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Major powers warn Israel, Palestinians against unilateral measures harmful to peace


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21 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

From Robert Fisk:

The Paris peace conference was beyond useless – everyone knows a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine is impossible now

"Anyone who’s visited the West Bank these past few years, looked at the Jewish colonies built on stolen Arab land, witnessed the occupation and the filth of Gaza and observed its brutal Hamas militia leaders – and realised that Netanyahu will soon be the most left-wing member of his increasingly racist government – knows very well that the “two-state solution” vanished long ago. Why, did we really think it would survive the political surgery of our beloved former Middle East panjandrum, Tony Blair? As he would say if he was honest, the whole charade is “absolutely and completely” over".




Another Fisk rant. Can apply the same to the column - "beyond useless".



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20 hours ago, bangon04 said:

Without the constant diplomatic protection and financial support of the USA, would Netanyahu be forced to moderate his actions in pursuing the ethnic cleansing of the west bank, and would he be forced to enter into meaningful diplomacy with the arab states which have an interest.?


Or would he just feel compelled to threaten major military retaliation and more suppression?


The US support is not going anywhere, not anytime soon. If posters wish to play with hypothetical What If's they could also try this one for size: without international support and financing would the Palestinians be forced to moderate their position and accept the concessions a peace treaty entails, or would they resort to even more of the same futile violence?


I would argue, that with regard to both sides - things are better of as they are. Prolonged diplomatic and economic pressure might make either side change its positions, but not before rejection and violence will be pursued. Some keyboard warriors on here, "supportive" of whichever side, seem to favor taking such a course of action. But then it's easy when all one risks are words.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


The US support is not going anywhere, not anytime soon. If posters wish to play with hypothetical What If's they could also try this one for size: without international support and financing would the Palestinians be forced to moderate their position and accept the concessions a peace treaty entails, or would they resort to even more of the same futile violence?


I would argue, that with regard to both sides - things are better of as they are. Prolonged diplomatic and economic pressure might make either side change its positions, but not before rejection and violence will be pursued. Some keyboard warriors on here, "supportive" of whichever side, seem to favor taking such a course of action. But then it's easy when all one risks are words.

so just allow Netanyahu to continue his programme of ethnic cleansing because the continuing low level violence is better than any alternative. Since the UN is unable to influence, despite their wordy disfunction, then Netanyahu has already got his way and nobody will stop him.

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7 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

so just allow Netanyahu to continue his programme of ethnic cleansing because the continuing low level violence is better than any alternative. Since the UN is unable to influence, despite their wordy disfunction, then Netanyahu has already got his way and nobody will stop him.


Netanyahu does not have any "programme" as such, let alone your "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. His vision extends, perhaps, as far as the next elections, more probably just as far as the next criminal/political crisis. He is also hardly the rightmost representative of Israeli politics.


Low intensity violence is better than high intensity violence, yes. It does not make it desirable, just, indeed, better than the alternative. And of course, you have failed to address the other side of the coin - namely, the Palestinians.



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On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 6:57 PM, dexterm said:

Don't want to get sidetracked discussing Gazan Wars, but I believe all 3 recent wars were deliberately provoked by Israel's heavy handed actions. So I agree with ddavidovsky that it would be very easy for Netanyahu to create another intifada or Gazan War on some pretext especially with the Trump cheer squad and his ambassador encouraging anything and everything Israel does.


Even if we accept your thesis that "Israelis are not necessarily right wing supporters, see the illegal settlements as a boon to the country or are eager to fulfill religious edicts."  Whatever you may say, the reality is that seems to be the state of play at the moment, with nothing and no-one in sight to curb the fanatics' Greater Israel aspirations.


Apart from perhaps a few toothless comments from the Paris conference, at least it is partly reassuring that the world is still watching Israel's illegal activities. And may curb any fantasies held by some in Netanyahu's cabinet of further ethnic cleansing to maintain a Jewish majority.


Personally I have lost hope of a two state solution. Israel has established too many facts on the ground with their illegal colonizing in the West Bank and Jerusalem.


