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Violence erupts during eviction of Israeli settlers from illegal outpost


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Violence erupts during eviction of Israeli settlers from illegal outpost

By Eli Berlzon




As columns of unarmed police walk towards prefabricated homes where some 330 settlers live, Israeli Defence Minister Lieberman calls for a peaceful protest. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)


AMONA, West Bank (Reuters) - Rightist protesters scuffled with Israeli police carrying out a court order to evict settlers from an illegal outpost in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, hours after the government announced more construction in larger settlements.


Around 330 Israeli settlers live in Amona, the largest of scores of outposts built in the West Bank without official authorisation. The Supreme Court ruled in November, after a lengthy legal battle, that settlers had to leave Amona because their homes were built on privately owned Palestinian land.


With no weapons visible, but wearing backpacks, hundreds of police walked past burning tyres and pushed back against scores of nationalist Israeli youths who flocked to Amona in support of the settlers.


Working into the night the forces made slow progress, with three or four policemen at a time lifting each of the protesters out of dwellings in which they had holed up, and carrying them away onto buses.


By dark police said only 22 of Amona's 40 families had left.


Thirteen protesters were detained by police during the scuffles and there were a few instances of stone-throwing. A police spokesmen said at least 20 officers were injured slightly by rocks and caustic liquid thrown at them.


"A Jew doesn't evict a Jew!" the youngsters chanted.


The Amona settlers themselves stayed largely put inside their homes after erecting makeshift barriers in front of their doors and vowing passive resistance to eviction.


"We won't leave our homes on our own. Pull us out, and we'll go," one settler told reporters. "It is a black day for Zionism."


On a nearby hilltop, Issa Zayed, a Palestinian who said he was one of the owners of the land on which Amona was built, watched the scene through binoculars. "With God's help, it will be evacuated and our land will return to us," he said.


Most countries consider all Israeli settlements to be illegal. Israel disagrees, citing historical and political links to the land - which the Palestinians also assert - as well as security interests.




Earlier, Israel announced plans for 3,000 more settlement homes in the West Bank, the third such declaration in 11 days since U.S. President Donald Trump took office. Trump, a Republican, has signalled he could be more accommodating toward such projects than his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama.


An announcement a week ago by Israel that it would build some 2,500 more dwellings in the West Bank, territory captured in a 1967 Middle East war and where Palestinians now seek statehood, drew rebukes from the Palestinians and the European Union. It followed approval a few days before of over 560 new homes in East Jerusalem, also taken by Israel in 1967.


"The decision ... will place obstacles in the path of any effort to start a peace process that will lead to security and peace," said Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.


Palestinians want the West Bank and Gaza Strip for an independent state, with its capital in East Jerusalem. Israeli troops and settlers withdrew from Gaza in 2005.


In 2006 Amona saw a violent partial eviction, with nine shacks torn down by authorities. Police were confronted by thousands of settlers and more than 200 people were injured.


The Amona issue had caused tension within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government. But it eased after he got behind a law proposed by the Jewish Home party, a far-right political ally, to retroactively legalise dozens of outposts. This would not apply to Amona because of the existing court decision.


"We have lost the battle over Amona but we are winning the campaign for the Land of Israel," cabinet minister and Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett tweeted after the evacuation began.


The legislation is expected to be passed in parliament next week. It is opposed, however, by Israel's attorney-general and legal experts predict it eventually would be overturned in court.


(Writing by Jeffrey Heller; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Alison Williams)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-02
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Sad that his had to be done, but even more proof that Israel is willing to dismantle settlements if the Palestinians would finally do the right thing and make peace.

They dismantle only because at the same time they're starting many more. This one was just a pawn in a much bigger game.

Land grabbing is reaching new heights, and your twisting it again, this time much worse than you usually do though.

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43 minutes ago, stevenl said:

They dismantle only because at the same time they're starting many more. This one was just a pawn in a much bigger game.

The facts are that Israel has traded land for peace and dismantled settlements a number of times. That is a lot more compelling than baseless speculation and conspiracy theories.

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Window dressing devised to disarm world opinion. These illegal outposts are tolerated and thereby implicitly encouraged by the Israel government. And behind the feeble smokescreen of removing one of them, more and more government building goes on.


The deceit that is going on here is cosmic.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sad that his had to be done, but even more proof that Israel is willing to dismantle settlements if the Palestinians would finally do the right thing and make peace.

yes - Israel is not usually shy about demolishing people's homes...happens a lot...



Edited by bangon04
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from the OP..

>>Thirteen protesters were detained by police during the scuffles and there were a few instances of stone-throwing. A police spokesmen said at least 20 officers were injured slightly by rocks and caustic liquid thrown at them.

...dont the IDF have standing orders to fire live ammunition at rock throwers. Or is that just reserved for Palestinian rock throwers?


The evacuation is simply window dressing for legislation next week for the first time legalizing blatant land theft, knowing full well that land is privately owned Palestinian land, yet the state is allowing illegal squatters to take it.


Another nail in the coffin of the two state solution with Trump's nod of approval, leaving the only alternative... a one state solution. At least the charade will be over.


Palestinians can then begin demanding equal rights in a binational state.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sad that his had to be done, but even more proof that Israel is willing to dismantle settlements if the Palestinians would finally do the right thing and make peace.

Proof that the Israel Judiciary is willing to follow the rule of law, just a pity that the Israeli government wont do the same 

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