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my Thai girlfriend is pregnant

El Diablo

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20 hours ago, georgemandm said:

You should have  thought about all that before you had sex with that lady , with out  birth control .

Oh God!.... there's always one isn't there?


Can you recommend an optician for some cheap but decent 20/20 vision hindsight glasses? I lost mine while I was shagging Eva Webster in the graveyard behind the youth club in the summer of '73.

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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Oh God!.... there's always one isn't there?


Can you recommend an optician for some cheap but decent 20/20 vision hindsight glasses? I lost mine while I was shagging Eva Webster in the graveyard behind the youth club in the summer of '73.

You too? Bitch.

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What a joke, comment after comment by barstool moralists who have always had the iron self-control and rigid sobriety never to surrender to the lust (or passion if such it is) of the moment.


As for the OP, only you can search your conscience for the best way forward in a difficult situation. There is plenty of help out there whatever the direction in which you go, but I would council against taking the advice of the expert keyboard swordsmen here who spend their days offering nothing but clichés and banal platitudes, if your heart dictates otherwise.

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20 hours ago, El Diablo said:

im not going to do a runner if the kid is mine i will be around in some way. ive got no idea what sort of future a half thai half falang kid is going to have growing up in a poor isaan thai family in bangkok. not sure how i would go being a single dad in australia either...

Or the UK...?!



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These posts are insane. Atleast El Diablo is a lot more mature and responsible than the guy who posted last week. But the question is, it always seems "Who's the father?" is such a mystery? As if the girlfriend is always sleeping around with many other men? Wow.... really. For a child to be brought into this world into this type of complicated family.

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4 minutes ago, JacChang said:

These posts are insane. Atleast El Diablo is a lot more mature and responsible than the guy who posted last week. But the question is, it always seems "Who's the father?" is such a mystery? As if the girlfriend is always sleeping around with many other men? Wow.... really. For a child to be brought into this world into this type of complicated family.

"As if the girlfriend is always sleeping around with many other men?"

Without wishing to presuppose the OP's particular situation, you seem to be unfamiliar with the reason why so many single men enjoy holidaying in Thailand, in particular those venues notorious for their nightlife.

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5 minutes ago, Xobtsiwt said:

"As if the girlfriend is always sleeping around with many other men?"

Without wishing to presuppose the OP's particular situation, you seem to be unfamiliar with the reason why so many single men enjoy holidaying in Thailand, in particular those venues notorious for their nightlife.

Then you should learn how to categorize what a girlfriend is.

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22 hours ago, El Diablo said:

im not going to do a runner if the kid is mine i will be around in some way. ive got no idea what sort of future a half thai half falang kid is going to have growing up in a poor isaan thai family in bangkok. not sure how i would go being a single dad in australia either...


21 hours ago, El Diablo said:

yeah nah i havent brought it up to her yet, im just doing the preliminary research into where exactly to get it done and the cost etc. i can always use the carrot that if im the real father il support her financially...

Agree with your efforts to get a test asap, so you know where you stand, and can prepare your thoughts about the future situation.


I also agree with KhunPa's comment about a half-thai child (luk khrueng, literally "half-child") with a "poor" Isaan family; you are the one that can improve the typical situation, compared to where either a single-mom, or both parents, work to find money for the child and their own survival, whilst their parents or grand parents look after the child, and also receive little money for the time spent, as they cannot work when looking after a minor.


I am father to a "half child" myself. In the beginning the most important is money for the baby child's welfare – grand parents (either baby's or mom's) will normally do a fine job taking care, but make sure there are funds available for a proper lifestyle for the minor; i.e. baby food (formula milk), and some challenging baby toys, and little tip for the grand parents for taking care of the baby, so they are happy to do it (the happiness will also flow to the baby). You can also choose, if you can afford it, to support your girlfriend to take care of your child, instead of working.


The best life for a child (when exceeding baby level) is with a family, i.e. mom and dad. You didn't mention your age – or your girlfriend's age – but seem like you are fairly young, so that option can be a challenge with a Thai relationship; understood as you either need to settle in Thailand, which can be difficult job-wise, or you have to bring your girlfriend and child to your home country(Australia, you mentioned), or you shall do a lot of commuting between work and family in Thailand. And it's also a question if you plan to stay together with your girlfriend in the future, or...:whistling:


School in Thailand often begin in a young age with Kindergarten K1 to K3 from about 3 years old; and Primary School from the age of 6 years. Thai public schools are basically free, in the town where the child is registered in a so-called "House Book", but you will still pay some extra for daily pocket money (all kids seem to get that), transportation, school uniform and other things, so count easily some 2,000 baht in average a month on top of the basic needs. The quality of public Thai schools can vary quite a bit from a rural Isaan village to a major town. If you can afford it, a private school of some level might be an option; better with an EP-School (English Program) already from K1.