With Trump's encouragement, Israel is blundering further into a one state solution, which I regard as inevitable anyway, and with it the demise of the racist Zionist ideology.


Your usual predictable drivel.

All wars against Israel were started by Arab countries.

The Palestinian terrorists are also still trying every day and still getting shot every day, which you choose to ignore, 39 since the conviction of Azari, not reported on social media because these were not filmed, but were reported in the Israeli newspapers.

Stop with giving false statements about Israel.

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9 hours ago, bandito said:


Your usual predictable drivel.

All wars against Israel were started by Arab countries.

The Palestinian terrorists are also still trying every day and still getting shot every day, which you choose to ignore, 39 since the conviction of Azari, not reported on social media because these were not filmed, but were reported in the Israeli newspapers.

Stop with giving false statements about Israel.


39 since the conviction of Azari, not reported on social media because these were not filmed, but were reported in the Israeli newspapers.


Azaria was convicted on 4.1.2017 - about two weeks ago. If what you claim was correct (and it isn't), there is no way it wouldn't feature on international media. Of course, if you wish to include any Palestinian shot (but not necessarily killed) and label them all as "terrorists" - perhaps - but that wouldn't quite make your point, even if you actually had one.

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14 hours ago, Morch said:


39 since the conviction of Azari, not reported on social media because these were not filmed, but were reported in the Israeli newspapers.


Azaria was convicted on 4.1.2017 - about two weeks ago. If what you claim was correct (and it isn't), there is no way it wouldn't feature on international media. Of course, if you wish to include any Palestinian shot (but not necessarily killed) and label them all as "terrorists" - perhaps - but that wouldn't quite make your point, even if you actually had one.

Man, you got a lot of things wrong, where you get your info? From Palestinian papers?  Read the Israeli papers, thats my info. Azaria is not convicted yet because his father is appealing and anyway, sentencing was set for February.  Israeli General Eyal Zamir: We are engaged in a violent profession in which human blood is shed.

39 terrorists (Palestinians) killed after incident with Azaria. Borders of Judea, Samaria, Gaza.


Also, Palestinians lauding Fadi al-Qanbar who drove a truck in a throng people in Jeruzalem, resulting in dead and wounded.  So what is you're point?  Palestinians who daily try to murder Israeli citizens are not terrorists in your mind?  The Palestines brought it upon themselves by acting like this.


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On 1/17/2017 at 0:06 AM, ilostmypassword said:

From Robert Fisk:

The Paris peace conference was beyond useless – everyone knows a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine is impossible now

"Anyone who’s visited the West Bank these past few years, looked at the Jewish colonies built on stolen Arab land, witnessed the occupation and the filth of Gaza and observed its brutal Hamas militia leaders – and realised that Netanyahu will soon be the most left-wing member of his increasingly racist government – knows very well that the “two-state solution” vanished long ago. Why, did we really think it would survive the political surgery of our beloved former Middle East panjandrum, Tony Blair? As he would say if he was honest, the whole charade is “absolutely and completely” over".



Thanks for the link, Ilostmy password.


Robert Fisk's article about the Paris conference is excellent...well worth a read that exposes the hypocrisy and cowardice of all the major players. He is not afraid to call a spade a spade. He along with Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, and Noam Chomsky are leading experts on the Palestinian Israeli conflict.
As I said above, I have also just about given up hope of a two state solution, probably since the Zionist Union lost the last election. The present right wing Israeli government's expansionism and colonization egged on by Trump will simply cement all their present facts on the ground and more besides. For once I agree with you, Morch..it's all in the too hard basket...Jerusalem, resources rights, occupation, settlement expansion, right of return for refugees. So rather than quibbling over unachievable details why not have them all living together sharing the lot. IMO the two state solution was only ever an interim transition to a one state solution anyway.


Ironically Netanyahu was correct when he tried to scaremonger voters at the last election with "The Arabs are coming":  indirectly his government of right wing fantatics is the one helping them, making a one state solution an inevitability.


