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White House investigates leaks of Trump calls to Australia, Mexico


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White House investigates leaks of Trump calls to Australia, Mexico


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A pedestrian looks at a newspaper headline regarding U.S. President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in central Sydney, Australia, February 3, 2017. REUTERS/David Gray


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is looking into how embarrassing details of President Donald Trump's recent tense phone conversations with his counterparts in Australia and Mexico were leaked to news organizations, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Fox News Channel.

"The president takes these leaks very seriously," Spicer said in an interview with Fox News Channel, which on Friday provided a transcript of a segment set to air on Saturday.

Trump cut short a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull after an acrimonious discussion about a refugee swap deal, a conversation that threatened ties between the two allies after details appeared in The Washington Post.

In an earlier call with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto about paying for a wall on the southern U.S. border, Trump said he might send the U.S. military to Mexico to stop drug cartels - details from a transcript obtained by a Mexican news organisation Aristegui Noticias and the Associated Press. The White House later said the comments were meant to be lighthearted.

"That’s troubling and I think the president has asked the team to look into this because those are very serious implications," Spicer said.

Spicer described the conversations as "candid" but respectful, and has noted that both the Australian and Mexican governments have disputed some of the details.

White House officials did not respond to requests for comment on the investigation into the leaks.

Trump told politicians and faith leaders at a prayer breakfast that he was having difficult conversations with world leaders as he worked to overhaul immigration rules.

"Believe me, when you hear about the tough phone calls I'm having - don't worry about it. Just don't worry about it," Trump told the leaders.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-04



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OK, IMHO Trump is a "Fruit Loop" surrounded by advisers who do not show much more intelligence. Someone should take his bloody cell phone off him and tell the idiot to show some maturity. SOCIAL MEDIA = <deleted>.


In saying that I'm Australian and can't figure for the life of me who would want to take our unwanted and uninvited "Garbage". What was the plan that Turnbull and Obama concocted?

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No doubt the WH is leaking like a sieve, probably a result of pitting factions against one another, while they also vie for his limited attention span?


That said, details of the calls could come from Mexico and Australia as well; not sure I'd classify those as leaks per se.

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23 minutes ago, bdenner said:

OK, IMHO Trump is a "Fruit Loop" surrounded by advisers who do not show much more intelligence. Someone should take his bloody cell phone off him and tell the idiot to show some maturity. SOCIAL MEDIA = <deleted>.


In saying that I'm Australian and can't figure for the life of me who would want to take our unwanted and uninvited "Garbage". What was the plan that Turnbull and Obama concocted?

A people swap.


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1 hour ago, bdenner said:

In saying that I'm Australian and can't figure for the life of me who would want to take our unwanted and uninvited "Garbage". What was the plan that Turnbull and Obama concocted?

1200 of ours for roughly ~ 3000 central americans initially mentioned in the deal talks. So ostensibly mutually beneficial. 


It was an political 'out' for Turnbull too, as off shore detention is a domestic running sore, politically, not as you so eloquently phrased it, "unwanted and uninvited "Garbage" ". There was no solution insight. Ironically, they will have to come to Australia if Trump reneges or rejects too many. 


I agree these "people" are our problem. We should have accepted them long ago not horse traded them in this grubby way as things have eventuated. 

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2 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

it is embarrassing that details of conversations with other leaders has been leaked, but even more embarrassing is the stupid things Donald Duck says, like sending troops into a neighbouring country. :w00t:

The leak will become the story  and it seems to have been initiated from the White house so that is telling. Confirmation came post haste and indirectly in Australia.


If trump is indignant about leaks it just enhances his delusional qualities. How anyone who speaks as he does can expect his minion's loyalty or fidelity. Maybe he cavalierly wanted the bragging firstly before understanding the seriousness of the fallout. Could anyone be sure otherwise? He did brag about "hanging up" on an Prime minister and labelling it "the worst call ever", yet sulks when revealed. He lives in a political world with new rules as he has established new boundaries for all players. 



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I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth


Ive had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now



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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

No doubt the WH is leaking like a sieve, probably a result of pitting factions against one another, while they also vie for his limited attention span?


That said, details of the calls could come from Mexico and Australia as well; not sure I'd classify those as leaks per se.

The leaks are coming from the Left in America...if you actually examine the Left objectively, they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

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Just now, hdkane said:

The leaks are coming from the Left in America...if you actually examine the Left objectively, they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

sorry...to continue the thought...the Left will do anything...because they believe conservatives (and they mistakenly think Trump is conservative) are immoral...conservatives think liberals are mistaken...the liberals think the conservatives are evil...and so any action is justified in the Left's immature mind...


I hope they are able to identify the leak, and imprison them...

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38 minutes ago, hdkane said:

The leaks are coming from the Left in America...if you actually examine the Left objectively, they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

How do you know?

I'd rather think someone who would benefit from the situation, someone like a VP for instance, or Australia.... remember the meeting with Japan's Shinzo Abe ... Japanese press was the first to publish the photos with Ivanka and Jared....

( conflict of interest by the way)...not Trump.   

