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Butt naked farang lets the western side down in Pai!


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4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

"He said: "And that is not all. Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis. I know it is a tourist area but there are temples all around there."




Tourist season is here and what do Thai's love above all other things. To feel outrage, to believe someone somewhere is disrespecting Thailand, to join together in righteous indignation and loathing egged on by the media and all three political parties that have held office since 1997. It’s a national sport and so much fun !!

And where will this all lead to ... basically tourists get tired of it and stop coming, tourists numbers fall and the TAT has to try and find new tourists. Hmm, Maybe under some rocks in Greenland …

Before our resident Troll teamers joins the fray to denounce low life tourists and the disrespect,  my country has the same tourists and they do stupid things, however the media does not ram it on the television and the front pages of papers and internet. It is generally thought that other news is more important than what numbnuts are doing on vacation.

Until Thailand realizes this fact, tourist numbers will continue to drop - my bet is it is too much fun too stop and thai culture gets too much milage on finding disrespect to put the brakes on it. 




Out of what, 20-30 million tourists, there are a few, and it is a few, who act like total prats. Why blow it out of proportion. How popular is "Manager Online"? Has it been widely picked up by all the main media?


Equally, many countries have rules regarding public decency, nudity, and extra rules regarding certain places. Many Western people behave very differently on holiday than they would at home - and seem to think that any inappropriate behavior can be excused by "I'm on holiday". 


But if you think that's likely to affect tourist numbers greatly one way or another you're deluded.


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37 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Thiss is just another example of foreigners coming to Thailand and thinking they can do whatever they want because they are on a holiday. The Thais do not care what you do in your home country or whether Thai women at the beginning of the 20th Century were bare breasted. anyone who knows anything about Thailand and its current mores knows Thais do not like nudity and immodesty. You see very few Thais even at beaches wearing bikini's. Why is it so hard for foreigners to accept Thai culture for what it is?

Every day we have a different story about a foreigner who disrespects Thailand and acts out- public nudity;  extreme drunkenness; fighting; stealing; having sex in public. If foreigners came to our country and continually disturbed the area and culture- I doubt you would like it. Thais are the same- they are completely disgusted with foreigners behavior and this at times paints all of us with the same brush. There is a difference from having a good time and being boorish; selfish and showing disdain for one's hosts.


Fixed it for you.


"Every day we have a different story about a foreigner who disrespects Thailand and this at times paints all of us with the same brush."



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3 hours ago, Noji said:

It's kind of sad that displaying the natural human body  seems to generate more reaction and outrage than beating small children and failing to investigate obvious corruption.


Thank you for a very sensible comment, Noji.


The two top articles in today's batch were this 'butt naked' one and another entitled :

'Police sold my underage daughter into sex trade, says mother.'


I know it's a coincidence but the fact that those 2 news items come out as kind of equivalent says much about the derelict state of our societies, who seem less and less able to make the difference between manners (which differ vastly from one culture/ethnic group to another) and basic morality (which is universal).


And it's not just here in Thailand, of course, but pretty much everywhere.

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5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Out of what, 20-30 million tourists, there are a few, and it is a few, who act like total prats. Why blow it out of proportion. How popular is "Manager Online"? Has it been widely picked up by all the main media?


Equally, many countries have rules regarding public decency, nudity, and extra rules regarding certain places. Many Western people behave very differently on holiday than they would at home - and seem to think that any inappropriate behavior can be excused by "I'm on holiday". 


But if you think that's likely to affect tourist numbers greatly one way or another you're deluded.



Just as so many other things will have zero effect on tourist numbers, included among them are police behaving badly, a very visible sex trade, an unelected, military government, rising costs, poor service, crappy hotels, a Hua Hin to Pattaya ferry service many hope will fail, and on it goes.



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6 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Thais don't like nudity and immodesty?  Maybe they tell you that to you face......  Then they go down to their clubs, bars and short time places while you go home for your cup of tea.


Thais don't like to wear bikini's on beaches.. not because of immodesty, but because they don't want dark skin!


You don' t hink Thais have extreme drunkenness?  Go out any night of the week and see drunk Thais all over the place, shouting, arguing, fighting, riding home drunk and crashing their cars (which have no lights on, no insurance, etc). 


We are all human... and a percentage of us humans will always be doing these kind of things.  If you think Thai people are all prim and proper and would not do anything disrespectful or inappropriate, then you need to get out your house and open your eyes.


