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Expressions by Thai people that raise my blood pressure:


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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Are you sure?  you start it.... I bet you get banned from posting or a warning. 


You start it and see what happens...... 


Some double standards going on here. OK to poke fun and ridicule Thai people... but just try it with any other nationality. 




Lighten up Francis.

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3 hours ago, JaiLai said:

Completely disagree with this.


If you speak the language you are privy ( unfortunately ) to overhear what they all chat about in normal conversations and everyday life, it's pathetic, like a nation of children....


Some would say 'ignorance is bliss'.


Ha! That reminds me of a guy I met fifty odd years ago when I was in India, and he told me he'd learned to speak Hindi.


"Wow! That must be great!", I said. To which he replied "I wish I'd never learned to speak it - they just talk a load of sh*t". :tongue:


But learning another language isn't just about learning the vocabulary. You have to understand the culture from which the language springs, otherwise you will never truly understand its meaning. What, from an English perspective might seem rude, in another language / culture is perfectly acceptable and polite, whether it be the delivery or the translated meaning.

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2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I see.  I hope you can see the double standards going on here then.  This thread is just raciest and pointless... only serving to make fun of and degrade Thai people by farangs. 

Oh god, here we go again. Another Westerner who thinks criticizing culture of people that aren't white, is racist.

Well you're either a Westerner or someone else heavily indoctrinated by Marxist nonsense in university.


Edited by Rigby40
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28 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Oh god, here we go again. Another Westerner who thinks criticizing culture of people that aren't white, is racist.

Well you're either a Westerner or someone else heavily indoctrinated by Marxist nonsense in university.



Visas trump race.

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It's the silence from expressionless faces as I struggle to get the right tone.

And if you ask the collegues will "come to help" so within 30 seconds there can be 10 of them staring at you and making fun.
Almost 70% of the time when they say mai mee i can find the product myself in their shop. So i won't speak to them at all. Also i like to enter their alleys from the backside so they don't see me going in.

"Also i like to enter their alleys from the backside so they don't see me going in."9e621541e44606e8954c5daaaf82dddd.jpg

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Oh god, here we go again. Another Westerner who thinks criticizing culture of people that aren't white, is racist.

Well you're either a Westerner or someone else heavily indoctrinated by Marxist nonsense in university.



You don't really know much about Marxism, do you?

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6 hours ago, chowny77 said:

One of my students today asked me why I not speak Thai or understand a lot of Thai. With this I was lucky to have a map on the wall where I pointed to Thailand and said in Thai this is the only place that Thai is spoken as a first language. I then pointed to other countries and pointed out that English is either the first or second language spoken. My student soon realised that she had put her foot in her mouth. The arrogance of the student about Thai language was what annoyed me the most.


I can't believe how arrogant this comment is! Your attitude as a teacher is terrible, i'm sure you made a lovely impression on your student who pulled you up on it, they must all love you haha. So what if most countries speak English, you're in Thailand. You're the one who's arrogant not the student.

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What they've just eaten, what they're gonna buy to eat and what they're going to eat next. How they're gonna cook it, who's gonna come eat with them, so and so cooks it better, blah blah blah, it's 0.000001 baht cheaper if you go here to buy it, have you tried so and so's lips and beaks dish etc........ you get the idea.
They're all experts at something....NOT

Just like Facebook then. Do they show photos of their last meal? [emoji1]

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:


You don't really know much about Marxism, do you?

I sure know how it relates to what's being taught in universities these days. And to be more specific, I mean "cultural Marxism". Everyone of these people screaming RACIST!!! at the top of their lungs seems to have come from universities where you're taught cultural relativism, how to be a victim and to never acknowledge the personal responsibility of others so long as they're not white. It's gross.

There are some shitty cultures out there, get over it. I'm not saying that of Thai culture, as I happen to be one of those who enjoys the country but bad cultures do exist. I know, shocking right?

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"Cultural Marxism"?


How embarrassing. You've attempted to refute my point that you don't know what Marxism is by parroting a conspiracy theory popularised by rightwing nutjobs who've twisted and misunderstood the work of the Frankfurt school. 


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you were just trying to sound clever, rather than propagate far right views. But you really should look words up before you use them.



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9 hours ago, Berkshire said:

The "rampant stupidity" may very well be on your side.  I've never had such a problem. 


I see you’ve pulled out the old chestnut “It’s never happened to me so you must be stupid, or you must be lying”


I’d suggest you search for the multiple threads about the Thailand aspirin shortage of 2016, because you’d find that I may be stupid, but I’m in good company.


Then go to any website about what to do immediately if you have a heart attack or a stroke- to figure out how smart it is to have a nationwide shortage of aspirin, apparently because just one of the dozens (hundreds?) of factories in the world isn't in production.  I classify it as "rampant stupidity".  I'd even lean toward "criminal stupidity" because it's probably killed people.

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

That was very true years ago.   I think It's getting a little better.

It's gotten a lot better.  

Used to be you'd get the 'just past the 7/11 & turn right' sorta directions but lately, the few times this poster has asked for directions, the advice is of better quality. :smile:

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This reminds me of a story.


Years ago, when I was piecing together the basics of what people were saying, one phrase kept appearing over and over again. I asked my guest house owner what it meant, since she spoke pretty decent English.


"I don't know," she said.


"You must know. Everyone says it. What does it mean?"


"I don't know," she replied flatly.


"Am I saying it wrong? What about like this?"


"I don't know." She finally was starting to look annoyed.

When I finally figured it out, I felt like a real dummy, but hey - there's lots of moments like that when you learn a language.


