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U.S. appeals court upholds suspension of Trump travel ban


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This presidency position become a mockery whereby people have elected
 a president and strait away are putting obstacles in his to preform his
duties and vision of a better America and all in the name and under the guise
of righteousness....

To be clear, The electoral college put the president in office. The majority of the "people" did not vote for this current president.

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38 minutes ago, rijb said:


The system is still working.  That's why his travel ban is suspended, until it can be vetted.


What exactly has this 'destructive moron/monster' destroyed so far?   A simple non-OTT response would be much appreciated.

If you feel that Trump is doing a good job then there is no point in trying to persuade you otherwise.  In the same way you will never persuade me that he is anything other than I have stated.  We obviously see the world through different eyes and I respect your choice to do that.  However we both have the right to voice our views and concerns. 

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If you feel that Trump is doing a good job then there is no point in trying to persuade you otherwise.  In the same way you will never persuade me that he is anything other than I have stated.  We obviously see the world through different eyes and I respect your choice to do that.  However we both have the right to voice our views and concerns. 

I don't care about Trump.  I think he's crazy.  I only care about the system.  It seems to be working so far.

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57 minutes ago, rijb said:

I don't care about Trump.  I think he's crazy.  I only care about the system.  It seems to be working so far.

Yes I do agree with that.  I hope the system will actually block quite a lot but there are still too many destructive things he can do within the system.  the wall?  The pipelines? etc.

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10 hours ago, stander said:

This ruling only applies to visa holders and other specific categories (green card, refugee card). What happens when these expire? What if State Dept issues no more? What if Trump shuts it all off just to demonstrate his power? 

Courts and Dems hold losing hand. Trump has the Aces.

Like Stalin held all the aces in Russia, or Pol Pot held all the aces in Cambodia, or Mussolini, or Saddam Hussein, of Kadafi, or........     the list of iron-fisted rulers is long and sad.  The one difference between Trump and the men on that list is:  Down deep, Trump is a pussy who wilts at the slightest opposition.

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

America elected a dangerous moron to become POTUS.  The reality of that was obvious to most of us but not to others.  What is happening is that the USA is doing itself enormous harm and it really does have to stop the rapidly sinking ship.  This is one small step towards doing that and hopefully the momentum will build and more and more people will turn against this destructive monster.



There are very few who like Trump or what he stands for and I am beginning to wonder whether he suffers from some kind of serious personality order (not unknown among political leaders).And yet in the warm comfortable glow of outrage we all feel, it's easy to forget the perceptions/prejudices that put him in power are not confined to a tiny minority or to the United States.No doubt he will be toppled by some kind of judicial intervention -- but the underlying problem for millions won't have been solved.




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Another view from The Daily Telegraph


"Trump’s first moves as president have been more systematic than they might appear: he has faithfully implemented policies, or at least set down markers, that advance both the orthodox conservative Republican programme and the agenda of the new nationalist spirit on the right.

The latter has attracted much more attention – indeed, so much so that Trump’s achievements in terms of free markets and deregulation have been widely overlooked by friend and foe alike.

The misreported “Muslim ban” practically monopolised the US media’s attention for a week. In fact, the 90-day moratorium on most visitors applies only to six countries with active Islamist insurgencies – Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen – and one country, Iran, with a revolutionary Islamist government."


I quote this because in the torrent of virtue signalling from all sides, I suspect there is another legitimate view which doesn't get much airtime.If the TRump haters gave less emphasis to outrage and more to cool deliberate thought, I doubt whether they would change their minds but they would understand better.The unpalatable bit for liberals is that some of Trump's policies are very sensible.I suggest watch and wait before getting even more hysterical.

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The decision was unanimous.
Full decision here:
Trump will go on a rampage cursing out the judiciary, and in doing so will poison the appeal to the Supreme Court which is sure to follow this decision.

You mean the court will base their decision on whether or not Trump hurts their feelings feelings rather on the constitution?

I do not see it being appealed.
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11 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:

:cheesy: ... you're aware of the competition to be 'Second'? I trust you are, it's hilarious, it's huge, lot's of knock-offs on youtube already, here's the originals ... it's true, i can prove it.



Yes, I saw the Netherlands & Switzerland ones.  Unfortunately they will go over Trump's head.

