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Facebook have locked my account...


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...it's fair enough, ive been using my dj name instead of real name and someone with no life reported me. I read somewhere that there are special circumstances in which they will allow it, providing you can prove people refer to you by that name and you are not selling anything...


But i need to contact Facebook somehow, does anyone know of any customer service function / phone number / email, as so far ive just drawn blanks on the web....



Edited by RickG16
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Happened recently to my wife, who signed up years ago using " the name she goes by in everyday day life, the name her friends and family refer to her as ( per the TOS). 


It took 5-6 emails explaining that and uploading a copy of her government issued ID, more emails to get past their unintelligent artificial intelligence. 

"It appears your ID does not match your username, upload your ID showing your username".


A couple more emails saying there is no ID with her nickname and a reply with double spaces in every word so a bot couldn't parse it and it had to be handled by and actual human, and eventually the account was reinstated under her legal name. 

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48 minutes ago, amjamj said:

They won't unlock it whatever is the reason.



That is not correct.  Although it may be a different story to mine when not using your real name.


Somebody didnt like an anti USA policy comment I made on FB and rather than confront me with an argument they reported me as using a false name which was rubbish.  I use my real name however I will not give facebook my personal info such as hometown, telephone number, age, occupation etc because FB is far to intrusive.  They locked my account and demanded my govt ID with photo to unlock.  Their excuse was it was important that my friends knew for sure it was me they were connecting with.  I replied saying I would not give my ID etc for reasons of security and privacy and therefore they have two choices:


1. That if they  are so worried about my friends they should contact them to verify I was who I said I was. All my FB friends have met me face to face or are family etc.


2.  That they delete my account immediately, completely, and permanently full stop!


Over the next few days they tried several times to talk me into providing my govt ID by saying I could block out some of my personal details but I just stood firm and repeated the two choices.


Within a week they emailed me saying my account was unlocked and I was free to log in again!!???


You need to stand firm. 



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