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Guest upset after wedded couple return her 200 baht cash gift


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Guest upset after wedded couple return her 200 baht cash gift

By Coconuts Bangkok



Photo: Sanook


Guests usually get a thank you note from a newly-wedded couple after the event, but this woman said the bride and groom sent her a hurtful note calling her out for putting too little money in the envelope for her cash gift.


This story, which received attention on Facebook, comes from the wedding guest who posted a photo of the sarcastic note she received from the bitchy bride, condemning her for only giving them THB200 cash for the wedding.


The note actually said, “Thank you so much. If you are really that broke, just tell me. I return it to you here as a gift for your new job.”


Full Story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2017/01/30/guest-upset-after-wedded-couple-return-her-200-baht-cash-gift

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-1-30
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4 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

The note actually said, “Thank you so much. If you are really that broke, just tell me. I return it to you here as a gift for your new job.”


I'd reply saying 'don't bother returning it, you ungrateful b*st*rd, stick it up your ar*e'.

Never liked the 'named envelope' thing at weddings here, all about face again. 

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35 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:


This story, which received attention on Facebook, comes from the wedding guest who posted a photo of the sarcastic note she received from the bitchy bride, condemning her for only giving them THB200 cash for the wedding.

Ah, that Facebook thing again...more and more it is becoming the source of so much of the bitterness, vindictiveness and petty revenge that poisons the lives of so many people.

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6 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:


I'd reply saying 'don't bother returning it, you ungrateful b*st*rd, stick it up your ar*e'.

Never liked the 'named envelope' thing at weddings here, all about face again. 

Its just stupid.. some people have less money then others does making giving a lot make them a better person.

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

"It is reported that the newly-wedded couple has unfriended this unfortunate guest on Facebook"


There's a shocker. 

That's it then- her life as she knows it is over! My attitude would have been **** you you stuck up *****.

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6 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

That's it then- her life as she knows it is over! My attitude would have been **** you you stuck up *****.

I agree, but the attention seeking "oh poor, poor me, I'm so wounded and offended" dimwit who posted it in the first place get's no sympathy from me.


They don't like your gift...@*£% 'em and get on with your life.


Don't post it all over FB, that's just as vindictive as the wedded couple's response.

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Its always about money. If they had any class they would have said thanks, we appreciate it. The culture here is so riddled with money, what they can get and how much. I have no sympathy for the  couple. How fickle people are. The whole ceremony about marriage and what they will get really irritates me. You sow what you reap.

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The Thai write down how much they got and will give the same amount back when the other person gets married.


I don't like thai weddings, too many pictures and photographers. Some weddings i even had to stand in a corner with my glass in 1 hand and a plate of food in the other..how can i eat that way?

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5 minutes ago, Thian said:

The Thai write down how much they got and will give the same amount back when the other person gets married.


I don't like thai weddings, too many pictures and photographers. Some weddings i even had to stand in a corner with my glass in 1 hand and a plate of food in the other..how can i eat that way?

Yep, my wife recorded everything given at ours.


Quite clever really when most have so little.

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Not just thai weddings, chinese weddings r the same. The wedding couple would think its a way to make money from their reception dinner. 

Seriously who the hell thought up of all these stupid gimmicks. 

Wedding , marriages should be a celebration of love between 2 person n thats all.


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35 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Its always about money. If they had any class they would have said thanks, we appreciate it. The culture here is so riddled with money, what they can get and how much. I have no sympathy for the  couple. How fickle people are. The whole ceremony about marriage and what they will get really irritates me. You sow what you reap.


Only this culture?

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Its just stupid.. some people have less money then others does making giving a lot make them a better person.

... not for you or me sir but without a shred of a doubt for a whole lot of people hereabouts (otherwise and worldwide known as greedy basterds). 

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It wasn't much of a gift, but it's difficult to judge as the gift giver may be in a difficult financial position, or may not know them very well ... in such circumstances you'd think they'd be a little more grateful. 


Better to have said nothing.





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17 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

It wasn't much of a gift, but it's difficult to judge as the gift giver may be in a difficult financial position, or may not know them very well ... in such circumstances you'd think they'd be a little more grateful. 


