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Why Do I Always Get A 'crotch Rash'?

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Being a northern farang I sweat extensively in LOS.

I change cloths / shower several times per day.

2 large laundry bags per week .. way more 'dirty cloths' than at home.

but, always get a 'crotch rash' from hel_l .. 'always' get a rash within 10 days of landing in Bangkok

this past trip it was a serious rash .. painful & scarlet red from 1/2 up my bum to down my legs!

antibiotic creams & cortisone creams multi times per day for the last 4 weeks of my stay & for another 10 days after returning home .. cleared up 10 days after my cloths returned to my hot water washing machine & Tide + my 'Dial antibiotic (?) liquid bath soap'

my rash 'stung' with soap & the medical creams!

I was 'taken apart' by US customs .. thank goodness I had legit prescriptions for the antibiotic creams & cortisone ...

could it be the laundries do not use hot water?

could it be the laundries use little (/ save on) soap?

.. rely on hand wash abrasion for cleaning? ... my shirts are noticeable 'worn' after a few Thai washings?

drying in the 'humid' air instead of heated drying?

or is hotel soap is for fragrance not cleaning?

in the future I will bring my bath soap with me.

no way I could get the laundry to use more soap .. even if I supplied :o


Are you male or female?

what kind of company do you keep when you are in thailand?

From thence the topic can move forward.


well,what=! You get the folk on the tech support claiming they did "nothing" but suddenly being flooded with dodgy pop-ups etc... I figure, what works on the tech forum, must work on the health one too...

Aie!!! Back to the pub with the wabbit then..



I guess you have "jock itch" which is a is a fungal infection of the groin region.

I got it too many years ago (I guess from some towels in a student hostel) and whenever I travel to hot places I get the same staff you described.

So far from my experience the best treatment is Lotrimin or Tinactin spray.

You can buy this stuff in any drugstore in the US.

Here is the link for CVS Lotrimin and Tinactin




as I typed below, I realized my situation is of my doing ..

so I need to accept, adapt & adjust

gender & sex preference: I'm a (overtly & loudly professed) heterosexual male that prefers missionary style w/ BGs 1/2 my age (I'm 60) .. 30 - 90 RPM .. 90 - 150 mm stroke w/ a clockwise rotational axis .. :D

& SERIOUS (TERMINAL! :D ) jock itch is probably a good diagnosis

the US wound care spray 'bactine'( my eyes are so bad I cannot read the ingredients) does nothing ..'muporin' & 'synolone-N' w/ cortisone cream from a pharmacy on Soi 11 works.

I do not perspire .. I SWEAT ..

I am a exercise walker .. Soi 11 to Nana to Cowboy to Soi 11 is a typical path

& never take the escalator from the Subway to Asoke or Suk!

never a taxi from cowboy to 33.

or a shopping walk ..

example: walking from the BTS to Phantip will have me more than damp with sweat .. wander Phantip for 45 minutes, walk back to the BTS & now I'm near wet.. back to lower Sukhumvet ...

perhaps have lunch still damp ..

then try load my new Phantip software .. = now I'm HOT & sweaty!

or walk through Lumpini Park .. (a wonderful afternoon w/ camera .. so far from lower Suk

from the 'ferris wheel' Lupini subway stop .. round the lake .. out toward Siam Sq.. & I'm soaked.. dripping ..

sometimes for 3 or 4 hours per day damp .. often, I sweat then partially dry then sweat again .. then partially dry .. then more sweat

= can spend several hours per day with a marinating jock itch culture :D .. on me & in my clothing.

I notice no unusual BO whilst in Bangers. :o

I think it's the cold water cloths washing & 'conservation' of / lack of good cloths washing soap .. + hotel fragrance based 'body gel'

it's the Thai's fault! :D:D

I do not EVER have jock itch at home & exercise outdoors several times per week in the summer .. enough to have my t shirt / shorts soaked.

BUT do shower w/ Dial Antibacterial hand soap' within 20 or 30 minutes of completion .. so stay wet for only 1 - 1.5 hours max

& wash cloths w/ Tide Bleach & HOT water.

anyway .. it's a chronic

& I need to adjust & adapt ..

will travel with the Dial soap in the future .. Is Tide available at Food Land?