I wrote a couple of years ago on this forum that the day will come when Israel will be begging the Palestinians to accept a two state solution, to help them solve their Jewish demographic imbalance. You cant have a Jewish State if Jews are a minority.
As Kerry said "Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both"



The wimpish delegates at the Paris Conference and the recent UNSC resolution have started the begging process, but I think it is too late. The countries represented at the conference should have done something sooner to pressure Israel into a two state solution, if that's what they ever really wanted.

Edited by dexterm
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8 hours ago, bandito said:

Man, you got a lot of things wrong, where you get your info? From Palestinian papers?  Read the Israeli papers, thats my info. Azaria is not convicted yet because his father is appealing and anyway, sentencing was set for February.  Israeli General Eyal Zamir: We are engaged in a violent profession in which human blood is shed.

39 terrorists (Palestinians) killed after incident with Azaria. Borders of Judea, Samaria, Gaza.


Also, Palestinians lauding Fadi al-Qanbar who drove a truck in a throng people in Jeruzalem, resulting in dead and wounded.  So what is you're point?  Palestinians who daily try to murder Israeli citizens are not terrorists in your mind?  The Palestines brought it upon themselves by acting like this.



I read both, and then some. Relying on limited array of sources is characteristic of posters presenting one sided extreme views. It would have been appreciated if you had bothered linking these supposedly superior sources of information. Simply repeating the claim does not make it any more credible.


Azaria is most definitely convicted. The "conviction" part was actually quoted from your own post ("...since the conviction of Azari(a)"). The appeal was launched following the conviction.


I don't think that I said anything about Palestinians not expressing support for terrorist attacks - so the al-Qanbar deflection seems a bit on the odd side. What I did say is that not all Palestinians shot by the the Israeli security forces are terrorists - there are enough cases of bystanders, demonstrators and others getting shot too. It doesn't mean that there are not Palestinian terrorists, just that not all of those shot are.


Extreme one sided renditions of the conflict are neither objective nor helpful.

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4 hours ago, dexterm said:

Thanks for the link, Ilostmy password.


Robert Fisk's article about the Paris conference is excellent...well worth a read that exposes the hypocrisy and cowardice of all the major players. He is not afraid to call a spade a spade. He along with Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, and Noam Chomsky are leading experts on the Palestinian Israeli conflict.
As I said above, I have also just about given up hope of a two state solution, probably since the Zionist Union lost the last election. The present right wing Israeli government's expansionism and colonization egged on by Trump will simply cement all their present facts on the ground and more besides. For once I agree with you, Morch..it's all in the too hard basket...Jerusalem, resources rights, occupation, settlement expansion, right of return for refugees. So rather than quibbling over unachievable details why not have them all living together sharing the lot. IMO the two state solution was only ever an interim transition to a one state solution anyway.


Ironically Netanyahu was correct when he tried to scaremonger voters at the last election with "The Arabs are coming":  indirectly his government of right wing fantatics is the one helping them, making a one state solution an inevitability.


I wrote a couple of years ago on this forum that the day will come when Israel will be begging the Palestinians to accept a two state solution, to help them solve their Jewish demographic imbalance. You cant have a Jewish State if Jews are a minority.
As Kerry said "Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both"



The wimpish delegates at the Paris Conference and the recent UNSC resolution have started the begging process, but I think it is too late. The countries represented at the conference should have done something sooner to pressure Israel into a two state solution, if that's what they ever really wanted.


As said above, the Fisk piece is a "beyond useless" rant. He rages and blusters but, ultimately, got nothing of substance to add. Pretty much like so many of the posts on these topics, yours included.


As for being "leading experts" on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - seems like the qualifying criteria applied is holding fringe left wing views hostile to Israel. Because, bottom line, all of the four essentially approach the issue through a political framework and long held positions - not quite an objective, or even fact based attitude, really. 


I would appreciate it if you do not put words in my mouth, by "agreeing" to something I never said or using a phrase I never used. This dishonest posting is a trademark by now, but still not welcome. My views are not yours, and we are not in agreement. As for what you wrote two years ago - it would be added to the repository of failed predictions made. Israel will not "beg" the Palestinians, as you seem to imagine. Co-opting Kerry or cherry-picking from his speeches, will not help to erase Palestinian rejectivism and intransigence - both facts. Even if your repeatedly choose to ignore them, Kerry does not.

