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Threatened With Rape Accusation

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I have been in Pattaya a few days now last night me and my friend went to Angel Witch off walking street We both had a beer etc a couple of girls came over we got them a drink , we brought some pingpong balls to throw on the stage. I gave the girl siting with me a tip toshow my friend how the girls sail down the high poles there. The two girls we were sitting with went off to dance and as it was not that busy a few of the serving girls were chatting tous. I was having a real laugh with two Noi and Koi ( 301 ) I got them drinks and a few other serving staff. The Go Go girls came back from dancing and the one I was with sugesseted I pay her bar fine. I said no as we wanted to go a few places. She sugested I pay it now and coul come back later. I said no as I really fancied Koi the serving girl. We left and a while later I came back alone leaving my friend at a beer bar. I got a beer and Koi and Noi came over. I asked Koi if she wanted to go off with me and she said yes. Noi asked if I would pay her barfine . We joked about how I samll falang no power two ladies etc but in the end I agreed on the basis I would take them both for a drink but it was Koi that would be comming back ( to hotel ) with me. We left but Noi said she wanted to go straight home. I was dissapointed but hey up to her. I took Koi to The Blues Factory. I had a beer and she had a Breezer. The show was good and I wanted to stay for another beer. I asked Koi what she wanted to do she wanted to go to my hotel straight away. We got a Baht bus to my hotel and checked in. In my room I had a shower and came out into the room and Koi said that she would have to go in a few hours as she was going to college. I was disapointed but made light of that and praised her for continuing her education. She then said that she was not going to have sex as she had a boyfriend from America. I was a bit bemused as I was standing in a Towel but smiled and made light of that. I said if she ever left her american boyfriend I was first in the que to date her as she was so cute and clever. We joked for a few minutes then she asked me how much I was going to give her. I said I could not understand why she wanted money. I had brought her drinks bafined her and her friend taken her to the Blues facory etc. She started getting pretty irrate saying that was my problem I should have asked her ciecumstances before paying her bar fine. I thought that I would be very calm and said up to her what she did but I was not giving her cash and was prepared to stand there all night if she did not leave. Things took a turn for the worse. She threatened to get me in big trouble with the police. Big trouble. She intimated what the police think of men who harm thai women . She did not say the word rape but that is what she meant. I went into a serious panic. I had done nothing. I thought my priority was to get her out of the room in case she headbutted the wall or somithing to hurt herself to make it look like I had done something. I threw my clothes on and we negotiated 3000 for her to go but I insisted I would only give her the money at the foye of the hotel. We left she left the hotel I gave her the money and as soon as she was out of sight I told reception a garbled version of this. Reception have her id details. I was litteraly shaking. I then went to the bar opposite and got hammered.

I want to go to the Tourist Police but do I have any case. It is not the money it is the threat she made to me. That was not right and also I guess if I am not the first to be led on by her I am unlikely to be the last.

Replies in the next few hours would be appreciated as its already late ion the afternoon


ps I have a thai sim card

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umm you got scammed, put it down to experience.

If you think you will seriously be able to get the police to do anything when you tell them that women you fined from a bar to have sex with you (prostitution is illegal remember) then scammed you of 3k baht, then you are crazy. They will best case, laugh you out of the station or worse, charge you with solicitation & demand some "tea money" to drop the case. :o

A lot of money lost & still no action!


You'll need to speak to the owner of Angelwitch. I'm sure you can get the details from one of the Pattaya forums. i.e

**please google these forums, thanks--dropping links to other forums isn't allowed--edited by sbk***


I would definitely try to have a quiet word with the owner. Is he a farang?

But whatever you do be careful - just pass on the message and leave it at that. If you make a big deal about it someone might come after you - it's just not worth it. You're here to have a good time- not take out revenge on one bad piece of shit - one of many in Pattaya. After all 3k is less than 50 quid.

Next time be more careful. When the friend went off after you bar fined her should have alerted you that these girls were bad news.

The only advice I can give is to find your ladies from the bars patronised by residents - not fool proof but you are less likely to get scammed. The top Walking Street bars are getting bad reputation for this sort of thing.


