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Alternative to Thailand??? HELP PLEASE!!!


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Hi all:


I was about ready to start explore the world again and travel, to find a new place to live, after 20+ years in  Thailand. This was 2 years ago, when I got dignosed with lung cancer and was ready to leave this planet. After a few surgeries etc. I am quite OK. and still around, unfortunately still no wiser where to go to.

My time is limited and major travels might be hard.

Many of you guys have been around the world, my experience is limited to FL, Brasil, some places in Europe, Cambodia, Malaysia, PP & Thailand.

Looking for a place not in the EU, not under US-tax laws and with reasonable retirement visa options. I need:

- Sun, but don't need to be hot all year round

- Good medical in reach for regular check-ups, have top-insurance

- Clean sea for swimming and fishing and boating

- Clean air and nature, the more tropical/exotic the better

- Love animals and dogs

- Option to buy home in my name, up to 400K$ and near sea

- I prefer a place that is at least seasonally touristy, just better atmopshere

- Nice to have some nightlife, but no need Pattaya-excesses anymore


etc. etc.


Been looking at Panama, some Carribbean islands, Columbia, back to Brasil?, Bahamas, would love FL, but impssible with their ww.-taxation laws, Ecuador????

Would like to stay within 5-8K$ for my monthly budget, after initial expenses of moving and setting up shop. Would not mind starting another business for the last 

success in my life, can't just sit around and am very! active. I am not worried about starting new and am very flexible and adaptable. Speaking E. German, Portuguese, Basic

Spanish & French and would learn fast.


Any feedback very much appreciated!



Regards.   MS>





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Been looking at Panama, some Carribbean islands, Columbia, back to Brasil?, Bahamas, would love FL, but impssible with their ww.-taxation laws, Ecuador????

Would like to stay within 5-8K$ for my monthly budget,



I've been to some 89 countries now.  Still looking for that perfect place to retire.  So far, I can't find anything that beats Thailand.  But, it all depends on what you are looking for.  Panama is OK.  We spent a few weeks there cruising around.  Nice, but crime is a very big issue.  And weather can be an issue.  Just like in Costa Rica.  The "green" season sees a lot of rain and many leave at that time of year.


Caribbean islands are great, but many are very expensive.  And prone to hurricanes.  The most economical would be Dominican Republic.  I've been reading some great things about Columbia.  They are really making a comeback there.  Brazil has some great places to live, especially the NE part.  Again, crime is a huge issue there.  Ecuador is OK, but again, crime is a very big problem and the roads are quite dangerous.


You've got enough money, so no issues there.  My recommendation would be to go to Panama, cruise around for a few weeks, fly to Columbia, check it out, head over to a few islands after that, then maybe down to Brazil.  You'd figure out pretty quickly if these places are for you.  And it'd be a heck of a trip!

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13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Been looking at Panama, some Carribbean islands, Columbia, back to Brasil?, Bahamas, would love FL, but impssible with their ww.-taxation laws, Ecuador????

Would like to stay within 5-8K$ for my monthly budget,



I've been to some 89 countries now.  Still looking for that perfect place to retire.  So far, I can't find anything that beats Thailand.  But, it all depends on what you are looking for.  Panama is OK.  We spent a few weeks there cruising around.  Nice, but crime is a very big issue.  And weather can be an issue.  Just like in Costa Rica.  The "green" season sees a lot of rain and many leave at that time of year.


Caribbean islands are great, but many are very expensive.  And prone to hurricanes.  The most economical would be Dominican Republic.  I've been reading some great things about Columbia.  They are really making a comeback there.  Brazil has some great places to live, especially the NE part.  Again, crime is a huge issue there.  Ecuador is OK, but again, crime is a very big problem and the roads are quite dangerous.


You've got enough money, so no issues there.  My recommendation would be to go to Panama, cruise around for a few weeks, fly to Columbia, check it out, head over to a few islands after that, then maybe down to Brazil.  You'd figure out pretty quickly if these places are for you.  And it'd be a heck of a trip!

Why haven't you tried Eastern Europe? I've heard great things about Slovenia http://www.liveandinvestoverseas.com/lifestyle/ljubljana-slovenia-haven-for-retirement.html

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I've been to every Eastern European country except Slovenia! LOL  I was headed there a few months ago, but just got too cold.  I'm headed back probably in mid May or so.  I love Eastern Europe.  Quite inexpensive, great beer, good infrastructure....but....it gets COLD!!!! LOL

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I would add Sri Lanka and the Philippines to the list. English is widely spoken in both and both have proper hill stations with a cooler climate just a few hours drive from beaches and major cities. A good and accessible hill station is seriously missing in Thailand.

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32 minutes ago, my friend I said:

Costa Rica



Costa Rica is fine, as is Ecuador and COLOMBIA (it is COLOMBIA and not COLUMBIA for heaven's sake! Columbia is in the US!).