Better to have said nothing.





be fair 200 baht is an insult... $6 for a wedding gift?  eating food, drinking?  I can understand that if i invited a guest and they gave 4 GBP I'd be PISSED   

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7 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

be fair 200 baht is an insult... $6 for a wedding gift?  eating food, drinking?  I can understand that if i invited a guest and they gave 4 GBP I'd be PISSED   

The lady helped out with the wedding did not have much money... i would have thought you would be more considerate. I seriously don't care what people give.. especially people who don't have much money. 


I dont expect them to pay for their food and drinks.. you invite them to share an experience with you.. not to let them pay for themselves.. (at least that is how i see it)

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5 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

be fair 200 baht is an insult... $6 for a wedding gift?  eating food, drinking?  I can understand that if i invited a guest and they gave 4 GBP I'd be PISSED   


Plenty of upcountry weddings where a one or two hundred baht gift would be the norm from many of the guests. It's a days income for some people.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

The lady helped out with the wedding did not have much money... i would have thought you would be more considerate. I seriously don't care what people give.. especially people who don't have much money. 

ah the old 'I helped out so gave less'  defence.. I smell BS

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2 minutes ago, kkerry said:


Plenty of upcountry weddings where a one or two hundred baht gift would be the norm from many of the guests. It's a days income for some people.


was this 'upcountry' i wonder?  maybe a 'chao-na' wedding where 200 baht would have been 'acceptable?  maybe you know and we don't? 

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58 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

If it's in the sun, it's a lie...


However, it has since emerged that the video was most likely taken at a ladyboy show in Pattaya, Thailand, and the Chinese revellers are actually tourists sampling the resort’s nightlife.

In the background there are poles for dancing and other performers dressed in elaborate cabaret costumes.


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21 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

be fair 200 baht is an insult... $6 for a wedding gift?  eating food, drinking?  I can understand that if i invited a guest and they gave 4 GBP I'd be PISSED   


Some people bring their girlfriends to a wedding reception ... I don't think they are honour bound to pay anything as she doesn't know the couple? 


Even if you are pissed, why make a fuss? A wedding celebration has to be more than just what you get financially from guests? Well, at least I'd hope it was.




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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


Some people bring their girlfriends to a wedding reception ... I don't think they are honour bound to pay anything as she doesn't know the couple? 


Even if you are pissed, why make a fuss? A wedding celebration has to be more than just what you get financially from guests? Well, at least I'd hope it was.




Perhaps the couple who were critisized for giving 200 Baht could put a post of the bride and grooms facebook page informing all they have been given a refund and suggesting that any other low givers might like to ask for a refund.

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She should have sent a note back to the bride saying


"Thank you so much for returning the money....200 Baht is a lot of money to me"


hopefully it would make the bride will feel ashamed of her ingratitude

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Been to a few weddings here. Must say I find them pretty unbearable. The bit on stage where they showcase their love with pics and videos and talk for ages about how they met, etc. I think I was the only person there even pretending to listen. Everyone else was just chatting and no one seemed to care nor listen. 


When the food and speeches were over, people soon bolted for the exit doors. Some people even took bottles of whiskey off the tables and took them home. I asked my missus why there were so many disinterested people there and she said people have to go. You get an invite and you have to go. Pay some cash and leave. When you get married the couple will have to come to yours, too. 


The culture is what it is. I'd rather just have people I want at my wedding. Plus, I really don't need hundreds of people I don't know pretending I'm important for the day. I guess I'm not deluded and I don't lack self esteem. 

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12 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Been to a few weddings here. Must say I find them pretty unbearable. The bit on stage where they showcase their love with pics and videos and talk for ages about how they met, etc. I think I was the only person there even pretending to listen. Everyone else was just chatting and no one seemed to care nor listen. 


When the food and speeches were over, people soon bolted for the exit doors. Some people even took bottles of whiskey off the tables and took them home. I asked my missus why there were so many disinterested people there and she said people have to go. You get an invite and you have to go. Pay some cash and leave. When you get married the couple will have to come to yours, too. 


The culture is what it is. I'd rather just have people I want at my wedding. Plus, I really don't need hundreds of people I don't know pretending I'm important for the day. I guess I'm not deluded and I don't lack self esteem. 

Went to one wedding in a remote very poor village in Roi et years back. Turned out the tradition in that village is for guests to not give gifts but make a contribute of ingredients for the food (bag of forest vegetables etc.), but when everybody goes home they take with them a plastic bag of cooked food, enough for the family for the next day. One of the most pleasant events i've ever attended, other than yours truly spent the evening fighting off a middle aged loud ladyboy who simply ignored the fact I was there with my whole family.

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