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Singer Madonna defends 'blowing up the White House' remark


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Just now, ttthailand said:

And Ted should also keep his opinions to himself.

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Actually Ted has every right to express his opinion and due to his "fame" the media will likely report it. But just as with the Madonna opinion, it should be taken in both the context it was expressed and with a grain of salt due to the source. 



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1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

Madonna has a filthy mouth and should have been dragged off the stage. How can the left let someone on a stage address women and children and say what she did... you also had the Hillary rap concert awhile back using the N and F words every time they opened their mouths. I am not right wing but if this is the way the left conduct themselves perhaps Right is the correct way to go.
I have stopped watching a few shows and stopped listening to a few singers as they can't stay in the middle. I don't want some moron telling me how I should think. I think boycott those who are in the entertainment industry who can't keep their mouths shut, right and left !

This is an example of concern trolling. Someone who claims to be politically neutral but actually is not. If you want to keep on pursuing this course, I suggest you make your content unavailable  because what I've read of it sounds pretty right wing.

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This is an example of concern trolling. Someone who claims to be politically neutral but actually is not. If you want to keep on pursuing this course, I suggest you make your content unavailable  because what I've read of it sounds pretty right wing.

If you read my posts over the last year you would have seen that I was a Bernie supporter. So read again !!!
You are the same as CNN twisting and making up the facts to fit your own agenda.

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1 minute ago, ttthailand said:

If you read my posts over the last year you would have seen that I was a Bernie supporter. So read again !!!
You are the same as CNN twisting and making up the facts to fit your own agenda.

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Really? You are a Sanders supporter yet you contend corporations are mostly left wing? Huh?

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Really? You are a Sanders supporter yet you contend corporations are mostly left wing? Huh?

I believe in change as the system for the last 30 years has been about legalizing corruption. Hillary is in the pocket of corporations and wall street as are too many others in government. Bernie and Trump agree on some of the major issues, ending TPP, rebuilding infer structure and others. The middle class has declined and the wages are not keeping up. We need change period !

Now that is my position now and has been since the beginning !

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I believe in change as the system for the last 30 years has been about legalizing corruption. Hillary is in the pocket of corporations and wall street as are too many others in government. Bernie and Trump agree on some of the major issues, ending TPP, rebuilding infer structure and others. The middle class has declined and the wages are not keeping up. We need change period !
Now that is my position now and has been since the beginning !
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You think Obama and Clinton were against infrastructure spending increases? Because if you do that is incorrect. It has been republican party policy to block that.
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1 minute ago, ttthailand said:

I believe in change as the system for the last 30 years has been about legalizing corruption. Hillary is in the pocket of corporations and wall street as are too many others in government. Bernie and Trump agree on some of the major issues, TPP, rebuilding infer structure and others. The middle class has declined and the wages are not keeping up. We need change period !
Now that is my position now and has been since the beginning !

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Hillary was opposed to TTP. If you actually bothered to do just a little bit of research on Trump's so called infrastructure plan, it's basically a giveaway to contractors. 82 percent of their costs will be covered by tax abatements. And the projects they build will come with toll booths. In other words privatization. And the poorer you are, the greater the burden from tolls. And it's Trump who is against rises in the minimum wage. And if he gets his way, 30 million Americans will lose their insurance.

And you want change like burning more coal?  Deregulating the hedge funds and big banks?  Huge tax cuts for the wealthy?  Extreme right wing Supreme Court Justices?

How can you be so gullible?

And you still haven't explained how you can justify calling corporations left wing.

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On 23/01/2017 at 2:37 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Whereas a guy who speaks about grabbing women by the p***y is a basically honorable gentleman.

Well it certainly doesn't make that man dishonourable.   Show me a man who claims he has never said anything vulgar about women or a woman and I'll show you a liar.   Many women do the same thing when it comes to men and it doesn't make them dishonourable either.

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29 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

Well it certainly doesn't make that man dishonourable.   Show me a man who claims he has never said anything vulgar about women or a woman and I'll show you a liar.   Many women do the same thing when it comes to men and it doesn't make them dishonourable either.

It wasn't that it was vulgar. It's that he's boasting of assaulting women.

