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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled


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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled




LONDON: -- A royal invitation for Donald Trump to pay a state visit to Britain must be withdrawn says a petition on parliament’s website that has gathered well over a million signatures.


The grassroots backlash against the US President was at the heart of stormy exchanges in the House of Commons on Monday.

Theresa May’s Conservative government insists the visit will go ahead despite Trump’s immigration crackdown.


“This is of course a highly controversial policy which has caused unease and I repeat this is not an approach that this government would take,” British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson told MPs.


“But let me conclude by reminding the house of the vital importance of this country’s alliance with the United States.”


May’s political opponents however want a much tougher line.


“When it comes to human rights, when it comes to women’s rights, when it comes to torture and the treatment of minorities, President Trump is already descending down a very dangerous slope,” said Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.


“And when that happens we need a Prime Minister who’s prepared to tell him to stop, not one who simply proffers 
her hand and silently helps him along”.


“Do the decent thing and ban the visit,” fellow Labour MP Dennis Skinner told the House.


“This man (Trump) is not fit to walk in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela”.


London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is a Muslim, also called for the visit to be called off.


“We must now rescind the offer of a full state visit for President Trump – until this ban is lifted. I don’t believe the people of London will support rolling out the red carpet until this happens,” Khan wrote in the Evening Standard newspaper.


The petition, which will be considered for a parliamentary debate, says Trump’s visit would embarrass Queen Elizabeth.


With more than 1.4 million signatories by late afternoon local time, the petition against the visit was the second most popular ever on the parliamentary website, after one calling for a second referendum on membership of the European Union drew more than four million signatures last year.


However May’s Downing Street office signalled that cancelling the visit was not on the cards.


“To be clear, the prime minister extended an invitation on behalf of the Queen – and she was very happy to do so. The USA is one of this country’s closest allies, and we look forward to hosting the president later this year,” Downing Street said.


A year ago, parliament debated a petition calling for Trump, then a presidential candidate, to be barred from the United Kingdom. It gathered close to 600,000 signatures before it was closed last June.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-31
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don't let up.

this is the mistake Thailand made from the getgo with the populist hero they had here. he had broken Thai laws, the courts ruled otherwise.

but lots of the media and other public figures were always too lax on Trump. example, Meet the Press almost a year ago when Trump said flatly that "China totally controls North Korea".  I realize that intuitively and colloquially spoken you can argue that that is a rational statement. but not for someone running for president. it is absurd.  Kim Jung Un obviously doesn't have total control, how would the first level cadre of the Communist Party...  of China itself? why couldn't they even ask him on it?

that's the kind of magical thinking that only the "general population" has the luxury to con itself with.

liberal media? I don't think so, just there to sell adverts by titillating everyone.

we get the tweets and the big bad ass statements about this and that... but they never nailed him down on any details on anything.... so they wouldn't be cut off from one on one interview chances....where the old mainstream media now competes with social media and fake news.... and it's 85% emotional nonsense.

now we pay. our system of governance wasn't set up to account for this.  it's not working anymore, Trump wasn't supposed to get past the convention.  but he did. Democracy isn't supposed to be real.... the USA wasn't supposed to be ruled this way... it doesn't work.. only in fairy tales.  I don't see how China doesn't come out on top of this... all over the place..... specifically BECAUSE of Trump.  there, that is my emotional statement.




Edited by maewang99
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I think the state visit should be cancelled..."until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." (D.Trump)


It would be demeaning for Queen Elizabeth to have to put on an act welcoming the racist, mysogynistic, megalomaniac, narcissist.


It was a stupid move for May to invite such a controversial figure in the first place....an embarrassment for everyone including Trump when he will have to face huge demonstrations.

Edited by dexterm
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34 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

don't let up.

this is the mistake Thailand made from the getgo with the populist hero they had here. he had broken Thai laws, the courts ruled otherwise.

but lots of the media and other public figures were always too lax on Trump. example, Meet the Press almost a year ago when Trump said flatly that "China totally controls North Korea".  I realize that intuitively and colloquially spoken you can argue that that is a rational statement. but not for someone running for president. it is absurd.  Kim Jung Un obviously doesn't have total control, how would the first level cadre of the Communist Party...  of China itself? why couldn't they even ask him on it?

that's the kind of magical thinking that only the "general population" has the luxury to con itself with.

liberal media? I don't think so, just there to sell adverts by titillating everyone.

we get the tweets and the big bad ass statements about this and that... but they never nailed him down on any details on anything.... so they wouldn't be cut off from one on one interview chances....where the old mainstream media now competes with social media and fake news.... and it's 85% emotional nonsense.

now we pay. our system of governance wasn't set up to account for this.  it's not working anymore, Trump wasn't supposed to get past the convention.  but he did. Democracy isn't supposed to be real.... the USA wasn't supposed to be ruled this way... it doesn't work.. only in fairy tales.  I don't see how China doesn't come out on top of this... all over the place..... specifically BECAUSE of Trump.  there, that is my emotional statement.


This, too, shall pass.

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42 minutes ago, dexterm said:

I think the state visit should be cancelled..."until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." (D.Trump)


It would be demeaning for Queen Elizabeth to have to put on an act welcoming the racist, mysogynistic, megalomaniac, narcissist.


It was a stupid move for May to invite such a controversial figure in the first place....an embarrassment for everyone including Trump when he will have to face huge demonstrations.

The way I heard it, PM May only conveyed a Royal invitation, "the prime minister extended an invitation on behalf of the Queen". And last year it was rumoured that there was support for Brexit from the Palace.