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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 2:02 PM, Morch said:


I read both, and then some. Relying on limited array of sources is characteristic of posters presenting one sided extreme views. It would have been appreciated if you had bothered linking these supposedly superior sources of information. Simply repeating the claim does not make it any more credible.


Azaria is most definitely convicted. The "conviction" part was actually quoted from your own post ("...since the conviction of Azari(a)"). The appeal was launched following the conviction.


I don't think that I said anything about Palestinians not expressing support for terrorist attacks - so the al-Qanbar deflection seems a bit on the odd side. What I did say is that not all Palestinians shot by the the Israeli security forces are terrorists - there are enough cases of bystanders, demonstrators and others getting shot too. It doesn't mean that there are not Palestinian terrorists, just that not all of those shot are.


Extreme one sided renditions of the conflict are neither objective nor helpful.


"not all Palestinians are terrorists" no, but all the terrorists there are Palestinians.

I am not giving you any links, you know apparently how to use Google search so use it.

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On 1/20/2017 at 2:22 PM, Morch said:


As said above, the Fisk piece is a "beyond useless" rant. He rages and blusters but, ultimately, got nothing of substance to add. Pretty much like so many of the posts on these topics, yours included.


As for being "leading experts" on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - seems like the qualifying criteria applied is holding fringe left wing views hostile to Israel. Because, bottom line, all of the four essentially approach the issue through a political framework and long held positions - not quite an objective, or even fact based attitude, really. 


I would appreciate it if you do not put words in my mouth, by "agreeing" to something I never said or using a phrase I never used. This dishonest posting is a trademark by now, but still not welcome. My views are not yours, and we are not in agreement. As for what you wrote two years ago - it would be added to the repository of failed predictions made. Israel will not "beg" the Palestinians, as you seem to imagine. Co-opting Kerry or cherry-picking from his speeches, will not help to erase Palestinian rejectivism and intransigence - both facts. Even if your repeatedly choose to ignore them, Kerry does not.

I wrote a couple of years ago on this forum that the day will come when Israel will be begging the Palestinians to accept a two state solution.


It ain't over yet. I think we are entering the endgame phase as blundering Trump brings events to a head.


Why only today a notorious Israeli apologist on this site talked with bravado about the Palestinians better get their act together quickly to accept the crumbs on the table while there are still some left. Sounded more like a plea to me than a threat.

The writing's on the wall.


>>I would appreciate it if you do not put words in my mouth, by "agreeing" to something I never said or using a phrase I never used.
..Fair enough. I apologize for that.

What I was trying to say was all the practical difficultes you frequently raise about getting both sides to accept compromise on say Jerusalem, future borders,resources, the right of return, have finally convinced me. As things become more entrenched they become impossible to compromise over. So why not share the cake rather than divide it?

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8 hours ago, bandito said:


"not all Palestinians are terrorists" no, but all the terrorists there are Palestinians.

I am not giving you any links, you know apparently how to use Google search so use it.


You're not giving any links because you can't. Not familiar with any source supporting your nonsense, but then you're not even too clear about it yourself (posting about "conviction", then claiming there was no conviction, for example).


There were numerous instances of Jewish terrorism against Palestinians, some even recent. Here are a few examples:


Cave of the Patriarchs massacre



Jewish Underground



Duma arson attack



Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir


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4 hours ago, dexterm said:

I wrote a couple of years ago on this forum that the day will come when Israel will be begging the Palestinians to accept a two state solution.


It ain't over yet. I think we are entering the endgame phase as blundering Trump brings events to a head.


Why only today a notorious Israeli apologist on this site talked with bravado about the Palestinians better get their act together quickly to accept the crumbs on the table while there are still some left. Sounded more like a plea to me than a threat.

The writing's on the wall.


>>I would appreciate it if you do not put words in my mouth, by "agreeing" to something I never said or using a phrase I never used.
..Fair enough. I apologize for that.

