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Extortion by Immigration Police - How to Stop ?

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Never had to pay anything of the sort during my years here, though it probably happens now and then.


I think one issue is that many people think they are being forced to pay a bribe when they're actually paying a legitimate fine, like the people who claim they are being scammed when they have to pay the fine for not reporting their address within 24 hours.


1 hour ago, thai3 said:

Posters saying they never had a problem is a bit like saying they never had a heart attack so kind of doubt people saying they had one. Corruption is a daily on going crime in a lot of offices, just from what we see posted on here. 

No, we are just pointing out that this isn't something that is extremely prevalent that happens at every immigration office. Can you point to a single comment here that voices doubt that some immigration officers try to make people to pay bribes?

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6 hours ago, glegolo said:

Yes I fully agree with you! Without openess there will NEVER be any change and corruption will always be present...


But on the other hand there also seems to be a endless stream of newcomers to this country who all allow this shit to happen. And "allow" it, just to let it happen without any reaction whatsoever...


I agree, publish the things that happens to you, naming the Immigration office point out blank... 



Fine, but make sure you stay anonymous for obvious reasons. 

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16 years here, and like many others: No Problem. I do really think that it also have to do with having a positive attitude and a smile at them in that office too, which I see that many people have a great difficulty with.
Instead of problem with Immigration and their officers, I usually have to tell a foreigner to sit down and take it easy instead.

And please don´t ask me too if I had a problem with traffic police. It´s a no there too. They never ask for anything wrong when I have anything to do with them.

Edited by Get Real
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4 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Several years ago I was sitting OUTSIDE a bar, on a friday evening of course, and along comes a group of immigration police. "You own a property in Thailand, therefore you are working, get in the truck", they said ! I was taken away to Soi 5 in Jomtien, where I was told that I had to give them 50,000 Bht or I would be going immediately to jail. It being a friday night (maximum leverage night), contact with my lawyer being impossible and the thought of 3 nights in jail not being very appealing, I knocked them down to 40,000 Bht, paid and went on my merry way. Chip Allen is right, someday it may change but not in the near future.

so basically you have told them that it is ok to do what they did to you, and encouraged them to try it with someone else

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Got shaken down by woman once regarding 90 day check in, she said from last 90 check in although I'd been out of the country which is supposed to restart the meter.

 I would suggest if want to report corruption, might be wise to use a pay phone rather than your personal phone. I wouldn't be paranoid if all these people weren't after me....

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As an (ex) tourist who has been extorted by the Immigration supervisor at HKT, do what I do... don't go to Thailand.


Right now I'm in Cambodia at the end of almost two months spending the money I would have in Khao Lak. I should have done this a few years ago. Resorts are a comparable price for the quality. The big thing is Cambodians seem to actually want foreigners; plus, beer is 50 cents (330 ml) and smokes are 80 cents a pack - Winston Lights  (better than the 'shit' Winstons made in Malaysia that are sold in Thailand).

Nice post...


Cambodia is a steaming shit hole! Fantastic for crack smoking back packers though! And ageing hippy 20 cones a day expats. Police are nowhere to be seen, it's the junkie capitol of Asia

It's no wonder people are knocking themselves out trying to stay in Thailand.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Been here 30 years ,never experienced any of the corruption

you post about,not saying it does not happen,but never to me.

different Immigration offices I suppose.

regards worgeordie


PS I have yellow book so dont need document for "Proof of residence",

always post my 90 day report,and give the exact 1900 THB when doing 


try doing any business or buying property. i have had to deal with a fair bit of corruption. it is the system. you cant fight it, it is just not that simple. best bet is to find good agents, accountants and lawyers to act on your behalf but of course they can be corrupt as well. after 10 fairly successful years operating in thailand i dont think i would ever do anything business related or own anything in thailand again. its just not worth the hassle. work permits especially were getting very difficult.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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I often hear people telling stories of immigration asking for money, yet I have never witnessed it although I requested my fair share of proof of residence, 90 day reports and other formalities.

My first reaction if asked for money would be to ask "for what"?

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The FACT is a Certificate of Residence at Patong Immigration office will currently cost you 500 Baht, that is a F A C T. Those who 'reckon' they can get one without that payment are living in cuckoo land.