A classic scam and you need to learn from it. Just put it down to experience. I wouldn't be visiting Angel Witch any time soon. But speaking to the bar owner somewhere off site is a good idea. Girls running this scam in the bar will be no good for trade.


All very sad but alas, you're not the first and certainly wont be the last..

Perhaps next time you'll be a little more careful,

I still think you should have stood your ground and refused to pay..

As another poster said Prostitution is Illegal in Thailand.. :D:o


Contact the owner Matt, he is one of the good guys in the "industry" believe me he will take care of this!


Difficult situation - certainly let the owners (as against just the mamasan) know - only problem is that they split the time I think between Pattaya and Bangkok. If it was me, I would not even say to Matt or his wife, that your looking for the money back - but they need to sort this problem to avoid bad PR for their bar. I would be very surprised if they did not sort it out straight away - the girls are shit scared of his wife and with good reason - she is very tough on them.

You'll need to speak to the owner of Angelwitch. I'm sure you can get the details from one of the Pattaya forums. i.e

**please google these forums, thanks--dropping links to other forums isn't allowed--edited by sbk***

Sorry, wasn't sure about that situation.

Anyway, Matt and Pim are the owners of Angelwitch Bkk and Pattaya .


Bad luck 'richardb'. There are some go-go girls who are rip-off merchants, but they don't last long when the management get to know.

She won't care, she can easily get another job elsewhere, meanwhile, she has just made easy money.

Forget it. Don't let it spoil this festive season.

All very sad but alas, you're not the first and certainly wont be the last..

Perhaps next time you'll be a little more careful,

I still think you should have stood your ground and refused to pay..

As another poster said Prostitution is Illegal in Thailand.. :D:o

I know where you're coming from, but here's a little slice of what happens when a farang doesn't pay for "illegal activities"...


I still think you should have stood your ground and refused to pay..

easy to say, but different when you are faced with it.

Exact same thing happened to me in Samui in August - I was scared believe me ! I had no hotel security or reception though - so paid up to get rid of her.

I understand the panic richardb would have felt


I would have opened the hotel room door and left it wide open.

Then I would have called reception and asked them to send someone to my room, that I was having a problem with my guest.

I would have refused to pay her anything, and that's for sure.

Given this losing situation, she would probably just leave.


By the length of OP's post, and unnecessary details therein, he definitely had the skills to bore this woman to death. All he had to do was start talking, and i guarantee she would have ran out of that room pronto. Would have saved him some money if he learned to harness this longwinded ability :o


You should have booted her out using Security and then went back to Angel Witch and had a talk with the mama-son. This sort of behaviour is bad for business and I'm sure they would love to know what happened and take appropriate action with Koi. Faire enough if Koi didnt want to shag, and be on her merry way, but rest is extortion. :o

In my room I had a shower and came out into the room and Koi said that she would have to go in a few hours as she was going to college. I was disapointed but made light of that and praised her for continuing her education. She then said that she was not going to have sex as she had a boyfriend from America. I was a bit bemused as I was standing in a Towel but smiled and made light of that. I said if she ever left her american boyfriend I was first in the que to date her as she was so cute and clever. We joked for a few minutes then she asked me how much I was going to give her. I said I could not understand why she wanted money. I had brought her drinks bafined her and her friend taken her to the Blues facory etc.


She sounds like a stupid cow, but all you had to say was that you were not giving her any money until you had sex with her. She would have done it, you would have paid her and everyone would have been happy! :o


I'd suggest working out the terms of the deal at the time you pay the bar fine... ST, LT, etc. so that everyone knows what is expected and to minimize surprises later in the evening.


I would have called the reception and got someone up to my room fast.

How could she claim rape, if you hadn't had sex. It's not hard to tell if a lady has been, well, erm..penetrated (can i say that word) :o It would also be difficult for her to claim "attempted" rape, with no marks of a struggle and the fact that you had barfined her would surely come into equasion.

I believe the manager (not owner) is a falang. I too would inform him.

I would have called the reception and got someone up to my room fast.