I do agree that what that guy is doing is out of order.  Its rude and stupid.. but rather funny and harmless.  Someone should have just told him to put on some clothes and stop being an idiot.  But its no big deal.. no horrific or brutal crime has been committed.  People need to lighten up a big and get off their high horses.  How this trivial thing got into the news is crazy, and I can only think its for a bit of racism against farangs. 




Thailand is like Victorian Britain - some things are tolerated but must be kept under the radar whilst a public image is maintained.


But some tourists do seem to think they can spend their entire time here pissed as newts, behaving how the want and think all of Thailand has the same morals and behavior as those exhibited in the girlie bars and brothels where they spend most of their time. Thankfully that is only a relatively small percentage.


Go to Amsterdam and enjoy the red light district or Hamburg or Cologne - but don't think you can behave like that anywhere in Germany or Netherlands. Same here - discretion and decorum.


Prance around nude like that in Europe, where police do get of their <deleted> and enforce the law, and see what happens.

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Call Thais hypocritical if you like, but it is their country and they are entitled to be offended by foreigners who behave in a manner which flouts their conventions. Every country makes a distinction between activities acceptable in certain environments (say a bar, strip club or nudist beach) but not others  (i.e. in public places).


Anyone planning to visit Thailand - or any other country for that matter - should have the sense to bone up on how to behave as guests and avoid causing problems. It only takes a click or two on the Internet to learn about the Kingdom's contradictory culture and download a list of Do's and Don'ts.


Clearly this silly willy either didn't bother or simply didn't care if he upset anyone. The same goes for Western visitors who stroll around religious sites in bikinis. Would these idiots expect to get away with acting in the same childish way, assuming the weather was warm enough, in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral or even at the Serpentine?


Never mind Thais. If my wife and our young family had been picnicking at that particular spot, I am sure we all would have found this young man's behavior offensive. This is why Indecent exposure is against the law not only here but in the UK and many other countries with a more relaxed attitude than Thailand to public nudity.


As the old saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do - or stay in your own backyard where flouting cultural norms is less likely to cause an angry reaction. Otherwise, not only foreign visitors but the numerous long-term falang residents here get tarred with the same unrepresentative brush.

Edited by Krataiboy
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55 minutes ago, speckio said:

i don't know about you but for most civilized people "having fun" is no excuse for a complete and total disregard for local customs and traditions... takes a special type of arrogance to believe to feel its alright to piss on other people's traditions and customs because they are on vacation! (tourist starts to crap or piss on your front lawn... you  are angry for obvious reasons tourist retorts back "what? is ok i am on vacation)



Yes, a particular type of arrogance, and more importantly, a special type of stupidity.   I bet they are the same ones who wai to everybody, inexperienced travelers, thinking they're Marco Polo, the first one to have ever gone anywhere.

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7 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Just as so many other things will have zero effect on tourist numbers, included among them are police behaving badly, a very visible sex trade, an unelected, military government, rising costs, poor service, crappy hotels, a Hua Hin to Pattaya ferry service many hope will fail, and on it goes.




All cumulative. But check the research on what makes people decide on their destination of choice. 


And many of the things you state won't appear significantly. 



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4 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Yes, a particular type of arrogance, and more importantly, a special type of stupidity.   I bet they are the same ones who wai to everybody, inexperienced travelers, thinking they're Marco Polo, the first one to have ever gone anywhere.


No, that type of traveler is more likely to overdo the research, and be patronizing and probably out to touch with contextual reality in their efforts to show how knowledgeable and respectful they are.


The other extreme are the ones who think they can do as they please, that all cultures and traditions are beneath them and have zero respect for anything or anybody. Even to the point of ignoring and breaking laws they see as foolish.

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All cumulative. But check the research on what makes people decide on their destination of choice. 
And many of the things you state won't appear significantly. 

The research shows where the Americans go for retirements. The rest of the world prefers other countries, among them is Thailand

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Posters point out the fact that Thailand has nudity in bars; clubs etc and visible prostitution. The Thai government does not like this type of in your face entertainment and is actively finding ways to curtail it or shut it down. The days of Walking street in Pattaya are numbered; Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza are soon to be history and the massage parlors are being more and more scrutinized.

While tourist numbers will not go down- Thailand is making a concerted effort to rid itself of dependence on Western Tourists.  How many incidents do you see that involve Chinese tourists or Japanese tourists acting badly as opposed to Westerners.

