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Russian arrested, may face prison term for feeding fish


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Thai police... please get a grip.


Don't molest tourists feeding fish, you have better things to do.


Persist in acting in such clownlike manner and you will be (once more) worldwide laughing stock. I try to always view the actions of Thai authorities with a lot of goodwill, but this is getting ridiculous.


If the coral reef needs to be protected from fish-feeding tourists, then issue a ban for boats to go there, period.

Edited by manarak
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Bit of a silly overreaction by the Thai authorities, and big imbalance with everything else that goes on here. You're losing face, Thighland, and probably a lot more than 100k after word gets around. Mai pen rai and all that, but probably best not to upset the Ruskies too much; don't want Mr Putin getting his knickers in a twist. :wink:

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2 hours ago, Dodgydownunder said:

This is retarded. Thailand......... you don't deserve tourists.

I didn't see ANY Russians in Penang....that might change soon i guess.


I sure won't go to the Thai beaches anymore after reading this. Are there any signs (in english) that's illegal to feed the fish??

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Any fine handed out to a tourist  the tour guide/groups should be hammered with a fine ten times greater. We all know they are breaking the rules but there's no comeback- THEY are the ones who know the regulations, not tourists.

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3 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Can't play Bridge, can't feed the fish, can't talk about (in)competence, can't suffer incontinence, can't drink the p*ss for 3 hours in the afternoon, can't take the p*ss.... what is there left to live for???!!!



Playing Bridge is fine, gambling isn't.

Feeding fish is fine in places where feeding fish is allowed.

Talking about incompetence is fine.

Drinking all afternoon is fine.

Taking the piss is ok, too.

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I thought it was Buddhist good Karma to be kind and feed hungry animals?


Meanwhile fishing boats are out netting huge numbers of fish to sell to the restaurants.. but that is OK?


Seriously, when I went there.. each time the tour guides handed out bread for people to feed the fish.  This is what must have happened this time... so the tour guide needs to be prosecuted not the tourist.. who seems to have been tricked into this money making scam.... because what tourist is going to carry around a slice of bread all day just to feed some fish is they happen to see any?



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