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Trump attacks civil rights leader who questioned his election win


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4 hours ago, Toronto said:

Bias headline. Trump "attacks" but Lewis "questions". I think Trump defends would be more accurate.

 A real President would have simply 'Ignored'!


I think Trump knows he will not last a heartbeat as President but he just wants to swear the oath of office so that for the rest of his days he must be referred to as 'President Trump' and have his own Government security team. I think thats all he wants. Come Jan 21 he just wants to use his title to make more money. With any luck he will drown in the stuff.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


What a diatribe. Why not just say you don't like the result, it's so unfair on poor Hilary who thought it was her turn, so the rules and result should be ignored?

Would you have said the same if Trump had won the popular vote - and what was the difference in % and % of population terms, and Hilary have won the EC vote?




I have no problem with the result, I was making the point that we all know who would have had a problem with the result had the situation been reversed. As evidence of this I quoted the tweets he made in the 2012 contest and the answer Trump gave during this election when asked would he accept the result. However I note that you have ignored all that.

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People need to accept the fact that he is President. While I did not vote for him, I hope he can succeed.  I would hope he stops the incessant use of social media to comment on every slight he sees or feels. Trump needs to grow up and start acting like a President.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

People need to accept the fact that he is President. While I did not vote for him, I hope he can succeed.  I would hope he stops the incessant use of social media to comment on every slight he sees or feels. Trump needs to grow up and start acting like a President.

He's an old man and his outrageous behavior worked to make him president.

To suggest he's EVER going to change is absurd. He has said as much! More evidence -- that mad "press" conference he just had. This is a crisis. 

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Some interesting musings about what hero John Lewis said:



The peaceful transition of power is a cherished value of our democracy. But it’s not the only value, or the highest one. It should not require us to sleepwalk into authoritarianism. If the price for preserving our democracy is pretending that our would-be god-king-emperor has clothes, then it’s already rotted beyond repair.




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I doubt he will change his attitude or modus operandi- however, I am hoping his 'advirors' and cabinet might adopt some policies that actually benefit the people and country. Frankly, his foreign policy outbursts  are  frightening and so far amateurish.

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We are a republic not a democracy and everyone understood the rules and how the system is organized with the electorial college. When voting fraud is factored into the popular vote it is questionable that Clinton won the popular vote but it really does not matter.

What does matter is the widespread belief, contrary to all available evidence, that voter fraud exists. Despite the absence of any evidence of voter fraud, Greg Palast makes a good case for the exclusion of a subset of voters who tend to be people of color and who tend to vote Democratic. Without the existence of the Crosscheck program instituted by Republican controlled states, HRC, would likely have won not only the popular vote but the electoral vote as well.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


We agree on this. Lewis was out of line.

I do wish Trump wouldn't respond to every insult, but, on the other hand, president elect has ever been treated anything like this before. I can understand the frustration.


Why should he take the high road?  The beltway scumbags never have and never will.

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America is too focusd on fighting potential wars and using this to constantly increase defense budgets while the American public is left with healthcare that is not affordable; a social security system that does not adequately take care of its elderly; a Veterans administration that lies to its customers; and an educational system that indebts university grads for decades. Let's see Trump change some of these things and reduce the defense budget and use the savings to actually help people.

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17 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

America is too focusd on fighting potential wars and using this to constantly increase defense budgets while the American public is left with healthcare that is not affordable; a social security system that does not adequately take care of its elderly; a Veterans administration that lies to its customers; and an educational system that indebts university grads for decades. Let's see Trump change some of these things and reduce the defense budget and use the savings to actually help people.


It was easy for Obama.  Should be easy for Trump too.

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9 hours ago, TankerWeams said:

A real civil rights leader would be campaigning for the public to respect the democratic process. Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate is after all an important civil right.


The Donald is elected under the American system. If you want to use a democratic system where individual rights to chose the preferred presidential candidate , then the person with the most votes would win. Five times in US history this has not been the case.

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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

On Saturday Trump tweeted that Lewis had falsely complained about the election results and instead "should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)."

Ah yes the low energy expert has come to new conclusions. 

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Would not the simple thing be to get a couple of psychiatrists to certify what everybody knows, that Trump is of his trolley and wheel him off to the funny farm... 

Like he would consent to that? Did you check out his medical doctor? Arguably even nuttier than trump.
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