What I was trying to say was all the practical difficultes you frequently raise about getting both sides to accept compromise on say Jerusalem, future borders,resources, the right of return, have finally convinced me. As things become more entrenched they become impossible to compromise over. So why not share the cake rather than divide it?


Yeah, well....you make ominous predictions on a regular basis, so that doesn't really say much. I'll go on calling them the propagandist nonsense that they are. You can also yap about "notorious Israeli apologists" all you like, sounds kinda funny coming from someone who's a mirror image of the same. And no, it did not sound like a "plea" and either way, doubt posts on this forum figure much with regard to determining policy.


When I point out to real difficulties featuring on in the conflict and the disagreements between the Israelis and the Palestinians, that is not to say that these are insurmountable. Quite the opposite. There were many a post in which I detailed possible solutions. The issue is less to do with objectively dealing with such hurdles, and more with the emotional baggage, political views and rhetoric binding the sides into their entrenched positions. There are ways to overcome these, but as often pointed out - it usually requires a leadership that is up to the task. Neither side is fortunate enough to currently have someone of the required caliber at the helm.


The marked difference between my take and yours (other than having a clue, and not being as one sided), is that I do not brush things aside if they do not fit my view. Acknowledging such difficulties is part of that, as opposed to airing unrealistic nonsense which can go nowhere. You last line is just an out of sync Pavlovian reply, which seems to ignore everything posted on these topics.

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44 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Another ad hominem attack.  Or are you bothered by the word "stolen". Would "appropriated" meet with your approval?


Another off mark post. I was referring to the content, which is indeed a pointless rant. That it characterizes Fisk's writing (more so nowadays) is not a singular opinion, nor a new view. I suppose that adulating someone is all good, not a big fan though - and wasn't terribly impressed by the man himself.


Not much "bothered" by Fisk's nonsense, same goes for yours. Try harder.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Another off mark post. I was referring to the content, which is indeed a pointless rant. That it characterizes Fisk's writing (more so nowadays) is not a singular opinion, nor a new view. I suppose that adulating someone is all good, not a big fan though - and wasn't terribly impressed by the man himself.


Not much "bothered" by Fisk's nonsense, same goes for yours. Try harder.

I'd love to see you and Fisk in a debate though. His knowledge of the conflict is huge stretching back decades as an eyewitness and correspondent. He'd make mincemeat of you.

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13 minutes ago, dexterm said:

I'd love to see you and Fisk in a debate though. His knowledge of the conflict is huge stretching back decades as an eyewitness and correspondent. He'd make mincemeat of you.


Was that an acknowledgment that you do not, and cannot?


But with regard to your fantasy, I doubt it. Would advise applying a closer reading of the my previous post. Same goes for some of the others you're fond of quoting.

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15 hours ago, Morch said:


You're not giving any links because you can't. Not familiar with any source supporting your nonsense, but then you're not even too clear about it yourself (posting about "conviction", then claiming there was no conviction, for example


If anybody is posting nonse, you are. Wrong about many things.

I can and I have and will not give any links.

You wondering, go find out yourself.

And spare me for giving me some links, so to bring Israel in discredit, you won't force me giving you any.

Why not publicizing links about the Palestine terrorists and their murdering intentions?


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15 hours ago, dexterm said:

I'd love to see you and Fisk in a debate though. His knowledge of the conflict is huge stretching back decades as an eyewitness and correspondent. He'd make mincemeat of you.



And Hillel Neuer would crucify Fisk. He is unbeatable on the subject.

Good news to day. The Trump administration is in power and openly talking about moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. It should have been done long ago. A real step towards justice in the Middle East.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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6 minutes ago, Credo said:

I hope they move it in a trailer house, so they can hitch it up and move it back in 4 years.   


They will never be able to move it once it is done. Democrats would fight it as well as Republicans. It is impossible to undo politically.

Kudos - a masterstroke by Donald J. Trump and another campaign promise fulfilled!

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


They will never be able to move it once it is done. Democrats would fight it as well as Republicans. It is impossible to undo politically.

Kudos - a masterstroke by Donald J. Trump and another campaign promise fulfilled!

