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Goodbye to Thailand (for a while maybe)

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46 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think he is just covering himself, after all, what one works for and earns, shouldn't be given to a female/partner/wife, just because she came into a marriage with nothing, I have seen too many mates in Oz, going against my advice, because of "LOVE" and not having the "BALLS" to man up to their girlfriends, fiances who then become their wives and take over 50% as soon as they have an off spring, and pay child support on top of that, and be lucky to see the kids if they decide to move back to Thailand.


Before I married I had my wife agree to a prenuptial we she signed in front of an independent lawyer, who tried to talk her out of it, but she signed,  now that was 10 years ago and 2 kids later. Under Australian family law she has no right to my assets, having said that, I adore my wife, she is the best chick I have met in my entire life, and I have been around, suffice to say today, she has her castle in Thailand, her new car (her name), I could have put it in mine, but lets just say if things went pear shape she would need a car for the kids to get from A to B, school being a 20 minute drive. She still has her share of the Sin Sot in the bank after 10 years, has purchased 3 parcels of land on top of the house, has planted rubber trees which are ready to be sapped, rice fields, and sugar cane, so in 10 years, not working for anyone, just taking care of me and the kids, while I worked, I think she is in a far better position now than before she met me and she cannot touch my assets under a prenuptial, I call it the balance of power, and as the Australian law weighs towards woman more than it does men, you don't have to be a fool and wear your heart on your sleeve.


In my opinion having been around and seen first hand mates losing a lot of money over a moist hole to be blunt, for a couple of years, the cost factor is not feasible, so use your head, get a prenuptial, (don't know much about NZ laws), but if they are like the Australian family law regarding prenuptial's, then do what I have, and put her in your will. I have also made sure my kids have dual passports, against all of mates recommendations in fear of my wife up and going and taking the kids, with my reply being (before I moved here to Thailand), why on earth would I want them to have stress in their lives, mothers are born to raise kids, fathers are there to support and guide them if they have the time (work constraints) and to this day my wife has never complained, only praises me for coming into her life.


So I can relate to what the OP was saying, as cruel as it sounded, but at the same time, he should be looking after her so that she has a fall back position should things go south, as I planned for my wife.  

prenuptial not worth the paper they Writing on , i know you are very happy in your life and if it all trues to s??t hop it dose not , but I tell you this if she gets a lawyer who is a c???t in Australia your prenuptial is  useless . 

Not called prenuptial anymore called  Financial agreement now , and your  future wife or partner has to be making at less $35,000 a year at work before you can do  Financial agreement .

50 minutes ago, transam said:


Maybe my solicitor was better than hers. I was surprised how well I came out of it.

35 minutes ago, kunfish said:

Things do happen. Women mutate. Menopause, post-partum depression, just having a kid, something...


My wife was 38 when I met her, so I feel that's a good age when people hopefully have things sorted out and less likely to transform.

Gotta agree. My partner was 43 when we met. Adult daughters & grand kids. Own home. So far things are very "normal"

1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Just don't get married and then no problems no need to divorce.

Thai friend of mine has been working in NZ for twenty years. Worked for a fairly big company and bought her own house etc. She had a partner, not husband, for the past 5 years or so and now they are splitting up and she is selling the house. He never paid anything towards the purchase of the house but will get a fair percentage of the sale because NZ see it as the same as a married couple. Works both ways.

23 minutes ago, malt25 said:

Gotta agree. My partner was 43 when we met. Adult daughters & grand kids. Own home. So far things are very "normal"

That is great to hear. My wife has her own home and land. Whether we will use it...time will tell.


People need to wake up and realise just because your not married in the west or NZ or Australia, it does not mean your partner is not entitled to half of everything. It's called common law marriage in the UK that's after living together full time for 6 months. So please get your facts straight before putting well I'm not married so she can't get anything waffle on here. Please note before certain posters start I said West/NZ/Australia ectopic not Thailand. 

