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Thaivisa exclusive: Liverpool man wants Pattaya bargirl jailed but doesn’t blame the resort – “7/11 claim” was just nonsense


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You are somebody that will never believe the truth even if it hit you in the face. I was NOT arguing with the Woman, my wife was over the prices on the tab. We had 4 drinks. We only popped in for one round whilst waiting for our friends finished their drinks in the go go bar opposite. The Wife checked the tab immediately as the bar bint looked a bit iffy. On it she charged us 350 baht each for three vodkas and 90 baht for a beer. She also charged 70 baht for a tonic and brought a full sugar coke not diet. The wife sent her back to get the right coke and she put the top on the unwanted one and placed back in the fridge. She said that one of the vodkas was a double but all were the same measures. The wife got her to see that she knew we were getting ripped off and settled on a more reasonable 650 baht..  still too much but hey let's get out of here. The bar Woman who was the owner then produced a further pot not from our table for another beer that she said my brother in law had had but he still had half of his first in his hand? We tried to leave leaving our un consumed drinks on the table and it was then I said she was a robber and the Wife also mentioned the tourist Police. That's when she went mental and for the first minute I was held in a headlock by a Thai geezer and pinned in my chair while she rained her cheap heavy shoe in my face. He released me when she got a bullseye on my conk and blood came. Now I hope this is detailed enough for the dim posters but I,m not holding my breath.

I wouldn't hold your breath either.

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it's a sad state of affairs after what you and your wife have been through that you have to read some of the pathetic drivel on here from so called adults. I only joined a few days ago on recommendation from a friend and from I have read on here so far, particularly this one and the previous thread, there are a sad % of keyboard warriors just out to talk ****<deleted> and attempt to cause further misery and provocation where possible. Sadly not untypical of Internet forums in all honesty.

Well done for remaining dignified despite all the provocation and hopefully in the real world you will get a result fitting of the crime you faced. No one should have to endure that kind of behaviour.

Fortunately, even in pattaya it is rare.

Best wishes

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5 hours ago, farcanell said:


Maybe we ( you and I) don't know the facts.... but we now have three sides to a story, which is corroborated by the video, and witnessed by another neutral poster


as I said... you can choose to believe who you want... I choose to believe the victims, who's story rings true, whilst you choose to believe the bargirl, who criminally assaulted a patron... right there is a reason to condemn the bargirl... but if you believe that assaulting a businesses client is OK... then OK ( great business model that.... assault the patrons)


quoting trumpisms amuses the shit out of me.... and I don't care if you don't like it... tough... grow up... or down, and accept it as a bit of humor... or don't.. not my problem


the prices at my local are relevant.... it demonstrates that the drinks as ordered, were overpriced, and we both know that... but as the bill was agreed to be paid, at a high price, the point is that they paid enough, and didn't need to be further crucified.... and the comparison was only made because YOU brought up the 350 baht (what... 350... ridiculous) price for a G and T... so don't go critising someone else for discussing costs / prices.... you can't have it both ways


if you are prepared to be charged for drinks, above and beyond what you have already accepted, after having accepted the origional bill, then, to emulate trump, all you need to do is reach between your own legs to grab a baby cat... I hope you enjoy that


and finally, why not believe the Brits?.... Mary (meryl) came straight out and gave an explaination on the first thread, which is believable.... to disregard the posters who have put their side forward ( both victims and another poster, backed by the police), and believe what most here believe a BS story by a bargirl, then I can only speculate that a Brit must have tupped your missus, leaving you as an embittered person towards brits.... of which I am not one


oh... sorry... finally finally.... I wish I had a chance to do business with folk of your ilk, who are happy being ripped off by an extra 15% over an outrageously inflated bill... I would be a millionaire by now.... my loss I suppose... ah well... can't have everything 


Well, now. somehow you have seen that I would be happy getting ripped off; please show me where I said that.


I drink all over Thailand, including Pattaya an average of four nights a week. I have never gotten stiffed with a bill I could not resolve. I pay attention to the prices, how many drinks I have had, and I rarely get drunk. All three of which, it appears to me, the victim did not do.


I haven't read a post from a neutral poster--please show me where it is. I will be glad to read it.


