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Trump blames 'both Democrats and Republicans' for allegations


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29 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

How would his tax returns show anything illegal overseas? Thanks for making my argument. It is silly to keep hounding him about his tax returns for any reason other than a dishonest talking point.


No they wouldn't show any illegality but it sure would show us exactly how much he is really worth and where his personal income comes from,  but  Turmpeters don't want  can't handle the truth

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9 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:


No they wouldn't show any illegality but it sure would show us exactly how much he is really worth and where his personal income comes from,  but  Turmpeters don't want  can't handle the truth


CORRECT. Personally I could care less about seeing his tax returns. He is a billionaire and very successful. Those are the FACTS.

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44 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

How would his tax returns show anything illegal overseas? Thanks for making my argument. It is silly to keep hounding him about his tax returns for any reason other than a dishonest talking point.

That may be your opinion, but many others are saying it's necessary.  Hardly a dishonest talking point.





Trump owes us his tax returns now more than ever




5 Things You Need to Know About Donald Trump’s Tax Returns


Many, many, many more articles like this.  Hard to defend against.

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57 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

How would his tax returns show anything illegal overseas? Thanks for making my argument. It is silly to keep hounding him about his tax returns for any reason other than a dishonest talking point.


23 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:


No they wouldn't show any illegality but it sure would show us exactly how much he is really worth and where his personal income comes from,  but  Turmpeters don't want  can't handle the truth


12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


CORRECT. Personally I could care less about seeing his tax returns. He is a billionaire and very successful. Those are the FACTS.

He says he's a billionaire and says he's successful, but won't release information to verify this.  He was in serious debt and at the point of bankruptcy in the '90's yet still maintained the appearance of being rich.


Also, while the IRS doesn't care if he receives properly declared payments from shell companies linked to Russia, the American people and the CIA would like to know about this.


Why is he defying historical precedent and keeping his finances secret?  What is dishonest about expecting him to follow this precedent, a precedent he publicly stated Mitt Romney should follow?  Why do you think this isn't important?



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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


CORRECT. Personally I could care less about seeing his tax returns. He is a billionaire and very successful. Those are the FACTS.

How do you know he's a billionaire?  Unless he discloses everything, including ownership details of all his investments, you'll never know.


Being successful is debatable.  If money is the only indicator, then yes.  But there's much more to being successful, as you well know.

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Forbes magazine and numerous others say that he is a MULTI BILLIONAIRE. I am pretty sure that you know that. Are you arguing just for the sake of it? 




A key part of the title: "Estimate".  But yes, Donald is very rich.  Just saying it helps to see tax returns....for a variety of reasons.

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On 1/14/2017 at 11:02 PM, heybruce said:

You mean building the fence-wall and promising that he'll someday, somehow get Mexico to pay for it?  Or putting the Republicans on the spot by saying the Affordable Care Act will be repealed and replaced on the same day, even though Congress is nowhere near to agreeing on a replacement?


Are you still holding out hope for his secret plan to defeat ISIS?  Oh wait, has that been superseded by a promise to order the generals to come up with a plan in 90 days?  How about getting rid of the Iran nuclear deal, do you think he'll do that?  Will you then hold him responsible when Iran starts building a nuclear weapon, followed by Saudi Arabia, then the rest of the region?  Do you think massive tariffs with Mexico, bad for both Mexico and the US, and a trade war with China will make America great again?


Then there are the questions about Russia--will he Putin's useful idiot or is he under Putin's thumb?


On 1/14/2017 at 11:02 PM, heybruce said:

You mean building the fence-wall and promising that he'll someday, somehow get Mexico to pay for it?  Or putting the Republicans on the spot by saying the Affordable Care Act will be repealed and replaced on the same day, even though Congress is nowhere near to agreeing on a replacement?


Are you still holding out hope for his secret plan to defeat ISIS?  Oh wait, has that been superseded by a promise to order the generals to come up with a plan in 90 days?  How about getting rid of the Iran nuclear deal, do you think he'll do that?  Will you then hold him responsible when Iran starts building a nuclear weapon, followed by Saudi Arabia, then the rest of the region?  Do you think massive tariffs with Mexico, bad for both Mexico and the US, and a trade war with China will make America great again?


