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Trump's spokesman promises reporters 'never to lie'


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On 1/27/2017 at 0:13 PM, elgordo38 said:

Like the series "Breaking Bad" you can see where this is going. The division and the delusion are just starting. 

Your like bar is not working sooo here is another one. Yes the d & d parts are right. Bannon is like an information octopus trying to get his alternate truth tentacles around as many people as he can. He is like a fruit stand seller trying to sell you substandard fruit. Even cleaning the guy up a bit would not make much of a difference. 

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10 hours ago, optad said:

We are dealing with a powerful person with serious personality defects

I think you hit the nail on the head with this statement. Doe his fitness tests which I presume are a scheduled affair contain a  psychological evaluation or is that deemed none important?

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16 hours ago, Opl said:

Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway faced ridicule on Friday after she used a TV interview to invent a terrorist attack that never happened, before criticising the media for failing to cover it.

Kellyanne Conway justified the anti-immigration decree of Donald Trump by the "Bowling Green Massacre." Problem: there was no massacre at Bowling Green.






It may be too soon to dwell on this "tragedy"? We need to time to grieve.


As an aside, Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg are rumored to be in pre-production for the thrilling film on this massacre.

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1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:


It may be too soon to dwell on this "tragedy"? We need to time to grieve.


As an aside, Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg are rumored to be in pre-production for the thrilling film on this massacre.

Everybody  has an off day. 

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


It may be too soon to dwell on this "tragedy"? We need to time to grieve.


As an aside, Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg are rumored to be in pre-production for the thrilling film on this massacre.

There was no massacre so there is nothing to grieve but government stupidity in high alert. When you mish mash bullshit with the truth sometimes the wrong thing pops out. 

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12 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I think they need to start attending these intelligence briefs.


Trump and his cohorts are now trying to pin the blame for the botched Yemen raid on Obama. I cannot wait for the GOP and Trey Gowdy to set up an investigation. perhaps they can call it Yemghazi.

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58 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Radical Moose Lambs...Melissa McCarthy savages Sean Spicer in what is easily the best skit in a long, long time.





That is absolutely fantastic!  I'm still laughing...but worried it's too close to the truth! LOL

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Well if Streep is an over rated actress then Melissa McCarthy is a bloody genius! Spicer complained two weeks ago of how SNL were mean in their portrayal of Trump. Well tomorrow he can hold his own. LMAO this is just awesome and so accurate.








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Clearly the spokesman made the promise for himself only and not for Trump. Remember when Trump just recently said that the final touches were being put on his replacement plan for Obamacare?  Now read this:

Trump Says Health Law Replacement May Not Be Ready Until Next Year

 President Trump said in an interview that aired on Sunday that a replacement health care law was not likely to be ready until either the end of this year or in 2018, a major shift from promises by both him and Republican leaders to repeal and replace the law as soon as possible.

“Maybe it’ll take till sometime into next year, but we’re certainly going to be in the process,” Mr. Trump said during an interview with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, after Mr. O’Reilly asked the president whether Americans could “expect a new health care plan rolled out by the Trump administration this year.”



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On 2/5/2017 at 2:20 PM, mtls2005 said:

Send the photo into "Whats My Line" oops sorry that one is history try Jeopardy. I think these daring lads could hardly contain themselves from laughing. How much to get my picture taken with them??

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29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

^^^   What do you mean you think we can't trust white house  Kremlin leaks anymore? 

 Afficher l'image d'origine

HARDLINE supporters of Vladimir Putin held an all-night celebration bash to mark Donald Trump’s inauguration and joked ‘Washington will be ours.’


The party was organised by Konstantin Rykov a former Russian MP affiliated to Putin who is well known as a ‘Kremlin internet propagandist’.He invited his Facebook followers to the event with the comment: “See you in the evening. Washington will be ours.”




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This man is looking for a job in the White House .  He is highly skilled and qualified to work with Trump . I am sure they will be good friends in no time.  


His name is Comical Ali. 





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44 minutes ago, Opl said:

Gee Sean are you two that close?? Guess we all need a shoulder to cry on from time to time. My problem is who is the tear shedder and who is the comforter between you and the Donald. 

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SNL's influence...on POTUS


Trump can’t quit his “SNL” habit, and it’s threatening Sean Spicer’s job security.

“Trump, a voracious consumer of cable news, has been known to critique aides and surrogates for their appearances. After Spicer’s press briefings, the president has told his spokesman that he’s unhappy about specific answers or his demeanor."


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9 hours ago, Opl said:

SNL's influence...on POTUS


Trump can’t quit his “SNL” habit, and it’s threatening Sean Spicer’s job security.

“Trump, a voracious consumer of cable news, has been known to critique aides and surrogates for their appearances. After Spicer’s press briefings, the president has told his spokesman that he’s unhappy about specific answers or his demeanor."


Once you know the boss is unhappy with you its downhill from there on out. 

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Capture d'écran du Facebook de Richard DeAgazio. C4joHSgWYAEtQbq.jpg:largeC4j7yPPWEAAGIHZ.jpg


According to witnesses, Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe, at their dinner table,  consulted documents concerning North Korean missile in the light of the flashes of their mobile phones, without a security protocol being put in place.   

Other testimonials prove that other people were in the club at the Restaurant. like Jay Weitzman, also a member of the club who sat three tables away from the head table :




However... Sean Spicer told reporters Trump “was briefed in a [Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility] — a classified room — prior to dinner on the situation in North Korea.” “Then the president was subsequently briefed again in a classified setting after the dinner before they went out and spoke,” Spicer said. “That’s it.” Sean Spicer added only members of the American or Japanese delegations who prepared the logistics for the press conference were present

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The Trump documents set another goal for 2020. By that year, the United States will see “private lunar landers staking out de-facto ‘property rights’ for America on the moon.” Claiming any sovereignty of the moon is a violation of the United Nations Outer Space Treaty, the set of principles that govern the use of outer space, and which have been observed by dozens of nations since the late 1960s. 

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