By Trumpisms I was referring to your repetition of the word "fake" and spouting debatable reasons instead of  logic to support your statements.


B600, or even B690 for four people in a bar in Pattaya is not an out of the question bill--especially when you consider, as I do, that there are many farangs who get so drunk and are so cheap they would argue about how many drinks they have had when they do not even know.,


Anytime you run a tab you are leaving yourself open, especially if you are drunk. It is very difficult to prove you did not have an extra drink, especially when you do not even know. 


And, I think I have already told you; I don't know who is right and neither do you. However, I rarely hear a drunk tell the story as it happened, and their story does not ring true to me.


The fact that the barmaid should not have assaulted the customer is not being argued--it just brings a little chuckle.

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5 hours ago, LandOfWiles said:

smotherb, yesterday you knew the facts well enough to write this:


Today you're admitting that we don't know the whole story. Does this not mean you owe David an apology for what was a hasty judgement by you yesterday? 



Yes, LandofWiles, those statements were out of line, because I do not know. However, as I said, I find it very easy to believe since I have seen so many farangs do similar things.

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5 hours ago, sambum said:

So once again the victim is guilty? First of all you quite rightly say that neither of you know the facts, and then proceed to imply that the Brit may have tried to make up a story because the barmaid had "shamed" him. Are you Thai? We're not talking a slight loss of face here - the barmaid didn't shame him - she battered him with her shoe!  ( which you refer to in your final sentence). And all because he complained about the bill!


Seems like you think that by being in Thailand, you should expect to be ripped off if you go into an "entertainment" area, and if you complain about it, you should expect to get a beating!





Well, yes, quite frankly, anytime you go to a similar "entertainment" area, you should expect to get ripped-off; hence, why you should always keep your wits about you. 


If you are drunk and complain you may not even know the facts yourself. As I said, I have seen far too many drunks arguing their bill.  And, maybe, because they are drunk, the staff thinks they are an easy target.


And yes, I would imagine the story has been modified to somehow shed a better light on the victim--just as it would not be unusual for the barmaid to have a different story to somehow justify her actions. 

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5 hours ago, sambum said:

Unbelievable - you do realise that you are almost saying that robbery with violence is acceptable behaviour?

No, I am suggesting, as I have all along, that the victims may indeed have had the drinks for which they were charged and the bill just may be correct.

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17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

In the end, I am thinking this couple wished they just paid the bill.


This never happens to me in a bar because I don't drink, but when I was charged 60 baht for a 7 baht bottle of water in a Pattaya restaurant, I calmly started photographing the bill, the menu and the front of the restaurant while smiling at the horrible woman and saying the words "Facebook, I like."


Bar bills & check bins need to be taken care of as they are an easy way for the unscrupulous bar persons to make easy money . Seen it many times where the bill has been challenged and a row develops . Pay as you go if possible . Having said that , I once paid for a small beer with a 1000 baht note only to be given change from 100 baht . The resultant argument drew in 3 Thai guys from close by and I did not need a fortune teller to explain my future . So I left with my physical features intact and no hospital bills . 

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18 hours ago, maryell said:

So you think 350bht for a vodka and tonic is an average price for a street bar with no entertainment is okay. Also 70bht for a coke is okay as well......Let me see.


A bar is not an institution where you decide what to pay for a drink, the bar does.

You don't like this, well don't go to a bar.

Drinking in a bar cost money, a lot.

You start drinking in a bar and then complain about the prices, the nerve.

As an old saylor, been sailing the high seas for about 45 years, I have seen and been in a lot of bars all over the world and most of them make up prices on the go.

You make trouble in a bar, you get what's coming to you.

Pay every drink  like they do in the U.S.A., the best system I ever encountered.

Police in most countries will only come if there is a disturbance, like fights, and not for inning the bar bill for the bar or to sort out payment for bar bills, this is the responsibility of the bar not the police.



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From the first time this was reported,Some TV members without checking the facts,quickly found the Farang couple guilty. Now that we have the other side of the story,backed up by witnesses,CCTV. and unbelievable the Thai police. These same apologist for this bar girl have amazingly gone very quite. Do they not realise that everyone sometimes make mistakes, and there's no shame in admitting it. So where are the apologises?

