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Trump blasts 'criminal' leaks by intelligence agencies, calls Flynn 'wonderful'


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At issue is Flynn didn't tell Pence the whole story. So he was fired.  Trump is correct about the crime being committed. It doesn't matter what was in the communication between Flynn and Russia, it was the fact that this communique as sent to unauthorized people and they intended to revel what was in it. 
Per Fox news and several other outlets too (fact check it yourself):
Prosecuting the Leakers
18 U.S.C. 798 states as follows:
“Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates…to an unauthorized person, or publishes…any classified information obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” 
It matters not that the leakers intended to reveal a deception by Flynn. The law’s intent clause refers only to the intent to reveal.  Any underlying motivation to serve the public good by disclosing a lie or misrepresentation is of no legal consequence under the statute.

I think you're right, he did not tell the whole truth to Pence. He omitted that he received the order to make the call from Trump.

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wish I could be that optimistic. Who is going to impeach him? The republican majority congress? His racist attorney general has the power to stop any serious investigations. The best hope is a blow away wave in the midterm elections. 

Growing number of Republicans demand probe into Trump-Russia ties

Republicans and Democrats are starting to agree connections between Trump, his associates and Russia need to be investigated – but how the probe is carried out could determine what, if anything, is found. 



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16 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


On the other hand there is a report that says that her emails weren't obtained by Russia….but let's not let that get in the way of a convenient narrative.


I don't get why Flynn is being connected to espionage. Obama rushed into putting up some sanctions against Putin just before he left office.

What he should have done (since he said he and his team were committed to making Trump's transit smoother) was to involve the Donald in his thinking and figured out some common ground for action since he wasn't going to be around after a week or so. But Obama is too arrogant and just wanted to queer the pitch for Mr Trump.


So Mike Flynn probably has a chat to the russians saying yes we are surprised at what has happened, it was not done in consultation with us, we will look at it closely after the inauguration……big deal….what is so wrong with that? Unless they have taped his conversations and can prove he said something very damaging and unpatriotic.

I agree, my theory is it was Israel. Which country benefitted the most. HRC was for the status quo.  Israel was very unhappy with  Obama/HRC calling for a two state solution. Trump talks about  moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Israel is second to none when it comes to cyber security/hacking. When the FBI wanted to crack the I-phone of the California terrorists after Apple turned them down it was an Israeli cyber security company that cracked it for them.  I am sure they were able to lead a false trail implicating Russia.  Wikileaks/Assange deny it was Russia. As for Trump he is like Obama and all other administrations. The love the leaks that help them and hate the leaks that expose them. Nothing new here.

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3 hours ago, Ulic said:

I agree, my theory is it was Israel. Which country benefitted the most. HRC was for the status quo.  Israel was very unhappy with  Obama/HRC calling for a two state solution. Trump talks about  moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Israel is second to none when it comes to cyber security/hacking. When the FBI wanted to crack the I-phone of the California terrorists after Apple turned them down it was an Israeli cyber security company that cracked it for them.  I am sure they were able to lead a false trail implicating Russia.  Wikileaks/Assange deny it was Russia. As for Trump he is like Obama and all other administrations. The love the leaks that help them and hate the leaks that expose them. Nothing new here.

Interesting theory, though it's already been proven it was Russia who did the hacking.  No false trail.


A reporter pressed Trump about your last sentence.  As usual, deflection.  He loved the leaks from Russia during the elections, but hate these.  Even though no documents have been leaked as of yet.

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In a recent White House news conference Trump made an amazing statement that he did not direct former national security adviser Michael Flynn to talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions imposed on Moscow by the Obama administration, but he said he would have:


"I would have directed him if he wasn't doing it,"



Flynn did not go rogue.

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14 hours ago, stevenl said:

I think you're right, he did not tell the whole truth to Pence. He omitted that he received the order to make the call from Trump. 

          You're gullible if you think Flynn didn't tell Pence what transpired.  The reason Pence denied there was anything untoward said in the phone calls was BECAUSE PENCE KNEW IT WAS UNLAWFUL. Flynn and Trump probably also knew (what they were doing was against the law) at the time.  But because Pence had the advantage of seeing the whirlwind of concern from the news media, Pence realized he had to say he wasn't told.    Weeks later, when Flynn's pantywaist excuse of "I don't remember" didn't fly, Flynn had to say he never told his buddy, the VP, about the gist of the calls.   


              The news media are going with the 'Pence wasn't told by Flynn or Trump for weeks' mantra - which is ridiculous.  Pence will be shown to be as much of a lying, law-breaking manipulator as Trump and all the fatally flawed people Trump surrounds himself with.   Transcripts exist, held by both US and Russian intelligence services.   



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16 hours ago, Srikcir said:

For criminal leaks to occur, the information provided by Flynn in the Russian contacts must have been "Classified" or "Secret." But Trump says Flynn's only fault was a matter of trust (lied to the VP?), not that he disclosed to a foreign power classified or secret information that he had access to in the daily intelligence briefings for Nominee and president-elect Trump.


