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Will tourists pay nearly double to enter Angkor Wat?

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The price of visiting Cambodia's celebrated Angkor Wat site is about to jump significantly, making some wonder if tourists will be put off going.

The vast archaeological park, named after its most famous temple complex the 12th Century Angkor Wat, draws more than two million tourists a year. Officials says the price of tickets has not increased in more than two decades.


So from 1 February a one-day ticket for foreigners will go from $20 (£16) to $38, a 90% increase. A three-day ticket will go from $40 to $60, a weekly ticket from $62 to $72. Cambodians will still be able to access the park for free.


read more : http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38727916




As long as the money stays with the site, I have no problem with this. I have been once before but planning to go again and the extra cash would not deter me. Reasonable compared to museum and gallery charges in the West.



11 minutes ago, laocowboy2 said:

As long as the money stays with the site, I have no problem with this. I have been once before but planning to go again and the extra cash would not deter me. Reasonable compared to museum and gallery charges in the West.

I would not mind if the money goes into schools and local infrastructure as well as the restoration and management of the park. It is an amazing place to visit.






The upkeep, protection  of this treasure & surrounding areas is very expensive so I have no problem


To those of you who say that it is not worth visiting I say to you please stay away to leave us who really appreciate 

something special to enjoy 


Too expensive for backpackers and single travelers once you calculate in the tuk tuk price. And we don't all have the luxury of traveling on American dollars.


Cambodians free - I find this absolutely perfect and it will eradicate the ongoing "two tier pricing discussion" which hunts Thailand's tourist attraction. 


Once you are there are you going to quibble about $20 dollars. I don't think so.

As for the admission fees I don't really care where it gets spent and long as it

is not skimmed, going to highly placed peoples personal bank accounts.

Thailand is not a roll model, but not sure how well Cambodia oversees its National

Parks, sites/monuments. Judging by the number of times I was solicited for

a donation by police while I drove my scooter around in Cambodia (yes, I had

both a licence and International Driving permit) I don't think they fare that much

better. That said the police were never greedy(1 USD) and there were friendly.

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