Edited by nontabury
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39 minutes ago, nontabury said:

From the first time this was reported,Some TV members without checking the facts,quickly found the Farang couple guilty. Now that we have the other side of the story,backed up by witnesses,CCTV. and unbelievable the Thai police. These same apologist for this bar girl have amazingly gone very quite. Do they not realise that everyone sometimes make mistakes, and there's no shame in admitting it. So where are the apologises?

I,m afraid nontabury, you, I, and others are wasting our breath on the dimwit bargirl backers. Thank you for your kind support

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5 hours ago, smotherb said:





B600, or even B690 for four people in a bar in Pattaya is not an out of the question bill--especially when you consider, as I do, that there are many farangs who get so drunk and are so cheap they would argue about how many drinks they have had when they do not even know.,



Drunk or not one key point is that there is always a chance that the bill will be padded. The need to check every item on every bill is a complete pain but as everyone knows, a minority of businesses will pad/attempt to rip off foreigners ( and Thais if they think they can get away with it). Pain in the arse because who wants to be scrutinising a bill after a pleasant night out. 

While the shrill harpy at the centre of this story went to extremes, it is not uncommon, as reflected in the rip off stories, and it is troubling that greater vigilance is required in bill checking in Thailand than just about anywhere else: a rather sad reflection on the country.

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7 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

For me personally  most bars i feel are honest here.i never really check prices and when i pay then i give a tip regardless.But it can become another story if indeed u walk in the wrong joint.we only talk about the  excess.there maybe are a couple hunderd bars and just about one of them has a problem in the week.

I come to Thailand now around 26 years. The last 9 years I live in Pattaya and I never had a problem about a false bill in a bar.

Only in 2 shops they tried to give me smaller money back. :-)


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33 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Drunk or not one key point is that there is always a chance that the bill will be padded. The need to check every item on every bill is a complete pain but as everyone knows, a minority of businesses will pad/attempt to rip off foreigners ( and Thais if they think they can get away with it). Pain in the arse because who wants to be scrutinising a bill after a pleasant night out. 

While the shrill harpy at the centre of this story went to extremes, it is not uncommon, as reflected in the rip off stories, and it is troubling that greater vigilance is required in bill checking in Thailand than just about anywhere else: a rather sad reflection on the country.

You're right, every bill needs to be checked. Lots of times my bill has the wrong sum, always to the high side. Even at Foodland restaurant, it took 3 tries to get the bill down to the actual correct amount.


In the bars, now I pay immediately for each serving, don't run a tab.


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4 hours ago, nontabury said:

From the first time this was reported,Some TV members without checking the facts,quickly found the Farang couple guilty. Now that we have the other side of the story,backed up by witnesses,CCTV. and unbelievable the Thai police. These same apologist for this bar girl have amazingly gone very quite. Do they not realise that everyone sometimes make mistakes, and there's no shame in admitting it. So where are the apologises?

They do not care about being right or wrong most of those posters do not even live in Thailand.They just want upset others and make thread longer with insulting opinions.

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5 hours ago, bandito said:


A bar is not an institution where you decide what to pay for a drink, the bar does.

You don't like this, well don't go to a bar.

Drinking in a bar cost money, a lot.

You start drinking in a bar and then complain about the prices, the nerve.

As an old saylor, been sailing the high seas for about 45 years, I have seen and been in a lot of bars all over the world and most of them make up prices on the go.

You make trouble in a bar, you get what's coming to you.

Pay every drink  like they do in the U.S.A., the best system I ever encountered.

Police in most countries will only come if there is a disturbance, like fights, and not for inning the bar bill for the bar or to sort out payment for bar bills, this is the responsibility of the bar not the police.




We still paid the bill. We didn't feel it was fair to pay for what we didn't have. Overpriced bar, no matter what you say. Quite a bit more overpriced than anywhere else on that road. It wasn't a nightclub, go-go bar, expensive restaurant or hotel. Would you buy off a street vendor and expect to pay a restaurant price.......


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On ‎21‎/‎2‎/‎2560 at 0:26 PM, Thaiwrath said:

I tend to disagree with this comment of his.


