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Do you spend an embarrassing amount of time hanging out at the malls?


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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Still there. Leaving now.


18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

None of those things. Not really the aircon either.


18 hours ago, giddyup said:

Bird watching?

Wrong gender giddyup :whistling:

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Unless you count Khlong Thom Market as a mall (I don't), no.  


Less than 15 minutes a week to pop into Terminal 21, hit the salad bar in Gourmet Market and scoot back to the office.  Other than that, haven't been in a mall in around 6 months.


But I can see the attraction.  Free A/C, amazing scenery and as others have said, a little slice of back home if I blur my focus just a bit (and don't look at the prices).


Edit:  Gotta rat myself out for fibbing- several surgical missions to Fortune Town every month...  No loitering, though.

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Not equivalent to a Mexican zocalo in wonderfulness but in Thai cities serving a similar role as a central place for all the people. I said don't go for the aircon but of course if the malls weren't air-conditioned they would be unpleasant.

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No, I'm not into shopping. I sometimes have a wander while my wife is shopping, but there are few shops that will attract my interest. After being in Thailand a few years, the upmarket malls seem similar to those back in Australia. Even the people seem similar.  

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I personally cannot stand them. In long enough to buy what I came for and then out. Besides computer programming, or shoving bamboo skewers under my fingernails there is nothing I would rather be doing less than going to a mall.


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15 hours ago, onemorechang said:


I can say zero for me.

Go to a mall,   I would sooner have a root canal done

with no anaesthetic .


yea jingthing your mom was right ......only girls , it is in their dna , you are .....?


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24 minutes ago, mikiea said:

yea jingthing your mom was right ......only girls , it is in their dna , you are .....?


Almost all the regular expats I see hanging out are males.

Correction -- ALL. 


I get it though. You're trying to assert your macho man thing. So boring and stupid. 


Next ... 


In the context of Pattaya and maybe even most modern cities in the world, I think it's more a statement of the lack of other decent "other places" than work and home (that are free to enter and open to all) to hang out (and usually accomplish some tasks) that would be full of life and activity.  Asian malls in particular tend to be on the jazzy side as well. I remember my last visit to the USA I visited the "luxury" mall of a big city. It was quite BORING compared to similar Thai malls. 

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4 hours ago, Don Mega said:


Meh, I can do all that and more in the airconditioned comfort of my house.


LOL> I'll bet you can't buy Marks & Spencer peanut butter anywhere other than a (the) mall, in Pattaya.


You don't go much, so you don't know, but you can get extremely good value at many sales throughout the year. I'm talking about quality brands at 50 - 70% discount, not junk market stuff.

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15 hours ago, onemorechang said:


I can say zero for me.

Go to a mall,   I would sooner have a root canal done

with no anaesthetic .


Really? I don't hang out at malls, I enjoy a look around, then go on my way, but I would rather sit in a mall looking at pretty girls than in a dentist chair, unless, Oh! wait.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

I don't hang out in the malls but make use of them once in a while. I am quite happy a big mall was build near where I live it helped me get better quality foods and other things. I don't really waste my time there I just go there to eat and shop and then go back, as for posting on this forum I do while working so its relaxation.


But why should people who are retired have meaningful things to do if they like the mall or the beer bar what is wrong with that ? If they like to go out and help orphans or whatever let them do so. It is their life they can do what they want to do. 


As for budget, there are plenty of things people can do on a small budget, traveling inside Thailand does not require much funds (if you have a lot of time). I like fishing and it was a really inexpensive hobby (once you got the rods and know a few local ponds but again is it better than hanging in a beer bar ? health wise probably.. probably also cheaper.. but we don't all like the same things). Planning to visit an indoor wake-boarding / sufring park.. normal wake-boarding seems fun too.. but i am not that agile.. but still fun to try. Been doing paintball too (but nicer with a group). I think there are plenty of things to do (at least around pattyaya and Bangkok). Truth be told because I am not retired I don't have much time to waste. 


For you, malls are a pastime. Something to enjoy in your free time. That's quite a contrast to retired expats killing time in malls.

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14 hours ago, alocacoc said:

Sometimes, for example at Big C, after 5 Minutes I park my basket on the floor an leave the mall. I think, about maximum 10 Minutes is my threshold. After this time, I become aggressive. I hate malls. I hate the smell of malls and especially the noise. And not forget the stupid people who leave their giant shopping carts in the middle of the aisle.

"the stupid people who leave their giant shopping carts in the middle of the aisle".

I love it when they do that, I move them a couple of aisles away, then watch these "stupid people" as they try to find them.:cheesy:

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23 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> I'll bet you can't buy Marks & Spencer peanut butter anywhere other than a (the) mall, in Pattaya.


You don't go much, so you don't know, but you can get extremely good value at many sales throughout the year. I'm talking about quality brands at 50 - 70% discount, not junk market stuff.



I wouldn't even feed peanut butter to my dogs so the care factor for it is zero  and as for clothing, Iam back in my home country every few months and I much prefer to buy cheaper better quality clothing whilst there thanks.

