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UK Speaker opposes Trump address to MPs


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British Speaker opposes letting Trump address parliament

By William James and Kylie MacLellan




John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons listens as Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto delivers an address to members of the British All-Party Parliamentary Group at the Houses of Parliament in London, March 3, 2015. REUTERS/Toby Melville/Files


LONDON (Reuters) - The speaker of Britain's lower house of parliament said on Monday he would not support any plans for U.S. President Donald Trump to address parliament during a state visit planned for later this year, citing Trump's temporary immigration ban as a factor.


More than 1.8 million people in Britain have signed a petition calling for Trump's planned visit to be cancelled or downgraded to avoid embarrassing Queen Elizabeth, part of a grassroots backlash against his immigration policies.


Prime Minister Theresa May has defended the decision to offer a state visit, but more than 150 lawmakers have signed a symbolic motion calling for Trump not to be given the honour of speaking in parliament.


Asked by an opposition Labour lawmaker about the possibility of a parliamentary address, House of Commons speaker John Bercow said he shared the concerns.


"As far as this place (parliament) is concerned, I feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and to sexism and our support for equality before the law and an independent judiciary are hugely important considerations," Bercow said, earning a round of applause from lawmakers.


Trump's executive order barring entry to the United States for refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority countries has prompted worldwide protests, including by thousands of demonstrators in London.


The temporary immigration ban faced a legal hurdle on Monday that could determine whether he can push through the most controversial and far reaching policy of his first two weeks in office.


As one of the key figures whose approval would be needed for a parliamentary address, Bercow said he would oppose any possible move to invite Trump to speak in either of the two locations which host foreign leaders during state visits.


In 2011, Trump's predecessor Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to address both houses of parliament in Westminster Hall, the oldest building in the parliamentary palace, which has also hosted South Africa's Nelson Mandela and France's Charles de Gaulle.


"Before the imposition of the migrant ban, I would myself have been strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall. After the imposition of the migrant ban by President Trump, I am even more strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall," Bercow said.


"An address by a foreign leader to both houses of parliament is not an automatic right; it is an earned honour."


(Editing by Catherine Evans)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-07
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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

this is obviously fake news

No its correct------ in all of to-days UK papers....Bercrow (who is usually in the news for his infidelities ) is the speaker of the house--& as such should not even voice an opinion on either side of a debate.


There seems to be a world-wide conspiracy against common-sense  of late.........:coffee1:

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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

No its correct------ in all of to-days UK papers....Bercrow (who is usually in the news for his infidelities ) is the speaker of the house--& as such should not even voice an opinion on either side of a debate.


There seems to be a world-wide conspiracy against common-sense  of late.........:coffee1:

you should not speak about common sense if you are talking about Donald Trump, he doesnt show any

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Speaker Bercow: Trump should not speak in Parliament


House of Commons Speaker John Bercow would be "strongly opposed" to US President Donald Trump addressing the Houses of Parliament during his state visit to the UK, he has said.


Mr Bercow told MPs that "opposition to racism and sexism" were "hugely important considerations".


Labour and the SNP praised him but critics said he should stay neutral. President Trump was invited to make a state visit after meeting Theresa May in Washington last month.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-38884604

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-02-07


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Good move by the Speaker. After May scuttled off to play lap dog to Trump in hope of deals that will not not be forthcoming, it is good for Brits to stand up to him. He has already demonstrated to Malcom Turnbull how special the US's special relationships are to him and publicly rubbished NATO. 


Let America stand alone in the world with only Purim as a friend until Trump's presidency is over and let's hope it is a short one.

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10 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

you should not speak about common sense if you are talking about Donald Trump, he doesnt show any

I was not speaking about Donald Trump--but about John Bercow's stupidity,

Bercow sat with  and allowed  leaders of China, Kuwait and Qatar to speak in Parliament.


--other leaders speaking to the British parliament  that no one seems to have a problem with include 

Japan's Emperor Hirohito-- Japan's wartime head of state

Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu-- Romania was then, already well-known as one of the most corrupt and oppressive of the Soviet Union's Cold War satellite states.

Russia's Vladimir Putin

Qatar's Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

The Emir of Qatar - a country which practices Sharia Law, involving lashes as punishments - was welcomed by Mr Bercow on October 26, 2010.


