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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled


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It appears the people are speaking, more protest.... AT UC Berkeley, USA ... ironic, and a nuclear free zone.... rioted against a Breitbart speaker, the Greek Dude full of Trumpness... Students showed his presence was not wanted.


Professional trouble makers for sure... fire it up, destroy the building...  hmmm the tell.  Guess who paid for it.


Operating procedures.....Students seem to attend and then shout down the speaker...

They paint more signs, sing more song cumba ya...and hold picket line,  and pass granola drinking their Startbuck Latte De Cafe, with a twist of hazelnut and whipped cream.


Protest, but do it .... like a boss....


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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I will raise you


Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 8.12.17 PM.png




I must admit, the lefties are very good at getting their people riled up and motivated. Pity all the hard-working right-wingers are too busy working for a living to be bothered with this stuff.



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14 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


I must admit, the lefties are very good at getting their people riled up and motivated. Pity all the hard-working right-wingers are too busy working for a living to be bothered with this stuff.



It's a fact of history. The "lower" classes could only get a say by instigating violence and later when they had their say, ruining the various countries with failed socialist policies and destroying the economy, the educated elite stepped politely in and suddenly found themselves being attacked by activists.


While Slick Willie and Gordon Brown were setting the world up for a massive slump by pushing people who could not afford it into buying houses and then making them relying on the rising values to borrow money against the house to fuel consumer spending, the more civlised just waited for the next election to do something about it.


Now Barack Hussein Obama has had his go at ruining America, the voters decided that Donald Trump should have a go.


They did not understand that socialists/democrats believe it is their God given right to cause trouble, create issues and in general make as many problems as they can.


I have no idea if Donald Trump will be a good or bad President, but I do believe in giving him a fair chance and not slandering him or running him down before he has had his chance to make a go of it.

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2 hours ago, JaySonic said:

Hey yea ! Let's just forget about the UK's history of radicalised Loyalist Prodestants and Nationalist Catholics, and what may well be considered a civil war in the name of religion. Because words like 'radical' and 'terrorism' must only be in regerence to Muslims these days. The white master race can do no wrong !


Lets also forget about the illiterate drug addicted, alcoholic white lower class scans of Britain who beat each other up over the colour of a football team (and then go home and beat their wife and welfare kids). 


A tad too much white guilt here methinks? The key word there is "these days". Some of us like to think that the "white race" (ahem...) learned from their mistakes yet other "races" (Muslims are not a race....), prefer to learn nothing and repeat those mistakes. The so-called Dark Ages in Europe was several hundred years ago yet what those people (to whom we must not refer to as 'radical islamic terrorists' due to the fact that it might offend them and cause them to blow some innocent people up) are in the process of not only entering what future history will most likely refer to as the 2nd Dark Ages, but are seemingly intent on dragging everyone else into it with them. The sad yet totally avoidable situation here is that the weak liberal leaders of Europe are allowing it to happen all in the name of 'tolerance' and 'being progressive'. Excusing insane religiously motivated terrorism because  "in the past white people did it" is a very troubling rationale. As for the chavs, yobs, football hooligans, well I despise them too but that I'm afraid is British culture. Sharia law, burkas, and terrorism is not.

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Just now, 348GTS said:


A tad too much white guilt here methinks? The key word there is "these days". Some of us like to think that the "white race" (ahem...) learned from their mistakes yet other "races" (Muslims are not a race....), prefer to learn nothing and repeat those mistakes. The so-called Dark Ages in Europe was several hundred years ago yet what those people (to whom we must not refer to as 'radical islamic terrorists' due to the fact that it might offend them and cause them to blow some innocent people up) are in the process of not only entering what future history will most likely refer to as the 2nd Dark Ages, but are seemingly intent on dragging everyone else into it with them. The sad yet totally avoidable situation here is that the weak liberal leaders of Europe are allowing it to happen all in the name of 'tolerance' and 'being progressive'. Excusing insane religiously motivated terrorism because  "in the past white people did it" is a very troubling rationale. As for the chavs, yobs, football hooligans, well I despise them too but that I'm afraid is British culture. Sharia law, burkas, and terrorism is not.


Terrorism is not British culture? Never heard of the IRA ? 4,000 deaths, tens of thousands injured, in a dirty, disorganised war based on religious, political and ideological differences? Please provide citations on the death toll in the United Kingdom at the hands of adherents to Islam, that compare to these figures. I shall eagerly await your reply, with credible statistics, rather than the baseless hyperbole that you're rolling out presently. 


And how on earth does 'white guilt' come in to calling out the bigots amongst us ? As with most radicalised white nationalists, your counter arguement makes no sense. 


And if you wish to split hairs on 'race' (don't tell me, that's your defence of being called a racist, right? It's the weakest arguement in the xenophobe's arsonal), then the HUMAN race is the only factor of mankind. 


