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Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump - CNN


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Yeah, information so fake that the intelligence officer went into hiding after his name was released as he fears backlash from Russia. Maybe he is in fear of all those US redneck supporters traveling to Surrey, England to lynch him?


Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced Donald Trump Russian dossier, 'terrified for his safety' and went to ground before name released



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16 minutes ago, hobz said:


Hehe its funny how a bunch of trolls on 4chan can make up some shit and send it to news reporters and the reporting goes world wide and now its "well known" what amazing times we live in.


Alternatively you could look at it as a bunch of internet pranksters who are known Trump supporters claiming this in an attempt to discredit the story.



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It's interesting that both Tillerson and Trump have claimed that nothing was being done about Cybersecurity. The GOP blocked Obama's first bill in 2012, and padded the second with all sorts of budget changes.

In the end, Obama formed.. " a Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, will be made up of business, technology, national security and law enforcement leaders who will make recommendations to strengthen online security in the public and private sectors. It will deliver a report to the president by Dec. 1".


The other thing required was significant spending upgrading government systems - something else on which the GOP frequently puts the kibosh.


So I look forward to hearing Trump's analysis of the situation 90 days after he's inaugurated, and just how much he can get out of Congress to improve things.


I suppose if you slip a few billion into a bill that offers a trillion in tax cuts to the GOP's owners, it will probably pass.


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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


Alternatively you could look at it as a bunch of internet pranksters who are known Trump supporters claiming this in an attempt to discredit the story.



Hehe yeah you're probably right i guess, cant trust 4chan,, but who can you trust these days??

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Look, let's give the man the benefit of the doubt. Here's what could've happened:

He was by himself in the hotel room. Got naked, as usual and waddled his flabby frame under the covers. Unbeknownst to him, there was a jellyfish lurking under there, as they often do at Russian Hotels. It stung him. The pain was excruciating. Remembering the cure for jellyfish stings from episodes of Baywatch that he repeatedly watched, he tried pissing on the wound but his tiny member could not hit the spot.


Thinking like the smart businessman he is, he immediately called the concierge and asked for two hookers, pronto. "Don't send me any fat ones. They've gotta be "10's" —and I don't mean two "5's", they each gotta be "10's". This is an important assignment."


The hookers arrived promptly and, as instructed, drank copious amounts of water on the way. When they saw Trump, they wished they'd drank vodka instead.

Still, a job's a job, they thought. They got naked and did the deed.


"Darned Russian golden showers aren't working!" screamed Trump, "Get outta here, I ain't paying you."


As revenge, the disgruntled damsels leaked the story to Hillary, who stored it on her server which the Russians hacked and that's how the story got out.


It was the Russians that left out the part about the jellyfish, because, "who'd believe THAT?" they thought.


The End.

Edited by Thakkar
Changed "bite" to "sting" —because, as a professional journalist, I aim for accuracy,
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No, No, No

The point is not what Trump has might have done. It's what he has done already.

The point is not what he has done. It's what is concerned bad by republicans.

The point is still not what Trump is. It's how Trump can be controlled by the Russians, for how his behaviour is defined by what Russians say. 


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On 1/11/2017 at 9:44 PM, Silurian said:


No Deals...No Loans? The Fraudulent POTUS-elect seems to have a selective memory.


Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin



“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”





Trump says he has ‘nothing to do with Russia.’ The past 30 years show otherwise.


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On 1/11/2017 at 7:15 PM, Andaman Al said:

Lets say the Russians do have compromising information, which I am 100% sure they do, as one of the jobs of any intelligence agency is to gather such info on Senior Politicians, wannabe politicians etc even so far as purposely setting up such people (with sex workers for example with full bladders), then they have a couple options with Trump.


1)  Leave him and his team sweating and try and force the administration to lean towards favourable outcomes for Russia otherwise a release of possible embarrassing or incriminating evidence.


2)  They realise he will be impeached soon so he is of no use to them so they release any compromising info in the next few days before the inauguration.


Item 2 would sow absolute havoc with the US political system and result in a great deal of trauma for the USA. Russia could just sit back and laugh, watch the show and get ready to do the same thing (but different) on whoever does actually take the throne that Trump would never claim. Putin is personally worth billions, he is not interested in the money he could make from Trump, I am sure he would love nothing more than to publicly break and humiliate Trump. It is the best way of hurting America.


From Putin's point of view it doesn't even matter if it's real or not - a result either way. And no, I do not believe that Putin want's the US completely destabilized,  as this would incorporate to many unknowns. Rather, having a divided nation, a lame duck president, and the political system and media crippled just to the right degree, works even better.



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