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Well it certainly doesn't make that man dishonourable.   Show me a man who claims he has never said anything vulgar about women or a woman and I'll show you a liar.   Many women do the same thing when it comes to men and it doesn't make them dishonourable either.

Bragging about being a serial sexual predator is extremely dishonorable. You'd have to be very naive or a brainwashed trumpist to believe he didn't actually commit many of those unwanted assaults. He's a pervert. Shame on Americans for elevating a sorry excuse for a human being as president.
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On 1/23/2017 at 0:08 PM, ezzra said:

A tart is a tart, no matter how she speaks and what she sings...

for the women how made her fame and money whoring herself naked and provocation

throughout her years has no right to speak, a moral compass she's not,

and beside all the choice words were already spoken in the

What do you think of Madonna telling Trump to "Suck a D***?" topic.

She is the same bitch that promised a blowjob to anyone that voted for Hillary.


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Hillary was opposed to TTP. If you actually bothered to do just a little bit of research on Trump's so called infrastructure plan, it's basically a giveaway to contractors. 82 percent of their costs will be covered by tax abatements. And the projects they build will come with toll booths. In other words privatization. And the poorer you are, the greater the burden from tolls. And it's Trump who is against rises in the minimum wage. And if he gets his way, 30 million Americans will lose their insurance.

And you want change like burning more coal?  Deregulating the hedge funds and big banks?  Huge tax cuts for the wealthy?  Extreme right wing Supreme Court Justices?

How can you be so gullible?

And you still haven't explained how you can justify calling corporations left wing.

Hillary supported TPP until she discovered that Bernie was eating her lunch and then took in the entire Bernie platform in order to look half way respectable. Do your homework !

And you can thank Bill Clinton for the bank deregulation.

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9 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

i hope she goes to jail as a terrorist


Did you actually listen to her speech, or just listen to Fox/Breitbart tell you what she said? Here's the section everyone's talking about:


Madonna: "yes, I am angry. yes I am outraged. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the WH. But I know that this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." Then she quoted Auden: " 'we must love one another, or die'  I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me 'we choose love' " and led the crowd in chanting "we chose love" again and again.


Does that sound like a terrorist to you?


The  part I've transcribed above begins at about  4:07



The  right wing sites like to edit out the part after "blow up the WH" 

this is how they deceive the rubes.

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3 hours ago, ttthailand said:

Hillary supported TPP until she discovered that Bernie was eating her lunch and then took in the entire Bernie platform in order to look half way respectable. Do your homework !

And you can thank Bill Clinton for the bank deregulation.

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And you can thank Barack Obama and the Democrats for Dodd Frank.  You know, the bill that the big banks and the hedge funds hate. The one that's stopping them from giving the USA a repeat performance of 2008.  And given your evident and massive ignorance, no doubt you'll be thanking Donald Trump when he gets it repealed. A thing he and the Republicans have vowed to do.

And if you were interested in facts - which clearly you are not - you would know that Democrats in the Senate voted against financial deregulation during the Clinton Presidency by a vote of 43-1. It was the Republican controlled Senate that made its passage possible.

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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Did you actually listen to her speech, or just listen to Fox/Breitbart tell you what she said? Here's the section everyone's talking about:


Madonna: "yes, I am angry. yes I am outraged. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the WH. But I know that this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." Then she quoted Auden: " 'we must love one another, or die'  I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me 'we choose love' " and led the crowd in chanting "we chose love" again and again.


Does that sound like a terrorist to you?


The  part I've transcribed above begins at about  4:07



The  right wing sites like to edit out the part after "blow up the WH" 

this is how they deceive the rubes.

I thought I knew better than to trust any right wing version of events.  Anyway, thanks for setting the record straight.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

I thought I knew better than to trust any right wing version of events.  Anyway, thanks for setting the record straight.

'I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House'.  Well Really now!  'But........' blah, blah, blah.' So that's alright then.

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6 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

'I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House'.  Well Really now!  'But........' blah, blah, blah.' So that's alright then.

The right wing was characterizing it as a threat. Clearly 

"yes, I am angry. yes I am outraged. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the WH. But I know that this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." Then she quoted Auden: " 'we must love one another, or die'  I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me 'we choose love' "

is absolutely not a  threat.

