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UK Speaker opposes Trump address to MPs


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2 hours ago, Chicog said:





My post wasn't regarding the total cost.. But how the money has been spent. Maybe he has had to rein in his spending due to media pubicity and public outrage..


No smoke without fire.. He is still a vile little man.

And is still abusing public funds...











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24 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

What about blaming a particular race or religion for the country's ailments. Is that not a similarity to Hitler's policy?   


Nicola Sturgeon must be emulating Hitler too then!


I think you might find Hitler and the National Socialists had quite a few more, and some very very disturbing ideas than that. But hey ho, it's fashionable to call anyone not on the left a fascist nazi so you enjoy yourself.

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1 minute ago, Pdaz said:


My post wasn't regarding the total cost.. But how the money has been spent. Maybe he has had to rein in his spending due to media pubicity and public outrage..


No smoke without fire.. He is still a vile little man.

And is still abusing public funds...



Champagne socialist - all animals are equal, but some are more equal!









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55 minutes ago, Grouse said:

It's a fair point though I wouldn't accuse Bercow of political correctness!


Maybe China doesn't bellow its views from the roof tops. A little more astute maybe?


Anybody know what the executions league table is now?


China's antics in HK have drew some recent comment. Put largely the UK panders to them. 


Bercow was positively fawning. Seems his conscience is very selective.

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23 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

Unfortunately--yes he can. He is one of the "3 Key-holders to the great Hall" ...I know it reads like something out of Harry Potter doesn't it. The other two are the Lord Speaker and Lord Great Chamberlain.

Just having a majority of people vote for something--would be a step to far for this lot , wandering around in their wigs & silk stockings muttering about the loss of the Empire...........:coffee1:

Look who the other two voting members are;

Lord Norman Fowler-speaker of the house of Lords and ex member of Maggie Thatcher's Government and ex chairman of the Tory Party and

David Cholmondeley (7th Marquess  of Cholmondeley - The Great Lord Chamberlain and representative of HM the Queen.  We know which way those two will vote.

Also the speaker of the house of commons only controls the 'Great Hall'.  Nothing to stop an invite to speak from the Royal Gallery.

Also no invite to speak to both houses has been issued and it is Not automatic, even during a full state visit.

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22 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


China's antics in HK have drew some recent comment. Put largely the UK panders to them. 


Bercow was positively fawning. Seems his conscience is very selective.

The UK is pandering to any and everyone! Embarrassing actually ?

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3 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Bercow is being investigated yet again for fiddling his expenses and paying for exorbitant high end meals for cronies with  public money. He is nothing more than a hypocrite pretending to have principles to embarrass the Tory Govt who opposed his nomination as speaker. A huge case of (very) small man syndrome. 

Who judges what is exorbitantly expensive? Fish &a chips and takeaway curries are fine but not all the time! Just a teeny bit jealous of others maybe?

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31 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

Look who the other two voting members are;

Lord Norman Fowler-speaker of the house of Lords and ex member of Maggie Thatcher's Government and ex chairman of the Tory Party and

David Cholmondeley (7th Marquess  of Cholmondeley - The Great Lord Chamberlain and representative of HM the Queen.  We know which way those two will vote.

Also the speaker of the house of commons only controls the 'Great Hall'.  Nothing to stop an invite to speak from the Royal Gallery.

Also no invite to speak to both houses has been issued and it is Not automatic, even during a full state visit.

Isn't it all splendid! 

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


What? Who said he was? Or do you think the Conservative are the left?

" Hypocrisy - the left wings gift to politics when they invented political correctness. "


Bercow was a Conservative MP so I fail to see how that the left wing gift to politics has anything to do with someone from a right wing party.

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6 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

No its correct------ in all of to-days UK papers....Bercrow (who is usually in the news for his infidelities ) is the speaker of the house--& as such should not even voice an opinion on either side of a debate.


There seems to be a world-wide conspiracy against common-sense  of late.........:coffee1:

I am no fan of Bercow but on this I am fully behind him.  Let's not forget that he is the Speaker of the House and therefore he is the one who would extend the invitation to Trump to address both Houses.  He may need to be impartial to the political parties but you can't be impartial to doing the right thing (or not).

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4 hours ago, Pdaz said:

If you think Trumps policies are the same as Hitlers just because he has temporarily limited travel from 7 countries. I would suggest u revisit your history book.

Morever try not blow things out of proportion as it may only upset your delicate constitution. 

No need to read my history books. I lived it. One similarity of Trump and Hitler is to blame one section of the people for the country's perceived woes. More citizens in the USA, I believe, each year, are killed by Americans shooting each other. Not by foreigners. If he wants to fulfill his promise to 'Make America Safe Again' I would suggest re relieves the population of their firearms.

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As speaker of the house Mr Bercow's job is to act neutral and ensure fair play etc. He has no business giving a statement on his personal opinion of President Trump nor any of his policies and no one is interested in Bercow's opinion either.


After he has been called in for attitude adjustment all will be well, the little man will carry on with his duties as per his remit and the US president will address both houses, such as his standing as leader of the free world which is also the correct protocol between two such countries as the UK and USA.



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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Not only is he a fool, he's an hypocrite who happily toadies and welcomes a communist dictator. 