Westerners continual inappropriate behavior reflect on all of us. Most Thais I talk to are totally disgusted by this type of behavior and frankly speaking wish these type of people would never come to Thailand. There is a certain point in the Thai psyche where if the 'burden' becomes too great- the money becomes inconsequential.

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What utter hypocrisy! Oh, we must not 'dishonour' those nearby Thai temples, which are filled with highly moral monks practising self-abnegation and profound spiritual exercises on a daily basis! 

Yes, Thais are up in arms about a man swimming naked - but let one of their rich ones slaughter two British tourists on Koh Tao and then blame it on two  totally innocent Burmese - not many Thais complain or point the finger about that. In fact - rewards all round - from the top!

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5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis" 

A visit to a German or a Scandinavian beach would be a real shocker for the resort owner from Pai.

A bikini on a beach is normal, a bikini in a city in the mountains is having no respect for the locals.

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24 minutes ago, steven100 said:

It is disrespectful and not allowed in Thailand.

Maybe ok in their own country.

Their visas should be revoked.


If they want to carry on like that then holiday in Sweden or similar ...... but not Thailand.


Do you feel the same every time two tourists are nabbed kissing in public in Dubai?

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3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

A bikini on a beach is normal, a bikini in a city in the mountains is having no respect for the locals.


So basically you are saying the more people wear a bikini in abnormal places, such as Pai, the sooner this absurd notion of being disrespected by someones clothing will end, after all it did not really take that long for wearing bikinis on Thai beaches to go from being considered disrespectful to being considered normal.  

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Is it wrong and disrespectful? Yes, of course it is especially when women and young children could be passing the area.it is Thailand in all sense of the word, not some seedy part of Pattaya or some isolated beach on one of the islands.


I do however agree with some posters here, that what we have is the ' morality police ' out in full force to in effect to stereotype and class all foreigners the same as though we are collectively ' pond life! ' 


What at else can be expected for a narrow minded , xenophobic race? they were voted in the top five recently of the most ignorant countries in the World in terms of knowledge on geographical, cultural and historical affairs outside their own country. Incidentally, the group was lead by India, closely followed by China and the USA.


The authorities also need to wake up and smell the coffee and take off those rose tinted glasses. Thailand has fierce competition in the region for tourism and is not this God given paradise that those in TAT seem to try and convince us all that it is.It has an enormous amount of internal and external problems and issues without the newspapers focussing in on nonsense like this.


Ah, that's right, I remember now. They must focus on nonsense or risk arrest by the BIB or BIG for reporting what is really wrong and going on in the country.

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4 hours ago, thai006 said:

Stil thinking falang have brain ?????


Note these two. The river that flows through town is polluted. It has raw sewage, commercial  and agricultural runoff and of course the usual parasites.


6 hours ago, ezzra said:

Eye sore for some, eye candy for others....


I expect they will both be sre once the larvae hatch and start eating their flesh.


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42 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Thailand is like Victorian Britain - some things are tolerated but must be kept under the radar whilst a public image is maintained.


But some tourists do seem to think they can spend their entire time here pissed as newts, behaving how the want and think all of Thailand has the same morals and behavior as those exhibited in the girlie bars and brothels where they spend most of their time. Thankfully that is only a relatively small percentage.


Go to Amsterdam and enjoy the red light district or Hamburg or Cologne - but don't think you can behave like that anywhere in Germany or Netherlands. Same here - discretion and decorum.


Prance around nude like that in Europe, where police do get of their <deleted> and enforce the law, and see what happens.


This is true... except in Walking Street..oh and Nana.. ah and an area in just about every Thai city!  of course it's stupid but on a scale of things it rates a miniscule infraction compared to the hypocrisy around open prostitution (which doesn't exist here of course) 

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2 hours ago, nycjoe said:

Dogs run free, why can't we. 

Dogs can also access their "parts" with their mouths but I would not be overly keen to have that ability....

Edited by The Dark Lord
Spell checker Vs me, I lost
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So many on this board showing their contempt for Thai people; the culture of Thailand and the way Thais live and interact. If  Thailand is so bad and it;s culture and mores so upsetting to so many here- why do you stay? Stop trying to change the Thais- try changing yourself and you might actually be able to adjust. It's no wonder Thais resent Westerners. 

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


The drugs have been there for thousands of years, it is a part of those tribes cultures, that is the attraction for some tourists to take the drugs.

Well there you go, pleased you sorted out my error in not realising that the hill tribe folks had been in that area for thousands of years. Further, 20 plus years back there were virtually no hill tribe people in Pai itself  - nothing there for them to bother visiting. 

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