A few more of these "Second" video parodies, and Trump will tweet "See - 29 countries agree that I am indeed #1"

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6 minutes ago, mogandave said:



You mean the court will base their decision on whether or not Trump hurts their feelings feelings rather on the constitution?

I do not see it being appealed.



I can't think for a moment that judges would do it, but human nature is to circle the wagons when attacked.  If the US judges are forced to conclude that they are the last untainted strand of the US political system they will not depend on their feelings.  Well hopefully at least.

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58 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Another view from The Daily Telegraph


"Trump’s first moves as president have been more systematic than they might appear: he has faithfully implemented policies, or at least set down markers, that advance both the orthodox conservative Republican programme and the agenda of the new nationalist spirit on the right.

The latter has attracted much more attention – indeed, so much so that Trump’s achievements in terms of free markets and deregulation have been widely overlooked by friend and foe alike.

The misreported “Muslim ban” practically monopolised the US media’s attention for a week. In fact, the 90-day moratorium on most visitors applies only to six countries with active Islamist insurgencies – Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen – and one country, Iran, with a revolutionary Islamist government."


I quote this because in the torrent of virtue signalling from all sides, I suspect there is another legitimate view which doesn't get much airtime.If the TRump haters gave less emphasis to outrage and more to cool deliberate thought, I doubt whether they would change their minds but they would understand better.The unpalatable bit for liberals is that some of Trump's policies are very sensible.I suggest watch and wait before getting even more hysterical.

Which policies would those be? Massive tax cuts for the rich? Deregulating the hedge funds and shadow banks?  Undermining the Affordable Care Act and having nothing to replace it?  And lying about it?

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which policies would those be? Massive tax cuts for the rich? Deregulating the hedge funds and shadow banks?  Undermining the Affordable Care Act and having nothing to replace it?  And lying about it?

Equally systematic. Along with destroying the checks and balances in every aspect of US life.  

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27 minutes ago, mogandave said:


He wanted to cut taxes on the poor but apparently they don't pay any, well except all the regressive taxes the left loves so much...


Which regressive taxes would those be?  Generally speaking it's the red states that depend a lot more on regressive taxes such as sales tax than do the left wing states. In Texas and Florida they even tax food you buy in the supermarket.

And Trump is also giving a much bigger tax break to the rich than to the middle and working classes. And that's in terms of percentage, not just gross dollars.

And he has also moved to stall a regulation that would require financial advisors to act in the best interests of their clients. Until that regulation takes effect financial advisors can accept bribes from various investment funds and not disclose that to their clients. Hedge funds hate that regulation.

Here's a headline that sums it up:

Trump Is Trying to Preserve Financial Advisers’ Right to Rip Off Clients Saving for Retirement


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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which regressive taxes would those be?  Generally speaking it's the red states that depend a lot more on regressive taxes such as sales tax than do the left wing states. In Texas and Florida they even tax food you buy in the supermarket.

And Trump is also giving a much bigger tax break to the rich than to the middle and working classes. And that's in terms of percentage, not just gross dollars.

And he has also moved to stall a regulation that would require financial advisors to act in the best interests of their clients. Until that regulation takes effect financial advisors can accept bribes from various investment funds and not disclose that to their clients. Hedge funds hate that regulation.

Seriously this is odd.  I'm off to google socialist regressive taxation policies in history.

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5 hours ago, rijb said:

The system is still working.  That's why his travel ban is suspended, until it can be vetted.

What exactly has this 'destructive moron/monster' destroyed so far?   A simple non-OTT response would be much appreciated.

         Among other things, Trump and Bannon's edict has destroyed many peoples' travel plans.  Many had spent months and a lot of money (for them, not for rich people like Trump) getting a visa to visit the US.  One example: the Iraqi couple who's infant daughter needed heart surgery.  The parents could afford the surgery which was offered by Seattle doctors, but Bannon & Trump's ban forbade them from entering the US.    The ban, initially, also barred people with US Green Cards.  Those are just some of the damages Bannon and Trump have inflicted.   

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But these countries are all countries that for 15 years or more have had to cope with the humanitarian disasters caused by US Foreign policy. All of them have had more than a belly full of it and in terms of the refugee crisis the USA owes MORE to it's European allies and needs to take responsibility for the mayhem it has caused in the Middle East and the subsequent displacement of million and millions of people. Lets face it, the USA has a lot of real estate, stick everyone out in the desert in Nevada and they will all feel quite at home and won't bother anyone - a flippant comment I know, but the point being the USA needs to take responsibility, not shun it.