Then there are the questions about Russia--will he Putin's useful idiot or is he under Putin's thumb?

?1   Yes to the wall and yes to Mexico paying for it in one way or another.

?2   The US Medical system is such a miserable mess Obama care or a replacement is 40 years to late, I hope he plans on somehow cutting the lawyers and insurance companies out but I can't see congress going along with that. Trump has said he is going after big Pharma though and that will be a great start.

?3 Yes I am holding out hope he does well against ISSIS but I'm sure you will be pulling for ISSIS, so Trump looks bad.

?4 He may put sanctions back on Iran but I don't think he will give them the go ahead to build nukes, do you? How many times has Russia, India,Pakistan,North Korea,or China used a nuke. What makes you think anybody would?

?5 Why will Tariffs be bad for the US, we pay them on everything we ship now, we just don't charge them because your friends and past friends from congress make their living by making sure we don't charge them. Check who most of these ex congressmen work for as lobbyists.

Why can't you just wait to see what Trump does instead of building more and more hatred towards your president. I am a lifetime Democrat but I have finally heard what I have been wanting to hear for 50 years from Trump.  Equal Tariffs, Punish companies for leaving our borders, stop the labor destroying influx of immigrants. These moves will hurt big corporations and wall street but they will help main street tremendously.

Do you think its ok that a Asian made car sells in the US for less than it does in Asia, while a US made car sells for 35% more in Asia than the US?  How can our workers compete with that?

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:


?1   Yes to the wall and yes to Mexico paying for it in one way or another.

?2   The US Medical system is such a miserable mess Obama care or a replacement is 40 years to late, I hope he plans on somehow cutting the lawyers and insurance companies out but I can't see congress going along with that. Trump has said he is going after big Pharma though and that will be a great start.

?3 Yes I am holding out hope he does well against ISSIS but I'm sure you will be pulling for ISSIS, so Trump looks bad.

?4 He may put sanctions back on Iran but I don't think he will give them the go ahead to build nukes, do you? How many times has Russia, India,Pakistan,North Korea,or China used a nuke. What makes you think anybody would?

?5 Why will Tariffs be bad for the US, we pay them on everything we ship now, we just don't charge them because your friends and past friends from congress make their living by making sure we don't charge them. Check who most of these ex congressmen work for as lobbyists.

Why can't you just wait to see what Trump does instead of building more and more hatred towards your president. I am a lifetime Democrat but I have finally heard what I have been wanting to hear for 50 years from Trump.  Equal Tariffs, Punish companies for leaving our borders, stop the labor destroying influx of immigrants. These moves will hurt big corporations and wall street but they will help main street tremendously.

Do you think its ok that a Asian made car sells in the US for less than it does in Asia, while a US made car sells for 35% more in Asia than the US?  How can our workers compete with that?


In summary, you like what he's doing on the fence-wall and still think he'll get Mexico to pay for it.  You have no idea what he'll do regarding medical care, Iran or ISIS but you have mindless faith that he'll do something terrific.   And you clearly don't understand how sanctions work (US sanctions alone against Iran won't hurt it but will give Iran an excuse to ignore the nuclear treaty) or how global trade works--we don't pay tariffs on everything we ship and there will be a response to any tariffs we impose.  Do you know how much the red state farmers will lose if Mexico responds to our treaty breaking tariffs by applying tariffs on farm imports from the US?

Edited by heybruce
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7 hours ago, Grubster said:


?1   Yes to the wall and yes to Mexico paying for it in one way or another.

?2   The US Medical system is such a miserable mess Obama care or a replacement is 40 years to late, I hope he plans on somehow cutting the lawyers and insurance companies out but I can't see congress going along with that. Trump has said he is going after big Pharma though and that will be a great start.

?3 Yes I am holding out hope he does well against ISSIS but I'm sure you will be pulling for ISSIS, so Trump looks bad.

?4 He may put sanctions back on Iran but I don't think he will give them the go ahead to build nukes, do you? How many times has Russia, India,Pakistan,North Korea,or China used a nuke. What makes you think anybody would?

