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Help us! Swedish police demand government action as city is overrun by armed youths

Jonathan Fairfield

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Help us! Swedish police demand government action as city is overrun by armed youths


Malmo, which is Sweden’s third-largest city, has been plunged into chaos as police struggle to maintain law and order. 


An llegal firearms trade is flourishing in the city amid the European Union’s inability to crack down on thugs smuggling weapons across their borders. 


More than 200 illegal firearms are confiscated by police each year, but legal loopholes often allow those caught with weapons to walk free.


Interior Minister Anders Ygeman has previously raised the issue as he urged the EU to take action to halt firearms being smuggled across borders. 


Source: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/765161/Swedish-police-Malmo-overrun-gun-carrying-youths-no-go-zone

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Well, they had enough warnings. Don't you just love it when the politicians think they know best and the sheeple sit idly by then wonder what the hell happened. Just another nail in the coffin of a once great country. Diversity and tolerance at its finest.

Edited by watso63
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1 hour ago, nakhonandy said:

Be careful using the Army as police, we, the UK did this in Northern Ireland, it doesn't work.


Soldiers are trained completely differently to police! It could easily get out of hand.

Police are not trained to fight large numbers of armed people who are "overunning a city".  It rather sounds as if that has already "got out of hand".


Soldiers deployed in NI received comprehensive training in the "policing" aspects of their roles. What is more they were working with/under the police. I should imagine that much the same would apply if the Swedish Army was to be deployed to support the civilian police.

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There is a big problem coming in Sweden and many places in Europe when the liberal Govts are thrown out and the right wing replacements start to address these issues and no longer hide them under the carpet. Unlike in NI, it is not about being independent from UK. In Europe it is about either stamping down on or getting rid of (mainly) muslims who wont accept the local laws. These people (mainly) have nothing but hatred and distain for the country they live is (usually at the expense of that country's taxpayers). NI will be a picnic compared to the bombings and destruction these people will wreak on the society that openly welcomed them, thinking it was the 'right' thing to - when in fact it was the 'liberal' thing to do which is also usually the wrong thing. As yee sow shall yee reap - liberals need to read the Bible more (and less 'gender studies' and 'human rights').


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4 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

Be careful using the Army as police, we, the UK did this in Northern Ireland, it doesn't work.


Soldiers are trained completely differently to police! It could easily get out of hand.


Looks like it's already out of hand.


Perhaps doing nothing is the way to go and maybe it will just resolve itself and go away of its own accord.:saai:


The police can't handle it.....who ya gonna call............ghostbusters ?

Edited by Denim
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11 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

Be careful using the Army as police, we, the UK did this in Northern Ireland, it doesn't work.


Soldiers are trained completely differently to police! It could easily get out of hand.

all they need to do is form patrols, 1 police with 2 soldiers as support. done.

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

You opened up your doors to these people now live with it.  


Be careful - the usual Muslim defense TVF posters will be along soon to point out that nobody has said where this lawless youthful element comes from. Could be all indigenous Swedish neo Nazis causing trouble for the poor peace loving refugees who just want to work hard and contribute to the wonderful successful Swedish economy which they revitilazed.


Meanwhile the poor Swedish police officers will struggle and their seniors will be forbidden to answer any questions on the trouble making rioters backgrounds.


The politicians know best.



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20 hours ago, aonangkrabi said:

Suggestion to Malmo and Sweden: try the old Argentinian method.

Think you're being clever? Why don't you post what you really mean, rather than innuendo. A tough guy concerned about being suspended / banned - LOL

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On 11/2/2560 at 7:00 AM, thai3 said:

Overrun by armed MUSLIM youths and it's not just firearms that is flourishing, rape is as well.

That's what mainstream politicians refer to all the time as "cultural enrichment". 


No wonder the likes of Wilders, Le Pen, Petry and Sweden's own Akesson are set for political victory. But is it too late?

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17 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

That's what mainstream politicians refer to all the time as "cultural enrichment". 


No wonder the likes of Wilders, Le Pen, Petry and Sweden's own Akesson are set for political victory. But is it too late?


IMO those cheering on the right of centre political parties in the EU & elsewhere are in reality "cutting of their nose to spite their face".

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


IMO those cheering on the right of centre political parties in the EU & elsewhere are in reality "cutting of their nose to spite their face".

180 degrees wrong, as always with the infantile Left.


It is the mainstream politicians in Europe who, desperate to virtue signal their impeccable PC credentials, are destroying their own countries and cultures by letting in millions of unwelcome invaders without any scrutiny.


It is only the right of centre political parties which are speaking for the mass of their citizens, and that is why they are set to win at the ballot box.

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