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Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump - CNN


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10 minutes ago, oilinki said:

And that's why each country has their own intelligent agencies, who can provide the real information.


I'll bet Trump is very pissed now.

He's backed down on going against the intelligence agencies.  Seems they've really got some dirt on him.  Errr...the Russian's do. LOL

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The future President of the United States of America and his 'international support group'  tries to say the reports are fake. Fortunately there are now services, which put his comments in context.


Twitter account to follow: https://twitter.com/realdonaldcntxt




Ps. Sorry for real Americans. The Trump presidency is going to be far funnier than what Bush offered. Let's hope it will not last too long.

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Corrected spellings.
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On the more serious take. There will be a day when Trump is no longer useful idiot for Russia. That day, we are going to be flooded with very embarrassing information about then President Trump. The idea is to create more division within the USA.


By the way things are currently headed, I'm guessing the day might be sooner than later.

The clock is now ticking. 


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3 minutes ago, oilinki said:

On the more serious take. There will be a day when Trump is no longer useful idiot for Russia. That day, we are going to be flooded with very embarrassing information about then President Trump. The idea is to create more division within the USA.


By the way things are currently headed, I'm guessing the day might be sooner than later.

The clock is now ticking. 





But the point is more and more Western politicians are being exposed for being hypocrites, liars, corrupt, low morals, and not fit for public office.

The same ones that like to lecture other countries about democracy, morals, ethics and HR.

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5 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Hillary Clinton pedophile returns 1,210,000 results on Google.
Just sayin :)


And Trump Con Artist returns 8,810,000 results

And Trump Russia Connection returns 20,200,000 results


Your point?

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4 minutes ago, mick220675 said:

He will face impeachment within a two years of taking office probably due to a historical sex offence, he has to many skeletons in his closet. The establishment must maintain control.

I think he will go down much faster than that. 


Yes, western values have proven to work much better than those what today's Russia and past Soviet Union have had. 

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This, of course, makes sense.  The Russians wanted Trump to be President because they know they've got him by the balls.  I just want to know how Putin feels about being the leader of two countries.  The United States of Russia!


This solution is still better than a third world war with HRC as POTUS.

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1 hour ago, retarius said:


There is absolutely no way anyone of us on this forum can know what is true and what is not, so maybe we should hold our fire until more information comes out.


Well we do know some things are true:


- We know that the hackers (whoever they were) targeted the democrats and not the Republicans.

- We know that 16 different agencies have agreed that Russia is behind the hacks.

- We know that the US intelligence agencies have delivered detailed reports that concludes not Russia was not only behind the hacks, but in spreading fake news, in trolling forums, etc all in an effort to get Trump elected.

- We know that several people on Trump's staff have cozy relationships with Russia, stand to gain if sanctions are lifted on Russia, and have pressed for a lift of sanctions in the past.

- We know that a mysterious Russian investor vastly overpaid for one of Trump's homes in Florida, way over market value.

- We know that the Trump's have businesses in Russia, but that Donald himself has downplayed this. Yet it is mentioned in the book, and his sons have contradicted Donald's statements.

- We know that despite all of this, one thing that Trump has never faltered on is his refusal to point his finger at Russia and that even if it means going against his party, against his own intelligence community. 

- We know that even after all of this came out Trump is talking about ways to improve relationships with Russia.


So while we as citizens don't have access to all of the information of the intelligence community and we must rely on the information that is put out there, there is a pretty damning list of reasons for concern. And it boils down to who do you trust? Do you trust the intelligence communities, who have thousands of people working to provide the best information they can, and who will remain doing their job under Trump in the near future, or do you trust Donald Trump, a conman who has a well known propensity to make things up, and flat out lie, and who also stands to lose the most if this turns out to be true. 

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting comment.  I've asked several friends recently why they voted for Trump, and what they think of him now that's he's backed off on many campaign promises.  Their reply...an vindictive tirade against Clinton.  But not saying anything really good about Trump during the rant. LOL 


Luckily, Trump can't do whatever he wants as president.  Many around him are holding him to task, and know as much about this stuff as anybody.  Interesting times coming up.  Sadly...


