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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

She'd look better if she smiled every once in a while.  A comment made by my wife while she was watching the inauguration last night.

Unless one is smiling all the time, it's never enough for Thais. 

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:


Good on you Craig. I can't understand why most Americans don't wish him luck now he's the POTUS, after all if America in fact does become a better country, isn't that a good thing?

He was soooo abusive during the elections that many are turned off to him.  And as you know, most did not vote for him.  If he stopped with the ridiculous tweets, his approval ratings would go up.


And yes, if he does help America to be a better country, and a better global citizen, then great!  I can easily live with the abuse then.  LOL

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58 minutes ago, uptheos said:
1 hour ago, sujoop said:


'Donald Trump said his inauguration will have "unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout".

Indications suggest that his hopes were greatly dashed...

Melania is probably long used to hearing 'HUUUGE' promises and going to sleep snickering. Similarly huuuge talkin' Trump supporters with will say their collective dumbed-down short-comings 'just don't matter', meanwhile the rest of us are just trying not to laugh while grimacing.


Laugh all you want he is the president of all Americans for the next four years, laugh that one off.


Kinda like this fella -




Also reminiscent of insecure, underachieving rednecks who blame their shortcomings on everything but themselves. For the likes of Trump and Farage, 'winning'  is as easy as shootin' simpletons in a barrel...




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1 hour ago, Kiwiken said:

Well as I recall it was the USA that pressured the World to Globalise and open up Trade and remove barriers. I am pretty sure the USA always said "You first" but still cannot compete

I believe the US is competing quite well.  #2 economy in the world?  Not bad.  Must be doing something right.

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We live in interesting times. I'm not really interested in partisan banter. My wealth is mainly in dollars although I have diversified to some extent, I want Trump to be successful. I want less wars of choice as war is the worst choice any leader can make, unless you face an imminent existential threat, in which case it becomes the least bad option. I want more good well paying jobs for folk in the States, more jobs from making things. I couldn't care less about GDP growth because the profits from growth have not been shared with workers sine 1970, this has to change…when productivity and profits go up wages must go up as well so that we can restore hope among the majority of Americans.


Globalization has been fabulous for the top 5% of the world's elite. It has done nothing for the man in the street who has seen his job off-shored to China, Thailand and Mexico. Certainly workers in China Thailand and Mexico have seen better wages and working conditions since foreign investments became a major plank of their economic success, but the poorer workers of the developed nations are the people who have lost wages in real terms to pay for the offshoring.


So no more wars of choice and lets bring some decent jobs back stateside. If he achieves this he'll be a winner in my eyes.

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56 minutes ago, oslooskar said:


One need only look to Europe to see what the globalist's open borders policy is doing to Western Civilization. No Thanks!

The US is a nation of immigrants.  And it's turned out quite well.


Luckily, with the exception of the southern border, it's well insulated from migrants, so relatively easy to manage that.  Yes, Europe has a huge issue with this now.  But, with regards to a global economy, no escaping that now...and no going back.

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Which outsourcing was/is the result of wild, unrestrained capitalism, which is what Republicans do best.
All in the name of freedom of course.

In the name of the God Hayak, the invisible hand that anoints the blessed and condemns the poor. The new Sun Kings deserving to rule by the mere existence of their superior capital accumulation. Trump had brought on board, into his cabinet, many of these newly anointed Hayak gods. Woe is us, members of the lowly rabble.

Happy Trails
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Having been born in the U.S. I am more ashamed and embarrassed - and pissed off - about the character and naivety of the American people who voted for this dictator.

How elitist of you to label someone with a different opinion 'naive'.

This is why the left lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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15 minutes ago, TerrylSky said:

Having been born in the U.S. I am more ashamed and embarrassed - and pissed off - about the character and naivety of the American people who voted for this dictator.


  Are you serious ?

He isnt a dictator .

Do you think that he really is a dictator, or was you just using strong words that do not fit the purpose ?

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14 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Of course Obama & Clinton team did so well for all Americans

That seems to be something trumpist bullies say a lot. Taunting, insulting, tinged with homophobic and misogynic tones. It's not surprising. trump himself is a BULLY and he encourages his rabid supporters to act like him. Nothing new in history with moronic self destructive authoritarian populist movements in history from the left and the right, but in this case, it's from the right.


Anyway, we're not talking about Obama and Clinton now. We're talking about the newly installed man baby authoritarian demagogue.


It's not really surprising that international leaders see in trump a new kind of American president unlike any American president they've seen in recent times, though he does harken back a bit to Teddy Roosevelt. trump is in the same league now as Putin, Chavez, Assad, and Duterte. Basically -- HORRIFYING.