Bercow-- You really are living proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime.


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Bercow is being investigated yet again for fiddling his expenses and paying for exorbitant high end meals for cronies with  public money. He is nothing more than a hypocrite pretending to have principles to embarrass the Tory Govt who opposed his nomination as speaker. A huge case of (very) small man syndrome. 

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I can understand Theresa May's trip to USA to meet Trump which no doubt, was to ensure trade between the two countries. But I can't help being reminded of when Neville Chamberlain went to Germany to meet the maniac Adolph Hitler in the late 1930s, whose policies Trump seems have adopted. Chamberlain returned to England waving a piece of paper stating there would be no war. We all know where that led don't we. Let us hope history is not repeating itself.

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2 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

I can understand Theresa May's trip to USA to meet Trump which no doubt, was to ensure trade between the two countries. But I can't help being reminded of when Neville Chamberlain went to Germany to meet the maniac Adolph Hitler in the late 1930s, whose policies Trump seems have adopted. Chamberlain returned to England waving a piece of paper stating there would be no war. We all know where that led don't we. Let us hope history is not repeating itself.

If you think Trumps policies are the same as Hitlers just because he has temporarily limited travel from 7 countries. I would suggest u revisit your history book.

Morever try not blow things out of proportion as it may only upset your delicate constitution. 

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9 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

Bercow is being investigated yet again for fiddling his expenses and paying for exorbitant high end meals for cronies with  public money. He is nothing more than a hypocrite pretending to have principles to embarrass the Tory Govt who opposed his nomination as speaker. A huge case of (very) small man syndrome. 




A spokeswoman for the Speaker’s office said overall annual expenditure had fallen 19.4%, from £626,000 to £504,000 since Bercow took on the job in 2009.



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23 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

But I can't help being reminded of when Neville Chamberlain went to Germany to meet the maniac Adolph Hitler in the late 1930s, whose policies Trump seems have adopted.

Don't you think just a tad.....OTT  Gandtee.........:coffee1:

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Was Trump even invited to speak before Parliament? I don't think so. Bercow is a fool, he is supposed to be politically neutral. I'm not even sure he can decide if Trump would or would not speak to the house if invited.


He should not be speaker of the house.    

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6 hours ago, Grouse said:

Good man, Bercow ?


He's an hypocrite. He was shown on the BBC news toadying up to the Chinese President when he visited. So it's ok to welcome non democratic communist dictators from a country that allows no political opposition, no criticism, carries out large numbers of executions, allows no free press, cracks down on ethnic minorities and has an appalling HR record?


You agree do you Grousey? 


Because Belcrow is just another PC neo liberal socialist who wants to allow free speech for only those he agrees with and suppress any he doesn't.


He should be sacked. He knows his role should be impartial.

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37 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

Was Trump even invited to speak before Parliament? I don't think so. Bercow is a fool, he is supposed to be politically neutral. I'm not even sure he can decide if Trump would or would not speak to the house if invited.


He should not be speaker of the house.    


Not only is he a fool, he's an hypocrite who happily toadies and welcomes a communist dictator. 


That communist dictator also cracked down on Muslims living in China. But that was o k because he's another leftie.

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1 hour ago, Gandtee said:

I can understand Theresa May's trip to USA to meet Trump which no doubt, was to ensure trade between the two countries. But I can't help being reminded of when Neville Chamberlain went to Germany to meet the maniac Adolph Hitler in the late 1930s, whose policies Trump seems have adopted. Chamberlain returned to England waving a piece of paper stating there would be no war. We all know where that led don't we. Let us hope history is not repeating itself.


Your political understanding is astounding, probably cover the whole of the back of a postage stamp.


However, for the rest who don't share your in depth understanding, could you please elaborate on exactly which of Hitler's policies you feel President Trump is adopting?

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2 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Australia had George W Bush & Xi Jinping to address both houses of Parliament in Canberra on successive days! Made us all feel good about our expansive all-welcoming democracy ...


Then well done Australia, and absolutely right. Once you don't allow all then you censor. And as we've seen the left love to sensor under the guise of political correctness.