From many years working in tropical and extreme heat conditions one of things I quickly learnt was to go without underpants. Let the air flow under your normal trousers or shorts.

I get crotch rot more frequently in Thailand and I believe it’s from the way my clothes are washed. Some laundries don’t rinse the clothes enough to totally rid them of laundry detergent. It’s very noticeable if they’ve been hand washed.

If I start to suffer from crotch rot I find Nappy (Diaper) Rash Cream works very well and clears it up over night.


hi there ,

when i come from aus to thai the humidity is what starts the fungle rash even worse if you exersize , but the cure for me is metholated spirits its cheap just splash it on and you will forget about your rash.


Just to throw another bit of confusion into the cures / prevention.

I tried all sorts of creams ect.

On recommendation from another medical source i was told to try " Canesten Cream ", it starts to work immediately and you just put a very thin film of it on the area.

If i can offer a little tip:-

After showering make sure it is completely dry, i use a bit of tissue while i have the infection to do this then through it away.

When it,s cleared up do a visual check occasionally and look for tell tale signs ( red patches, spot size ) and if they appear put a bit of the cream on them after showering and making sure the area is dry.

It works for me anyway and i don,t finish up with the discomfort, just keeping an eye on the " crotch " after it,s cleared up.

marshbags :o


Had a similar problem myself for years. I finally got rid of it with the combined treatment of Lamisil cream twice a day (not expensive), and a weeks supply of Lamisil tablets (over 1000 baht!).

Did the trick though!



Watsons have a spray called FUNGINOX, if the skin is broken it will sting like <deleted> but it works. You should find it beside the canesten.


Cortisone creams can cause 'burns', use very, very sparingly - do not apply it with a trowel :o

Use 100% cotton underwear and wash by hand. Farma's suggestion of nappy cream is a good one - try Drapolene (if it is available here.


Do you briefs or boxer shorts? Wearing briefs while exercising doesn't allow air to flow down there and the sweat stays trapped and can easily cause a rash. Switching to boxer shorts is enough for a lot of guys to stay dry enough to prevent a rash.

OK, wet cosy balls,,,,,, this is the anagram for your problem. :o

use Pricky heat powder to keep them dry.

1st to break the anagram wins a Ice Cold Chang.


You better pay up or YOUR cheeks will need some need Prickly heat powder!!!

OK, wet cosy balls,,,,,, this is the anagram for your problem. :o

use Pricky heat powder to keep them dry.

1st to break the anagram wins a Ice Cold Chang.


You better pay up or YOUR cheeks will need some need Prickly heat powder!!!

I beer Chang in the post. :D


Put your finger there for 10 seconds (or a friend's). If it smells a bit mushroomry - then its fungus. As pointed out something like Lotremin will eliminate it quickly.

If this is the diagnosis, then roomy undercrackers won't help, it will just persist for years and you still have to medicate.


If its fungal based then tea tree oil should knock it on the head... and prevent its' return with regular use. Add better ventilation.... boxer shorts and baggy bermuda type shorts and you will improve your chances of avoiding it.... you may look like a bit like a scabby backpacker but at least your ''family jewels'' will be OK :o


there is a salve composed of salicylic acid and sulphur sold in thai pharmacies that kills "chinamans crotch" in a day or two. cost about 7-10 baht.

From many years working in tropical and extreme heat conditions one of things I quickly learnt was to go without underpants. Let the air flow under your normal trousers or shorts.

I get crotch rot more frequently in Thailand and I believe it’s from the way my clothes are washed. Some laundries don’t rinse the clothes enough to totally rid them of laundry detergent. It’s very noticeable if they’ve been hand washed.

If I start to suffer from crotch rot I find Nappy (Diaper) Rash Cream works very well and clears it up over night.

I agree fully with Farma in his assesment in not wearing underwear. I used to live in Hawaii USA & a lot of men got similar rashes due to the same humidity as Thailand. Almost all cases were remedied by ditching the undies & it feels better anyway , Especially in warm climates.

Avoid baby powders & the like that are suppose to keep you dry, on the contrary it only locks in the moisture & makes it worse!!