Edited by Jingthing
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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That seems to be something trumpist bullies say a lot. Taunting, insulting, tinged with homophobic and misogynic tones.


7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

We're talking about the newly installed man baby authoritarian demagogue.


You're pretty free with the insulting tones, yourself.

Edited by rijb
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That seems to be something trumpist bullies say a lot. Taunting, insulting, tinged with homophobic and misogynic tones. 


Anyway, we're not talking about Obama and Clinton now. We're talking about the newly installed man baby authoritarian demagogue.


   So hypocritical , accusing others of being insulting , then finish off with insults  yourself 

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Just now, rijb said:



You're pretty free with the insulting tones yourself.

Defending against a bully president and the hordes of bully supporters is what that is about. When they talk about the end of P.C. what they really mean is OPEN SEASON on all minorities and all dissenters against trump's absurdly flawed hyper-nationalism. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Defending against a bully president and the hordes of bully supporters is what that is about. When they talk about the end of P.C. what they really mean is OPEN SEASON on all minorities and all dissenters against trump's absurdly flawed hyper-nationalism. 


Have you been bullied yet?

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I'm British, so have no right to voice an opinion one way or the other but just a short time ago there was Brexit. Now whatever your politics, it's done and time to get on and do the best you can but...President Trump and Brexit in a short time? Wonder what the third 'shake up' in the world will be?

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

I'm British, so have no right to voice an opinion one way or the other but just a short time ago there was Brexit. Now whatever your politics, it's done and time to get on and do the best you can but...President Trump and Brexit in a short time? Wonder what the third 'shake up' in the world will be?


You are absolutely right, just get on with the job.

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

I'm British, so have no right to voice an opinion one way or the other but just a short time ago there was Brexit. Now whatever your politics, it's done and time to get on and do the best you can but...President Trump and Brexit in a short time? Wonder what the third 'shake up' in the world will be?


The Queen is pregnant.  And Putin is the father.

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26 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:
38 minutes ago, TerrylSky said:
Having been born in the U.S. I am more ashamed and embarrassed - and pissed off - about the character and naivety of the American people who voted for this dictator.


How elitist of you to label someone with a different opinion 'naive'.

This is why the left lost.



Actually, some 'elitists' are indeed cheering Trump on and dumbed-down Trump fan-boys know no shame:

One of comrade Trump's key quotes: 'Putin's not going into Ukraine'

Today: Russian political elites revel in Trump’s inauguration


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2 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

I'm British, so have no right to voice an opinion one way or the other but just a short time ago there was Brexit. Now whatever your politics, it's done and time to get on and do the best you can but...President Trump and Brexit in a short time? Wonder what the third 'shake up' in the world will be?

Maybe France electing that fascist lady. 

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2 hours ago, lungnorm said:

None of you overweight beer swilling brain dead ferang's have any qualifications to back up your thoughts. 


We have US passports.  That's all the qualifications we need to participate in the process.  For good or for bad.


In fact, even the passport isn't required.  Just citizenship.

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7 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


The context of the "America First" phrase, when it was uttered by Lindbergh prior to the entrance of the USA to WWII, is completely irrelevant to its use as a phrase opposing the policies of "globalization" which exist today.  In the current context, it expresses Trump's recognition of the damage done to American Citizens by globalist-policies.  These sort of "same phrase" stories are only effective to the extent that the general population is ignorant about history and context.  Ironically, they are often promulgated by the same people who criticize Trump for not being precise enough with his language and policy prescriptions.  


"Globalism" would be a more apt association to make with "Hitlerian" philosophy - not Nationalism.  Hitler's "nationalist" rhetoric was race-based - not "nation" based, and was hypocritical, to boot.  Hitler behaved as a conqueror of other nations - depriving them of national-liberty.  This deprivation of liberty, and concentration of power further from the people, is exactly what the policies of Globalism accomplish - the very antithesis of nationalism.   The trans-pacific partnership - now dead, thanks to Trump - is a perfect example of shifting power into fewer, more distant, and less-accountable hands.


In opposing "globalism" in his speech, Trump stated, "We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world -- but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.  We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow."  This is in direct opposition to the philosophy of the Neo-Con, Bi-partisan, Globalist Tag-Team which has run the US Government for decades.


As well, Trump's idea of nationalism is in no way "race-based," as Hitler's was, because American culture is multiracial ( note that "race" is a made-up term, based on long-discredited pseudo-science).  Again, from Trump's speech, "At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.  When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."  This is consistent with the perspectives of most business-people, who think in terms of talent and ability, because those are the aspects of people which matter to the success of a business.

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I've just read this

' Trump reinstalled a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which was last removed from the office in 2009, when Obama made room for the busts of...' is that a sign of things to come?

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