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29 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

'I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House'.  Well Really now!  'But........' blah, blah, blah.' So that's alright then.


So I guess we can agree that Trump needs to be in an institution because he once said "My I.Q. is one" 





*actual quote complete quote:

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”

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39 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


So I guess we can agree that Trump needs to be in an institution because he once said "My I.Q. is one" 





*actual quote complete quote:

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”

A basic understanding of sentence construction will have that example marked as a High School grade F.

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49 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The right wing was characterizing it as a threat. Clearly 

"yes, I am angry. yes I am outraged. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the WH. But I know that this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." Then she quoted Auden: " 'we must love one another, or die'  I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me 'we choose love' "

is absolutely not a  threat.

Its a great relief for us all to discover that even though Madonna says she thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House (the fact that she wants to tell us that she thought about it at all makes her a self-promoting dimwit) she decided it wasn't a good idea. Opportunist rubbish from beginning to end.

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Madonna telling to blow up the White House is unacceptable and IMO a criminal act, she should be sentenced to at least a symbolic fine for that.


In general, I think what is going on in the US at the moment is over the top. Why don't all the Trump-haters just wait it out? It's only 4 years.


The United States are a federation of states with an electoral college - if you americans don't like it then change it at the next opportunity, but in the meanwhile I have a pretty bad opinion of the protesters - there has been a free and fair election and when it didn't turn out in their favor, there is talk about resistance, blowing up the white house, etc.

sore losers.


Then, I wonder how many of the protesters have actually been to vote?

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3 hours ago, manarak said:

Madonna telling to blow up the White House is unacceptable and IMO a criminal act, she should be sentenced to at least a symbolic fine for that.


In general, I think what is going on in the US at the moment is over the top. Why don't all the Trump-haters just wait it out? It's only 4 years.


The United States are a federation of states with an electoral college - if you americans don't like it then change it at the next opportunity, but in the meanwhile I have a pretty bad opinion of the protesters - there has been a free and fair election and when it didn't turn out in their favor, there is talk about resistance, blowing up the white house, etc.

sore losers.


Then, I wonder how many of the protesters have actually been to vote?

Listen to her words in context.

There isn't talk of blowing up the white house if you take a minute with the context.

This wasn't a normal election and we don't have a normal president. We have a mentally bizarre president who is endangering the entire planet. A massive amount of DAMAGE can be done by such a loose cannon president in four years. Waiting for the next election (if there is one that is) is not going to cut it. That, bottom line, is why there needs to be a resistance movement, and indeed, there is one and it is growing and it will persist. Because trump will never pivot, he will never change. trump is trump and he seriously comes off as a nutcase. Just today he forced his press representative to announce that trump believes there were FIVE MILLION fraudulent voters in the election based on "evidence" that DOES NOT EXIST. We have entered something truly shocking and scary now in the USA and it does impact the world. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Its a great relief for us all to discover that even though Madonna says she thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House (the fact that she wants to tell us that she thought about it at all makes her a self-promoting dimwit) she decided it wasn't a good idea. Opportunist rubbish from beginning to end.

But not a threat.

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17 hours ago, Savilesghost said:

This is the thing, the left is the new right, and the old right is now center...LOL confused you soon will be 

Please explain how the left is the new right. What exactly do you mean? LOL I think you may be the confused one.



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7 hours ago, manarak said:

Madonna telling to blow up the White House is unacceptable and IMO a criminal act, she should be sentenced to at least a symbolic fine for that.


In general, I think what is going on in the US at the moment is over the top. Why don't all the Trump-haters just wait it out? It's only 4 years.


The United States are a federation of states with an electoral college - if you americans don't like it then change it at the next opportunity, but in the meanwhile I have a pretty bad opinion of the protesters - there has been a free and fair election and when it didn't turn out in their favor, there is talk about resistance, blowing up the white house, etc.

sore losers.


Then, I wonder how many of the protesters have actually been to vote?

Do you have dyslexia? Because that would be the only excuse for your characterization of her words.  She did not do anything like "telling to blow up the White House."

Here again is what she said:

"yes, I am angry. yes I am outraged. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the WH. But I know that this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." Then she quoted Auden: " 'we must love one another, or die'  I choose love. Are you with me? Say this with me 'we choose love' "


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