Not impossible. 

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8 hours ago, bandito said:


If anybody is posting nonse, you are. Wrong about many things.

I can and I have and will not give any links.

You wondering, go find out yourself.

And spare me for giving me some links, so to bring Israel in discredit, you won't force me giving you any.

Why not publicizing links about the Palestine terrorists and their murdering intentions?



You ought to read your post again, realise how childish it sounds and then, maybe, reconsider the "nonsense" bit.

You make concrete claims, which you cannot or will not back up. That's fine, but it doesn't amount to a rational discussion.


I never denied that there are Palestinian terrorists, quite the opposite. The purpose of the links provided was to counter your erroneous claim that all terrorists in this conflict are (or were) Palestinian. Raging about it or ignoring it will not change the facts.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



And Hillel Neuer would crucify Fisk. He is unbeatable on the subject.

Good news to day. The Trump administration is in power and openly talking about moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. It should have been done long ago. A real step towards justice in the Middle East.


6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


They will never be able to move it once it is done. Democrats would fight it as well as Republicans. It is impossible to undo politically.

Kudos - a masterstroke by Donald J. Trump and another campaign promise fulfilled!


You keep repeating the same assertion, but fail to demonstrate how moving the US embassy can be construed as a positive action within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That it is aligned with the views and wishes of the political right wing in both countries does not necessarily make it a constructive or even a smart decision. Same goes for making it about "justice". A whole lot of posturing, not as much relevant reasoning.

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14 hours ago, Morch said:


You ought to read your post again, realise how childish it sounds and then, maybe, reconsider the "nonsense" bit.

You make concrete claims, which you cannot or will not back up. That's fine, but it doesn't amount to a rational discussion.


I never denied that there are Palestinian terrorists, quite the opposite. The purpose of the links provided was to counter your erroneous claim that all terrorists in this conflict are (or were) Palestinian. Raging about it or ignoring it will not change the facts.


You should read all of your posts, you are attacking anyone who is for or against Israelis or Palestinians.

You were the one who started the bit about "nonsense".

You're posting links to me about Israelis but refuse to acknowledge the latest terrorist act by a Palestinian who drove a truck in a throng of Israelis.

He and his family are or were living in Jerusalem as citizens.

I also have links to this, what you will call "nonsense", and will also not post these.

Do not post anymore "links" to me as I never click on links, especially links about terrorists.

I will not reply to you again because you are making this discussion personal by trying to insult me.

Long live Israel.

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9 hours ago, bandito said:


You should read all of your posts, you are attacking anyone who is for or against Israelis or Palestinians.

You were the one who started the bit about "nonsense".

You're posting links to me about Israelis but refuse to acknowledge the latest terrorist act by a Palestinian who drove a truck in a throng of Israelis.

He and his family are or were living in Jerusalem as citizens.

I also have links to this, what you will call "nonsense", and will also not post these.

Do not post anymore "links" to me as I never click on links, especially links about terrorists.

I will not reply to you again because you are making this discussion personal by trying to insult me.

Long live Israel.

I'm not that receptive to people posting inaccurate, extreme, or one-sided views - and yes, these are most times nonsensical. I did not "refuse to acknowledge the latest terrorist act by a Palestinian who drove a truck into a throng of Israelis" - quite the opposite. It has nothing to do with acknowledging that there were cases of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Israeli Jews. The two do not cancel out each other. Choosing to ignore information is, of course, your own decision.

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16 hours ago, bandito said:


You should read all of your posts, you are attacking anyone who is for or against Israelis or Palestinians.

You were the one who started the bit about "nonsense".

You're posting links to me about Israelis but refuse to acknowledge the latest terrorist act by a Palestinian who drove a truck in a throng of Israelis.

He and his family are or were living in Jerusalem as citizens.

I also have links to this, what you will call "nonsense", and will also not post these.

Do not post anymore "links" to me as I never click on links, especially links about terrorists.

I will not reply to you again because you are making this discussion personal by trying to insult me.

Long live Israel.

I think the mods will be grateful to you for not posting those links. Removing links to fake news sites is such a chore.

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