In Thailand courts have begin to decide that fathers shall support a child, typically 3,000 baht to 5,000 baht a month, plus half school money/expenses, and half health expenses. The up to 5,000 baht cash support can just about cover the expenses, when living Thai-style. You minimum expenses for being a responsible father will minimum be in level from 60,000 baht to some 100,000 baht a year; but I would count more...


Just mentioned above to answer your questions and give you a basic idea – feel free to ask, if/when more questions – I wish you good luck...:smile:

Edited by khunPer
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17 minutes ago, khunPer said:


Agree with your efforts to get a test asap, so you know where you stand, and can prepare your thoughts about the future situation.


I also agree with KhunPa's comment about a half-thai child (luk khrueng, literally "half-child") with a "poor" Isaan family; you are the one that can improve the typical situation, compared to where either a single-mom, or both parents, work to find money for the child and their own survival, whilst their parents or grand parents look after the child, and also receive little money for the time spent, as they cannot work when looking after a minor.


I am father to a "half child" myself. In the beginning the most important is money for the baby child's welfare – grand parents (either baby's or mom's) will normally do a fine job taking care, but make sure there are funds available for a proper lifestyle for the minor; i.e. baby food (formula milk), and some challenging baby toys, and little tip for the grand parents for taking care of the baby, so they are happy to do it (the happiness will also flow to the baby). You can also choose, if you can afford it, to support your girlfriend to take care of your child, instead of working.


The best life for a child (when exceeding baby level) is with a family, i.e. mom and dad. You didn't mention your age – or your girlfriend's age – but seem like you are fairly young, so that option can be a challenge with a Thai relationship; understood as you either need to settle in Thailand, which can be difficult job-wise, or you have to bring your girlfriend and child to your home country(Australia, you mentioned), or you shall do a lot of commuting between work and family in Thailand. And it's also a question if you plan to stay together with your girlfriend in the future, or...:whistling:


School in Thailand often begin in a young age with Kindergarten K1 to K3 from about 3 years old; and Primary School from the age of 6 years. Thai public schools are basically free, in the town where the child is registered in a so-called "House Book", but you will still pay some extra for daily pocket money (all kids seem to get that), transportation, school uniform and other things, so count easily some 2,000 baht in average a month on top of the basic needs. The quality of public Thai schools can vary quite a bit from a rural Isaan village to a major town. If you can afford it, a private school of some level might be an option; better with an EP-School (English Program) already from K1.


In Thailand courts have begin to decide that fathers shall support a child, typically 3,000 baht to 5,000 baht a month, plus half school money/expenses, and half health expenses. The up to 5,000 baht cash support can just about cover the expenses, when living Thai-style. You minimum expenses for being a responsible father will minimum be in level from 60,000 baht to some 100,000 baht a year; but I would count more...


Just mentioned above to answer your questions and give you a basic idea – feel free to ask, if/when more questions – I wish you good luck...:smile:

thanks for your reply, if the baby is mine, how much would be a reasonable amount of money to give the mother every month while she is pregnant? considering she has currently moved back in with her mum and is helping her mum working from home ( her mother has a business making clothes) 


after the baby is born if my girlfriends mother takes care of the baby full time from around 6 months old , how much should i send her to take care of the baby? i would want to keep her happy so she doesnt resent my child but i dont want to get ripped off just because im a falang. 


im thinking far ahead into the future now and im thinking when the baby is about 5-6 years old and ready to start school i could bring him/her to australia. what is the best way to teach a young kid to speak english in bangkok? can you get private english tutoring for children under 5 years old and is it worth while? 

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Oh God!.... there's always one isn't there?


Can you recommend an optician for some cheap but decent 20/20 vision hindsight glasses? I lost mine while I was shagging Eva Webster in the graveyard behind the youth club in the summer of '73.

What the f??? Are you going on about 

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23 hours ago, georgemandm said:

You should have  thought about all that before you had sex with that lady , with out  birth control .

you seem to not care much about what you have done .

The trouble is if the child is yours hop you Take  responsibility for that child in give money to help its up   Bringing .

you never head of  entrapment , lots of the Thais now are trying to do that to the western because they think we take good care of them more with more money.

I think it is a game now that lots of thai lady's play now to suck the western man in by getting  pregnant .

Years ago you would not see many 50/50 western baby's now you see them all over the place.

Hi guys, bit of a sad but topical story to tell on this subject. 


