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73-year-old Danish man arrested for allegedly buying sex from 17-year-old boy

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33 minutes ago, wvavin said:

Is there something missing in this whole saga?

such as the NGO "convincing" the katoey prostitute's parents to file a police report to demonstrate how they are fighting for the rights of the poor oppressed minorities in Thailand?


Of course all Farang in Pattaya should be more choosy......always check IDs

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2 hours ago, LennyW said:

The fact that the person who reported the crime is in handcuffs and the person who allegedly committed the crime is not, would certainly seem to suggest that all is not as it seems.....

The fact might also be that the katoey was stating an age of 18 or over. And if the katoey is under 18 , where is the caring and loving parents that are suppose to take care of their minors? What´s wrong with the story is about all that possibly can be wrong, and a little bit more too.

1 hour ago, Canceraid said:

OMG! The 17th year kathoey looks like something in the late twenties........must have been working a lot of customers since young.......but interesting to note is that most of these things have farang customers! Its the farngs that have been helping these things to proliferate. Real sickos these customers!

Calling a Thai person a thing just tells more about you and your predudice.


....... lured into ?

....... Baht 500 ?
....... minimum age of consent?

....... 11 am ? 

How sporty of the Great Dane and how smart of the poor little 17-year old (lady-)boy in cuffs and (out of picture) possibly shackles .......... 

Next please! The boy certainly was not forced into anything, everything else is operational (fee, timing, location)! 

4 hours ago, manarak said:


something does not ring true in this story, I think some aspects of it have been left out.

Almost certainly.  For example, they must have omitted to mention that the old Danish guy was the only man to have had sex with the innocent 17-year old boy.  That at the time of the incident, the boy was still a virgin.  That the Danish man must have approached the innocent boy at MacDonald's where he worked as a manager, not some cheap gogo bars or sidewalk of beach road.

1 hour ago, 8OA8 said:

Take a look at the front of the t-shirt worn by the the thief in the next story. Now it's the perpetrator that was the earlier victim This time accused of stealing 185k from an English tourist for a nose job

Well spotted.



Wonder what the real story is?


You can never believe what youe see or hear in Thailand.


500 baht and then tried to extort the farang for a much larger amount.  Both deserve jail!  BIB doesn't have a clue how to handle it, as they are just looking how to squeeze two envelopes out of the suspects for themselves.

1 hour ago, Enoon said:


Irrelevant now to this story but for your future reference:


"pedo" = "Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Sex with pre-pubescent ."  


Which was not so in this case.



You need to excuse the loosely use of this term primarily used by heavily indoctrinated ignorant people.


The boy’s parents filed a complaint with a child protection foundation on Saturday.  Sure.  And now the squeeze play is on.  See how much they can get out of the old guy to get the charges dropped. 

8 minutes ago, thairookie said:

So it's the same boy going around cheating farangs ?

Is that the "boy" wearing what looks like handcuffs?  I think they got the stories mixed up here a bit.


It saddens me to say this but there are MANY, MANY boys and girls that are under legal age working in the sex industry, both forced and willingly because they want/need money. So do the right thing, use your brain to THINK before you do anything stupid!

Once in Phitsanulok I was approached by I girl that was "working" but I thought that she looked TOOOOO young so I asked her how old she was, it turned out that she was 14!!! I didn't accept her offer but before she left I asked her how long she had been "working" like that and why she was doing it:

"Sins finish phratom 6, so 2 years. Need to make money, alone to take care of grandmother because mom and dad are working in Bangkok."

16 hours ago, tifino said:


old pedo sits free at the table, yet it is the Katoey held in cuffs

Ok enlighten us all with your wisdom . Where does a pedo come into this ? Have you ever been to school . why are you in thailand . not to have sex with bargirls i hope which is obscene and illegal


The ladyboy is obviously a habitual thief and prostitute and this was some kind of a scam to extort money from naive farangs.  There is probably a connection between his arrest for pick pocketing and the decision to report the farang, e.g. to get money to pay off the police for the first offence.  Most likely he was incensed that he only got B500, if that part is true. As far The Nation's suggestion that the criminal ladyboy's parents reported the farang to a child protection agency.  


Basically a hotch potch of unexplained and missing details that makes this a non-story.


17 hours ago, Enoon said:

This was a special Thai variant of "below the age of consent":


"The age of consent in Thailand is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation...............having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regrets their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18."


In this case sort of: "It's only a crime if you want it to be".   In order to enjoy the delights of "compensation"?


"pedo" = "Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Sex with pre-pubescent ."  


Which was not so in this case.


But maybe you are one of those people who, like the Thais, has their own "special" rules.



There is also an additional law that makes it illegal to purchase sex from anyone under 19. So even if he makes it good with the parents, he could face that additional charge too.


Nothing simple about this case. Lots of questions remain unanswered.

Why was the boy dressed like a girl?