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3 hours ago, impulse said:


I see you’ve pulled out the old chestnut “It’s never happened to me so you must be stupid, or you must be lying”


I’d suggest you search for the multiple threads about the Thailand aspirin shortage of 2016, because you’d find that I may be stupid, but I’m in good company.


Then go to any website about what to do immediately if you have a heart attack or a stroke- to figure out how smart it is to have a nationwide shortage of aspirin, apparently because just one of the dozens (hundreds?) of factories in the world isn't in production.  I classify it as "rampant stupidity".  I'd even lean toward "criminal stupidity" because it's probably killed people.


So there was a nationwide shortage of aspirin (have not heard of that, but ok).  Your post said you went to 6 pharmacies and they didn't have, which had to mean that they were stupid.  Nothing to do with the nationwide shortage, they were just stupid.  Isn't that just a little over the top?  Nevermind.

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My Thai neighbor speaks decent English, but her pronunciation is horrific. When I finally figure out what she is trying to say, I answer her and also tell her how to pronounce it correctly, as she has asked me to help her with her English.


Unfortunately, this train only runs one direction. When I attempt to speak some Thai with her, she looks at me with this strange look on her face & just sits there. I can figure out what she is trying to say but she has NO CLUE or even the desire to try to figure out what I am attempting to say.


My attitude, for the last 5 years or so, is why bother to speak Thai. They don't understand or even try to understand unless you say everything 100% correctly. I know enough Thai to get through a day in town. I'm not interested in learning more as it's a waste of time.

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Sorry ...I forgot to answer the OP's question.


Mai Mee is my most despised Thai expression. Can not is # 2.


Example - I was in Makro. I asked the lady that I know to be the manager of the vegetable department if they have romaine lettuce. There is none in the usual location & I can see containers of just delivered produce in the back through the glass in the swinging doors. Immediately she says 'Mai Mee." In disgust I walk out knowing there is probably 2 or 3 plastic bins of romaine in the stack, but GOD forbid she should look.


Anyway, I'm walking out & not 2 meters from where we were standing, there is romaine lettuce.


Can not is # 2....Can not means I don't want to. it does not mean they can not comply with a request. They can, if they wanted to...they just don't want to. It's like there is an unwritten rule here that WE WILL NOT provide customer service, especially if the customer requests it.


It's a good thing that farangs are not allowed to buy, much less carry guns in Thailand.

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20 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

What is all this raciest rubbish?!! 


Can I start a thread for


'Expressions from Americans that really raise my blood pressure'??




That would be slightly out of place on this site, wouldn't it?

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20 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

What is all this raciest rubbish?!! 


Can I start a thread for


'Expressions from Americans that really raise my blood pressure'??



This is just SOP Standard Operating Procedure here, bashing Thais and Thailand.  Just unhappy people spewing garbage about Thais.  Sometimes I wonder what kind of worms are eating their brains and what possess them to stay here.


I'm American and I've countered many of the posts about corruption in Thailand, I know a different topic. Although I've pretty much given up wasting  time on such exchanges being a complete waste of time. However the USA's corruption makes Thailands look sophomoric.  The list is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.


What raises my blood pressure, not really though.  More just bewildering and fascinating.  Are the "9 month pregnant" guys wearing speedos on Beach Road swiggin' beer and talking/yelling at their mates with shit flying out of their mouths.


Or the "beached" female whales in their hot bikinis that can barely make it up the stairs from the beach to the road.  One pictures worth a thousand words.


I'll take Thais and Thailand any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  "Love it or leave it."

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3 hours ago, Tagaa said:

My Thai neighbor speaks decent English, but her pronunciation is horrific. When I finally figure out what she is trying to say, I answer her and also tell her how to pronounce it correctly, as she has asked me to help her with her English.


Unfortunately, this train only runs one direction. When I attempt to speak some Thai with her, she looks at me with this strange look on her face & just sits there. I can figure out what she is trying to say but she has NO CLUE or even the desire to try to figure out what I am attempting to say.


My attitude, for the last 5 years or so, is why bother to speak Thai. They don't understand or even try to understand unless you say everything 100% correctly. I know enough Thai to get through a day in town. I'm not interested in learning more as it's a waste of time.

I think your right about learning more Thai being a waste of time.  However I'm fascinated by both the culture and language of Thais.  So I continue to put a little effort in.  Good work out for the brain too.  Now doing crossword puzzles, that's a waste of time.

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10 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

If you could find it yourself, why are you bothering the staff? Can't you see they're busy with their phones?

When I walk into a super store I am usually pounced on by a zillion folk with uniforms....Me being polite I try and source the uniform who understands me, Well that is their job.....IF they say "No Hab", I am very polite and drift off to scan isles..

I am happy to scan.....

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3 hours ago, Tagaa said:

Sorry ...I forgot to answer the OP's question.


Mai Mee is my most despised Thai expression. Can not is # 2.


Example - I was in Makro. I asked the lady that I know to be the manager of the vegetable department if they have romaine lettuce. There is none in the usual location & I can see containers of just delivered produce in the back through the glass in the swinging doors. Immediately she says 'Mai Mee." In disgust I walk out knowing there is probably 2 or 3 plastic bins of romaine in the stack, but GOD forbid she should look.


Anyway, I'm walking out & not 2 meters from where we were standing, there is romaine lettuce.


Can not is # 2....Can not means I don't want to. it does not mean they can not comply with a request. They can, if they wanted to...they just don't want to. It's like there is an unwritten rule here that WE WILL NOT provide customer service, especially if the customer requests it.


It's a good thing that farangs are not allowed to buy, much less carry guns in Thailand.

I've gotta ask, seriously, how do you get from buying produce to wanting to blow someone away!?  Seriously are you on "medication?"

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