That communist dictator also cracked down on Muslims living in China. But that was o k because he's another leftie.

It doesn't matter if someone is a dictator as long as he benefits your country but the packaging has to be right,diplomacy, decorum, intelligence, charm, all these things are missing in Trump, he has no packaging, unfortunately one really does get what one see's and that is unpalatable.  

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28 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Bercow is a fool and an embarrassment,should have been sacked ages ago

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

You're incorrigible! ?

Edited by Grouse
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1 hour ago, Lokie said:

As speaker of the house Mr Bercow's job is to act neutral and ensure fair play etc. He has no business giving a statement on his personal opinion of President Trump nor any of his policies and no one is interested in Bercow's opinion either.

Why?  He is Speaker of the House.  He has to remain impartial when it comes to Party politics, especially as he used to be a Conservative.  However as I said before it is the Speakers role to invite the POTUS to speak in both Houses and therefore has the right to an opinion on the matter.  You may not be interested in his opinion but judging by the furore many people are.  

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14 minutes ago, Rhys said:

Psss, Trump wants to sell English some prime time properties in the swamp land of the everglades. 

Pfft! We won't be fooled he had it drained to extend, refit and restock the one in Washington for him and his mates.


I hear Tower London Bridge is back on the market for any who are interested though. :smile:

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Many will be aware that the Speaker, Mr Bercow, is a gentleman of startlingly diminished stature.


A few years ago the junior health minister Simon Burns’s driver reversed into the Speaker’s car in a Parliament courtyard.

Mr Bercow appeared and told Mr Burns: “I’m not happy!” To which Mr Burns replied: “Well, which one are you?”



And off to work we go, hey ho hey ho.

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2 hours ago, Slip said:

Pfft! We won't be fooled he had it drained to extend, refit and restock the one in Washington for him and his mates.


I hear Tower London Bridge is back on the market for any who are interested though. :smile:

President Trump would be more than happy to purchase the Tower of London in order to gain possession of Traitor's Gate.

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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

He has to remain impartial when it comes to Party politics  



He has overstepped the line as I stated, he works for the Parliament and sitting Government - not against it.


A few hundred years ago heads would have been rolling or the gallows and the long drop. We would not be having these distractions from waste of time Re-mainers and anti-Trump leftists. 

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9 hours ago, Grouse said:

Who judges what is exorbitantly expensive? Fish &a chips and takeaway curries are fine but not all the time! Just a teeny bit jealous of others maybe?

No not even a little. I had a wonderful champagne brunch at one of Bangkoks best Spanish restos last Sunday. At around 5000 baht per head it was great value. Mr Bercow and a friend spent nearly £2000 on one meal. Even by high standards that is exorbitant, especially as the taxpayer is funding it. 

  • Expense receipts revealed today following Freedom of Information request
  • Bercow spent £2,000 on a party for Dawn Primarolo as she quit Commons
  • And he expensed £1,954 for ONE meal with his Australian counterpart
  • Taxpayer also shelled out for 'post card sized' pictures for the public 


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13 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

I was not speaking about Donald Trump--but about John Bercow's stupidity,

Bercow sat with  and allowed  leaders of China, Kuwait and Qatar to speak in Parliament.


--other leaders speaking to the British parliament  that no one seems to have a problem with include 

Japan's Emperor Hirohito-- Japan's wartime head of state

Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu-- Romania was then, already well-known as one of the most corrupt and oppressive of the Soviet Union's Cold War satellite states.

Russia's Vladimir Putin

Qatar's Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

The Emir of Qatar - a country which practices Sharia Law, involving lashes as punishments - was welcomed by Mr Bercow on October 26, 2010.


Bercow-- You really are living proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime.


One of the problems of being a Trump fan, is that your're prone to believe any bit of bullshit (read: "fake news" in your favourite demagogue's lingo) put out by the Trump-media, even when it is so patently false that a reasonably educated 12 year old kid could sniff it out as BS from a mile away. 

For the benefit of readers who hold the faculty of fake news scepticism, I look forward to you providing proof of the dates and occasions that Hirohito, Ceaucescu, & Putin have addressed the UK parliament.......:whistling: 

Fact-checking is evidently not something they teach in Trumpland.

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1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

No not even a little. I had a wonderful champagne brunch at one of Bangkoks best Spanish restos last Sunday. At around 5000 baht per head it was great value. Mr Bercow and a friend spent nearly £2000 on one meal. Even by high standards that is exorbitant, especially as the taxpayer is funding it. 

  • Expense receipts revealed today following Freedom of Information request
  • Bercow spent £2,000 on a party for Dawn Primarolo as she quit Commons
  • And he expensed £1,954 for ONE meal with his Australian counterpart
  • Taxpayer also shelled out for 'post card sized' pictures for the public 


I agree 5000 for champagne brunch is not at all bad and 2000 GBP for lunch for 2 is too much.

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4 hours ago, Lokie said:



He has overstepped the line as I stated, he works for the Parliament and sitting Government - not against it.


A few hundred years ago heads would have been rolling or the gallows and the long drop. We would not be having these distractions from waste of time Re-mainers and anti-Trump leftists. 

Bercow a leftie and re-mainer?  News to me.  Always looking to hang labels on people and as usual, way off of the mark

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