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Trump faces tide of criticism, protests, legal challenges over travel bans


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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


If you mean Trump's executive order, I agree with you. However, there are some minor problems that need to be ironed out concerning those holding green cards and previous visas.

Minor problems? Like alienating the Iraqis and giving fodder to Iraqi opponents of the battle against Isis?  

Like violating the Strategic Framework Agreement?

Like making life more dangerous for the USA's troops in Iraq?

What's your idea of a major problem?

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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You seem to be talking about the war on ISIS. That has nothing to do with some imaginary war on ordinary Muslims. Trump has made it plain that he wants to get rid of Islamic terrorists and he has plenty of support for that. He is nothing like Hitler. Claiming otherwise is absurd.

No, I'm talking about direct quotes from Trump and his team about normal muslims.


Remember that this president lied and said that he saw thousands of muslims cheering as the towers fell. That they hate us. Mike Flynn claimed there were signs in Arabic throughout Mexico that helps ISIS reach America, and that he had personally seen them! Of course he ducked and dodged when pressed about that lie. Mike Flynn directly said in August that the fear of islam is rational and that 1.6 billion people were "inflicted with the vicious cancer of islam". That number is not a number of extremists, he called the entire religion a vicious cancer. They have floated around the idea of not only a muslim ban, but making muslim-americans carry around documents identifying them as muslim. Kellyanne Conway has said that there is a "muslim problem" in the country. 

Edited by jcsmith
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The new POTUS is fullfilling his campaign promises but I can now see the US is not the one of years ago. The strength of the socialist protests and Hollywood celebs etc makes me wonder how long he will last. ! Trump is giving the USA its last chance before the lights go out.Quote: Mark Steyn.

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On this particular subject, Trump made a pre election promise.  He has delivered that promise to America within his capacity.  I have seen very few elected officials deliver on any promises made within the term of their office much less within the first two weeks. Trump will not be troubled by the backlash, he will sleep well while his underlingas sort out the mess.  Regardless, why get your shorts in a knot.  This is just the opening mov.  The game still has to play out.

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11 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

On this particular subject, Trump made a pre election promise.  He has delivered that promise to America within his capacity.  I have seen very few elected officials deliver on any promises made within the term of their office much less within the first two weeks. Trump will not be troubled by the backlash, he will sleep well while his underlingas sort out the mess.  Regardless, why get your shorts in a knot.  This is just the opening mov.  The game still has to play out.

Yes, it was an election promise.  But there's a huge difference between an election promise and actual implementation of that promise.  Trump didn't plan this one out well.  Keeping out terrorists makes great fodder during an election campaign, but in reality, this isn't one of the big problems in the US.  Perhaps he should focus on more important election promises?  And when he implements them, plan them out better, inform others, etc.  Totally missed it all on this one.


Obama did very good implementing his campaign promises until he lost a majority in congress.  Hard to blame him for things after that.  It was pure politics that messed things up.


You can track how Trump does here:



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4 minutes ago, bitcoinforever said:

did you see how asian countries are very quiet on this issue. Japan accept 2 Syrians refugees and has 17 countries on the list they do not accept china is there also south korea and thailand so they do not want a light on them Trump is just doing what asian countries already do . hail trump

WHat you don't seem to understand is that Japan has severe immigration restrictions against all nations.


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4 minutes ago, bitcoinforever said:

exactly if americans want to go that way that is their domestic issue live with it just like other  asian nations

Except that is not what Trump is doing. He's selectively blocking people from certain nations from immigrating.  You chose a bad example and now you're trying to shoehorn what Trump is doing to fit it.  

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The entire executive order is so obviously a strawman non-solution to an issue that is already being worked as best it can be in order to divert Trump's base from the real issues that are causing it problems. Namely,  income inequality due to classic Republican policies and an opioid addiction epidemic that is devastating the white  lower class Americans. 



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Also, reports are that General Kelly, the new head of Homeland Security, was on a plane being briefed for the first time on the Executive Order when Trump was signing it. The person responsible for implementing it was not allowed any input into the wording or given any time to prepare directions to the people that would be enforcing it. 


Bannon apparently did this pretty much on his own without telling anyone else in the cabinet about it.



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McCain and Graham turned against Trump on this policy today. And here's how the president responded...



The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong - they are sadly weak on immigration. The two  senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III.

We've seen Trump do this repeatedly over the past few years. He projects his own flaws on others any time they attack him. When Hillary pointed out all of the racist tendencies of Trump he responded by calling her a racist, for example. Now when McCain and Graham criticize his immigration policy he accuses them of trying to start WWIII. 

Edited by jcsmith
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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Republicans Begin to Break With President Trump.