What you need to get over is that the whole illusion of Islam being a major threat is an illusion, and you're buying in to a great big lie. Those who hold the power want you to live in fear. Once upon a time it was the Communists. After that it was the 'Yellow Peril'. Now its adherents to Islam. In a couple of decades the world will be crying foul of another culture or religious adherence. 


The single biggest impediment to a harmonious western society is not the Muslim community, it's the fear and hate driven blockheads who have bought in to the great big lie, and spew forth negative vitriol against others. 



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2 hours ago, Rhys said:

It appears the people are speaking, more protest.... AT UC Berkeley, USA ... ironic, and a nuclear free zone.... rioted against a Breitbart speaker, the Greek Dude full of Trumpness... Students showed his presence was not wanted.


Professional trouble makers for sure... fire it up, destroy the building...  hmmm the tell.  Guess who paid for it.


Operating procedures.....Students seem to attend and then shout down the speaker...

They paint more signs, sing more song cumba ya...and hold picket line,  and pass granola drinking their Startbuck Latte De Cafe, with a twist of hazelnut and whipped cream.


Protest, but do it .... like a boss....



Protesting Milo is evidence that the left are going down a very slippery slope. The problem with these people is that they try to prevent other students who want to attend from entering. This is another example of the left trampling on free speech and resorting to violence and intolerance and bigotry (hmm now isn't that what they accuse everyone else of doing?) directed towards people who disagree with their misguided agenda. They clearly don't get the irony.

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1 minute ago, 348GTS said:

The problem with these people is that they try to prevent other students who want to attend from entering. 

Using the term 'these people' is illustrative in itself of your narrow view on your fellow man. 


And how about that Trump fellow, trying to prevent other people who want to come to the USA, from entering? Based on religious grounds? What is the difference between that and your example? 


Fascinating self justification for your fear...... do go on, the shovel is all yours. 

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I would like to see a petition asking why most wealthy Middle Eastern countries have taken no Syrians


Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in at all, arguing that doing so would open them up to the risk of terrorism. Although the oil rich countries have handed over aid money, Britain has donated more than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar combined.

Between 10 and 12 million Syrians have been displaced by the bloody civil war raging in their country. Most still remain within Syria’s borders, but around four million have fled over the borders into neighbouring countries, mostly Turkey Jordan and Lebanon, and beyond.

Lebanon, which has 1.1 million Syrian refugees, shut her borders to the Syrians in June of last year. Jordan, host to another 630,000, followed suit in August last year, preventing more Syrians from abandoning their country.

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3 minutes ago, JaySonic said:


Terrorism is not British culture? Never heard of the IRA ? 4,000 deaths, tens of thousands injured, in a dirty, disorganised war based on religious, political and ideological differences? Please provide citations on the death toll in the United Kingdom at the hands of adherents to Islam, that compare to these figures. I shall eagerly await your reply, with credible statistics, rather than the baseless hyperbole that you're rolling out presently. 


And how on earth does 'white guilt' come in to calling out the bigots amongst us ? As with most radicalised white nationalists, your counter arguement makes no sense. 


And if you wish to split hairs on 'race' (don't tell me, that's your defence of being called a racist, right? It's the weakest arguement in the xenophobe's arsonal), then the HUMAN race is the only factor of mankind. 


What you need to get over is that the whole illusion of Islam being a major threat is an illusion, and you're buying in to a great big lie. Those who hold the power want you to live in fear. Once upon a time it was the Communists. After that it was the 'Yellow Peril'. Now its adherents to Islam. In a couple of decades the world will be crying foul of another culture or religious adherence. 


The single biggest impediment to a harmonious western society is not the Muslim community, it's the fear and hate driven blockheads who have bought in to the great big lie, and spew forth negative vitriol against others. 




I was of course referring to Radical Islamic Terrorism. As for the "race" element, calling people racist is the most used weapon in the left's arsenal, one which they use so often now that it has lost all meaning. People in the UK are so worried about being called racist that it stops them from ciriticizing unacceptable practices and behaviour of other cultures. And it has led to the current situation we have now where people try and excuse or justify what is happening in Europe by past actions by "white people", ie slavery, Nazis, wars in the middle east etc. Because "we" did all those horrible things in the past, it must therefore be okay for it to be happening to us. White guilt. Sorry but I don't buy into this mentality. I don't disagree that populations are kept in check by inventing enemies and lying to the people. It is happening now, but not in the way you are implying. It is quite the opposite actually. We are being lied to and sold the BS that Islam is a religion of peace and they all want to come and live happily with us and enrich our culture. The other lie is that of the left wing establishment who now label anyone with common sense and the ability to think for themselves and question the narrative as 'racist', 'populist', 'xenophobe', 'islamaphobe' etc etc, and brainwashed into believing that they are driven by hate and fear. But in around 20 years based on current forecasts of birthrates and unhindered migration, Europe will be majority Muslim. And then what do you think will happen?? Just like that maniacal Immam says, "Sharia Law will be coming to a town near you soon".

