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Trump dismisses Russia controversy as 'scam' by hostile media


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8 hours ago, Linzz said:

You could be right but this may be his style, policy on the hoof, everybody's friend and play all sides against the middle.

         Am not sure whether Trump is doing this intentionally, but; by him and his cohorts spouting ridiculous statements each day - it's now become MISH-MASH time.  So many screwy things happening and stupid things being said every day, it's not easy for anti-Trumpsters to focus on any one.  Perhaps it's Trump's strategy, like an attacking octopus with 300 arms. Too much to deal with.


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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine".


Trump is insane.  His latest rant is enough to get him a ride in the ambulance to the lunatic asylum.

I think you're probably going to start hearing more about Section 4.4 of the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

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1 hour ago, balo said:

I wonder what type of drugs he's on to be able to carry on like this every day , 

         When a decades-long coke addict saw Trump's performance on his 1st debate with HRC, she laughed and said Trump was acting exactly like a coke-head.   Sniffling, speedo, twitching, switching topics within sentences, saying ridiculous things, ......


        I don't think Trump is doing coke now.  Maybe what we're seeing is his withdrawal symptoms.


        With or without drugs, Trump is very possibly mentally ill.  We can thank those who voted for him.  The basket of deplorables who were so easily hoodwinked by a career shyster.  BTW, Trump deals drugs (vodka).

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Well, not a democracy for long, if he has his way. A more authoritarian form of government suits him, and his agenda, and his personality far more closely. 

You mean he won't be there long if he seeks authoritarianism, not that democracy won't continue. In a match between Trump and the US Constitution and US Govt. institutions, Trump is the weakest link.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If he starts a nuclear war Pence will be looking real good.

Not worried about a nuclear war. I'm fairly sure the people that hold the nuclear  keys for him are not part of Trump's echo chamber of dog whistle syncopated inner circle and would refuse to carry out any order to fire off nuclear weapons.  I think this is a safe assumption based on the reaction of the civil service and the military  to 3 weeks of Trump's circus.


Pence and Ryan could do far more damage then is even imaginable.


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6 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Not worried about a nuclear war. I'm fairly sure the people that hold the nuclear  keys for him are not part of Trump's echo chamber of dog whistle syncopated inner circle and would refuse to carry out any order to fire off nuclear weapons.  I think this is a safe assumption based on the reaction of the civil service and the military  to 3 weeks of Trump's circus.


Pence and Ryan could do far more damage then is even imaginable.


Naive post. He has the authority. Period. 

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34 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Naive post. He has the authority. Period. 

He may have the authority,  but he is far away from the physical acts of actually launching nuclear weapons. They are not robots that do that. They are people just like you and me and most are really smart. They know the consequences of their actions. 


You are again engaging in hysterical demogugary which does nothing to help your cause.  In fact it makes you look even worse the Trump himself,  which is really hard to do when you think about it.


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30 minutes ago, thaihome said:

He may have the authority,  but he is far away from the physical acts of actually launching nuclear weapons. They are not robots that do that. They are people just like you and me and most are really smart. They know the consequences of their actions. 


You are again engaging in hysterical demogugary which does nothing to help your cause.  In fact it makes you look even worse the Trump himself,  which is really hard to do when you think about it.


Yeah, sure thing, dude.

I'm worse than trump.

Talk about hyperbole. 


Decisions need to be made in MINUTES. I have no doubt that the failing donald trump can make decisions in seconds, not minutes, but the question is whether they would be the right ones if he's really tested. Odds are given the state of the world now, he WILL be tested. 


Seriously, how many people are really confident that the failing donald trump is mentally sound? Just yesterday he mused about blowing up the Russian spy ships, imagining he would be seen as a "hero" for doing that. Study the Cuban Missile crisis to understand the RIGHT STUFF needed to avoid a disaster in a time of crisis. 



Before being chosen as a military aide, Metzger said he underwent extensive vetting by the Defense Department, the Secret Service and the FBI, including psychiatric and psychological evaluations and "a very, very extensive background check."

The president, on the other hand, undergoes no such vetting, critics point out. And while the military officers who would carry out a nuclear launch are required to work in pairs, where both must concur before they can execute a nuclear launch, there is no such check on the president's actions.


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8 hours ago, DipStick said:

he is not on drugs, but mentally in problem. Look at this from USA   medical report s


Some have suggested that Mr Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

People with this condition often show some of the following characteristics, according to Psychology Today:

  • Grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people and a need for admiration
  • They believe they are superior or may deserve special treatment
  • They seek excessive admiration and attention, and struggle with criticism or defeat

This describes Trump to a tee and he is not fit to be a president OR a businessman.. Sad thing is my wife has the same attributes 

And now he has started doing his 'campaign rally's' again. South Carolina and Florida this weekend. He just wants to stand in front of crowds of screaming people who are buying his Trump Merchandise. The man is a head case and he needs relieving of command asap. It is totally scary.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

And now he has started doing his 'campaign rally's' again. South Carolina and Florida this weekend. He just wants to stand in front of crowds of screaming people who are buying his Trump Merchandise. The man is a head case and he needs relieving of command asap. It is totally scary.