?5 Why will Tariffs be bad for the US, we pay them on everything we ship now, we just don't charge them because your friends and past friends from congress make their living by making sure we don't charge them. Check who most of these ex congressmen work for as lobbyists.

Why can't you just wait to see what Trump does instead of building more and more hatred towards your president. I am a lifetime Democrat but I have finally heard what I have been wanting to hear for 50 years from Trump.  Equal Tariffs, Punish companies for leaving our borders, stop the labor destroying influx of immigrants. These moves will hurt big corporations and wall street but they will help main street tremendously.

Do you think its ok that a Asian made car sells in the US for less than it does in Asia, while a US made car sells for 35% more in Asia than the US?  How can our workers compete with that?


I think you are missing the point.  He'll never get Mexico to pay for the wall.  Never happen, even if he tries to impose tariffs, which have been proven to hurt bi-lateral trade.  Sounds good when he's making promises, but in reality, it's a different thing.  Do some research and you'll find out.  Great article about the issue of steel in the US.  Tariffs didn't work.


Saying somebody is pulling for ISIS is a pretty bad comment.  Not appropriate.


As for waiting to see what Trump does, his approval rating is at an all time low.  More and more are waking up and realizing Trump duped them.






Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent president and 44 points below that of President Barack Obama, the 44th president.

Following a tumultuous transition period, approval ratings for Trump's handling of the transition are more than 20 points below those for any of his three most recent predecessors. Obama took the oath in 2009 with an 84% approval rating, 67% approved of Clinton's transition as of late December 1992 and 61% approved of George W. Bush's transition just before he took office in January 2001.


That's gotta hurt Trump supporters.  His approval rating is below Bush's! LOL
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8 hours ago, heybruce said:


In summary, you like what he's doing on the fence-wall and still think he'll get Mexico to pay for it.  You have no idea what he'll do regarding medical care, Iran or ISIS but you have mindless faith that he'll do something terrific.   And you clearly don't understand how sanctions work (US sanctions alone against Iran won't hurt it but will give Iran an excuse to ignore the nuclear treaty) or how global trade works--we don't pay tariffs on everything we ship and there will be a response to any tariffs we impose.  Do you know how much the red state farmers will lose if Mexico responds to our treaty breaking tariffs by applying tariffs on farm imports from the US?

In summary you like our border open to illegal immigrants and drugs. You think Obama care is the save all plan. You are hoping that Trump fails in his efforts with Iran and ISIS so you can laugh at your president. You clearly think that you know all about trade tariffs and how global trade works, [ I trust you are a billionaire knowing all this as you do]. I would fully expect a response to tariffs, you think the US has the weak hand in trade. You would rather continue to send our real jobs overseas and replace them with minimum wage service jobs.  Yes I do know that with equal trade the farmers will take a hit, possibly reducing the amount of chemicals they spread all over the land, You are in love with Monsanto, Bayer, and the rest of the big farm corporations and chemical companies.  I guess you like paying these farmers all the huge subsidies we do to destroy the land and poison your food.  No we don't pay the tariffs, people in other countries pay the tariffs on most manufactured goods from the US, prompting them to not buy the US made goods.  We send our Iron ore to China and they do all the manufacturing and then send it back. You are very happy with this I guess. You are the one that does not have a clue here. I am for the working class and you are clearly for the status quo. I liked Bernie Sanders who had many of the same thoughts Trump has on trade. 

You must think the reason all the congressmen were against Trump on both sides of the isle was because they were going to suddenly change their ways and work for the people HUH.