I needed a CoR in December for Thai Driving/bike licences (yes I know is free officially) but you get there and its bursting at seems with people doing extensions CoRs etc, Hot and no shade outside... I was asked to pay 500 Baht, asked lady what for as I thought it was a free service? for 'processing' Same Same Phuket town, 500 B please or you not wantMr?? (well there you go I needed it and they knew it so am I gonna kick up a fuss..., you think I would get re-dress...?) no just needles hassle I don't need so you pay up. Come January I buy Motorbike, again DLT want a CoR (copy of my Dec CoR no good) need 'Original' so off again to Patong Immigration, same lady, this time I tried my damndest in a pleasant way to get one issued free, she queried in Thai with a Immigration officer on the extensions desk and in english he told me is 500 baht for processing Mr, you go Phuket town is same 500 Baht, so again I had to pay so I could go about my legal business... 


So all who say ask for a receipt and see how they fold, and report to the Immigration hot line etc - Good luck with that lot, me am here for an easy life, and this place is corrupt to the bone I very much doubt none of you keyboard lawyers and what nots are gonna change that, and I assure you I am no wilting violet I have blagged with the best of them in various things and got a result but I will await a truthful post of someone who has received a free CoR from Patong currently...

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I think there will always be corruption when it is coming from both sides.  I recently spent a while in Pattaya and spoke with  a dozen or so farangs who were all staying on permission to stay for retirement purposes. Not one of them met the required specifications and were all here by using an agent to obtain the extension from a dodgy contact in the bank and the Immigration dept.

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some years ago I was told  to  be  at my house to  see  an immigration officer....4 arrived in a car  and after questioning the mrs and I separately  demanded  2k baht from the mrs  for petrol money (they came from nong khai to udon ) without my knowledge. I was a tad disgruntled... but  had no idea what I could do about it . 

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Have been asked for a 100 Baht "tip" at the Udon Thani office a couple of time, but refused to pay them. At the Trat office in Leam Ngop, the lady at the front desk told me that I already had received the 100 Baht change from my 2000 THB I handed over to her, I got upset and complained to the man in charge and received my money, the lady looked mad at me.

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13 hours ago, thai3 said:

Posters saying they never had a problem is a bit like saying they never had a heart attack so kind of doubt people saying they had one. Corruption is a daily on going crime in a lot of offices, just from what we see posted on here. 

yes T3 there are quite a few TOM PEPPERS on TV.

M0RE than a few.

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14 hours ago, BWPattaya said:

Well, if you are using an agent you don't know who is asking for extra. The agent or immigration.

i have never been asked for extra in Pattaya immigration in 16 years. 

I once offered a tip for being very helpful once and she was horrified

Give them a box of biscuits......

I agree that Jomtiem is a good immigration office and I have not had any problems with them, I might have suspected they were sending business the way of friends in the copying room a few times! :-)  I try to ensure all is in order and behave myself there, but I must admit, I often fear a potential shakedown.....

Now traffic police in the area.............

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I had to pay 500 baht for proof of residence, but when they got reported by someone to the highers, they just stopped doing them, so it made life harder.

Yes, it's bad, but given that everything is way more expensive back home, I would choose to pay the occasional rip off one time to live in LOS, than pay large for everything in a cold place.

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12 hours ago, Get Real said:

16 years here, and like many others: No Problem. I do really think that it also have to do with having a positive attitude and a smile at them in that office too, which I see that many people have a great difficulty with.
Instead of problem with Immigration and their officers, I usually have to tell a foreigner to sit down and take it easy instead.

And please don´t ask me too if I had a problem with traffic police. It´s a no there too. They never ask for anything wrong when I have anything to do with them.

Wow, you must live in a different Thailand to me. Do you have a car or motorcycle? 

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6 hours ago, dlodratsab said:

some years ago I was told  to  be  at my house to  see  an immigration officer....4 arrived in a car  and after questioning the mrs and I separately  demanded  2k baht from the mrs  for petrol money (they came from nong khai to udon ) without my knowledge. I was a tad disgruntled... but  had no idea what I could do about it . 

That's the point of this thread -  what can be done?


The immigration help number is no good.


I post things on twitter, which gets the attention of some ex-politicians. For some reason my links to these pages were removed.



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