How could she claim rape, if you hadn't had sex. It's not hard to tell if a lady has been, well, erm..penetrated (can i say that word) :o It would also be difficult for her to claim "attempted" rape, with no marks of a struggle and the fact that you had barfined her would surely come into equasion.

I believe the manager (not owner) is a falang. I too would inform him.

You're out of touch with reality. If a woman cries "rape", the police will investigate immediately and it's a guarantee he would have been arrested and held until a court could determine the truth.

If a girl threatens to cry "rape", you're in trouble anywhere. It's best you just pay up and put it down to bad luck...especially in this case where she was only asking for 3000.

The OP might very well have gotten some money back if he had reported the incident promptly to the bar owner.


She sugested I pay it now and coul come back later.

We left but Noi said she wanted to go straight home.

Koi said that she would have to go in a few hours as she was going to college.

She then said that she was not going to have sex as she had a boyfriend from America.

she asked me how much I was going to give her. I said I could not understand why she wanted money. I had brought her drinks bafined her and her friend taken her to the Blues facory etc.

Richard, and other visitors to Thailand,

if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

Doesn't sound like happiness all round. I really don't understand why you bother. Add STDs and HIV/AIDS to the mix and doesn't seem worth it. Get yourselves nice, steady girlfriends or stay home with a good book.


You did the right thing by paying. Just get a bad experience over with and move on to all the good ones.

Nobody has added this, so I thought I would.

Check out of your hotel and find a new room. Just in case she gets anymore ideas, she will not be able to find you.

Check out of your hotel and find a new room. Just in case she gets anymore ideas, she will not be able to find you.

Best advice so far, you can never be too safe.. move hotel then go and pay Matt a visit let him know what happened so that she doesnt scam some one else from there.

if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

Doesn't sound like happiness all round. I really don't understand why you bother. Add STDs and HIV/AIDS to the mix and doesn't seem worth it. Get yourselves nice, steady girlfriends or stay home with a good book.

I don't want a girlfriend, I've never had an STD and I own a whole bookstore.

Once you learn how to handle bar girls, you rarely have bad experiences. It is only newbies, the love-starved and nuts that have all these problems.

I was broke for years, but, when I explained in Thai that I was an English teacher with no money, the girls would go with me for almost nothing and were kind and treated me like a king - despite my age and appearance.

Once they know that you aren't stupid and that you treat them nicely - in general - they are quite sweet and giving and... you can throw them out easily once you get bored! :D


>>>>I was broke for years, but, when I explained in Thai that I was an English teacher with no money, the girls would go with me for almost nothing and were kind and treated me like a king

Interesting, will have to try this one



if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

Doesn't sound like happiness all round. I really don't understand why you bother. Add STDs and HIV/AIDS to the mix and doesn't seem worth it. Get yourselves nice, steady girlfriends or stay home with a good book.

I don't want a girlfriend, I've never had an STD and I own a whole bookstore.

Once you learn how to handle bar girls, you rarely have bad experiences. It is only newbies, the love-starved and nuts that have all these problems.

I was broke for years, but, when I explained in Thai that I was an English teacher with no money, the girls would go with me for almost nothing and were kind and treated me like a king - despite my age and appearance.

Once they know that you aren't stupid and that you treat them nicely - in general - they are quite sweet and giving and... you can throw them out easily once you get bored! :D

Dear UG, I note you write about your girls in the past tense. So now you stay home with your books and a steady gf? Good for you.

It had crossed my mind that the OP perhaps didn't treat the girl nicely and she was maybe quite right not to stay. The female intuition is very powerful.

But I don't like your statement "you can throw them out easily once you get bored". These girls are sentient beings and deserve to be treated as such.

I am sure that the majority would rather not be doing the work they do. Sheeesh, can you imagine laying on your back for all kinds to make enough money to send money back to the family?


It's always sad when you get screwed without getting screwed.

Sorry to hear about this. I have had something similar happen, but called the security guards who took care of the problem--but I did it quickly. Once I found out that something fishy was going on, I just picked up the phone and had them come.

They can be pretty good about taking care of these kind of problems. This wasn't in a hotel, though--it was a condo and I knew the security guards and they knew me.

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