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Do you spend an embarrassing amount of time hanging out at the malls?


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2 hours ago, tropo said:

LOL> So you think if you're wearing jeans you're dressing well? Do you wear the ones with holes? Apart from not looking good, or dressy in the slightest, they are the most uncomfortable item of clothing anyone could wear in a tropical climate.





No I don't wear jeans with holes.   And yes jeans can look good, they are suitably casual without looking like a slob.  Which is what the majority of people (mostly older blokes) look like walking around wearing shorts and sandals in public.  

I would consider wearing regular trousers all the time, except I don't want to look too formal, or too old.  Jeans lets me look smart but at the same time not look like I'm going to work.

Nothing uncomfortable about jeans, unless you are wearing a pair that don't really fit properly.  Which might be the case if you are even slightly overweight.


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7 hours ago, seancbk said:

Why can't you dress normally if you are not in a mall?

I wear jeans and casual shoes (Rockport), usually with a plain black T-shirt or a short sleeved shirt, no matter where I'm going.   The only time I don't wear jeans is if I'm going to a nice party, or out to dinner in which case I'll wear a suit or dinner jacket depending on the event.

I don't understand people who wander around looking like beach bums unless they are actually on holiday, in which case I guess it's understandable.



Your choice mine is casual shorts shirt and flip flops even at parties. Don't care what others think I'm not with them if the wife OKs it it's good enough for me.

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I think when saying malls, that should exclude the big shopping centers on Sukhumvit road; Lotus, BigC & Marcro, I don't consider them malls.


We go there sometimes and then we go in the truck, grab a shopping cart (2 sometimes) and we quickly fill it/them up, following the wife's shopping list and we are off home.


Not really nice places to hang around, the food court in Lotus is not good and will never eat there again.



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19 hours ago, balo said:

I hang out in the malls once in a while just for a coffee and watch the world go by , it's air-con and I can dress normal, don't have to look like a beach troll all day.  

Do I buy anything else? Nope, maybe lunch that's all.  


You're doing well only buying lunch there. I spend a lot there, at many different restaurants and shops. 

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1 hour ago, seancbk said:

No I don't wear jeans with holes.   And yes jeans can look good, they are suitably casual without looking like a slob.  Which is what the majority of people (mostly older blokes) look like walking around wearing shorts and sandals in public.  

I would consider wearing regular trousers all the time, except I don't want to look too formal, or too old.  Jeans lets me look smart but at the same time not look like I'm going to work.

Nothing uncomfortable about jeans, unless you are wearing a pair that don't really fit properly.  Which might be the case if you are even slightly overweight.



Let's just agree to disagree then. IMO there's nothing remotely smart about jeans. Of course they're uncomfortable, but if you wear them all the time, then you're obviously used to the feel. They're tight and heavy, totally unsuited to this climate. If you have skinny legs, maybe you can get away with a loose fit, but loose fitting jeans look even more sloppy than a snug fit.


Each to their own. What I don't like is people suggesting that I may look sloppy because I wear shorts all the time here. I certainly think they look better than jeans when worn with nice footwear.



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I think that if you're spending an "embarrassing amount of time hanging out at malls", because you have nothing else to do, your life is in serious trouble.


If you choose to do so for different reasons, not so much trouble, but not ideal.


Before I retired, I decided I needed to be occupied.  If I choose to sit on my verandah, looking over the river below, because that's what I want to do fora  short while, that's OK.   If I'm sitting there because I have nothing better to do, that's not OK.


Sounds to me like you're bored and need some interests.  Try learning an instrument, reading, take art classes, cooking classes, gardening, travel, undertake an exercise program,  play sport, build models, aircraft, ships, whatever, and I don't mean from plastic kits, but from scratch, a plan, balsa, glue, etc.  Do something creative, and you'll find you don't have time to hang out at malls.   Go online and do some research, look for a hobby/interest, more than one, in which you may be interested, and go for it.


Try relocating for a while, a few months, somewhere else in Thailand or a neighboring country??


You're bored, and bored people wilt and die, often after just a few years of unproductive existence.   You need mental stimulation.  You're probably already getting physical stimulation????


No charge for the life coaching!!


Edit:   I just checked to OP's profile....it's Jingthing!!!   I've read many of your posts, and therein, as I see it, lies some of the problem.   You've been a member for just over ten years, and have over 75,000 posts!!    That's over 20 a day.  YOU ARE BORED!!  Get yourself some interests JT, or you will be looking at a fire down at the wat before you know it.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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