I  came up against this sort of thing and used my cell phone to call the tourist police, there was no answer so I pretended to be talking to them.

I told the guy that was trying to fleece me for1000BHT for a five hundred bill that the police were on there way and my Thai wife was coming as well.

I only had a thousand note and said I pay the 500 so he handed me change then I handed him the note.

He wanted me to hand him the 1k note but I wouldn't until he handed me the five hundred.

It was quite nasty  they told me never come back I never did, it was a good lesson.

Another one was patpong when I paid my tab to a nasty looking lady boy, again 1000BHt note they refused to give me my change, lucky my wife who was outside shopping came to get me and they caved in and gave me change.

I take small  money with me now and don't go to those places they were just a oncer for me but a good lesson in the early days.

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9 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


I  came up against this sort of thing and used my cell phone to call the tourist police, there was no answer so I pretended to be talking to them.

I told the guy that was trying to fleece me for1000BHT for a five hundred bill that the police were on there way and my Thai wife was coming as well.

I only had a thousand note and said I pay the 500 so he handed me change then I handed him the note.

He wanted me to hand him the 1k note but I wouldn't until he handed me the five hundred.

It was quite nasty  they told me never come back I never did, it was a good lesson.

Another one was patpong when I paid my tab to a nasty looking lady boy, again 1000BHt note they refused to give me my change, lucky my wife who was outside shopping came to get me and they caved in and gave me change.

I take small  money with me now and don't go to those places they were just a oncer for me but a good lesson in the early days.

We've all had the "no change" line before. Consequently it's rare for me to go anywhere without the full set of notes, in multiples, so that I can pay an exact amount (sans tip if the lame "no change" gets mentioned).

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10 hours ago, smotherb said:

Well, now. somehow you have seen that I would be happy getting ripped off; please show me where I said that.


I drink all over Thailand, including Pattaya an average of four nights a week. I have never gotten stiffed with a bill I could not resolve. I pay attention to the prices, how many drinks I have had, and I rarely get drunk. All three of which, it appears to me, the victim did not do.


I haven't read a post from a neutral poster--please show me where it is. I will be glad to read it.


By Trumpisms I was referring to your repetition of the word "fake" and spouting debatable reasons instead of  logic to support your statements.


B600, or even B690 for four people in a bar in Pattaya is not an out of the question bill--especially when you consider, as I do, that there are many farangs who get so drunk and are so cheap they would argue about how many drinks they have had when they do not even know.,


Anytime you run a tab you are leaving yourself open, especially if you are drunk. It is very difficult to prove you did not have an extra drink, especially when you do not even know. 


And, I think I have already told you; I don't know who is right and neither do you. However, I rarely hear a drunk tell the story as it happened, and their story does not ring true to me.


The fact that the barmaid should not have assaulted the customer is not being argued--it just brings a little chuckle.

You said it right here on this thread (happy to be ripped off instead of getting into an argument over the bill)


the neutral poster was myfriendu on the origional thread, which only gave the bargirls side side of the story.... he posted that he was in the bar next door, and saw everything


as to illogical posts by me.... please (seriously) reference one and I shall happily edit/ delete/ or retract it (or them)


and im 100% aware of which words you were referring to by saying trumpisms.... it gives me a little chuckle.... much like your claiming a bargirl assaulting someone gives you a little chuckle


normaly I read all your posts and often appreaciate them... on this topic, I'm rather perplexed by the position you have taken.

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9 hours ago, smotherb said:

You are assuming he was ripped off; I am assuming he was drunk and did not know.

I'm saying straight up.... no assumption involved... that retreating in the face of an attack by a Thai bargirl, in a Thai district, without retaliating, is the 100% correct and smart think to do


then find a cop... that is what everyone here should do in this kind of situation... even the 20 to 30 year old set.... let them sort it out


As you are are well aware, Thais will gang up on you... and they do carry weapons.


this seems to be what happened (retreated to police for them to sort out) despite being chased and repeatedly attacked, as the video shows.... and most here agree... don't get in a fight with them.


you however, likened the man, who obviously knows the above, to a dog running away with its tail between his legs.


if he had have fought back, undoubtedly he would have been condemned for doing so.