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

No its correct------ in all of to-days UK papers....Bercrow (who is usually in the news for his infidelities ) is the speaker of the house--& as such should not even voice an opinion on either side of a debate.


There seems to be a world-wide conspiracy against common-sense  of late.........:coffee1:

I should have used a smiley, Trump would call it fake news, reality is not his thing

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2 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

I was not speaking about Donald Trump--but about John Bercow's stupidity,

Bercow sat with  and allowed  leaders of China, Kuwait and Qatar to speak in Parliament.


--other leaders speaking to the British parliament  that no one seems to have a problem with include 

Japan's Emperor Hirohito-- Japan's wartime head of state

Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu-- Romania was then, already well-known as one of the most corrupt and oppressive of the Soviet Union's Cold War satellite states.

Russia's Vladimir Putin

Qatar's Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

The Emir of Qatar - a country which practices Sharia Law, involving lashes as punishments - was welcomed by Mr Bercow on October 26, 2010.


Bercow-- You really are living proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime.



Indeed. And the Chinese communist dictator welcomed with open arms and toadiness by our esteemed impartial speaker.


Sack the james hunt.

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2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

Good move by the Speaker. After May scuttled off to play lap dog to Trump in hope of deals that will not not be forthcoming, it is good for Brits to stand up to him. He has already demonstrated to Malcom Turnbull how special the US's special relationships are to him and publicly rubbished NATO. 


Let America stand alone in the world with only Purim as a friend until Trump's presidency is over and let's hope it is a short one.


But it's fine to welcome Chinese dictators who ruthlessly suppress free speech, criticism, and don't allow any opposition? Or perhaps extreme Muslim despot rulers who impose total control and Sharia Law as it suits? Not to mention the odd corrupt African leader.


Hypocrisy - the left wings gift to politics when they invented political correctness.

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Bercow comes over as somewhat of a drama queen and this intervention doesn't exactly detract from that image. The one argument against Trump appearing in Parliament would be the risk of someone (or Trump!) pulling a stunt during the event but that should have been a quiet discussion in the Speaker's Chambers with the PM.

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19 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


He's an hypocrite. He was shown on the BBC news toadying up to the Chinese President when he visited. So it's ok to welcome non democratic communist dictators from a country that allows no political opposition, no criticism, carries out large numbers of executions, allows no free press, cracks down on ethnic minorities and has an appalling HR record?


You agree do you Grousey? 


Because Belcrow is just another PC neo liberal socialist who wants to allow free speech for only those he agrees with and suppress any he doesn't.


He should be sacked. He knows his role should be impartial.

It's a fair point though I wouldn't accuse Bercow of political correctness!


Maybe China doesn't bellow its views from the roof tops. A little more astute maybe?


Anybody know what the executions league table is now?

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38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Your political understanding is astounding, probably cover the whole of the back of a postage stamp.


However, for the rest who don't share your in depth understanding, could you please elaborate on exactly which of Hitler's policies you feel President Trump is adopting?

What about blaming a particular race or religion for the country's ailments. Is that not a similarity to Hitler's policy?   

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1 hour ago, CharlieK said:

I'm not even sure he can decide if Trump would or would not speak to the house if invited.

Unfortunately--yes he can. He is one of the "3 Key-holders to the great Hall" ...I know it reads like something out of Harry Potter doesn't it. The other two are the Lord Speaker and Lord Great Chamberlain.

Just having a majority of people vote for something--would be a step to far for this lot , wandering around in their wigs & silk stockings muttering about the loss of the Empire...........:coffee1:

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39 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But it's fine to welcome Chinese dictators who ruthlessly suppress free speech, criticism, and don't allow any opposition? Or perhaps extreme Muslim despot rulers who impose total control and Sharia Law as it suits? Not to mention the odd corrupt African leader.


Hypocrisy - the left wings gift to politics when they invented political correctness.

Except that Bercow is from the Conservative Party. 

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14 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

What about blaming a particular race or religion for the country's ailments. Is that not a similarity to Hitler's policy?

I think putting a ban on 7 countries for 90 days-- It's a little bit different than Hitler ideas Gandtee----


In the context of what is happening of late---

Not all Muslims are terrorists.....

....But All terrorists are Muslims

Edited by oxo1947
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