1 minute ago, Gonefortea said:

People need to wake up and realise just because your not married in the west or NZ or Australia, it does not mean your partner is not entitled to half of everything. It's called common law marriage in the UK that's after living together full time for 6 months. So please get your facts straight before putting well I'm not married so she can't get anything waffle on here. Please note before certain posters start I said West/NZ/Australia ectopic not Thailand. 

Depends. Can be half and half if you were married. If not, maybe the same. Depends on local laws.

Just now, kunfish said:

Depends. Can be half and half if you were married. If not, maybe the same. Depends on local laws.

The fact is they are entitled Wether it's 50/50 or 60/40 whatever.

1 minute ago, kunfish said:

Depends. Can be half and half if you were married. If not, maybe the same. Depends on local laws.

It can also depend on what each person brought to the relationship. Can't see a judge awarding half of a guys house and assets to his partner after 6 months if she entered the relationship empty handed.

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2 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

The fact is they are entitled Wether it's 50/50 or 60/40 whatever.

They may be entitled to something, it may be very little or nothing if the relationship has only been short term.

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53 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Thai friend of mine has been working in NZ for twenty years. Worked for a fairly big company and bought her own house etc. She had a partner, not husband, for the past 5 years or so and now they are splitting up and she is selling the house. He never paid anything towards the purchase of the house but will get a fair percentage of the sale because NZ see it as the same as a married couple. Works both ways.

Not the same in Australia 

1 hour ago, malt25 said:

Maybe my solicitor was better than hers. I was surprised how well I came out of it.

In the UK after divorce there is a court hearing where the judge just listens, parties cannot talk, barristers have to do the talking. All financial stuff is put on paper where the judge has previously read it. At the end the judge states his/her recommendations for who gets what, if any of us disagree with the findings it goes to a full blown court case where the loser pays all the fees...

In my case my ex chose to tell lies in her financial statement which l worked on and she was served with a "Penal Notice" (possible imprisonment...


Anyhoooo, this bloke ended up with around 66% of the pot....

thumbs up.gif

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All I can say to you Elvis is you are doing the right thing for your wife and your self.

But she gets nothing for the first 2 years from the government all she gets is  medicare card for the first 2 years .

then after the 2 years she has more rights .

yes it cost lots to do her visa but it is worth it for you and her in the long run ,  your life will be a lot better in Australia if you have a home to live in but if you have to pay rent can cost you a lot .

you see lots of man go to thailand and think it is the best thing  since sliced bread , but after selling everything back home and go to thailand   Realize it is not that good and have nothing to go back to in they own country , and are  stack in the land of smiles , not all of them some are very happy in the land of smiles but that is up to them .

if your thai wife is smart and stays in Australia and makes a life there she will not regret it at all .

i know lots of Thais that live in Australia and love the palace.

PS don't listen to the tv members who like to run man like you down because you didn't find thailand to be as good as you think it was going to be , it is your life and up to you and your wife .

Hop it all works out for your family back in Australia , if you need help you are welcome to private message me cheers.


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On 23/02/2017 at 11:33 AM, impulse said:


Some people (not all of them) find that the grass isn't really greener...  Fortunately, some come to that revelation before they're in too deep to change their mind.  Others burn their bridges and/or their cash and get stuck in a bad situation with no viable way back.

That's right; some can afford to change their minds, that is to go home and still have the option of returning to LOS, while others are stuck.  It's all about options and what's most important to the individual concerned; if you've enough money and assets you can put even an expensive ten, fifteen or twenty year long extended jaunt down to experience.

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5 hours ago, Gonefortea said:

The way you right this sounds like you are keeping her as a slave, and when you use her up throw her back but presumably keep the offspring. Ever heard of common law marriage I'm sure NZ has this too. So maybe it will be you thrown out when used up.

i have covered my ass and my kids mum is very happy with her life. you have just jumped to a bunch of stupid conclusions. typical thai visa behavior.