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Just now, 348GTS said:


A tad too much white guilt here methinks? The key word there is "these days". Some of us like to think that the "white race" (ahem...) learned from their mistakes yet other "races" (Muslims are not a race....), prefer to learn nothing and repeat those mistakes. The so-called Dark Ages in Europe was several hundred years ago yet what those people (to whom we must not refer to as 'radical islamic terrorists' due to the fact that it might offend them and cause them to blow some innocent people up) are in the process of not only entering what future history will most likely refer to as the 2nd Dark Ages, but are seemingly intent on dragging everyone else into it with them. The sad yet totally avoidable situation here is that the weak liberal leaders of Europe are allowing it to happen all in the name of 'tolerance' and 'being progressive'. Excusing insane religiously motivated terrorism because  "in the past white people did it" is a very troubling rationale. As for the chavs, yobs, football hooligans, well I despise them too but that I'm afraid is British culture. Sharia law, burkas, and terrorism is not.

The Dark Ages have been very recent in the Middle East with the invasion and destruction of Iraq's infrastructure by USA and the UK- an invasion based on lies about weapons of mass destruction.held by Saddam.

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17 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

Using the term 'these people' is illustrative in itself of your narrow view on your fellow man. 


And how about that Trump fellow, trying to prevent other people who want to come to the USA, from entering? Based on religious grounds? What is the difference between that and your example? 


Fascinating self justification for your fear...... do go on, the shovel is all yours. 


You're desperately trying to see something in my words which just isn't there...  I was clearly referring to the protesters, and had I referred to them as "these protesters" would there still be an issue?? But apparently if I refer to them as "people", then suddenly that must have some kind of hidden meaning that only holier-than-thou liberals are smart enough to decipher?? You are trying to compare a country enforcing it's immigration policy (which it is well within it's rights to do) to a bunch of free speech hating bigots who are commiting acts of violence  to prevent fellow students in the same institution from entering an event (which they are not allowed to do). Seriously?? You've now lost your credibility, it really is pointless to debate this topic with you any further....


Just to respond to your last post - which will be my last word on the matter - the point you are so clearly and obviously missing is not that the government is lying, but what they are lying about. You've apparently bought into it hook line and sinker, so I will leave you to it...

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Sure mate. All the Muslims are trying to hurt you, and everyone who doesn't share your irrational and ill-informed fear is surely a lefty liberal and probably a vegetarian. Viva la WHITE RIGHT, Klan brother. Throw some more weiners on the fire and celebrate the hate ! 



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2 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

Sure mate. All the Muslims are trying to hurt you, and everyone who doesn't share your irrational and ill-informed fear is surely a lefty liberal and probably a vegetarian. Viva la WHITE RIGHT, Klan brother. Throw some more weiners on the fire and celebrate the hate ! 




Despite explaining my views in detail in several posts, and rather articulately if I may say so, you responded to virtually none of them, yet took the time to be sarcastic, try to belittle me and call me names etc. This is so very typical of left wing liberals. Textbook stuff! Bravo. :clap2:

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8 minutes ago, JaySonic said:


Godwin's law  asserts that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approachesthat is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler. There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned Hitler has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law.

Edited by 348GTS
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1 minute ago, JaySonic said:

Well aren't you clever - you can copy/paste. 


In this case, it's a matter of 'if the shoe fits'


Sigh.... another example of ignoring the message and attacking the messenger. As I said before, you lost any credibility you may have once had when you compared the trouble makers at Milo's show to the US Govt enforcing their immigration law. Quit while you're "ahead" okay? Your side already lost Brexit, the US election, the last UK election (guessing you're a Labour supporter), and are hopefuly going to lose the upcoming French, Dutch and Italian elections too. And if there is a god, the German election too. It seems a large portion of the population disagrees with you too. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

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Just now, 348GTS said:

Godwin's law  asserts that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approachesthat is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler. There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned Hitler has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law.

Much better to compare Trump to one of the Roman emperors such as Commodus.


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Hey, let's catch up next week in Soi Arab I'll shout you a felafel and  shish kabob. You can tell me all about 'my side', whatever the hell that means. Do you think I'm a radicalised Muslim? Do you think that because I dont walk around frightened of imaginary threats that I am a 'lefty'? I simply exercise an open minded compassion for my fellow man, who will be judged not by his faith or his colour, but whether he acts as an imbecile or not. Actions and intentions are the measure of a man. 


Inshallah, I will catch you soon, down on Arab street, brother. I will respectfully request that you don't drink in front of me though. 