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10 minutes ago, Grubster said:

In summary you like our border open to illegal immigrants and drugs. You think Obama care is the save all plan. You are hoping that Trump fails in his efforts with Iran and ISIS so you can laugh at your president. You clearly think that you know all about trade tariffs and how global trade works, [ I trust you are a billionaire knowing all this as you do]. I would fully expect a response to tariffs, you think the US has the weak hand in trade. You would rather continue to send our real jobs overseas and replace them with minimum wage service jobs.  Yes I do know that with equal trade the farmers will take a hit, possibly reducing the amount of chemicals they spread all over the land, You are in love with Monsanto, Bayer, and the rest of the big farm corporations and chemical companies.  I guess you like paying these farmers all the huge subsidies we do to destroy the land and poison your food.  No we don't pay the tariffs, people in other countries pay the tariffs on most manufactured goods from the US, prompting them to not buy the US made goods.  We send our Iron ore to China and they do all the manufacturing and then send it back. You are very happy with this I guess. You are the one that does not have a clue here. I am for the working class and you are clearly for the status quo. I liked Bernie Sanders who had many of the same thoughts Trump has on trade. 

You must think the reason all the congressmen were against Trump on both sides of the isle was because they were going to suddenly change their ways and work for the people HUH.


You assume anyone who doesn't agree with you must hold a view at the opposite extreme.  You'd make a good Fox News pundit.


You also clearly don't have a clue what Trump will do, which is why you reply by telling me what I think.  Don't feel bad about your cluelessness, no one has a clue what Trump will do.  Not even Trump.


I won't clarify how wrong you are on what I think.  I will say that the best two things about the Affordable Care Act is that is better than the chaotic system it replaced, and it will hopefully motivate Congress to agree on something better to replace it with.  Trump may have cornered the Republicans on this, but I'm sure they'll wriggle out if it somehow.     https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2017/01/16/donald-trump-may-have-just-destroyed-the-republican-effort-to-repeal-obamacare/?utm_term=.ab20f14a6360


Regarding the rest, I don't object to fixing all that is wrong with the US.  I just recognize that Trump is completely unqualified for the job, and will make things worse.  Regarding his brilliant business mind, we only have his word that he is successful (he may be hiding liabilities in excess of his assets) and credible sources have made it clear he would be much richer if he had taken his inherited wealth and invested it in a S&P index fund. 


His only skills are in self-promotion, and the ability to get some people to trust him in spite of his obvious lies.  I haven't a clue what is going on with these people.

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


I think you are missing the point.  He'll never get Mexico to pay for the wall.  Never happen, even if he tries to impose tariffs, which have been proven to hurt bi-lateral trade.  Sounds good when he's making promises, but in reality, it's a different thing.  Do some research and you'll find out.  Great article about the issue of steel in the US.  Tariffs didn't work.


Saying somebody is pulling for ISIS is a pretty bad comment.  Not appropriate.


As for waiting to see what Trump does, his approval rating is at an all time low.  More and more are waking up and realizing Trump duped them.




That's gotta hurt Trump supporters.  His approval rating is below Bush's! LOL

If we put tariffs on Chinese manufactured goods, then what will they do in response, put tariffs on our Iron ore?  That would bring steel workers back to work here. How can they hurt us in trade? please use your crystal ball and tell us.

        What is the approval rating about, He is not even in office yet and he nor his cabinet have done anything to rate yet. You sound just like a Fox news commentator.

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

If we put tariffs on Chinese manufactured goods, then what will they do in response, put tariffs on our Iron ore?  That would bring steel workers back to work here. How can they hurt us in trade? please use your crystal ball and tell us.

        What is the approval rating about, He is not even in office yet and he nor his cabinet have done anything to rate yet. You sound just like a Fox news commentator.

Please research how badly import tariffs worked in the steel industry.  We lost jobs due to them.  Yes, a few were saved, many more were lost to do actions by China.  Trade wars help neither party.


I'm far from a Fox news commentator, but also far from a fan of Trump. LOL


Research is a good thing:



The protection of the steel industry in the United States had unintended consequences and perverse effects: it reduced production of steel in the United States,[how?] increased costs to users, and increased unemployment in associated industries



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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Please research how badly import tariffs worked in the steel industry.  We lost jobs due to them.  Yes, a few were saved, many more were lost to do actions by China.  Trade wars help neither party.


I'm far from a Fox news commentator, but also far from a fan of Trump. LOL


Research is a good thing:





4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Please research how badly import tariffs worked in the steel industry.  We lost jobs due to them.  Yes, a few were saved, many more were lost to do actions by China.  Trade wars help neither party.