Exactly what I was afraid of.  A hung government that gets nothing done.  From your link:


The rupture in GOP unity, coming so soon after Trump took office on Jan. 20, portends bigger fights to come. Many of the big-ticket items on Trump’s domestic agenda are sure to ruffle feathers among budget hawks. Airports aren’t cheap to rebuild, and bridges, roads and tunnels aren’t free, either. The widespread protests against the immigration moves suggest Trump’s critics are energized, if not organized—and that not all Republicans will blindly have Trump’s back.


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6 minutes ago, Kabula said:

Wake up and do your own research.  If you did, you wouldn't have to ask dumb questions.

Here was your post:


If the media conveyed the truth, there would be few problems.

Hard to figure out what you are talking about.  I do lots of research.  Just point me in the right direction and be polite.  It is a requirement of the forum rules here.

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9 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

To-days UK papers are reporting that Iraq in retaliation, may ban any American holiday makers coming there--- It would be shattering news for those Americans that already had their Beach towels packed...........:coffee1:

There are a lot of Americans Iraq that are probably less safe today than they were yesterday

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

McCain and Graham turned against Trump on this policy today. And here's how the president responded...


We've seen Trump do this repeatedly over the past few years. He projects his own flaws on others any time they attack him. When Hillary pointed out all of the racist tendencies of Trump he responded by calling her a racist, for example. Now when McCain and Graham criticize his immigration policy he accuses them of trying to start WWIII. 

He is the weakest president in the history of the USA.  All he can do is call people names, and everyone is getting bored with it.  The more enemies he makes, the better anyway.

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8 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

It's going to be a long 4 years with the lefties protesting every move the President makes.


This is an election promise kept, quite simple really.

Not everyone agreed with his promises.  He lies so much, I'm sure they thought it was crap anyway.  I hope he knew there was no free ride.  Don't forget he won with Russian help as well~here are still 2 investigations going on.  DT also has a lot of law suites against him that he will have to go to court for.  It's only begun, and people only started mobilizing.  Don't forget about the Constitution!

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6 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I'm sure if these protests keep going on in Boston there will be new protesters who are protesting the use of non recycled protesting signs!  

Don't worry about Boston, it is where American democracy started, and they will die before backing down.  If you have lived there, you know.  Trust me on that.

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5 hours ago, jcsmith said:

I'll be honest with you, as a kid I sat around and wondered how Germany could have allowed Hitler to rise to power. How could they not see it coming? Step by step until it was at the point where they were fighting an impossible battle. I feel like America is at that point right now. Anyone who didn't realize what Trump was, should now see it. The GOP need to decide where they stand on this. I know they aren't all in support of it, but not enough people are speaking out, lest they be left on the right side of history. But where Germany didn't have the history to go by, America does.


When on Holocaust Remembrance Day the madman in power makes step one of a muslim ban, and their press release doesn't even mention the atrocities that befell the Jews at that time period. When there are protests throughout the country and the president tries to tell the people this is just media propaganda. When he limits the power of key intelligence people from the National Security Council and then places Steve Bannon into that council. When he flirts with lifting sanctions on the very country which just hacked our election and which is the largest threat to our NATO allies. When he tries to force a wall on the American taxpayers most of who said they do not want it if that is the case. When he sends Mike Pence out on a pro-life mission while 7/10 Americans do not support banning abortions. When he signs an executive order to repeal Obamacare, and leaked tapes from the Republican meeting shows they have nothing to replace it with. As he plans massive tax cuts for the top 1%, and promises a large boost to what is already by far the most funded military in the world, while planning to cut Medicaid, and to head into trade wars which will raise the prices of the consumer.


It's time for Americans to stand up to this. No matter what side of the fence you are on, the question that you need to ask yourself is what side of history do you want to be on when the dust settles? 

Time for the USA to wake up not stand up. Ask a soldier who lost his arm. You one of many keyboard warriors. It takes a man to repair a raped country.

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5 minutes ago, performance said:

Time for the USA to wake up not stand up. Ask a soldier who lost his arm. You one of many keyboard warriors. It takes a man to repair a raped country.

It takes more of a man to do it in a dignified way, arm or no arm.

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5 minutes ago, performance said:

Immigration must end US and AU the free rides over. We do not want you 

America is a country if immigrants.  If you are from the US, guaranteed you have foreign stock.  So yes, we want immigrants.  It's what built the US.  And will continue to do so.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

America is a country if immigrants.  If you are from the US, guaranteed you have foreign stock.  So yes, we want immigrants.  It's what built the US.  And will continue to do so.

Of course. We need immigration REFORM not trumpist fascism theater. 

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13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

America is a country if immigrants.  If you are from the US, guaranteed you have foreign stock.  So yes, we want immigrants.  It's what built the US.  And will continue to do so.

Any immigrants bleeding the unemployment system and using a nations good will and giving nothing but trouble all deported immediately :) I do not give a toss about the USA. My country's next leader will do exactly that bye bye 

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