I do believe many of the people who voted for Trump were actually voting against Hillary so their responses make perfect sense.  


Mind you, I didn't vote for Trump so I'm not defending him but rather than antagonizing your Trump supporting friends, actually ask them why they voted for Trump.  For many it was, Hillary who is going to continue to free trade their jobs away or the clown who seemed to be digging in on trade and jobs hard enough that they thought he would have a hard time breaking his campaign promises.  


Occupy Wall Street and many of your average Trump voters were aiming for the same thing, to overthrow a system they felt was rigged against them.  

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5 minutes ago, balo said:

I hope we'll get a scandal like Watergate , so we can get rid of this lunatic. 



I'm thinking that if I had a choice between someone ordering a break in at the DNC headquarters and finding out the president was into kinky sex, golden showers, and was being blackmailed by Putin, the later sounds like much more like a slam dunk.  

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1 hour ago, retarius said:

This really could get interesting. A couple of hours ago a guy from Anonymous, posting on reddit, claimed to have made this stuff up and passed it onto Rick Wilson who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.

Many have run with the story as front page headline like Guardian with all the shocking details (all unverified)….apparently the dossier was passed to the FBI by John McCain who had hired the ex-MI5 bloke. 

One wonders at the red faces if this turns out to be a hoax?

You think they're taking the piss?

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2 hours ago, retarius said:

This really could get interesting. A couple of hours ago a guy from Anonymous, posting on reddit, claimed to have made this stuff up and passed it onto Rick Wilson who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.

Many have run with the story as front page headline like Guardian with all the shocking details (all unverified)….apparently the dossier was passed to the FBI by John McCain who had hired the ex-MI5 bloke. 

One wonders at the red faces if this turns out to be a hoax?


Sounds more like Kelly Ann Conway on Reddit claiming to be from Anonymous.



30 minutes ago, balo said:

I hope we'll get a scandal like Watergate , so we can get rid of this lunatic. 



Well in fact it is very like 'Water' gate, GoldenShower Gate is just round the corner , what could possibly be next?   :hit-the-fan:


I must dash out and get to the mall because I need popcorn for when one of Trumps top supporters ( has a U in the name) comes on here and says "everybody has videos somewhere of sex workers pissing on them, I don't know what the fuss is about, he is very very rich, do you know what Bill Clinton did". In fact I guess he can save time and just cut and paste that.  :cheesy:

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Files compiled by a British intelligence agent whose information is reliable.Well, if this is true,thats completely buggered the meeting between Trump and Teresa may about trade possibilities. We Brits do have a habit of shooting ourselves in our bloody great feet.

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1 hour ago, digibum said:


I do believe many of the people who voted for Trump were actually voting against Hillary so their responses make perfect sense.  


Mind you, I didn't vote for Trump so I'm not defending him but rather than antagonizing your Trump supporting friends, actually ask them why they voted for Trump.  For many it was, Hillary who is going to continue to free trade their jobs away or the clown who seemed to be digging in on trade and jobs hard enough that they thought he would have a hard time breaking his campaign promises.  


Occupy Wall Street and many of your average Trump voters were aiming for the same thing, to overthrow a system they felt was rigged against them.  


No.  The Trump voters just want it rigged in their favour. That's what "voters" always want.


In this case they also voted according to their prejudices. 


Overthrowing the "system" is a lot less comfortable and takes a lot more than voting, or what the "Occupy" people did.


You wouldn't like it.


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13 minutes ago, Basil B said:

I know compromising information about Trump...


He is a stupid fool :whistling:


Actually that's his strength :D it makes him likable by other stupid fools and also stupid fools are unpredictable hahah

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6 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

 C'mon, it's well-known now that they have videos

Now I say, that's too much.
When you write something like this you should at least add a link to the materials referred to.

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