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Does anyone knows where in Thailand Bangkok Pattaya or at a local webshop where they sell Tens Machines?I have a frozen sholder and want to see if i can get any improvements with such a device.


OK I will be the one to ask what in the name of the wee man is a tens machine??

I have had a frozen shoulder and there is no real cure other than a constant     

exercise regime, this was advice from a bone doctor which turned out to be correct.

There are loads of online exercise regimes to correct frozen shoulder joints.


Absolutely brilliant machines,


They have become very popular now and can be bought for under £20.


I have a portable one for traveling and a clinic grade one for when I am in real pain at home. After a hard day out gardening or whatever, sometimes the muscle pains and cramp are bad but 30 minutes of TENS cures all of that.


I also hear that high class quality call girls now use them as an "extra". Puts a jolt in your electrode so to speak.



Ah the old tens machine now I get you.

Makes the seller lots of money and doesn't actually do anything but gives

you a sensation that it could be doing some good, why don't you go to a witch

doctor instead they will take your money and assure you that you will be cured,

any day now. Bungkum and nonsense.


They work for some people and for some they do not.It not really cures the problem but can certainly reduce pain and or improve mobility.Maybe they not yet for sale here in Thailand?

Does anyone knows where in Thailand Bangkok Pattaya or at a local webshop where they sell Tens Machines?I have a frozen sholder and want to see if i can get any improvements with such a device.

I have seen them on Lazada and they do C.O.D. I used a good brand of one maybe 10 years ago that was very compact and discreet and power adjustable. Highly recommend them as well but you do need to order extra pads as they slowly lose their stickyness from skin oil transfer even tho they can be washed a few times.

I have seen them in Fasino pharmacy in Pattaya don't know if they still have them, but they were outrageously highly priced compared to other countries.


I have a four channel unit that works very well and relieves pain almost instantly.

I am sure micro tens will benefit your shoulder. 

You should connect one pad to the point of injury / pain the other lead to a chee point.


38 minutes ago, CatCage said:

I have seen them in Fasino pharmacy in Pattaya don't know if they still have them, but they were outrageously highly priced compared to other countries.


I have a four channel unit that works very well and relieves pain almost instantly.

I am sure micro tens will benefit your shoulder. 

You should connect one pad to the point of injury / pain the other lead to a chee point.


Yes thanks i will go visit  Fascinos and otherwise ship one over from abroad.

19 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Bangkok Pattaya or at a local webshop where they sell Tens Machine



Three different models starting at 2900.

I have no clue what an acceptable price for such a device is.


This "AiMED" shop is in Bangkok on Rama II (2) rd:



There is an age old thread (2006). Whether the hints are still worth?




Don't know what a frozen shoulder is, but a few years ago had a brachial plexus injury that left my entire left arm, wrist and hand denervated (sp) except for my biceps for over a year.

In desperation I bought a tens machine, which was absolutely no use at all.

I hope you have better luck than I did.


As we speak (or type) I have my TENS machine plugged in and working.


For all of my sins in early life (Army, rugby and fell running) I now have an arthritic hip. In the morning the pain is so bad that I have to take all of the pressure off the leg until I have warmed up (so to speak) and had light exercise.


After this thread, I remembered my TENS and guess what? almost instant relief. 30 minutes of it and the pain has almost gone. I know it is only pain relief but I would rather use this than start popping codeine or other pain killing drugs. Keep manufactured chemical out of the body. Now if only i did not have a minor heart problem, I could try to get some Ganja on the NHS.


Many many available on eBay, prices ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand baht. I bought one a couple years ago to use as a science demonstration and it works well enough for that. I've never tried to use it for myalgia or neuralgia so I can't comment on effectiveness.


You can get them on Amazon too.


I find they work well. Of course the effect is temporary, but then so is the effect of pain killers.

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