day.

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6 hours ago, Noji said:

It's kind of sad that displaying the natural human body  seems to generate more reaction and outrage than




beating small children and failing to investigate obvious corruption.




IF they know about that! I am not sure they do. Censure here and censure there. Have you read the papers they read? Do they have the Internet in that resort? Censure can happen by omission or by filling papers, TV programs, newscasts with diversions that serve as obfuscation. It is as old as Roman time and it works. All things being equal, the Internet should tilt the balance in the right direction. Google translate might help in that regard too. Education should help too, all things being equal. 


But, we all know this.

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8 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

"He said: "And that is not all. Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis. I know it is a tourist area but there are temples all around there."




Tourist season is here and what do Thai's love above all other things. To feel outrage, to believe someone somewhere is disrespecting Thailand, to join together in righteous indignation and loathing egged on by the media and all three political parties that have held office since 1997. It’s a national sport and so much fun !!

And where will this all lead to ... basically tourists get tired of it and stop coming, tourists numbers fall and the TAT has to try and find new tourists. Hmm, Maybe under some rocks in Greenland …

Before our resident Troll teamers joins the fray to denounce low life tourists and the disrespect,  my country has the same tourists and they do stupid things, however the media does not ram it on the television and the front pages of papers and internet. It is generally thought that other news is more important than what numbnuts are doing on vacation.

Until Thailand realizes this fact, tourist numbers will continue to drop - my bet is it is too much fun too stop and thai culture gets too much milage on finding disrespect to put the brakes on it. 



Hmmm interesting commentary. Once again the "we do it better" line of thought. Something tells me my friend, no matter anyone's  view on this.  I'll bet your TV news is not as enlightened as you make out, nor full of important factual stories, although Brad and Angelina having issues is important.

Fact is mate it's  their country, respect their sensitivities and have a bit of respect. These two are just fools! Funny how people will attack Thai's and Thailand for this issue, let's imagine you are a church goer or temple attender of another faith and a naked Thai starts bathing in the pond out front during mass.....

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It's called being respectful to the country you're visiting . Don't tell me they didn't know this before they undressed. But they were probably high on something anyway so couldn't care less. 




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9 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis" 

A visit to a German or a Scandinavian beach would be a real shocker for the resort owner from Pai.

You don't even need a beach, in the 'English Garden', a park in the middle of Munich city you can sun bathe naked

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13 minutes ago, Phom said:

Hmmm interesting commentary. Once again the "we do it better" line of thought. Something tells me my friend, no matter anyone's  view on this.  I'll bet your TV news is not as enlightened as you make out, nor full of important factual stories, although Brad and Angelina having issues is important.

Fact is mate it's  their country, respect their sensitivities and have a bit of respect. These two are just fools! Funny how people will attack Thai's and Thailand for this issue, let's imagine you are a church goer or temple attender of another faith and a naked Thai starts bathing in the pond out front during mass.....

Then i see a God given naked body ( hopefully an attractive one) oh the shock and horror 

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52 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Thailand will change when Thais and Thailand want it to happen. Of course there are many things that I as an expat would like to see happen- road safety; a fairer judicial system; and on and on. As I have said- one must accept the fact that this is Thailand and as non Thais we have no say in how it will progress or not progress. If one cannot accept it for what it is- you live a miserable life complaining and frustrated. 

When I go to the UK I don't complain to the British about the Brexit vote; the days of the Empire or some of the inconsistencies of life. I try and get along and respect the local traditions. Is it so wrong to expect foreigners coming to Thailand respect Thai traditions?



Thailand will change when Thais are free to speak. As for you respecting your UK local traditions. They are rapidly heading for extinction thanks to all those respectful foreigners.

Oh and if you think preservation of Thai culture is top of the Juntas agenda look further than the end of your nose. Let me guess, the Bangkok Post told you so.

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I am not from the UK but when I travel there or any other country including my own I am respectful and conduct myself with decorum.

I do not get my ideas from the Post- I hardly read it.

As far as Thais not speaking out- this is part of their culture and they would not speak to you as a foreigner about important changes they want in the country. If you are part of a Thai community and family- they may let you in on their thinking if you can speak Thai.

It is so obvious to me that there are many casual visitors and even expats who know nothing about Thailand or its people and refuse to learn and simply  dwell in their own preconceived ideas. It's really too bad because there is so much real information out there right in front of you.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

I am not from the UK but when I travel there or any other country including my own I am respectful and conduct myself with decorum.

I do not get my ideas from the Post- I hardly read it.

As far as Thais not speaking out- this is part of their culture and they would not speak to you as a foreigner about important changes they want in the country. If you are part of a Thai community and family- they may let you in on their thinking if you can speak Thai.

It is so obvious to me that there are many casual visitors and even expats who know nothing about Thailand or its people and refuse to learn and simply  dwell in their own preconceived ideas. It's really too bad because there is so much real information out there right in front of you.

Like the going rate for having your future told by a monk is 20 Baht

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2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:


There are so many ridiculous statements in your above post that it is almost impossible to know where to start to combat them.  Suffice it to say that your "THAIDREAM" Avatar says it all.

 In your dreams Thaidream. 

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You criticize my opinion but you have not given even one retort to my statement. You Even criticize my avatar and you know nothing about me. This thread is not about you or me it is simply a thread about whether 2 people should have displayed public nudity. You don't like it because I refuse to link your version of Thailand's problems to the action of ignorant foreigners.

Thais do what they do in their country- this is not your country or mine or the country of the foreigners in this thread.

To those on this board who want to spend all their time in the tourist sex scene and remain drunk- I could care less. Knock yourself out. To those who want to do drugs- Have at it.

All the Thai people are asking is foreigners respect their culture- what is left of it. If you all don't like the Thai culture- you have a vote- with your feet.

Edited by Thaidream
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Swimming naked anywhere is against the rules except if your staying at a nudist camp.
Why can't young couples wait until bedtime or early morning like me and the missus. Like a dog with two cks they are. Plus it's a bit nippy at the moment it would hinder his performance rather than help him.

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