So for Trump to accuse US intelligence agencies of criminal leaks, he too must accuse Flynn of disclosing classified or secret information. But Flynn isn't investigated.

Srikcir claims; "For criminal leaks to occur, the information provided by Flynn in the Russian contacts must have been 'Classified' or 'Secret'."  


Boomer responds:  Not entirely true.  It's unlawful for a private US citizen (like Flynn, in December) to contact the leadership of a foreign country on behalf of the US, and act like an official agent of the US regarding policy.    So whether the clandestine conversations involved classified info is beside the point.   Later, saying (as Flynn did) that he didn't recall the conversations, (except to wish Christmas cheer to the Russkies) is BS to the 10th degree - and is what we're getting inured (manured with) with by Trump and his inner circle - daily.


        I admit, the entertainment value is high, but I care more about the well being of my country and its natural environment.   Everything Trump says and does is proving to be detrimental to the USA.   While he still has a modicum of dignity left (or not?), he should resign.   To stay in office, will only exacerbate his' and the American peoples' misery.


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

"I don't remember"

When the FBI asked Flynn if he had a conversation with the Russian ambassador about Obama's sanctions, the highest ranking intelligence member in the US government said 'I don't remember.'


Putting aside all the tales and truths about the Trump election team's contact(s) with the Russians regarding Obama's sanctions, Flynn should have been fired for incompetence in protecting the US national security if he can't remember conversations with representatives of America's oldest and most foreign protagonist.

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On 2/16/2017 at 6:53 PM, Srikcir said:

For criminal leaks to occur, the information provided by Flynn in the Russian contacts must have been "Classified" or "Secret." But Trump says Flynn's only fault was a matter of trust (lied to the VP?), not that he disclosed to a foreign power classified or secret information that he had access to in the daily intelligence briefings for Nominee and president-elect Trump.


So for Trump to accuse US intelligence agencies of criminal leaks, he too must accuse Flynn of disclosing classified or secret information. But Flynn isn't investigated.

That Republican leader Trump has the audacity to call anyone a liar (and not held accountable for his lies) is beyond imaginable. 

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On 2/16/2017 at 7:19 PM, boomerangutang said:

         Trump nominating one of his billionaire buddies to head a commission?!  That will be about as useful as happens in Thailand, where Thai Air is assigned to find out whether there was any corruption involving, ......Thai Air.    


         Trump thinks; the richer a person is, the smarter he is.  Look at Sukarno/Suharto in Indonesia, or Marcos in Philippines, and you'll see how bereft that way of thinking is. Richer means being more selfish and more willing to take advantage of people on the bottom rungs of the ladder, and little else.

Trump's 'Trickle Down Theory' will work as well as Reagan's 'Trickle-down.'  It enables the rich to get richer, while the little guys get to eat yellow snow, and are told to be happy about it. 

I agree entirely with you. An amazing reality is so many "little guys" think he is great and will vote for him even when Putin is sitting behind the big desk in Washington. 

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On 2/16/2017 at 10:02 AM, webfact said:

: "I think it's very, very unfair what's happened to General Flynn, the way he was treated

Since that rant Trump has declared a number of major news agencies as "enemy of the people."

Apparently now he can include Russian tv news agencies (owned by the Russian government). They were ordered to not to broadcast Trump's first solo news conference. According to American news agencies in Moscow this was ordered in part because Putin was concerned that Trump "mentions on Russian news were said last month to have even eclipsed those of Mr Putin"! 


US news media as enemy of the people - not good

Russia news media as enemy of the people - good

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Flynn also broke the law regarding retired military officers that are still covered by the “emoluments clause” of the U.S. Constitution that prohibits acceptance of any “present, emolument, office or title of any kind from any King, Prince, or foreign government. He was paid for giving speeches in Russia by the Russian government own RT news agency.  Not sure how much of this would have effected him,  but Steve Bannon is currently the craziest in Trumps cabinet. He is smart and calculating, he is directing the shots,  Trump is just a puppet now.


Trump needs to blast his own incompetent and crazy cabinet. The intelligence community is working in US's best interest.

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Most savvy people say any leaks are coming from Capital Hill, and in most cases from Republicans.


People in the intelligence services are routinely polygraphed (often), so doubt they are the source of the "leaks".


The Russians, and probably other foreign intelligence services (Israel, Britain, Germany, China), also likely have their own recordings and transcripts, so could be the source of leaks.


Trump continues to use his Samsung Galaxy S3, running Android 4.x.


The White House is using the IM app. Confide -  messages are deleted after they are read - which is supposed to be very insecure. Not sure who's idea that was? Maybe Viktor in IT?

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On 2/18/2017 at 11:01 AM, mike324 said:


US is not like Thailand. A coup will not happen in the US.

Humn, some might say it's already happening. I believe this is so b/c I see steps in play of the making of a dictator. History- of which I'm certainly a novice - shows similar words/declarations/maneuvers as Trump's by various dictators. Oh wait.... Hitler, Putin, and Trump were elected. :-)  

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