I'm far from a Fox news commentator, but also far from a fan of Trump. LOL


Research is a good thing:




Yes we do not need a tariff on raw steel made from our ore, we need tariffs on finished goods. Do you really think Bush and congress thought that making our manufacturers pay more for steel would help anything. They knew it would cause more job loses. The rest of the world and our government has been in a trade war against the American worker for fifty years, where have you been?

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2 hours ago, Grubster said:


Yes we do not need a tariff on raw steel made from our ore, we need tariffs on finished goods. Do you really think Bush and congress thought that making our manufacturers pay more for steel would help anything. They knew it would cause more job loses. The rest of the world and our government has been in a trade war against the American worker for fifty years, where have you been?


So you think it's a good idea to make consumer goods more expensive for Americans (the poorest will be hurt the most) and imported machinery more expensive for our manufacturers, driving up their costs.


And what will this accomplish?  If we place import taxes on Chinese and Mexican products (many made with "Made in America" components) manufacturing will move to other low cost countries.  If we tax all imported manufactured goods we might eventually bring some manufacturing to the US, after causing a great deal of hardship to the poor and middle class consumers and starting a trade war.  However the manufacturing that will be done in the US will be automated, generating some jobs for technical types with a skills in robotics but not helping those who are complaining about the lack of jobs for the uneducated.


There will be jobs near the borders though.  Whenever there is money to be made moving goods discretely from point A to point B, there will always be people willing to move the merchandise.  So people along the Canadian and Mexican border will be happy to smuggle in un-taxed consumer goods and sell them for less than the legally taxed goods in the US.  Check out the smuggling towns along the Thai border, it will give you an idea of America's future. 

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:


So you think it's a good idea to make consumer goods more expensive for Americans (the poorest will be hurt the most) and imported machinery more expensive for our manufacturers, driving up their costs.


And what will this accomplish?  If we place import taxes on Chinese and Mexican products (many made with "Made in America" components) manufacturing will move to other low cost countries.  If we tax all imported manufactured goods we might eventually bring some manufacturing to the US, after causing a great deal of hardship to the poor and middle class consumers and starting a trade war.  However the manufacturing that will be done in the US will be automated, generating some jobs for technical types with a skills in robotics but not helping those who are complaining about the lack of jobs for the uneducated.


There will be jobs near the borders though.  Whenever there is money to be made moving goods discretely from point A to point B, there will always be people willing to move the merchandise.  So people along the Canadian and Mexican border will be happy to smuggle in un-taxed consumer goods and sell them for less than the legally taxed goods in the US.  Check out the smuggling towns along the Thai border, it will give you an idea of America's future. 

Nonsense, other countries have tariffs on our goods to great advantage of their producers, if you think that is fair than you know less than you think. They also pour their toxic chemicals right into the land, rivers, air, and oceans saving big money over US producers, are you happy about that?  They also practice very little job safety saving more money over US companies, are you ok with that? They also use child and slave labor and/or ridiculously low wages, are you ok with that? These companies also pay millions annually to US lobbyists to keep it this way, are you ok with that?  

                We have had a great history of taking care of our own with good wages for menial jobs and we still could have if it weren't for the greed at the top. All these US companies that have moved overseas to take advantage of all these things I mentioned above should be punished with big tariffs allowing the pro US companies to thrive. Obviously you don't put a tariff on a product that we don't have or can't produce.  China doesn't put a tariff on our raw products like Iron ore, but they sure do on manufactured products like steel.

              We subsidize US companies that don't effect the working class, like grain, oil, chemicals, drugs. This has the same effect as a tariff as other countries cannot compete when our prices are kept artificially low with subsidies that help the rich.

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4 hours ago, Grubster said:

Nonsense, other countries have tariffs on our goods to great advantage of their producers, if you think that is fair than you know less than you think. They also pour their toxic chemicals right into the land, rivers, air, and oceans saving big money over US producers, are you happy about that?  They also practice very little job safety saving more money over US companies, are you ok with that? They also use child and slave labor and/or ridiculously low wages, are you ok with that? These companies also pay millions annually to US lobbyists to keep it this way, are you ok with that?  