Cheney was scary. Trump is merely incompetent.

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Cheney was scary. Trump is merely incompetent.

I wish I could say he was 'merely incompetent'.  Unfortunately, for Americans, Trump is many times worse than incompetent.  If I start writing the adjectives, I may get carpal tunnel, so I'll refrain.....


      Thanks Redneck Americans who voted for him.  You'all unwittingly voted for a worse America.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

I wish I could say he was 'merely incompetent'.  Unfortunately, for Americans, Trump is many times worse than incompetent.  If I start writing the adjectives, I may get carpal tunnel, so I'll refrain.....


      Thanks Redneck Americans who voted for him.  You'all unwittingly voted for a worse America.


Actually, Trump is right about a lot of stuff, including how awful the media is. The problem is he lies to get his points across, he is super thin skinned, narcissistic, easily distracted, isn't very smart and has the vocabulary of a sixth grader. All these things serve to make himself the target and distract from whatever legitimate issues (and there are some) he may raise.

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11 hours ago, Linzz said:

I agree that Trump is not the accomplished orator Obama is and he holds your attention in cringe mode.

Here  is another point of view you probably wont agree with, but it makes an interesting read since you're talking of war footings




That's a horrible article and totally untrue.  Why would anybody read this?  From the article, which is a lie:


The press conference of Trump was fairly straight forward and he took questions from even some of the worst of the worst like CNN. The journalists will not stop.

The press conference was anything but straight forward.  And CNN is far from the worst.  Terrible article and not true.  You should avoid this site.  It's a scam.





In 1999, Japanese fraud investigators accused Armstrong of collecting money from Japanese investors, improperly "commingling" these funds with funds from other investors, and using the fresh money to cover losses he had incurred while trading.[8] Supposedly assisting Armstrong in his scheme was the Republic New York Corporation, which produced false account statements to reassure Armstrong's investors. In 2001, the bank agreed to pay US$606 million as restitution for its part in the scandal.[9]


After finishing high school, Armstrong briefly attended RCA Institutes (now TCI College of Technology) in New York City and audited courses at Princeton University but did not obtain a college degree.[3]



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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Actually, Trump is right about a lot of stuff, including how awful the media is. The problem is he lies to get his points across, he is super thin skinned, narcissistic, easily distracted, isn't very smart and has the vocabulary of a sixth grader. All these things serve to make himself the target and distract from whatever legitimate issues (and there are some) he may raise.

 Anyway, it works for Trump supporters : " it was the best press conference held in the WH , I've ever heard in my entire life, ever!" who parrot Trump's phrasing " I'm the least anti-semitic person you've ever met in your entire life" , blahblahblah

Trump is only concerned by himself - not America - not the American people - not the world ...Trump focuses his rhetoric on himself,  continues to communicate for his brand name as he always did - that's what his wealth is made of.

His shallow mind surfaces more and more every day, but as long as his core supporters believe he gives them back the control on their own lives, it works.


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4 minutes ago, Opl said:

 Anyway, it works for Trump supporters : " it was the best press conference held in the WH , I've ever heard in my entire life, ever!" who parrot Trump's phrasing " I'm the least anti-semitic person you've ever met in your entire life" , blahblahblah

Trump is only concerned by himself - not America - not the American people - not the world ...Trump focuses his rhetoric on himself,  continues to communicate for his brand name as he always did - that's what his wealth is made of.

His shallow mind surfaces more and more every day, but as long as his core supporters believe he gives them back the control on their own lives, it works.


Here's an example. During the campaign Trump said he would never allow for a Time Warner/ATT merger as it would further concentrate an already too concentrated media segment, whereby 90% of all media outlets are controlled by 6 corporations who do not present information of sufficient value to media consumers. And he was absolutely right about that!


Now, he's thinking of letting the merger proceed if the CNN CEO quits, because he has become a personal enemy of his. Stupid stuff which distracts from a real actual problem in American society.



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Donald Trump steps up his attack on the media

The Republican nominee has turned his assault against the media into a campaign against the First Amendment

While some members of the media are “terrific”, he said in December, others are “sleaze” and “70%, 75%” are “absolute dishonest, absolute scum”. And, in marked distinction from other contenders for the White House over the centuries, he has repeatedly suggested that under a Trump administration, the legal landscape of freedom of the press may undergo a transformation.


When coupled with his comments in February suggesting that as president he would “open up those libel laws” to permit public figures to sue newspapers for writing “hit piece”, Mr Trump might be considered to have the most antagonistic attitude towards the press of any presidential candidate in American history.



That last sentence is something that would come from a dictator.  Not one from the president of the US, where freedom of speech is a huge deal.  He'll lose that battle for sure.

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Actually, Trump is right about a lot of stuff, including how awful the media is. The problem is he lies to get his points across, he is super thin skinned, narcissistic, easily distracted, isn't very smart and has the vocabulary of a sixth grader. All these things serve to make himself the target and distract from whatever legitimate issues (and there are some) he may raise.

         Sorry I can't agree.  Trump is not even correct half the time.  And the media is not 'awful'.