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12 hours ago, 348GTS said:


More butthurt liberal propaganda written by sore losers desperately trying to come to terms with the fact that they lost a referendum in the UK and an election in the US. And hopefully the next elections in France, Netherlands, Italy etc. I see lately they're trying to attach negative connotations to the word 'populist'. Rather than look inwardly at their own failed policies for the reasons they lost, they insult those who voted against their agenda. Typical liberal MO in other words.

Don't think many would agree with your description of The Times as 'liberal'. it's a centre right conservative newspaper and IMO generally spot on in it's definition of UK voters for Brexit.

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4 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

Hey, let's catch up next week in Soi Arab I'll shout you a felafel and  shish kabob. You can tell me all about 'my side', whatever the hell that means. Do you think I'm a radicalised Muslim? Do you think that because I dont walk around frightened of imaginary threats that I am a 'lefty'? I simply exercise an open minded compassion for my fellow man, who will be judged not by his faith or his colour, but whether he acts as an imbecile or not. Actions and intentions are the measure of a man. 


Inshallah, I will catch you soon, down on Arab street, brother. I will respectfully request that you don't drink in front of me though. 




Impressed you possess a semblence of a sense of humour at least, despite your political views. I will gladly partake in a shish kebab (on you). However, like Mr Donald J Trump, I do not drink. Hope that doesn't distort your impression of me too much.


See you in SA...  iA

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2 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Impressed you possess a semblence of a sense of humour at least, despite your political views. I will gladly partake in a shish kebab (on you). However, like Mr Donald J Trump, I do not drink. Hope that doesn't distort your impression of me too much.


See you in SA...  iA

Donald Trump does not drink because he converted to Islam decades ago. This whole anti-Muslim stance is to hide his faith from the world.


The Mexican wall is just a front to get construction funding for what will become the world's largest mosque, on the California border 


Thats also why he has four wives. He's not really divorced from the other three, they are part of his stable of obedient lassies. 


That also explains why his tacky residence furnishings look the way they do - he shared an interior decorator with Saddam Hussein 

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1 hour ago, JaySonic said:



Precisely wrong. Humanity is a seething cauldron of competition. It's one group against another, and when there isn't sufficient differentiation, differences will be invented. The divisions are intentional at an anthropological level because resources - especially land - are limited, and people will fight other people to the death over it.


Everything is fine when there is plenty for everyone - liberals creep out and offer boundless magnanimity - but mankind has become blasé and population has exploded. When the next big thing goes wrong - the inevitable world recession when everyone realises how irretrievably the economic system is in debt to itself - there will catastrophic fighting for the means of survival. People instinctively are sensing that and groups are forming.

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4 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Protesting Milo is evidence that the left are going down a very slippery slope. The problem with these people is that they try to prevent other students who want to attend from entering. This is another example of the left trampling on free speech and resorting to violence and intolerance and bigotry (hmm now isn't that what they accuse everyone else of doing?) directed towards people who disagree with their misguided agenda. They clearly don't get the irony.


Hate speech is not free speech. You have no idea about the make up of the group of people protesting Mr. Yiannopoulos' scheduled presentation at U.C. Berkley. Your own bigotry defines and you have no compunction about luring them as violent. Your assertion that their protest at Mr. Yiannopoulos and his circus side show of self aggrandizing provocations, most of which are at the expense of other people, is intolerance.


You are aware of Milos Yiannopoulos? I would doubt it. I would suggest that you are having a knee-jerk reaction to another of donald's insipid tweets about this issue and the call for 'Freedom of Speech'.


In my view Mr. Yiannopoulos is a manufactured iconoclast. He is following the Kardashian playbook of trying to be famous for being famous and benefit from this. There is little to no substance to what he says. Mere provocation to build the myth that he is somebody with something to say.


Here is an article that describes how he benefit from his apparent misogyny:



Here are two reports of how Mr. Yiannopoulos used a campus visit to openly mock a transgender student sitting in the audience:




Here is a description of his personal attack on Leslie Jones, fat shaming her for her views, that got him banned from Twitter.



Nobody is censoring Mr. Yiannopoulos. He can still spread his vile and bigoted views. It is just most people are telling him that his kind of divisive and hateful self promoting BS is not wanted on their campuses or at their venues. Let him write something and put it on Facebook (if he is not also banned from that) but to exploit his manufactured infamy to extract revenue and other benefits is not going to be tolerated by sensible people.


You, of course, have swallowed his BS whole.


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4 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Godwin's law  asserts that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approachesthat is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler. There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned Hitler has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law.


Godwin's Law is not actually a law. You do realize this don't you? There are many instances where comparisons to historical figures is valid and, in fact necessary. Using a rhetorical device invented to aid critical expression is not a satisfactory refute of an argument. It seems that you are using it because you have no sensible response.

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