Was "she" soliciting as a prostitute.

Did the guy ask the boys age first, if so what did she say.

Was there an attempt at blackmail.


Of course this does not absolve the Dane of any crime but it may explain why the Thai is in handcuffs.


People need to know all the information before passing judgement.



What annoys me is this.. The Nation shows an unblurred photo of the alleged perpetrator (and alleged victim), prints his name, and says that the foreign man is alleged to have "coerced" the boy into having sex. There is no mention that the 'boy' is actually the katooey shown in the photo nor any explanation of why the alleged victim is in handcuffs. Any editor worth his salt would have had these gaps addressed before going to print with the story. If the katooey is underage and an alleged victim of sexual assault, her face should be blurred. And given the gaps in the story and the fact that the 'victim' was already arrested for another crime under similar circumstances--something that the Nation reporter should have learned from the police--the Nation should not have revealed the identity of the alleged perp. The whole thing is spun to present foreigners as depraved predators... shameful excuse for journalism.


yes his is a scam of some kind as the lurkers well know.

let us concentrate more on the tactics of the welfare agency child protection ngo who are behind this.

it is about money.

we don't know all the facts and will never be told.

as many have stated. this does not sound right at all.




The "victim" may have been a perp in another matter who raised the matter of the Danish guy so as to muddy the waters and maybe curry favour with the cops or at least get some money for his defence. But all of this is speculation as the journalists just do not do anything more than copy type and fit the story into so many column inches and check that it does not break the laws against journalism and publishing. No time for investigating and asking questions. Not that such questions would give rise to answers in any case


The 'crime' is the price.  If he'd have coughed up a grand, no crime.  Where is the finger-pointing anyway? It can't be a crime without Pattaya's Finest fingering the suspect.


I suppose you also support stoning for unwilling victims of rape on adultery grounds, according to their perverted version of Islam, murdering people who leave or renounce Islam, cutting hands of a thief regardless if they are a starving youngster, valuing a woman's statement in court as half that of a man. etc etc


The Danish guy was unfortunate that the ladyboy reported him, probably coerced in the Sunnee plaza area by undercover cops, desperate for ' brown envelopes ' It was hardly the lady boys ' first rodeo ' and more likely spurred to report this by receiving the low sum of 500 baht ( low for pattaya ) or by police offering her/him and the parents the promise of a possible 20K or 30K from the corruption to follow whilst the police pull in 500,000  baht plus.


Next the comment on pedophilia by another poster. A pedophile is a person interested in prepubescent boys or girls in a sexual nature. This guy was neither and with a 17 year old willing participant. All this 15 year old, and 15-18 years old etc is pure confusion and can be manipulated by the police constantly to suit their own ends........money!....................... because it sure isn't the welfare of the Thai youth that concerns them.


The thing is to stick to 18 year olds plus with I.D. cards to prove their age.Most I.D.s now have the persons details in English as well as Thai.


Again, police scraping the barrel for income. Hardly newsworthy.


And there for the grace of God walk many who frequent Thailand's bars and go go establishments where they employ sixteen and seventeen year olds as well as illegal immigrants, quick to pour scorn on a silly Danish mans mistake but only ready and willing to do it themselves until they become victims of police 'selective ' arrests.


I would have no objections if the police were consistent or cared about the welfare. It's pure greed and money and further exploitation of foreigners.

6 hours ago, LennyW said:

The fact that the person who reported the crime is in handcuffs and the person who allegedly committed the crime is not, would certainly seem to suggest that all is not as it seems.....

It seems the pic was mixed up and may has nothing to do with this case.

9 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai boy went along with sex, then reported Danish man to police



Picture: Facebook


PATTAYA: -- Police in Pattaya have said that a 17 year old Thai youth willingly consented to sex with a 73 year old Danish man.


But after the sex session in Soi Sunee in Banglamung - for which he was paid just 500 baht - he went to the cops with a welfare group.


Arrested on a warrant issued on Tuesday was Arne Nielsen. He has been charged with having sex with a minor under the age of 18.


News sources have described the boy as a katoey or lady boy.


Source: STV Pattaya

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-02

If the boy, sitting next to the Danish man in cuffs is the 17 yr. old then he or she looks way over 17.

No defence intended for the Dane, but I know many a story where girls aged 17 or less but look 20 or more, have set falangs up by ringing their mothers from the hotel room after sex, then the mothers BF, usually a policeman come to the hotel and extortion takes place back at the station, for whatever they can ring out of the falang, sometimes 100 to 500k BHT.

I personally knew a man who got done by this girl, in  Buriram- who also had a Mama san getting clients for her.

She was drop dead gorgeous , he saw her a few days later in a supermarket with another falang taking her shopping, she had heaps of gold chains on and he warned the man about her, but maybe to late he was besotted.


Check ID card before proceeding to GO, if you can not pass go, go directly to Jail.:passifier:

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