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't like bars and the beaches are filthy.

I know what you do like JT, sitting at your keyboard on Thaivisa, going by the amount of posts you have. I'm surprised you have time to go to a mall.

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5 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I know what you do like JT, sitting at your keyboard on Thaivisa, going by the amount of posts you have. I'm surprised you have time to go to a mall.

Can't deny it so maybe hanging out MORE at the malls would represent an upgrade. 

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4 hours ago, seancbk said:



Perhaps to save money.   Rather than sitting at home paying for AC, they go out and use the Malls as a cool (as in temp) spot to pass the day.

My condo management had to put up a sign telling people that using the showers in the pool changing room was only for people actually using the pool or the gym.  Some residents rather than showering in their own condos, were going to the changing rooms and using the showers (and free shampoo / body wash) to save on water / electricity and shampoo.

I bet you have a lot of Indian neighbours.

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9 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



I wouldn't even feed peanut butter to my dogs so the care factor for it is zero  and as for clothing, Iam back in my home country every few months and I much prefer to buy cheaper better quality clothing whilst there thanks.


The peanut butter comment was a joke - lighten up. I love peanut butter and wouldn't waste it on dogs.


A lot of expats don't travel home, so need a place to pick up quality clothing. I haven't been back to "farangland" for over 3 years. The brands we buy here are often the same brands I buy at home and cheaper here after discount too. You wouldn't know this if you don't shop much at malls.

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Just now, tropo said:



A lot of expats don't travel home, so need a place to pick up quality clothing. I haven't been back to "farangland" for over 3 years. The brands we buy here are often the same brands I buy at home and cheaper here after discount too. You wouldn't know this if you don't shop much at malls.


Yeah, I have no need at all top deal with shopping malls what with the traffic to get there then the parking nightmare only to have to "mingle" with rude strangers.

Thanks all the same though but the way I currently do things suits me perfectly.

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7 minutes ago, possum1931 said:
4 hours ago, seancbk said:



Perhaps to save money.   Rather than sitting at home paying for AC, they go out and use the Malls as a cool (as in temp) spot to pass the day.

My condo management had to put up a sign telling people that using the showers in the pool changing room was only for people actually using the pool or the gym.  Some residents rather than showering in their own condos, were going to the changing rooms and using the showers (and free shampoo / body wash) to save on water / electricity and shampoo.


I bet you have a lot of Indian neighbours.


None at all.   The residents of my condo are middle class Thais and a few expats.   We have 1 or 2 older chaps here but mostly the expats are under 50.  

Quite a few Japanese although I rarely see them as they don't use the Pool.   

I'm not sure which residents were being cheap and using the Pool showers, but I suspect it was some of the older Thais.

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6 minutes ago, seancbk said:


None at all.   The residents of my condo are middle class Thais and a few expats.   We have 1 or 2 older chaps here but mostly the expats are under 50.  

Quite a few Japanese although I rarely see them as they don't use the Pool.   

I'm not sure which residents were being cheap and using the Pool showers, but I suspect it was some of the older Thais.

I was saying it in a lighthearted sort of way.

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Air conditioning and food courts, hopefully a Dairy Queen.  Malls with a Tesco usually have lousy food courts in my experience. I don't eat McD's or other junk foods, but in SE Asia these places sell soft ice cream (my granny called it "custard") so they get picked up by my radar for a potential stop.  The locals expect to see farang in those places, so I don't feel out of place (for a change).  Also these places generally have clean, functional lavatories, so they're also a quick stop to wash the hands.


There were no indoor malls when/where I grew up, but there were big department stores.  Probably 1977 first time I saw the inside of a mall, in Denver.  I thought it was weird that all ones I had been to had the same stores, like that shop with those disgusting looking 'cheese logs' that literally looked like a big turd; never saw them sold anywhere else. 



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17 hours ago, KittenKong said:

I have a nice condo with a nice view. I dont need malls.

I don't think it's a matter of need. It's not like anyone NEEDS a mall. It's a matter of what people enjoy to do with their free time. I'm sure plenty of people who hang out at malls also enjoy hanging out at home. I manage both.

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15 hours ago, tropo said:

I don't hang out at the mall, I go there to shop. If I don't need to shop I don't go there. You see a lot of older farang hanging out with all their elderly friends, and it's kind of sad to see. Is this what their life has come to?


Asking why many members spend all their waking moments posting on here is an equally valid question. Which is a bigger waste of time? Hanging out at malls or posting all day on forums? I suppose with smartphones you can do both at the same time. Others are hanging out in bars clinging to a bottle of beer. A seemingly equally big waste of time.


The question is, what should an elderly retired person be doing that is more fulfilling? It's one thing to criticise people for not seeming to have a life, but what should they be doing? Their budget is an important consideration when asking these questions too. I'm sure most of us could find better things to do with more funds.

Yes but the op manages to do both at the same time. Now as he is doing both is it double the waste of time, or half the waste of time?

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