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Foreign thieves are robbing us blind, complains Thai shop owner


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2 hours ago, tonywillo said:

You'd think face recognition could be put to use every one has there mug shot taken on arrival.  They would only need one or two to be caught and thrown in a stinking Thai jail for a few days. I bet this women was shiting as passing through immigration on the way home. 

 That in itself would be enough to alert a sharp eyed ( keen nosed) immigration policeman, would it not?

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1 hour ago, masuk said:

It's easy fixed.  no bags allowed passed security.  They all go into cubby holes, you're given a tag for your bag, and you just carry your wallet inside.

 One problem that springs to mind with this is that it then gives the wee guy, hiding behind the cubby holes, the chance to rat thru your bag, and steal your camera or iPhone or whatever (like the luggage pilfering  scams on buses).


But these shops that "cater" to tourists, though cheap, still gouge tourists, as you all know, given they will instantly give a "cheap price for you" discount, almost instantly.... and lets not forget the double pricing standard for farangs


that said, lol... this is piss poor, and not the idea most have of a cheap holiday in Asia. I would personally love to see them caught, and if they have already departed, I really hope that the video goes viral enough that someone from where ever they come from, sees it and shames them 

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They are just scum, retards who cannot understand that these Thai shopkeepers are only trying to make a living, I would just love to catch

a western guy at it, and give him a good doing, one thing I hate here is anyone trying to interfere with an honest persons livelihood.

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When I was a kid, some guys from my high school did a dine-and-dash at a pizza place on the Atlantic City boardwalk.  The local vendors had a well organized plan for dealing with such occurrences.  The cops weren't called, but the guys from my high school never did it again, and neither did anyone who heard them tell the story about what happened next.  They weren't actually hurt, but they did have a healthy fear instilled.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


Shoplifting and theft of merchandise from shops is a world wide epidemic and a crime

that most police  around the world pays very little attentions to it as being

a petty crime,

The merchants themselves have to be more vigil, deploy measures to minimize theft

and add a % to their item's rice as a pilferage and loss cost....

I don't mind anyone stealing from someone if he/she has been cheated out of something, but not from a person who is trying to earn an honest living.

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Pointedly she said: "When Thais do something a little bit wrong everyone condemns them. But these people are doing this every day and no one seems to care".

I'll gladly condemn them – no one shall steal; neither Thais, nor quality tourists...:sad:

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3 hours ago, madmitch said:

If it's happening daily, which I don't necessarily believe, then why not use one of the staff to look at the cctv cameras live? With the culprits already detained I'm sure the BIB would show some interest.


Not unless there is something in it for them.

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Absolute nonsense. Maybe some foreigners steal merchandise here. But my guess is that the penalty is severe, and not the other way around. This woman has some sort of ax to grind. Alot of the shopkeepers on Phuket and Samui are very, very sour, disenchanted folks. Very jaded. 


Also, she fails to even mention or consider any specifics when referring to the police. Of course they do not act. Why would they? They are a revenue collection agency. Has she offered them any money, to solve her crime? Does she really think they will spend alot of time pursuing petty theft? She sounds like she is equipped with an IQ, which is the equivalent of the fahrenheit temperature of a room in France, during the winter. Wow. What a dunce. 


Though I like the majority of Thai people, certainly the same could be said about some of them. For her to lump us all into one category and say many foreigners are not good people, and we are being protected by the government is beyond inane. If anything, we are not being protected by the government, and we are certainly not being protected by, nor helped by the police! And that is one of the chief reasons Western tourism is in such decline here. Duh! 

Edited by spidermike007
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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


Shoplifting and theft of merchandise from shops is a world wide epidemic and a crime

that most police  around the world pays very little attentions to it as being

a petty crime,

The merchants themselves have to be more vigil, deploy measures to minimize theft

and add a % to their item's rice as a pilferage and loss cost....

Probably would help if the shop workers stopped looking at their phones for a moment to offer some customer service...

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8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Not unless there is something in it for them.

Of course, but farangs caught red-handed shoplifting and potentially faced with a court case; seems to me a perfect scenario for the police to make a little pocket money.

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3 hours ago, hansnl said:

She is complaining about stealing farang?

Suppose many farang are visiting her shop, buying things, paying for things.

Would she still have a shop without farang customers?

If not, either accept your losses or do something about it by yourself.


Try it out, shop owner, no farang allowed in this shop.

And of course, Thai don't steal.

Nor other Asians, only farang.


Shoplifting is a bane for shops, everywhere in he world.

Don't rely on the police, do something about it yourself.

I never saw that the shop owner was complaining about farang. Did you read a different version somewhere?
The article specifically says that she complained about foreigners. The video that just happened to have "Westerners" in it, was just one example of foreigners who are stealing from her.
You say the shop owner should accept their losses!? Who on earth in their right mind should accept theft?? It is unacceptable, period. That is an amazing demand of you to make.
You go on to insinuate that the shop owner was saying that Thais don't steal? Where did you get that from? Again... maybe you read a different version of this news somewhere? As a matter of fact, in the article, the owner was quoted as saying that Thais actually DO do wrong things. The complaint was about lack of enforcement. And you bring up other Asians? I guess that was also from your other source because other Asians weren't mentioned in this article.
You demand the owner to do something themselves rather than just relying on the police? You seem to have completely missed the fact that she did do something about it and that's why you read about it! Not only did she outfit her shop with CCTV, but she posted it online!
I found virtually nothing about your post to be relevant or factual.
Just a smidgen of empathy and commenting of the article posted rather than other mysterious information, for which you provide no reference, would sure be nice. Or maybe just need to find something productive to do with your time?

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Worldwide epidemic.    My Son is a Manager for a leading Pharmacy company in Britain and says 5% of the price we pay as honest shoppers is added to cover theft by dishonest scumbags.   Even when they catch someone, the Cops take hours to come and get them, don't want all the processing of the 'prisoner' and paperwork which takes most of shift up for one man.  When they get to Court a month later or more the Cop has to waste more shift time to be there and the Court hands down a conditional discharge if it's a first offence or a small fine for a second/third and so on.  They have to be serious serial shoplifters before any real punishment is handed down.   All in all it's easier for the shops to load the prices.

Edited by trainman34014
spelling mistake
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i am anti shoplifting as i am aware that the shopkeeper has so many overheads to cover and a theft of a shop item leaves them in a very difficult spot to cover expenses and make some money for the family expenses. such an act should not go unpunished.

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14 minutes ago, damo said:

Apart from the dramatic contrast in offending, how does footage sit stacked against the volumes of crimes perpetrated against Farang. 


Pathaetic people.

two wrongs do not make a right. there is no reason to condone shoplifting .

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4 hours ago, madmitch said:

If it's happening daily, which I don't necessarily believe, then why not use one of the staff to look at the cctv cameras live? With the culprits already detained I'm sure the BIB would show some interest.


Why would you doubt that it happens every day? If it were just an occasional thing, I doubt she would be so upset.
I don't doubt for a moment that it could be happening every day. I don't know how many shops are there in the area that she was talking about it happening every day (read carefully, she wasn't talking about it happening only in her shop every day, but in the area shops), but if there are more than 10 shops there, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it were a daily occurrence. Actually, I would expect more.

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45 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

CCTV is great if you use it. This was shot January 7, she posted this February 11. Those tourists are long gone back to their freezing cold Countries with shit food and weather. Memories of Thailand.  

why bring personalities into it. punish the offenders rather than commenting on the countries they come from.

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