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Trump to Iran's Rouhani: Better be careful


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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The Gulf States don't back ISIS. Assad use to though. 

No, they back the Al-Nusra front which is another violent Sunni extremist militia. And when did Assad, an Alawite ever back Isis?  This is just nonsense. Isis was opposed to the Shia dominated Iraqi government. which is one of Assad's chief allies. And Isis hates the Alawites and considers them apostates.  

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27 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, they back the Al-Nusra front which is another violent Sunni extremist militia. And when did Assad, an Alawite ever back Isis?  This is just nonsense. Isis was opposed to the Shia dominated Iraqi government. which is one of Assad's chief allies. And Isis hates the Alawites and considers them apostates.  

Do some research and you'll find the IS/Assad  links.

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:


Now it is the POTUS who is mouthing off and sabre rattling.


The fight would be between the USA and Iran. Any US allies including far away Japan would be doing their best to stop Trump and the USA.


Trump is the person who started this and not Iran. HE is the one doing all the threatening and Iran is just responding in kind.


If it is possible to keep that idiot Bannon quiet this will all go away. Alternatively give Bannon a rifle and make sure that he is the first person on the beach for an hour or so.


Just about every was over the last 1,000 or so years has been started by a king, dictator or politician and has been ended by the military of one side or the other at the cost of millions of soldiers lives but very few politicians lives. It should be the other way around.



I would love to see a tiny coward like Lord Bannon on the front lines. He would pee in his pants! He would surrender after 10 minutes, and give up every state secret he knows. That is the kind of man he is. A half man. Barely a man at all. Alot of bluster from behind the walls of the White House, but out in the real world? He would shrink away from anything that required a little bit of courage, or putting his ugly butt on the line. 

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19 hours ago, billd766 said:

 But this thread is about Iran and NOT the POTUS issuing empty threats all the time.


Trump still thinks that being POTUS is like running his business where whatever he says or wants done will be done or somebody will get fired.


Trump is the one who started threatening Iran so they quite naturally have responded by basically telling Trump to go away.


How many invasions has Iran done to other countries over say the past 25 years and how many countries has the USA invaded?


Perhaps Trump should take some geography lessons to find out where so much oil that is used in the world actually comes from, to which countries of the world is it shipped to, how many of those countries are allies of the USA and how many will support the USA if it attacks and invades Iran? MOST of the oil from the Arab Gulf countries is produced by the USA allies such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Iraq and they will not be happy.




The straits of Hormuz (quote from Wikipedia) " provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of the world's most strategically important choke points. On the north coast lies Iran, and on the south coast the United Arab Emirates and Musandam, an exclave of Oman. At its narrowest, the strait has a width of 29 nautical miles (54 km).[1]

About 20% of the world's petroleum (about 35% of the petroleum traded by sea) passes through the strait, making it a highly important strategic location for international trade.[1]".


To be honest Trump and his "advisors" frighten the sh1t out of me. He seems to want and believe that HE can control the world and pick wars with countries whenever and wherever HE wants and never lose.


He believes his own bs and appointed like minded people,who is going to say no?

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18 hours ago, Thorgal said:


Why quoting a biased sunni news media if the OP is about shia muslims ?

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One can only look on in amazement at the double standard you and others display. Iran violently persecutes Bahais and the LGBT community, engages in public executions as a means of intimidation, murders journalists, incarcerates and beats human rights advocates, denies political prisoners due process and facilitates child labour and the exploitation of Afghani refugees and here you come to sing the praises of a nation lead by violent wackos.

Edited by geriatrickid
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13 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


One can only look on in amazement at the double standard you and others display. Iran violently persecutes Bahais and the LGBT community, engages in public executions as a means of intimidation, murders journalists, incarcerates and beats human rights advocates, denies political prisoners due process and facilitates child labour and the exploitation of Afghani refugees and here you come to sing the praises of a nation lead by violent wackos.

As bad as Iraq may be, it is nowhere nearly as bad and repressive as Saudi Arabia. All the terrorist attacks that have taken place in Europe and the US over the last 17 years were done by Sunni muslim extremists following the hateful version of Islam  that is still being promulgated by Saudi Arabia and some of its neighboring gulf states throughout the world. Yet somehow, it's Iran that is being singled out by the Trump administrates as the preeminent threat to the West.  

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20 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

He will need the green light from vlad before he can get heavy with iran.

so just a bit of locker room talk….just grabbing the mad mullah by the p&%$y

        You may be right, about Trump needing a green light by Putin - before tangibly meddling with Iran - or other countries territorially close to Russia.  


