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Boozed up Brits brawl in Pattaya street after one tries to grab other’s girlfriend’s breasts


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1 hour ago, Ian Maxwell said:

Well in answer to Transam,s comment I know I lived as a young man in the UK and this was there sad behaviour then so things don't change there I know but they should do ! what I object to is I travelled thousends of miles to get away from that yob culture and mindless thugs with no brain !

I even tried living in sunny Spain until you lot descended and buggered it up with the same trouble making shit heads and now after spending a load of cash, I now see this happening here why don't they stay at home with there big fat arsed droopy breasted cows who keep them in check with a clip around the ear when they get out of order !

big men LoL !

stay at home and go to the local pub to watch your favourite football team get pissed and fight the neighbour if he supports another team then puke all over yourself and sleep it off on the sofa and do it again the following weekend sad people!


but we like to live a different life here un be knowing to you lot ! so go home if you are going to behave like that and stay there and do us all a big favour ! 

As for the guy WG Danson  your not funny in fact you are quite pathetic at your age making comments like that about asian ladies breast sizes !

if you came to Thailand to find girls with massive droopy old tits you have come to the wrong country go try Nigeria thats best for you and stay there ! LoL ! we like our feminine girls here obviously you don't eh !

have you stopped taking them HAPPY PILLS.

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36 minutes ago, 4737 Carlin said:

Having a fight outside a curry house is a fairly traditional pastime in places like Brum and Leicester. That's probably why the Thai people 'let them carry on and watched' - enjoying the cultural spectacle.

come on dont leave us TAFFS out,nothing like a good curry and a fight in cardiff.oh sorry i forgot newport.

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Some guys, while renting a gal for an evening or two, get rather possessive and harbor some warped ideas. Rather than just having a laugh about it, and saying something like, "yeah, my babe is fine, I understand why you would want to get with her, but she is taken tonight. You can visit her bar tomorrow, after I return her", they get all bonkers, and start fighting. Bizarre. How does one get so possessive and crazy over a rental, which is no doubt what this was. 

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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

Sounds like they are on holiday picked up a couple of bar girls for a few days.  One guy wanted to swap.

They are in their 20's with testosterone running wild. Maybe the girl was a whirling dervish in the sack and he did not want to share that with his friend. Ah yes the 20's brings back memories. In love almost every day. 

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5 hours ago, onemorechang said:

I  have no issues with that,    as the sex workers  of pattaya would have been deflowered 6 to 8 years ago.

in the village,  most likely by a family friend or family member.

You obviously  have no in depth knowledge of what goes on in Thailand

at this level.

There  childhood ended a long time before they come to SEX Town for money as a bar workers.

Hope they all  earn  enough or get a husband to take care there families

I try not to judge the bar ladies  on this to much. :jap:


In depth knowledge - well good that there are "experts" on bar stools like your good self who are sooooo knowledgeable.


You don't think you're generalizing based on the usual urban myths - cause'not, you're basing it on deep knowledge, which btw usually has to include substantial elements of tacit knowledge.


Those who use tend not only not to judge but to excuse and justify.



Edited by Baerboxer
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6 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

When I was their age one was classed as a coward if you used your feet to kick the other person during a fight?


Ah well now they've all had 5 weeks worth of martial arts lessons or watched MMA/UFC on the telly. Got to be fashionable.



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20 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

When I was their age one was classed as a coward if you used your feet to kick the other person during a fight?

Yes same when i was young, then i grew up and realised the other persons potentially going to kill you so you've got to make sure they don't get up.



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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Some guys, while renting a gal for an evening or two, get rather possessive and harbor some warped ideas. Rather than just having a laugh about it, and saying something like, "yeah, my babe is fine, I understand why you would want to get with her, but she is taken tonight. You can visit her bar tomorrow, after I return her", they get all bonkers, and start fighting. Bizarre. How does one get so possessive and crazy over a rental, which is no doubt what this was. 

Yes I have to agree with you 100% .

who cares about some thai hooker , why loss a friend over her not like she is the last hooker in town .

I have lost friendships over thai hookers , I was ask by a friend what do you think about my bar girlfriend ( prostitute ) told him the truth how she is  ripping him off and told him to piss her off , but not listening to me , listen to the hooker , now we are not friends, but I not care much as if you take a hookres word you most be a f???wit .

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23 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Yes I have to agree with you 100% .

who cares about some thai hooker , why loss a friend over her not like she is the last hooker in town .

I have lost friendships over thai hookers , I was ask by a friend what do you think about my bar girlfriend ( prostitute ) told him the truth how she is  ripping him off and told him to piss her off , but not listening to me , listen to the hooker , now we are not friends, but I not care much as if you take a hookres word you most be a f???wit .

Ego, many people are too consumed by their own ego and match that with testosterone and alcohol, it is pretty obvious why this silly scrap happened. 

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Tourists with their Thai girlfriends?????


Fighting with his mate for touching her tits? :clap2:


What does he think goes on when he's back in Brummey and she's back at work? 


telak jaaaa customer not touch my tits when you not here jing jing na

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