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15 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

The way I heard it, PM May only conveyed a Royal invitation, "the prime minister extended an invitation on behalf of the Queen". And last year it was rumoured that there was support for Brexit from the Palace.

I think you will find that Queen Elizabeth is a Constitutional Monarch with very limited executive powers...that particular issue was decided in a civil war 4 centuries ago.


She just rubber stamps everything the government politely tells her to do, including the OP invitation. The poor woman has previously been asked to entertain on state visits the likes of Nicolae Ceausescu and Robert Mugabe..now regarded as serious embarrassments. History will judge Trump's visit in the same light.

Edited by dexterm
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7 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

Because the best way to protest against banning people is to ban people... Sigh. the hypocracy of the left is just astounding. Furthermore there is nothing "grassroots" about this "backlash", it is another contrived organized Sorus funded farce. Funny how when Obama came up with this list of 7 terror risk countries and banned Iraqis for 6 months, there was not a peep to be heard by anyone. But when Trump does anything, all of a sudden he is the anti-Christ. Not fit to walk in the footsteps of Mandela? Really? I assume he was talking about the person of the same name who was responsible for multiple terrorist attacks and supported communism....  As usual Labour MP's lose credibility whenever they open their mouths.

I think the list is remarkable not for those on it but those that are not. For example as we know the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia but they are not on the list, nothing to do with Trump and his business connections I suppose. However I disagree with banning Trump, those lawmakers that object could simply walk out as he was due to speak in Parliament and people could simply boycott his visit. We know how sensitive he is to crowd sizes not that we wouldn't be told afterwards that it was the greatest state visit in the whole of history.

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1 million from an adult population of 50 million? The only UK passport holders affected by Trump's are those with dual citizenship. If you really want to be British then you only need one passport.


Outside London, Edinburgh and the university cities most Brits who form the quiet majority are more interested in Coronation Street and Eastenders and do not care about Trump's visit.


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32 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


The point being missed by most is that the list of 7 countries was selected last year by the Obama administration as posing 'special risks' and being 'countries of concern' with regards to immigration visas. Trump did not come up with this list, so it is bizarre why he gets attacked as being "racist" (?????) for singling out those countries, but the liberal media darling Obama got a free pass. Subsequent assumptions about Trump's business interests etc are just desperate attempts to discredit him sadly...



But if you are serious about the terrorist threat to America given that the hijackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia please tell us why they are not on the list. Neither are some of the other ME countries where terrorists have originated from. As I said the list isn't that remarkable other than for the notable ones not on there. Are the assumptions about his business interest irrelevant when this man is the President, how many times will we be told that in the next 4 years about decisions he makes.

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Is this the same UK that voted for Brexit?  Upset because Trump wants to keep Muslim extremist from 7 countries out of the USA. I thought the whole idea of Brexit was to keep mainlanders and former colonials(Islamist) out of the UK.

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

How ironic hearing people call Trump a bigot when Muslims are the biggest bigots of all in the way they see and treat women. Whether you agree with Trump or not, I find it hypocritical that Muslims call him a bigot.


If you treat a woman as second class, a possession, you are a misogynist.

If you treat someone is a bad way because of their religion you are a bigot.

If you intolerant of other's religious views you are a bigot.

If you discriminate against homosexual men and women because of their sexual persuasion you are a bigot.

If you discriminate against transgender people you are a bigot.

If you refuse to respect other cultures and beliefs you are a bigot.

If you discriminate based on color, race, nationality you are a racist bigot.


But apparently that only applies to non Muslims. 


Muslims can do all or any of those things and we should respect their right as Muslims to do it.


And if anyone dare say different, then they should be denounced as a fascist racist scum and subjected to persecution along with their family members.


Because Political Correctness says so.

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

Is this the same UK that voted for Brexit?  Upset because Trump wants to keep Muslim extremist from 7 countries out of the USA. I thought the whole idea of Brexit was to keep mainlanders and former colonials(Islamist) out of the UK.


No - it's the rent a mob loony left mixed with the let's have a riot anarchists added to the radical Muslims and the always oppose USA whatever lot.


But it's fashionable now and PC to bemoan and protest Trump. So some of the politicos have to join in. The same ones who jumped on the Brexit bandwagon of false promises when it suited.

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2 hours ago, 348GTS said:


The point being missed by most is that the list of 7 countries was selected last year by the Obama administration as posing 'special risks' and being 'countries of concern' with regards to immigration visas. Trump did not come up with this list, so it is bizarre why he gets attacked as being "racist" (?????) for singling out those countries, but the liberal media darling Obama got a free pass. Subsequent assumptions about Trump's business interests etc are just desperate attempts to discredit him sadly...




It's being missed by most because the media are going out of their way not to mention it. Just like some are pretending it's anti Muslim when Muslims from other countries aren't affected.


Of course Obama got a free pass, he was PC. Just like Hilary the Innocent would've.

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5 hours ago, thai3 said:

Petitions are pointless, never change anything. Welcome Mr President, doing a good job so far.

Oh yes they do. You need to be educated before spouting off ridiculous remarks like that. As for Trump doing a good job so far he has just broken a world Presidential record in being the quickest most dissaproved President in history taking just 8 days. Geat work.

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Funny how these protesters never manage to get out on the street to protest against the human rights abuses in Islamic countries, women being stoned, gays chucked off roofs, 'witches' burned. But a visit by the president and there's no stopping their 'outrage', idiots.

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5 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

Oh yes they do. You need to be educated before spouting off ridiculous remarks like that. As for Trump doing a good job so far he has just broken a world Presidential record in being the quickest most dissaproved President in history taking just 8 days. Geat work.

Name one petition in the last 20 years in the UK that changed govt policy then

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