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Is Starbucks for Thais or Westerners?


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I quit trading with Starbucks a couple years ago, but they aren't that bad.

One thing Starbucks did do (in the US anyway) is force everyone to sell better coffee.

The also drove the price up, but if a bottle of water is worth a buck, a cup of coffee and a nice place to sit is worth two or three.

Live, love, laugh

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Hmmmm. If hating rip offs is going to eat me up, it must have happened already.

There are coffee houses all over, no one is forced to trade with any of them. How is it a rip-off?

They're not cheating anyone.

It's like saying flying business class is a rip off because it costs more than coach.

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On 3/13/2017 at 9:12 PM, scubascuba3 said:

Last year i would reluctantly pay for a Starbucks coffee because it had the best view in town. Now I've stopped going altogether as I've found 3 good alternatives at half the price. Tourists who aren't aware of the good alternatives go to Starbucks.


LOL> You're wrong (a load of nonsense)... presuming you know the psychological profile of people that go to Starbucks and what they know and don't know.


I go to Starbucks AND I go to many alternatives. I enjoy the variety. To be honest, I don't really give a hoot about the price when I'm out and want a coffee. They range from about 60 baht to 130 baht at various coffee shops. Having said that, 130 baht for a Venti size (20 oz = 600ml) coffee (cappuccino or whatever) at Starbucks is equal in value to most alternatives or even better, size to size. It's equal in size to 2 coffees at most of the "alternatives". The Grande size is nearly 500 ml (16 oz), and also fairly good value on a size by size basis.


If you really want to save money, just drink coffee at home. I drink heaps at home too, but drinking at coffee shops is about ambiance and relaxation, not about price.


 I had a 35 baht "cappuccino" at a little coffee booth last week. It was a cup of froth and made a 130 baht Starbucks coffee seems like the deal of the century by comparison.

Edited by tropo
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On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:48 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. The only thing they do "right" is to make their brand desirable, just like Macs, KFC etc. back in the world, Macs/ KFC are the cheap option for a meal when in town, but in LOS it seems that the locals are prepared to pay enough to feed the entire family just for a burger, unhealthy drink and fries. Never really understood why, but perhaps the advertising is exceptional.

The only difference that I can see with Starbucks is that even back home I wouldn't pay their price for a paper cup of brown liquid.

Advertising? SBUX? Where? Very odd post indeed.

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Starbucks at Central was totally packed yesterday. It seems everyone loves to drink coffee there, Thais and foreigners alike.


Why? ... everyone is asking. I came up with a working theory of one reason, that I will test out here among all the experts.:smile:


Quite often I find myself wanting a coffee when I'm out, however my wife doesn't. If we sit down at a regular coffee shop such as Black Canyon, my wife feels compelled to purchase a coffee as it's table service and doesn't feel right to sit there if you don't order. Starbucks is self-help, so she happily sits on a couch or chair while I drink my coffee. Starbucks feels more like home.


This makes coffee at Starbucks nearly half the price of what we pay at other coffee shops... where I usually end up drinking 2 cups (my wife's as well).... however, as I stated above, a big coffee at Starbucks is near twice the size, so it's 4 times cheaper if we factor in size :biggrin:... then there's the question about a tip. You always feel compelled to tip table service, but you won't at Starbucks. That saves another 20 - 40 baht LOL

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