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Battambang to be next tourist destination

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The government continues to closely study Battambang province to find ways to develop it as a new heritage tourist destination, with plans to mark potential areas nearby as tourism sites.   Tourism Minister Thong Khon said that the project was being conducted in collaboration with Hungary to entice both local and international tourists – especially tourists from Hungary and other countries in the European Union.

“The ministry also plans to work with Singapore to develop tourism destinations in the outlying areas such as Phnom Kulen, Chong Khneas, Prek Toal and Tonle Sap,” Mr. Khon said, referring to Kulen Mountain and the floating villages of Chong Khneas and Prek Toal on the Tonle Sap lake in Siem Reap province. “In order to get tourists to stay longer and spend more in Cambodia, the Cambodian government has also provided visas for one to three years for visitors from South Korea, Japan and China as well,” he added.

 “The ministry has also devised plans to develop the tourism sector, including an action plan that focuses on the development of tour packages and infrastructure.” Mr. Khon said the plan with Hungary to develop Battambang province involves the creation of tourist accommodation, improvements in transport and better security for travelers, and better enforcement mechanisms to ensure tourists are not cheated.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/34903/battambang-to-be-next-tourist-destination/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 31/01

Good idea, although having travelled from Siem Riep over the Tonle Sap and up the river to Battembong (nice trip) I am not sure what the place has to otherwise  attract tourists.



They need to do something and soon. I have been in and out of the place for the last 12 years and it is definitely on the slide.


The majority of travellers spend no more than 3 days in Siem Reap and that is generous. They could even spend less with the massive  admission price hike coming for Angkor Wat.


Phnom Penn, like many capital cities, is a non event unless you are there on business or looking for hookers. There are failed or abandoned half built condominium projects, half empty shopping malls with rents too expensive to attract tenants and a middle class that still cannot afford the condos and housing being built.


Street food is not good, market fruit and vegetable selection is poor and unhygienic, by and large bugger all to do unless you want to sit in a bar all day smoking yourself to death on cheap fags and drinking in the local happy hours at $0.50 for draft. There is not much to do at all except to sit at the river, look at the water, go visit Toul Sleng, S21, and spend your time making sure your phone doesn't get stolen.


The problem is outside the centre of both towns there is virtually no infrastructure in either Phnom Penn nor Siem reap. Crime is becoming rampant and more daring and vicious in Siem Reap and all too regular with a bone idle, lazy and unhelpful police force, who actually manage to do less and be WORSE than their Thai counterparts.


There are those foreigners that are there living in la la land, NGOs and those that are teaching or those that cannot fulfill Thailand's visa requirements, who think they are chilling in some super cute idyllic unspoiled third world haven. In reality it is now just another tourist trap with lousy deathtrap red roads, rats and rodents all over the place, AGGRESSIVE BEGGARS, terrible sewerage and even worse flooding with constant blackouts in the rainy season.


Sihanoukville is the nearest they have and only main beach resort that again has major problems with lowlifes, poor infrastructure and crime. It is a known hangout for foreigners ' lying low ' and ' on the run ' from other SE nations and largely unsafe in many areas as well as lawless.


Once you have seen Angkor, the surrounding temples and sites and the museum, you can cross it off your bucket list with little reason to return. The government needs to stop the greed and at least make some kind of effort in the out of control corruption and mafias instead on concentrating solely on its grip on power at the expense of its citizens.


The run of the mill, standard Cambodian people are wonderful and a pleasure to meet. They need a helping hand. Unfortunately, any aid or funds coming into the country never reaches them.

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