The visceral dislike of Muslims throughout most of
Europe is nothing to do with American foreign policy.

If large Western populations flooded into Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Iraq to settle permanently and held the local culture in ill concealed contempt,I suspect they would face an equally ambivalent reception.

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“ SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! !” he tweeted in capital letters.

In response, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat who leads one of the states that challenged the ban, said: "Mr. President, we just saw you in court, and we beat you."

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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

         Among other things, Trump and Bannon's edict has destroyed many peoples' travel plans.  Many had spent months and a lot of money (for them, not for rich people like Trump) getting a visa to visit the US.  One example: the Iraqi couple who's infant daughter needed heart surgery.  The parents could afford the surgery which was offered by Seattle doctors, but Bannon & Trump's ban forbade them from entering the US.    The ban, initially, also barred people with US Green Cards.  Those are just some of the damages Bannon and Trump have inflicted.   

You're right.  They should be compensated.


But, I was thinking of more strategic issues.

Edited by rijb
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6 hours ago, onthesoi said:

“ SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! !” he tweeted in capital letters.

In response, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat who leads one of the states that challenged the ban, said: "Mr. President, we just saw you in court, and we beat you."

Trump: Oh, you mean that so-called court?  That court (and the previous one) is a joke.  Any judge who disagrees with me is an enemy of the state.  The only good judge is the one in Boston.  If I had my way, I would clone my BFF Bannon and appoint them to all judiciary positions.

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           If you think this current Muslim ban ("it's a ban," "it's not a ban", "it's a ban", "it's not a ban") is bad, wait until Trump tries to follow-up on his pledge to kick out all undocumented people in the US.  He and Bannon will have to kick out as many people as the entire population of Ohio.  Where will he get all the trucks, law-enforcement folks, internment camps, planes ....to enact the plan?  And that's assuming all the undocumented folks and their families will willingly stroll to the buses which take them to Tijuana or Vancouver or wherever.  Yes, a lot of undocumented workers also come from Canada and China, and Thailand, and.......name any country ww.   That should go smoothly, .....yea, sure.  


Trump is to intelligence, what an earthworm is to suspension bridge mechanics.



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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

           If you think this current Muslim ban ("it's a ban," "it's not a ban", "it's a ban", "it's not a ban") is bad, wait until Trump tries to follow-up on his pledge to kick out all undocumented people in the US.  He and Bannon will have to kick out as many people as the entire population of Ohio.  Where will he get all the trucks, law-enforcement folks, internment camps, planes ....to enact the plan?  And that's assuming all the undocumented folks and their families will willingly stroll to the buses which take them to Tijuana or Vancouver or wherever.  Yes, a lot of undocumented workers also come from Canada and China, and Thailand, and.......name any country ww.   That should go smoothly, .....yea, sure.  


Trump is to intelligence, what an earthworm is to suspension bridge mechanics.



good points but are you saying undocumented folk should stay?  not be held accountable?  in Thailand too?  why not let's have a free-for-all and do away with passports and visas?

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13 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

good points but are you saying undocumented folk should stay?  not be held accountable?  in Thailand too?  why not let's have a free-for-all and do away with passports and visas?

Let's see if Trump can do as good as Obama did:




Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Even Bush did pretty good:


President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.


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20 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

well let's see but I observe that it would be far simpler to not let them IN

A wall is one approach.  Working with Mexico to boost their economy and stem the flow of immigrants is another one.  Oops...our relation with Mexico is now in the toilet.  Scratch the last idea. :saai:

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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

A wall is one approach.  Working with Mexico to boost their economy and stem the flow of immigrants is another one.  Oops...our relation with Mexico is now in the toilet.  Scratch the last idea. :saai:

well... personally, I'd like to scrap passports and have a One World policy but it's a dream

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27 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

well... personally, I'd like to scrap passports and have a One World policy but it's a dream

Considering the nightmares I've gone through with many countries just regarding visas, it will never happen in our lifetime.  Sadly!

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Don't worry....The Donald is giving all of this serious thought.


The picture below has been photoshopped from an actual picture of Donald tweeting thinking

from a White House porcelain throne in the master bedroom.





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