Your Question yesterday is easily answered you can bring in this contry however illegal it is here if you have a valid prescription. I brought Percocet vicodin & lorecet(in the original pill containers) for my back as I am highly allergic to codein & they offer me asprin or morphine & I refuse to use morphine unless I am dying of cancer! If you really concerned bring your medical history(or that portion with you)

Thailand does not have a clue what western meds are anyway. It is more a question thru U.S. or England

If it is legit I wouldnt sweat it pumper. Good luck on the rash & try to keep it as dry as you can....Beardog



I have been susceptable to the same fungal infection whenever I travel to the tropics since I served in Vietnam in the 60's. It seems once you have a good case of it, it will return.

Most ointments/powders are useless and the only thing I have found here that consistently works is Synalar-N ointment, available in every pharmacy I have visited. Clean, applies very easily, doesn't sting, won't stain your clothes and you don't have to use it regularly. It comes in a small tube but a little bit goes a very long way.

Quitting the slingshot style skivies also helps a lot...

Good luck.



i had this and it became widespread and oainful. i tried all kinds of antifungals with limited success (dont use prickly heat medicated powder cos the menthol makes your skin sweat, just what you dont want, use plain baby powder)

i searched the web and came up with an old mid west wives cure - iodine or Betadine as obtqined here 30 baht

it looks messy as you swab it around and will stain clothing while it wet, use rubber gloves if you dont want stained hands, but the stain goes away by the end of the day and after 3 days i was substantially better and a week it was all gone - and hasnt come back

btw its related to athletes foot

search the web for fascinating details :D


"I have been susceptable to the same fungal infection whenever I travel to the tropics since I served in Vietnam in the 60's. It seems once you have a good case of it, it will return."

Most ointments/powders are useless and the only thing I have found here that consistently works is...


as well as "PHOEBUS" available in Thailand in most pharmacies. excellent results within 36 hours. manufacturer Pharspec Co., Ltd., Bangkok.



dog 412

there is a salve composed of salicylic acid and sulphur sold in thai pharmacies that kills "chinamans crotch" in a day or two. cost about 7-10 baht.


yes this stuff is good (kee phung - literally bee shit) its great for athletes foot and cured mine quickly where other uk ointments failed for 30 years, but funnily enough it did work with crotch rot, neither did some of the above cream treatment either, in fact the cream base seemed to exagerate the problem. an army trick is to slap on some vaseline around vulnerable areas BUT only when you are clear of infection ie its a prophylactic (i wonder if the navy uses that trick?)

as for laundry i never wash socks with anything else.

I wash shirts and skiddies together in a cold water washing machine (myself). I put a cap full of haiter bleach in the wash, doesnt affect the colours at that dosage. I make sure to rinse the clothes thoroughly under the shower head

so far so good

fungus can be very troublesome in the tropics

btw i believe that a tendency to skin infections maybe linked to type 2 diabetes (which makes the skin sugary and susceptible so i have read) maybe worth a check if you satisfy other criteria, overyweight boozer for example

oh well :o


What you describe is fungal and cortissone is a BAD idea. May relieve symptoms for a while but will help the fungus to grow, as soon as you stop it will be back with a vengence.

For prevention, prickly heat powder or other talc powder is OK. Ideal is an antifungal powder (caneston or oany brand of tolnaftate) but that may prove a bit costly for daily application, if so, prickly heat.

For treatment: any antifungal will do but if in powder form may work better for daytime. You could apply an antifungal cream at night and then use powder form in the daytime. The problem with cream in daytime is it will; aggravate sweating.

This is a very common problem in this climate esp for people who sweat a lot.


hi...im a past sufferer of this ''tropical rot''...no more. the answer lies in airflow..ie..no jocks, or wear boxer shorts and use a moisture barrier cream if you feel it starting. i use Bepanthen ointment (made by roche).....used in aus for babies and nappy rash so it is gentle on the skin but highly effective.....cheers


The key is to try to keep dry so switching to boxers would be a good first step or as one poster mentioned none at all.a doctor told me the best thing was not to use any creams or powders but several times a day to drop your pants and let the crotch area dry out throughly. Different things work for different people but this worked for me.

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