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30 minutes ago, hdkane said:

sorry...to continue the thought...the Left will do anything...because they believe conservatives (and they mistakenly think Trump is conservative) are immoral...conservatives think liberals are mistaken...the liberals think the conservatives are evil...and so any action is justified in the Left's immature mind...


I hope they are able to identify the leak, and imprison them...

yes just imagine how Putin - or Erdogan - or Xi - would deal with this case  

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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"The president takes these leaks very seriously," Spicer said in an interview with Fox News Channel, which on Friday provided a transcript of a segment set to air on Saturday.

We do to they suck and we have the right to know they suck. Again Cyndi Lopers great song come to mind "True Colors" There is just to much nonsense going on in politics and we have a right to know warts and all. 

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My guess is that there are alot of White House and executive branch employees who are shocked at how churlish and off the cuff his inane policy has been to date, and want to stem the damage. At this rate, we could be in a world war, or a major conflict, that was completely unavoidable, very soon. Just keep rattling your sabers Don. See what happens. See how the world reacts. See who calls you bluff first. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

My guess is that there are alot of White House and executive branch employees who are shocked at how churlish and off the cuff his inane policy has been to date, and want to stem the damage. At this rate, we could be in a world war, or a major conflict, that was completely unavoidable, very soon. Just keep rattling your sabers Don. See what happens. See how the world reacts. See who calls you bluff first. 

Your at it again spidermike. Reminds me of Jack Nickolson in the movie "Truth you want the truth you can't handle the truth" Loved the movie and Jack. Happy retirement Jack your irreplaceable. 

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10 hours ago, hdkane said:

The leaks are coming from the Left in America...if you actually examine the Left objectively, they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

 LOL. Yeah, Trump is surrounded by the left in his Ovulating Office. Ridiculous. Enemies from within, I say. :sleep:

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14 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

I have great reservations about this president and have deep concern about the true costs of his administration, but these leaks need to be plugged immediately.  A government cannot run properly (particularly with regard to international relations) without a modicum of privacy.


Administrations "leak" information all the time to advance their narrative.


Not saying that this administration is the only one to do this, or that's what happened in this case.


Trump evidently keeps a small group close, so it may be that one of them is whinging after a call to their staff, and then one of the staff leaks?


Calls, other than to Putin, are/were recorded.

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Trump going after government personnel reminds me of this antedote:


Albert Speer, in one of his books, told of walking with Hitler in the Chancellery, when Hitler nudged him. “Don’t look, but do you see that man in the corner? He makes me nervous.”

Speer looked when he could, and saw an apparent janitor.

“If he does, Mein Fuehrer, why do you not fire him?”

The answer, from a man whose orders had killed millions, was “did you ever try to fire a German civil servant?”


A lessson Trump should learn and also familiarize himself with Whistleblower and Freedom of Information laws.


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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

 LOL. Yeah, Trump is surrounded by the left in his Ovulating Office. Ridiculous. Enemies from within, I say. :sleep:

Left right left right they all take their marching orders from the same source. Yes there will be some "lefties" in the mix. The real answer is don't do stupid things in the first place and then holler foul when your exposed. 

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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

 LOL. Yeah, Trump is surrounded by the left in his Ovulating Office. Ridiculous. Enemies from within, I say. :sleep:

Looks like it was one the idiots in the room with Trump when the call was made. Thought it would make them look tough. An own goal so to speak. There is now no ally who does not understand they will be collateral damage to this administration's presentation issues and 'value signalling'. .As the sun sets on the American Century, isolation and hysteria sets in. It's enough to make one weep.

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Trump White House Leaks: Done On Purpose Or Lack Of Loyalty?

" Steve Inskeep talks to Jonah Goldberg, senior editor at the National Review, ... And so there's a lot of vengeful leaking against rivals. they see the Trump administration the same way sort of the local villagers would see when the - Napoleon's forces would come in and use the local church as a stable. And they are greatly offended by the incoming administration, and they relish the ability to leak and embarrass the administration."



Donald Trump avec Steve Bannon et son conseiller à la défense, Michael Flynn.


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Ummm, let me think, which countries were supreme at being paranoid and rooting out (and punishing) people who didn't toe the party line?   Oh yea, now I remember:  East Germany, China, Russia, North Korea.   Trump continues to head down the dismal rocky road to Uglyville.  He is to governing what a turd is to a fruit punch.

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On 2/4/2017 at 4:01 PM, Emster23 said:

Maybe he should check with Putin or Julian... Trump was all for hacking and leaks when it benefited him. Didn't dream that perhaps others might benefit even when he doesn't?

You beat me to it.  I was going to post the same thing.  Geniuses think alike.

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Trump Aides Keep Leaking Embarrassing Stories About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment


"The president is a 70-year-old child whose TV time must be closely monitored — because any news story that upsets his ego will trigger a temper tantrum followed by irrational demands that his indulgent, overwhelmed guardians will be helpless to refuse. "




The decree that most displeased Donald Trump is the controversial one that made Stephen Bannon a member of the National Security Council. According to the New York Times, Donald Trump was furious not to have been "briefed enough" before signing the document. He understood only afterwards that he had appointed Bannon to this post.


Report: Trump Not Briefed on Order That Gave Bannon NatSec Seat



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