5 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Typical man,screw the best out of the woman,but give them nothing in return.If Nz is similiar to Oz,your goose is already cooked,married or de facto.Those countries are not like Thailand where women get screwed over.Women have rights,whether you like it or not.Wait til she pulls the abused wife trick.Som num nar.

typical man? most of my mates have been screwed over by woman. some have had their lives destroyed. it is not going to happen to me, i have made sure of that. the abused wife trick is disgusting, you think thats clever? shows what a low life you are. happened to a mate of mine in england. he is a great guy who never hit anyone and he lost it all. your pathetic. 

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4 hours ago, giddyup said:

They may be entitled to something, it may be very little or nothing if the relationship has only been short term.

It doesn't. Matter a jot how long they are together after the 6 month period in the eyes of the law they are partners therefore entitled to half of everything

51 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i have covered my ass and my kids mum is very happy with her life. you have just jumped to a bunch of stupid conclusions. typical thai visa behavior.

Stop being so petty and spitting your dummy out your post reads like she is a slave and you are the big cheese

48 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

typical man? most of my mates have been screwed over by woman. some have had their lives destroyed. it is not going to happen to me, i have made sure of that. the abused wife trick is disgusting, you think thats clever? shows what a low life you are. happened to a mate of mine in england. he is a great guy who never hit anyone and he lost it all. your pathetic. 

Yes right with logic like yours I bet she is already in the screwing you over planning stage. I wouldn't blame her.

4 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

Yes right with logic like yours I bet she is already in the screwing you over planning stage. I wouldn't blame her.

Voice of experience...?

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6 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Typical man,screw the best out of the woman,but give them nothing in return.If Nz is similiar to Oz,your goose is already cooked,married or de facto.Those countries are not like Thailand where women get screwed over.Women have rights,whether you like it or not.Wait til she pulls the abused wife trick.Som num nar.

simple dont marry them and go have a vasectomy :smile:


4 hours ago, malt25 said:

Gotta agree. My partner was 43 when we met. Adult daughters & grand kids. Own home. So far things are very "normal"

My wife is 43. Wonderful woman. No kids. No ex husband. No baggage. No drama. Owned own house , car, employed. We moved to the US.  I started new job. She got a job. ~3 years later she was a US citizen and about 5 months later we moved back to Thailand. We both decided we like it far more then the states for a myriad of reasons. My wife wasn't all that fond of the US and we had a choice to stay without issues.


I wish the OP the best. Thailand isn't for everybody and sometimes the idea of moving abroad doesn't turn out to be the glamorous life they had envisioned. I find the ones that complain the most are ones who thought they could retire here without a plan and consumes them quickly.



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3 hours ago, giddyup said:

You spout this stuff like you know what you are talking about, but you don't say what country the laws you are talking about are applied. I know for a fact that in Australia there's no way a partner of 6 months can take half a house that was owned prior to the relationship. So unless you can show absolute proof of something different, whatever country it is, you just come across as a know-it-all who in fact knows very little.


Pre-marital assets and the erosion principle

A pre-marital asset will be considered to be a contribution of the person who bought that asset into the marriage. There is a principle in law known as the erosion principle, which means that over time the value of the initial contribution reduces and the contribution of the other person increases.

That's because I do legally after 6 months of living together you are classed as common law married. So it seems despite your blustering and posturing it's you who knows very little despite thinking you do.

8 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:


Sorry bud. You're talking complete and total bullcrap.

Having a woman live with you for six months does not entitle her to a cut of the proceeds upon sale of an asset that was owned, in its entirety, by her partner before they began cohabiting.

You need to stop listening to barstool barristers and do your own research because you're just making yourself look daft.

I don't need to listen to bar stool banter. I have research it's called an empty wallet three times to Western girlfriends who were common law wife's. So I'm pretty sure I know thank you.

11 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

I don't need to listen to bar stool banter. I have research it's called an empty wallet three times to Western girlfriends who were common law wife's. So I'm pretty sure I know thank you.

Quit while you're behind, you are just making yourself look stupid. You know nothing about the law, only hearsay.

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