                We have had a great history of taking care of our own with good wages for menial jobs and we still could have if it weren't for the greed at the top. All these US companies that have moved overseas to take advantage of all these things I mentioned above should be punished with big tariffs allowing the pro US companies to thrive. Obviously you don't put a tariff on a product that we don't have or can't produce.  China doesn't put a tariff on our raw products like Iron ore, but they sure do on manufactured products like steel.

              We subsidize US companies that don't effect the working class, like grain, oil, chemicals, drugs. This has the same effect as a tariff as other countries cannot compete when our prices are kept artificially low with subsidies that help the rich.

Now you're getting into la-la-land.  Can you give examples of developed countries guilty of the environmental abuses and tariffs you write about? 


Our history of taking care of our own with good wager for menial job is limited to the Roosevelt programs during the depression.  If you have other examples in mind please describe them.  Somehow I can't picture Trump as another FDR.


I'll ask for specifics on the rest of your post.  Can you give references showing that Trump will limit tariffs to stuff that can't be made in the US?  What is the dividing line there--we can make assembly line stuff like electronics and clothing in the US, but at either sweatshop wages or at much higher prices.  Which are you advocating? 


I agree we subsidize US companies, and I disagree with blatant politically motivated subsidies such as those for corn, but is there any evidence Trump will cut those?  Also, when is government funding a subsidy?  The US spends billions advancing aviation technology for our military aircraft, and much of the knowledge developed at taxpayer expense is used by US commercial aviation companies.  Is that a subsidy?  Do you know?  Does Trump?


In short, can you stop posting in generalities and give referenced evidence that Trump knows what he's doing and what his plan is?


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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Now you're getting into la-la-land.  Can you give examples of developed countries guilty of the environmental abuses and tariffs you write about? 


Our history of taking care of our own with good wager for menial job is limited to the Roosevelt programs during the depression.  If you have other examples in mind please describe them.  Somehow I can't picture Trump as another FDR.


I'll ask for specifics on the rest of your post.  Can you give references showing that Trump will limit tariffs to stuff that can't be made in the US?  What is the dividing line there--we can make assembly line stuff like electronics and clothing in the US, but at either sweatshop wages or at much higher prices.  Which are you advocating? 


I agree we subsidize US companies, and I disagree with blatant politically motivated subsidies such as those for corn, but is there any evidence Trump will cut those?  Also, when is government funding a subsidy?  The US spends billions advancing aviation technology for our military aircraft, and much of the knowledge developed at taxpayer expense is used by US commercial aviation companies.  Is that a subsidy?  Do you know?  Does Trump?


In short, can you stop posting in generalities and give referenced evidence that Trump knows what he's doing and what his plan is?


If you do not know about the conditions of the shops making your clothes, shoes etc. in foreign countries than you are the one in la la land. Have you not seen the pollution in China, la la la. Have you not seen the reports of huge toxic waste dumps in China, la da dee da.

     Well I must say that my father brought up five kids with a stay at home mom/wife while buying a nice home and two cars in the drive with a truck drivers wages in the sixties,  lets see, that is a few years after Roosevelt isn't it? la la la.

      How can I give reference to something that hasn't happened yet? la la.

I would advocate higher wages, tariffs, higher prices and most of all nice big subsidies for those companies investing in America. I can't say Trump will do that nor am I saying congress will allow him to if he wants to.

 No there is not evidence that Trump will end the stupid subsidies that only benefit the rich, but there is proof that Reagan,Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama didn't.

    Yes I do know that the commercial airlines are subsidized by our tax dollars, I'm sure Trump and all his predecessors are too, Have they done anything about it.  We also provide small airports and air traffic control for all the rich who can afford to buy and fly planes. 

      Do you have some evidence that your candidate was going to do any of these things to help the working class?


In short can you please stop asking for evidence of something that hasn't happened or not happened yet.  

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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

If you do not know about the conditions of the shops making your clothes, shoes etc. in foreign countries than you are the one in la la land. Have you not seen the pollution in China, la la la. Have you not seen the reports of huge toxic waste dumps in China, la da dee da.