         Do you remember, just months ago, how Trump smiled and shouted how great he was when touting numbers that showed him ahead of Cruz or Kasich or Bush?  He loves the media when the media is burnishing his image.   He hates the media when they tell the sorts of truth which put him in a bad light.  I would say he's as mature as a bratty 7 year old, but that would be denigrating to bratty 7 year olds.


              It's gotten so bad that; even when the media just quotes Trump verbatum, it angers Trump.  That proves what a ding dong he is.  I would use a grown-up word, but when describing a tantrum-addled kid, I'm compelled to use a childish language.  He deserves no more.


Now his two sons are prancing around the world making business deals.  That wouldn't be so bad, except they demand and get very expensive Secret Service protection.  Anyone paying tax in the US is paying for Trump's sons to have their protectors staying in 5-star hotels and driving multi-million dollar armored vehicles.   Not even their father helps defray those costs, because he doesn't pay taxes.   It's left up to janitors, coal workers, dry cleaning managers, and Arby's workers to pay for Trump's sons' and daughters' security, which probably run millions of dollars/day.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I wish I could say he was 'merely incompetent'.  Unfortunately, for Americans, Trump is many times worse than incompetent.  If I start writing the adjectives, I may get carpal tunnel, so I'll refrain.....


      Thanks Redneck Americans who voted for him.  You'all unwittingly voted for a worse America.

Your racist, derogatory remark toward some voters is ignorant and hypocritical.  Why are they your only scapegoat?  


What about the supporters of the worst female political candidate of all time? 

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23 minutes ago, rijb said:

Your racist, derogatory remark toward some voters is ignorant and hypocritical.  Why are they your only scapegoat?  


What about the supporters of the worst female political candidate of all time? 

First off, I agree with that the use of the word redneck is nasty and racist. Hillbilly is another one.

That said, if Hillary Clinton were now president, we wouldn't be looking at the likelihood of wall street being unleashed to bring on another financial crisis. We wouldn't be faced with the gutting of the EPA. We wouldn't be looking at a massive transfer of power to the .01 percent.

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23 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I thought the USA was run by the Illuminati! :w00t:


The Deep State?  Seriously?  Wow...great conspiracy theory.  A good reason people aren't worried.  It's just a conspiracy theory.

I'm not one to usually go to conspiracy theories, but...



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23 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

I'm not one to usually go to conspiracy theories, but...



Not really a "deep state", but from that article, this makes sense.  Good luck to those in the government keeping an eye on a president who's staff may have been working with a hostile nation.  Time will tell if that's true, but so far, looks like at least one did.


From that article:




Though the deep state is sometimes discussed as a shadowy conspiracy, it helps to think of it instead as a political conflict between a nation’s leader and its governing institutions.

That can be deeply destabilizing, leading both sides to wield state powers like the security services or courts against one another, corrupting those institutions in the process.



Trump is ruining things big time.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

First off, I agree with that the use of the word redneck is nasty and racist. Hillbilly is another one.

That said, if Hillary Clinton were now president, we wouldn't be looking at the likelihood of wall street being unleashed to bring on another financial crisis. We wouldn't be faced with the gutting of the EPA. We wouldn't be looking at a massive transfer of power to the .01 percent.

She might have been a good president.  But, she failed as a candidate.  


The Trump voters shouldn't get all the blame.  The Democrats are also at fault for picking a loser.

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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

         Sorry I can't agree.  Trump is not even correct half the time.  And the media is not 'awful'.


         Do you remember, just months ago, how Trump smiled and shouted how great he was when touting numbers that showed him ahead of Cruz or Kasich or Bush?  He loves the media when the media is burnishing his image.   He hates the media when they tell the sorts of truth which put him in a bad light.  I would say he's as mature as a bratty 7 year old, but that would be denigrating to bratty 7 year olds.


              It's gotten so bad that; even when the media just quotes Trump verbatum, it angers Trump.  That proves what a ding dong he is.  I would use a grown-up word, but when describing a tantrum-addled kid, I'm compelled to use a childish language.  He deserves no more.


Now his two sons are prancing around the world making business deals.  That wouldn't be so bad, except they demand and get very expensive Secret Service protection.  Anyone paying tax in the US is paying for Trump's sons to have their protectors staying in 5-star hotels and driving multi-million dollar armored vehicles.   Not even their father helps defray those costs, because he doesn't pay taxes.   It's left up to janitors, coal workers, dry cleaning managers, and Arby's workers to pay for Trump's sons' and daughters' security, which probably run millions of dollars/day.


Yeah, the media is awful and getting worse every year. In the US it is an ever more concentrated oligopoly and only a fraction of the totality of ideas and viewpoints are presented in the media, which is not healthy for a strong democracy. Media conglomerates serve the interests of media conglomerates, not the citizens of a democratic society.



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9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Not really a "deep state", but from that article, this makes sense.  Good luck to those in the government keeping an eye on a president who's staff may have been working with a hostile nation.  Time will tell if that's true, but so far, looks like at least one did.


From that article:



Trump is ruining things big time.

Trump is also spending taxpayers money, big time. 


Trump family trips cost taxpayers $11.3m in one month – almost as much as Obama’s cost in a year



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