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Drunk or not one key point is that there is always a chance that the bill will be padded. The need to check every item on every bill is a complete pain but as everyone knows, a minority of businesses will pad/attempt to rip off foreigners ( and Thais if they think they can get away with it). Pain in the arse because who wants to be scrutinising a bill after a pleasant night out. 

While the shrill harpy at the centre of this story went to extremes, it is not uncommon, as reflected in the rip off stories, and it is troubling that greater vigilance is required in bill checking in Thailand than just about anywhere else: a rather sad reflection on the country.

I agree, bill checking should be standard anywhere, especially in similar "entertainment" areas. Certainly, it is far better to be sober enough to keep your wits about you to be able to do the checking. However, that does not discount the fact that so many drunken customers argue their bill even when it is correct. 

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27 minutes ago, farcanell said:

You said it right here on this thread (happy to be ripped off instead of getting into an argument over the bill)


the neutral poster was myfriendu on the origional thread, which only gave the bargirls side side of the story.... he posted that he was in the bar next door, and saw everything


as to illogical posts by me.... please (seriously) reference one and I shall happily edit/ delete/ or retract it (or them)


and im 100% aware of which words you were referring to by saying trumpisms.... it gives me a little chuckle.... much like your claiming a bargirl assaulting someone gives you a little chuckle


normaly I read all your posts and often appreaciate them... on this topic, I'm rather perplexed by the position you have taken.

Well, it appears we are getting down to a bickering contest. We seem to be mis-quoting each other, please show me where I said, I was "happy to be ripped off instead of getting into an argument over the bill"  However, I am not happy to be ripped off, but if I were so drunk I really didn't know, I may not care to argue. You see, being drunk and not knowing what you drank or ordered is the point.


I can find no defense for an obstinate drunk. I have seen far too many of them.

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11 hours ago, smotherb said:

Well, now. somehow you have seen that I would be happy getting ripped off; please show me where I said that.


I drink all over Thailand, including Pattaya an average of four nights a week. I have never gotten stiffed with a bill I could not resolve. I pay attention to the prices, how many drinks I have had, and I rarely get drunk. All three of which, it appears to me, the victim did not do.


I haven't read a post from a neutral poster--please show me where it is. I will be glad to read it.


By Trumpisms I was referring to your repetition of the word "fake" and spouting debatable reasons instead of  logic to support your statements.


B600, or even B690 for four people in a bar in Pattaya is not an out of the question bill--especially when you consider, as I do, that there are many farangs who get so drunk and are so cheap they would argue about how many drinks they have had when they do not even know.,


Anytime you run a tab you are leaving yourself open, especially if you are drunk. It is very difficult to prove you did not have an extra drink, especially when you do not even know. 


And, I think I have already told you; I don't know who is right and neither do you. However, I rarely hear a drunk tell the story as it happened, and their story does not ring true to me.


The fact that the barmaid should not have assaulted the customer is not being argued--it just brings a little chuckle.

"Well, now. somehow you have seen that I would be happy getting ripped off; please show me where I said that."


1. "Well, yes, quite frankly, anytime you go to a similar "entertainment" area, you should expect to get ripped-off"


2. "Seems to me, I 'd rather pay B90 than take a beating like that."


Both quotes from yourself, I believe, and while you do not say you re exactly happy to be ripped off, you ARE saying you should expect it!



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All this is easily sorted after every wet check your bin if the last tab is wrong point it out straight away. It's not rocket science. If you get that rat arsed you don't know what's put in your bin then sorry that's your problem. All the years I've been here I have never been overcharged the bar prices in my bin. If I start to get blathered I stop drinking or if the wife's out with me she keeps the bin correct.

Edited by Gonefortea
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41 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, it appears we are getting down to a bickering contest. We seem to be mis-quoting each other, please show me where I said, I was "happy to be ripped off instead of getting into an argument over the bill"  However, I am not happy to be ripped off, but if I were so drunk I really didn't know, I may not care to argue. You see, being drunk and not knowing what you drank or ordered is the point.


I can find no defense for an obstinate drunk. I have seen far too many of them.

Posts 124 and 126

if you think we are bickering.... then ok... I'm not replying to anymore of your posts.

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