     Well I must say that my father brought up five kids with a stay at home mom/wife while buying a nice home and two cars in the drive with a truck drivers wages in the sixties,  lets see, that is a few years after Roosevelt isn't it? la la la.

      How can I give reference to something that hasn't happened yet? la la.

I would advocate higher wages, tariffs, higher prices and most of all nice big subsidies for those companies investing in America. I can't say Trump will do that nor am I saying congress will allow him to if he wants to.

 No there is not evidence that Trump will end the stupid subsidies that only benefit the rich, but there is proof that Reagan,Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama didn't.

    Yes I do know that the commercial airlines are subsidized by our tax dollars, I'm sure Trump and all his predecessors are too, Have they done anything about it.  We also provide small airports and air traffic control for all the rich who can afford to buy and fly planes. 

      Do you have some evidence that your candidate was going to do any of these things to help the working class?


In short can you please stop asking for evidence of something that hasn't happened or not happened yet.  


You think Trump can return things to the way they were in the sixties?  When China was cut off from world trade by its own government and Europe and Japan were still rebuilding their industrial base after World War 2?  Good luck with that.


Yes China has polluted its environment even more than the US.  The TransPacific Partnership was, among other things, meant to establish rules for protection of the environment and workers.  In general it was meant to establish rules of trade in across the Pacific led by the US, not China.  Trump is handing leadership on trade issues to China.  Of course that is too complicated for people who want quick fixes and simple answers to difficult issues.


The rest of your post is about things Trump has not committed to do.  Why do you bring them up?


This thread is about Trump being unqualified to be POTUS.  You have posted nothing to suggest otherwise.

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:


You think Trump can return things to the way they were in the sixties?  When China was cut off from world trade by its own government and Europe and Japan were still rebuilding their industrial base after World War 2?  Good luck with that.


Yes China has polluted its environment even more than the US.  The TransPacific Partnership was, among other things, meant to establish rules for protection of the environment and workers.  In general it was meant to establish rules of trade in across the Pacific led by the US, not China.  Trump is handing leadership on trade issues to China.  Of course that is too complicated for people who want quick fixes and simple answers to difficult issues.


The rest of your post is about things Trump has not committed to do.  Why do you bring them up?


This thread is about Trump being unqualified to be POTUS.  You have posted nothing to suggest otherwise.

OK good night brilliant one.

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21 hours ago, heybruce said:


You think Trump can return things to the way they were in the sixties?  When China was cut off from world trade by its own government and Europe and Japan were still rebuilding their industrial base after World War 2?  Good luck with that.


Yes China has polluted its environment even more than the US.  The TransPacific Partnership was, among other things, meant to establish rules for protection of the environment and workers.  In general it was meant to establish rules of trade in across the Pacific led by the US, not China.  Trump is handing leadership on trade issues to China.  Of course that is too complicated for people who want quick fixes and simple answers to difficult issues.


The rest of your post is about things Trump has not committed to do.  Why do you bring them up?


This thread is about Trump being unqualified to be POTUS.  You have posted nothing to suggest otherwise.


Very well said along with all the previous comments replying Grubster. Many Trump supporters simply don't know how trade works and think  America can be great again simply with Trumps big words. You can't bring cheap manufacturing back to the US, even if you could - 1.) It will be automated, 2.) It will cost more. Low to mid income Americans are having a decent life simply because they can afford cheap goods coming from China. Something that few will want to admit or realize.


The word is a globalize place, you either embrace it or fall behind. There is no quick fix. Starting a trade war with China is plain stupid. Perhaps cut some of that defense budget and not stick noses in too many countries would save a lot of money that can do a lot of meaningful things for the citizens.

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I just watched Trump's acceptance speech in its boring entirety.  Yes, I sound like a masochist.  It was tepid.  He had many pauses where he expected applause, and there was scant little.   It sounded like a Jr. High School football coach (whose team is 10 points behind) telling his team that they're the greatest team the world has ever known, and the other team is rotten.   Trump talked about divine blessings .....what a BS'er.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

the following brief video should be required watching for anyone interested in the Trump/Kremlin connection.  It's well researched recent history. CONNECT THE DOTS.......



Excellent video.  Very informative!

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