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Undocumented Thais in US fear new crackdown


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33 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

Ah yes, the racist argument. Let's do a little gap fill exercise. 


According to governmental data, the (1) __________administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.

In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President (2) ____________ administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and (3)  _________numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.




1. Obama

2. George W Bush's

3. Obama's


That racist Obama. How dare he actually enforce US law. Hmm, maybe Trump isn't a racist. Maybe he is actually making sure US laws are enforced. 





More on the hypocrisy from the MSM.



OK, we all know Jingthing hates America. I am sure he will argue the other way. But, his facts only come from the liberal media. They are the only one's spitting out numbers. They produce fake news and the American public is now wise of it.  The fact remains, the military hated Obama, but they love Trump.  So, I guess it doesn't matter what side Jingthing is on. He doesn't count. Don't take this personally, you are the one spouting Trump hate at every chance you get. You lost. Get over it.

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Ah yes, the racist argument. Let's do a little gap fill exercise. 

According to governmental data, the (1) __________administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.

In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President (2) ____________ administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and (3)  _________numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.
1. Obama
2. George W Bush's
3. Obama's
That racist Obama. How dare he actually enforce US law. Hmm, maybe Trump isn't a racist. Maybe he is actually making sure US laws are enforced. 
More on the hypocrisy from the MSM.

Could be both. His rhetoric appeals to racists. His birther movement was racist. His rapists speech was racist. Etc.
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I'm unsure about US policy regarding deportation (the nitty gritty) but in Thailand an overstayer is detained in IDC

until you pay your own air ticket +++ to leave.Some will get lucky and their respective embasssies will front the cash if you

don't have it,but not all. Then you stay in IDC indefinately-some for years.( 3 plates of watery dog rice a day)

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I wonder who will pay the bill for deporting illegals from the US.  The individuals themselves? The Mexican or other Embassies ?The Thai embassy-in the case of illegal Thais---not on your nelly

 I 'll bet the US will end up footing the bill just to get rid of them.

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19 hours ago, Srikcir said:

As with other Trump orders, the message is confusing. Some congressmen/border patrol are saying that any undocumented alien in the US is a criminal - period. A misdemeanor such as a parking ticket is no less than a more serious criminal offense for the purposes of deportation. So there are no "good guys" among undocumented aliens.

On the other hand some congressmen/border patrol consider only those undocumented aliens convicted of serious criminal crimes like theft, harm and drug dealing are the "bad guys" to be deported.

What is missing is a comprehensive immigration policy that the Republican Congressmen have largley resisted, despite some of their own leadership efforts to pass legislation.

In the interim Obama's policies could be continued (especially as Trump is essentialy using them, albeit with greater bombastic pronouncements), while Congress formulates a comprehensive policy. But Trump cannot allow such direction as it plays against his theme of imminent danger caused by undocumented aliens to American security.

In Thailand if you overstay your visa your are by definition a "bad guy" so you will be deported if caught.

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