        Trump is to diplomacy what an 8 year old bratty girl is to pop music groups:  love some to death, and hate the others.  


          John Lennon advocated 'Give Peace a Chance.'   Trump's theme song; 'Give War a Chance.'    


         War is bad for people, but I worry more about the thousands of other species, and the sanctity of the earth, water and atmosphere.  It wasn't long ago, when a losing faction in the Middle East torched all the oil wells in Kuwait.  The media just focused on economic and people issues, but downplayed the mess it made with the few remaining species there, plus the environment in general.


            The Middle East is already bereft of resources and animals/plants.  A new war (US/Iran?) would only worsen an already sad situation.  In a sane world, the entire Middle east would be vacated of people (except perhaps a few roaming tribes), and nature allowed to reinstate itself.



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17 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, they back the Al-Nusra front which is another violent Sunni extremist militia. And when did Assad, an Alawite ever back Isis?  This is just nonsense. Isis was opposed to the Shia dominated Iraqi government. which is one of Assad's chief allies. And Isis hates the Alawites and considers them apostates.  

It's like there are a thousand little fiefdoms in the M.East, and each one has their own flag flying, with their own coat of arms and creeds.  The underlying themes:  foreigners are enemies,  women are lower than dogs, and, Imans preach; 'repeat after me, or I'll chop your non-following head off.'

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

It's ironic that:   Though Imans and radical Arab men preach about how filthy women's privates are (bodily fluids, menstration, etc.), everyone of the preachers came through a woman's privates - in their entry to the world.  

Actually, Judaism and Christianity historically haven't been much, if any, better.  Orthodox Jews still consider women unclean while they are menstruating and enforce the practice of ritual bathing to purify them after menstruation is finished.

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21 hours ago, rijb said:

The first thing Trump needs to do is cut off their supply of American flags.  :smile:




I believe the first thing he needs to do is to get some sort of neurological procedure, that allows him a sense of discrimination, and the ability to think before he mouths off to people who have ruffled his extraordinarily thin skin, and his dreadfully fragile ego.


Second, his staff needs to remove his twitter device from this hands, as he continues embarrassing himself, betraying how ill equipped he is for this job, and making the US look like the laughingstock of the planet. Besides driving down the value of the dollar, and inhibiting the markets, due to the tremendous degree of uncertainty that comes with having a goon like this running the country, and without being surrounded by people who can tell him what a dimwit he is, on a regular basis, and when to shut his face. 

Edited by spidermike007
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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I believe the first thing he needs to do is to get some sort of neurological procedure, that allows him a sense of discrimination, and the ability to think before he mouths off to people who have ruffled his extraordinarily thin skin, and his dreadfully fragile ego.


Second, his staff needs to remove his twitter device from this hands, as he continues embarrassing himself, betraying how ill equipped he is for this job, and making the US look like the laughingstock of the planet. Besides driving down the value of the dollar, and inhibiting the markets, due to the tremendous degree of uncertainty that comes with having a goon like this running the country, and without being surrounded by people who can tell him what a dimwit he is, on a regular basis, and when to shut his face. 

It's good to have dreams.  But, I think my idea is more achievable.  :smile:

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29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I believe the first thing he needs to do is to get some sort of neurological procedure, that allows him a sense of discrimination, and the ability to think before he mouths off to people who have ruffled his extraordinarily thin skin, and his dreadfully fragile ego.


Second, his staff needs to remove his twitter device from this hands, as he continues embarrassing himself, betraying how ill equipped he is for this job, and making the US look like the laughingstock of the planet. Besides driving down the value of the dollar, and inhibiting the markets, due to the tremendous degree of uncertainty that comes with having a goon like this running the country, and without being surrounded by people who can tell him what a dimwit he is, on a regular basis, and when to shut his face. 

well, actually, driving down the dollar would be good for american exports.

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Trump needs to look at himself in the mirror, and admit he's grossly unqualified for the job.  He should then offer his resignation, and go on to what he's familiar with: borrowing money, running big hotels, not paying workers, avoiding taxes.  Maybe Putin can set him up in a nice dacha overlooking the Black Sea.




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On 2/11/2017 at 1:52 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Except, of course, that he's not a dictator. He was elected.

Rouhani? Yes, with the opposition in prison (see Green Revolution) and eligible candidates vetted for compliance.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Rouhani? Yes, with the opposition in prison (see Green Revolution) and eligible candidates vetted for compliance.

Trump may want to take some lessons from Iran on vetting.   They add new meaning to extreme vetting.   

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