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Phuket jet-ski accident: Australian Thomas Keating faces month-long wait in Thailand

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Like all accidents there are many factors both direct and indirect - unless he deliberately hit his girlfriend's 'ski - which doesn't appear the case  - then this is just a tragic accident.


Too many too quick to judge here -  most if not all have done something careless before and got away without serious consequences. The guy involved deserves empathy - in his mind, he will likely pay many times over.






Too many too quick to judge here -  most if not all have done something careless before and got away without serious consequences




All bets are off if that carelessness resulted in a death.

Here is my extremely speculative take on what happened. The guy saw her clearly and decided to go straight for her with a last second swerve in an attempt to break away and spray her with a wall of water. That obviously failed.

That's no accident, and the baloney about being blinded by sunlight is just that. If that were the case then there would be a thousand water craft accidents per day around the globe.. Just blame it on the sunshine!

He is not going to the cops to say he was being a dick and killed his partner. No differance to brake failure in most thai accidents. It's understandable people will do their best to stay out of jail.

The above is purely SPECULATION!

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

What if it was actually his girlfriend who was driving rashly…..guess we'll never know.


Why not say, "She crashed into me."   


It's not like she can defend the allegation. 


10 hours ago, happyas said:


I disagree that the authorities are to blame..re checking licences etc.


Having a license does not make one more smart, it only means that you have passed a basic test to operate a machine.

Experience and competency usually comes over a long period of time.


Getting smarter and more aware? not always.


Many licensed riders of bikes or jetskis suffer injuries or even death IF they carry on like fools and push the boundaries .


At the age of this guy, licence or not, doing what he was doing was looking for trouble, and sadly he found it.


Many of us have done similar stuff at the same age, many of us got away with it..i know i did for sure.

A women wouldnt be dead now if licenses were checked before renting the jetski. Infact a lot of lives would be saved with regards to even motorcyle hire here for people that shouldnt be even riding bicycles some of the time. Their a danger to themselves and others as is the case here really. Sort of a no brainer. 

I dont think anyone should be solely accused. There is a set of unfair circumstances at play that shouldnt be overlooked to be fair. This was an accident really and should be treated justly. Theres no debating the jetski operators arent exactly model citizens with public safety being high priority and from years of horror stories heard and read accidents can be profitable after all.

32 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

A women wouldnt be dead now if licenses were checked before renting the jetski. Infact a lot of lives would be saved with regards to even motorcyle hire here for people that shouldnt be even riding bicycles some of the time. Their a danger to themselves and others as is the case here really. Sort of a no brainer. 

I dont think anyone should be solely accused. There is a set of unfair circumstances at play that shouldnt be overlooked to be fair. This was an accident really and should be treated justly. Theres no debating the jetski operators arent exactly model citizens with public safety being high priority and from years of horror stories heard and read accidents can be profitable after all.


"A women wouldnt be dead now if licenses were checked before renting the jetski." - what you are suggesting is limiting the jet-ski rental market to licensed people only.  That's a big loss of income for the jet-ski guys.


You are forgetting rule number one in Thailand - "Money Number One." 


Safety, legality, morals, ethics - they just don't appear in the thought patterns of the people here, as long as there is money in their hand now, they have no regards for the consequences of their short cuts, for workmanship, use of poor parts or materials, lack of insurance etc etc. 


This way of thinking / business is spread across many industries here, not just jet-ski hire. 


Google "Down Town Inn Chiang Mai" for one of the worst examples, where 7 people died. 



3 hours ago, NamKangMan said:


Why not say, "She crashed into me."   


It's not like she can defend the allegation. 


i think you're on to something.

4 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

He has admitted being reckless in the death of another human being. Jail time please. 

You have less sympathy than the girls parents who are actually supporting him.  Maybe they actually know this young man better than you.


Man it was a accident that I  sure he feels very bad about his girlfriend.

I am surprised he hasn't left the country  by now.

Of the 397 road deaths recorded Xmas 2016 how many drivers were charged with Reckless Driving Causing Death?


You will never know since thai on thai is not reported on TV which is an expat forum

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On 2/10/2017 at 6:24 AM, pattjock said:

The only guilty party here is the Thai authorities openly allowing people without a legal licence to drive a jetski.


A helmsmans license is required to drive a jetski same as a drivers license is required to drive a motorbike. To allow people to drive any of these vehicles without a license is an invitation for things like this to happen.

Is it not the case that these same local authorities are gaining financially themselves from the jetskis?

On 2/10/2017 at 9:30 AM, transam said:

Sad story, incredibly daft in my opinion...I hope the word gets out so holiday folk are warned of what may happen if they use these rides and have a problem.


If it does, just maybe the trade will take a big hit..

It would be great if the trade does take a big hit, but I think we all know it won't because some people in authority are making money out of it.

On 2/10/2017 at 9:42 AM, bsdthai said:

For anyone that cant see this is Thailand yet again putting blame on farang to save face or whatever stupid reason probably just to pay for the jetskis heres a little info...


Anyone operating a Jet Ski in Phuket is required by law to hold documents indicating they are "Second Class Helmsmen of Power Driven Sea-going Vessels." This is obviously a requirement that is difficult to fulfill and one that is rarely checked by either those who rent Jet Skis or the authorities. Unfortunately, the only time it becomes important is if the person on the Jet Ski has an accident. The penalty for operating a Jet Ski without this documentation can be a fine of up to 10,000 baht or even imprisonment.


Seems to me the authorities are to blame. Where are the pople checking for licenses. Who even knows they are required. Not just for all jetski related incidents but all motorcycle related for which a valid license is also required. Shame thailand.

Of course the authorities are to blame, and I think we all know why. Don't brown envelopes spring to mind?


Anyway, I doubt the bib are going for a payoff, extortion now its an international story would be a dumb move 


Has that stopped them in the past?   Clearly you don't think the BIB are dumb, which would contradict much of what has happened in the past in some high profile cases.  By the way, has the errant abbot been arrested yet?  Still, only a couple of hundred million bahts involved there.

2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

Of the 397 road deaths recorded Xmas 2016 how many drivers were charged with Reckless Driving Causing Death?





After every accident here with police involved the people involved are charged. Since everybody involved knows they were involved, they just admit to that and pay the fine of 500 to 1,000 baht.


I can't remember ever seeing such a quantity of Thai bashing posts on one topic .

Posters coming out of the woodwork to blame ever immaginable Thai element for one mans folly.




This will be settled quickly , I would imagine 2-300k baht would be enough and they can all get home to Australia. The 2 families are supporting each other so he will be home soon . 



I would question any charges, especially manslaughter.In a road accident that charge would be brought if the driver who was the cause of the accident were found DUI.Is there such a law regarding Jet ski's-and in Thailand ? I don't think so.Don't even need a license, and sure the operators have no insurance. Just a tragic accident.

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