A female friend of the current Mrs Dark Lord was "seeing" a Nigerian ""Falang"(?) of dubious visa status and even more questionable income methods but I digress.


she knew this chap was in a steady relationship already with a Thai girl but was determined to try and snare him. 


Using the oldest trick in the book and her charms and certain attributes she finally managed to bed him on a regular basis.


not content with getting the servicing she most desired she wanted more so allowed herself to fall pregnant by him ( this being her third kid with three different fathers)


now the nipper has been born said father has restricted his visits to her for his conjugal pleasure to about once a month and is slowly but surely extending the periods of absence as time passes by. 


He he is not all bad though as when he does visit her he gives her THB 1000 (YES!) to pay for milk, nappies, etc etc.


again it is not his first experience of this as he has allegedly fathered some four other kids by other thai girls ( not his "full time" one as she is barren) 


all this has has been learned from hours of initially euphoric but latterly tear filled almost hysterical hours long phone calls at some most unsociable hours to the current Mrs Dark Lord to which I have to endure 


just a story.but true

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23 hours ago, georgemandm said:

You should have  thought about all that before you had sex with that lady , with out  birth control .

you seem to not care much about what you have done .

The trouble is if the child is yours hop you Take  responsibility for that child in give money to help its up   Bringing .

you never head of  entrapment , lots of the Thais now are trying to do that to the western because they think we take good care of them more with more money.

I think it is a game now that lots of thai lady's play now to suck the western man in by getting  pregnant .

Years ago you would not see many 50/50 western baby's now you see them all over the place.

Entrapment yer right watching to many movies. He dipped his wick got the lass pregnant end of conversation. Now looking for a way out.or of course as he only joined yesterday looking to get the normal responses to a troll post.

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just posting this update i emailed Samitivej hospital asking about the pre natal dna test this is what they sent me:


"Thank you for your interest in Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital.


We regret to inform you that DNA paternity testing is not available in our facility. In Thailand, any DNA related testing must be carried out by forensic medicine specialist at the Police General Hospital only and no private hospital can do or assist in the test process."


i searched up the police hospital there website is in thai, does anyone have an email adress for them? i added them on Line and sent a message but im not sure if they have an english service 

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17 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Entrapment yer right watching to many movies. He dipped his wick got the lass pregnant end of conversation. Now looking for a way out.or of course as he only joined yesterday looking to get the normal responses to a troll post.

Are you trying to say my reply is a troll post hop not .

just look around how many 50/50 kids are around now . 

Thais think I have baby with him because give me more money , you need to looking around a  bit more .

yes I like watching movies I think you should watch a faw and you  might understand life a bit better .

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On 2/14/2017 at 3:57 PM, kannot said:

Never  understand why folk  get pregnant these days when its so easy to avoid...assuming she and her dont? do? want it

most Thai girls trap farang this way by accidentally on purpose getting pregnant.

this is what i meant by getting trapped on a previous post.

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5 hours ago, lostinataxi said:

Oldest trick in the book.  Get pregnant, hope street stupid farang either marries you or gives you money for the next 18 years.  Birds from all over the world have been doing this trick forever, nothing new.  Not exactly a good way to start a relationship that has a chance of lasting.   Deception doesn't usually bode well for relationships.   These days, girls do know how to NOT get pregnant, so one has to assume this was not by accident.   Then you have to factor in the fact that these kinds of girls in Thailand usually don't just have one boyfriend.  

well said mate !!!!!!!!!!!

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15 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Are you trying to say my reply is a troll post hop not .

just look around how many 50/50 kids are around now . 

Thais think I have baby with him because give me more money , you need to looking around a  bit more .

yes I like watching movies I think you should watch a faw and you  might understand life a bit better .

You need to lighten up and learn to read people's posts. 

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4 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

You need to lighten up and learn to read people's posts. 

I do read them 

just gives  me the s???s when man get someone  pregnant and not take  responsibilities to not taking care of that child .

happpens in thailand a lot now .

it is the child that  suffers .

 the  silly man that has  unprotected sex ,  and the diseases you can get .

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35 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Are you trying to say my reply is a troll post hop not .

just look around how many 50/50 kids are around now . 

Thais think I have baby with him because give me more money , you need to looking around a  bit more .

yes I like watching movies I think you should watch a faw and you  might understand life a bit better .

agree with you 100% mate its a easy number getting pregnant by farang .............cos farang stupid he can take care baby me and my family.

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@jonw8uk i emailed those two labs also bumrungrad and samitivej hospital, im not sure if those private dna labs that send the results to america to be analised are trustworthy, they are asking for 48 000 baht for a prenatal dna test. samitivej hospital told me that no private hospital can do dna testing, only the police hospital can, so im trying to contact the police hospital now


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