Brazil is too crime-ridden unless you decide to live at Blumenau, for example.

If I had the chance to choose nowadays, I would live in Colombia.

In 2001, I had to make a decision between Thailand and Colombia, and due to security issues, I chose Thailand. Been to Colombia again in 2014, and things have improved dramatically in Colombia and I wonder if I have made the right decision. But as we know, the grass is always greener on the other side so I gotta be happy with what I have....

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Costa Rica is more closer to US style than other South and Central-American countries.


I loved Colombia. The people were great and they speak clear Spanish. Cartagena or Santa Marta. Barranquilla is too busy for my taste.

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I would second Sri Lanka, one of the few places where actually own/buy a house outright under your name and the people are genuinely warm, friendly and happy to see you. No seedy night life (that I have seen) but very cheap to buy food and in general people don't hassle you.

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9 minutes ago, abhaya said:

I would second Sri Lanka, one of the few places where actually own/buy a house outright under your name and the people are genuinely warm, friendly and happy to see you. No seedy night life (that I have seen) but very cheap to buy food and in general people don't hassle you.

Just don't mention the Tamil Tigers

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I've been to every Eastern European country except Slovenia! LOL  I was headed there a few months ago, but just got too cold.  I'm headed back probably in mid May or so.  I love Eastern Europe.  Quite inexpensive, great beer, good infrastructure....but....it gets COLD!!!! LOL

I'm going to Serbia next week. Interestingly Google shows the cost of living to be 25% cheaper than thailand. I know that it's cheap as have large family there.. Very poor

I personally can't wait to rip the top off a 1 kilo can of Bulgarian fetta cheese and gorge on quality deli food and wine at a fraction of the cost here

Good option is to spend 3 seasons in any east European country there and head for thailand in winter although most travel writers recommend East Europe in winter.. So pretty and brilliant if you ski

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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America is still the best choice and you have enough $$ for it, even Hawaii.  No income tax in Florida, Texas, Nevada. Lots of people over the past years have headed to Colorado and Utah.....Mesquite, Nevada or near there could be up your alley.  If it's too hot there move over to Carson City area.  I would love a place in N. California around or near Mendocino or Eureka.  Taxes are no problem, get a good CPA and let them worry about it.


I've always wanted to live around the Caribbean but the wife won't go for it so I'm stuck here where I can't speak the language.....well, worse places to be.  Puerto Rico, Belize, Cabo are choices as might be nearly any of South America. I have a neighbor who is from Ecuador....his father can't stay away from it but he and his brother prefer Asia.   Lots of Pacific Ocean venues;  Hawaii, Tahiti and the Solomon Islands, the Marianas etc.  Then there is Italy, Spain , Sweden and neighbors, Switzerland.......the list is endless.   Good luck and congrats on beating the Cancer.  Had my fling with it in 2002, but not terribly serious.

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23 minutes ago, pieeyed said:

South Africa

High crime rate and visas that can be a problem, but cheap, diverse, easy to settle in from a language side and beautiful. Unfortunately the Rand depreciate/fluctuate dramatically which makes longterm planning difficult, inflation is also running close to 7%. With a pending ratings downgrade that can depreciate the Rand and ANC leadership struggle coming it is not a good move know. 

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Thank you to everybody and the great feedback. Pl. keep it coming.:jap:

A few answers, points: Used to live and do busisness in FL, loved it and should have never left 20 years ago. Big regrets there. Should have stayed and travelled once in a while.

USA today, even as non-American they can and will tax me for my ww. income after 183 days......

Brasil, I know well, lived in Rio, Recife & Fortalezza for 5 yrs. and am still pretty fluent in Portuguese. 

Portugal, an option, yes. Maybe slightly too cool, but good balance with touristy & non-touristy seasonal changes and great nature and very friendly population and quite affordable. Eu tax implications might be a problem.

Colombia is the one I hear most good things from friends and travellers, great advise by Craigt, who seems to be a very experienced traveller,  & yes, Panama is also on the radar.

Philippines I know well and have many friends there. Poverty, crime and now Gov. killings......stopped going there 2 years ago, as nice a time I used to have. 

Sri Lanka, been there once as a young guy, liked it to a apoint, but looked at it differently back then. Musty investigate more. THX.

SA, been told by friends is fantastic, will dig a bit deeper there. THX.


I dream about living my remaining time in a pleasant place with good people, love the boating/yachting/fishing communities. Absolutely adore and am very good with dogs and animals. Love the sea. I am rather modest and used to solve 3rd. world problems of pretty much any kind. Not worried about packing for the last time in my life and start new. But will keep my condo in Pattaya until a decision is made, also this town is pretty far from my dreams these days.


Thank you again for taking the time sending me ideas and advise.  Have a nice weekend.  MS>


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