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Two men arrested after Canadian tourist attacked with machete

Jonathan Fairfield

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10 hours ago, ocddave said:

Since when is protecting yourself murder?!

How about the Austalian tourist who had an accident with his young wife on jet Skis, she died and he got charged with her murder. Not sure what if anything happened to the Jet Ski Rental guys. That was this month!!!!!

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This will only get worse in all countries as the opportunities for good hard earned gainful employment dry up from the greed at the top. The blame always falls to the bottom.  I don't justify crime but any fool knows that those without will do anything to get a piece of the pie. I remember a time when a job meant a home and a car, but now it just keeps you from starving to death.  I hope these two are not allowed to continue there crimes.

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20 minutes ago, Docno said:

Ok... a bit of a diversion here. But why does only machete guy have his face blurred in the lead photo and not his accomplice also? And why  blur his handcuffs too??

cuz the blurred shit for brains dude gunna walk .... 

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11 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

ocddave, do that and you will spend a long time in Bangkok Hilton. Get real. You are in Thailand, not Oklahama 

Maybe you are right and maybe not, but, IMO, anyone blatantly stealing from you deserves to die.

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11 hours ago, ocddave said:

I have a nasty attitude towards criminals, so basically if this happened to me, justice would be served one way or the other.....I don't care if takes me 20 years to recover and get back on my feet, they would both be dead. So when I look at it that way, what difference does it make, really? And are there no self-defense outcomes allowed in Thailand? I find that hard to believe, so  two guys can swing a machete at me, but I am not allowed to kill them in the ensuing brawl?

I agree entirely ocddave.

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13 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

In summary...

The two thieves could have killed him but, quite reasonably, only used the minimum force necessary to achieve their aim.

However, the Canadian was foolish to inflame the situation by coming to the aid of his girlfriend, causing the escalation of an otherwise amicable transaction.

Damn Canadians - always causing trouble!


I'm sure if this was happening to your Mrs you would just stand back and say, oh dear, oh my, you would have to be what some refer to a "dog with his tail between his legs" total respect for the Canadian for manning up for his wife, at least he is man in my eyes, I would rather go down defending my Mrs than standing back like you and your followers who gave you the like.

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14 hours ago, ocddave said:

Drag both behind the police station, and put a round behind their left ears, no trial needed here.

With the burgeoning population and repeat offenders and the people running around with their brain rewired differently I tend to agree.

Tapped Out Taxpayer. 

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13 hours ago, ocddave said:

Drag both behind the police station, and put a round behind their left ears, no trial needed here.

Right on. Justice, TV style. But for some real effect,  televise it, do it in public...bring the kids for some family entertainment,  or advertise it as a weekly reality tv program.

After all, ir worked in the 16th century. Besides,  if these criminals were actually innocent, the cops wouldn't have charged them and lawyers couldn't get them off....

So what if the odd innocent gets done....

But ME and MINE,????...we demand the best lawyers money can find to get out from under the corrupt justice system and those sleazy cops who should be catching and executing REAL criminals.

PS: I find it  realy, realy hard to differentiate between you and the thugs in this vid.

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The thrives deserve harsh sentences, but the victims showed poor judgement.  If you are wealthy enough to wear it, you should be wealthy enough to insure it, and or give it up.  People have been murderedd over boom boxes, Nike's, and I pods..gold is one of the easiest things to fence....why.give someone a chance?

Edited by KhonKaenKowboy
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13 hours ago, mercman24 said:

all thais i know wear gold , they never seem to get attacked,  why should not a farang. wear gold, not sure if Ms King is thai or not. these low lifes need harsh  sentences, its the law that needs shaking up. and they have already got prison form, how about 3 strikes and your out for starters

Can't see from the video but most likely Ms King is a Thai King (nickname pronounced Ging meaning ginger).

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11 hours ago, tropo said:

There's only one reasonable course of action for a 68-year-old, unarmed man to take in this situation... Give them the gold and send them on their way. Result: they lose 20k baht and sustain no injuries.


He was foolish.

I am assuming that the two thieves would have put something in writing guaranteeing the couple that no harm would come to either of them, if they handed over the gold.


I would have gone all in to protect my wife, fark the chain, I don't think the Canadian was worried about the farken chain, more for his wife safety with a guy wielding a machete and her on the ground, things don't sink in as quick as everyone thinks when your in that situation, its like, is this really happening, your trying to make sense of it, and your wife screaming for you to help.


One way to get over your fear is to face fear and if I died in the process trying to protect her, so be it, as for killing them, one would try his best not too because of Thai law, that is, if it went your way, but if the machete ended up being lodged in ones a$$, (one would hope), well one could try and argue self defence, and try his best to not spend time in the Hilton.


Be interesting to see if the engineer who shot that guy for parking him in, gets life or if high soc gets off again ?

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13 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

In summary...

The two thieves could have killednhim but, quite reasonably, only u sed the minimum force necessary to achieve their aim.

However, the Canadian was foolish to inflame the situation by coming to the aid of his girlfriend, causing the escalation of an otherwise amicable transaction.

Damn Canadians - always causing trouble!


Blame Trump.   Oops.....sorry, wrong country.


Seroously, tourists, even old giys with their local, young consorts, should be safe wearing jrwellery at any time, day or night, but sadly that's not the case.

Couple of solutions here.  Wear only cheap jewellery, and/or don't put yourself In the firing line.  They shouldn't have to, but In a poor country, crime Is the reality.

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