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Trump set to reverse Obama rules on transgender bathrooms


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11 minutes ago, rijb said:

What's sexual about a bunch of naked, fat, ugly Europeans?

You're obviously going to the wrong places. I was the only one fitting your description in Lech (Austrian Tyrol) recently; the company was splendidly young tanned and female (that I guarantee). As for myself, in those temperatures and despite the company, you would not be able to tell! ?

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27 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You're obviously going to the wrong places. I was the only one fitting your description in Lech (Austrian Tyrol) recently; the company was splendidly young tanned and female (that I guarantee). As for myself, in those temperatures and despite the company, you would not be able to tell! ?

Pictures or it didn't happen.  :smile:

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We sure burned a lot of money making impractical provisions for the handicapped. Why not do it again?

Not impractical if you're handicapped. I assume most transgender people would prefer using either the men's or women's depending on both their comfort level and perception of the comfort level of cisgenders. What they don't want to have to deal with is oppressive laws making it a nightmare for them to function in the public world. Too bad trump lacks the compassion to get that. Sad.
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10 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

Obama's edict was aimed at schools. It included showers and changing rooms.

It has very little to do with going pee pee.

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This raises a question.  Does anyone know how prevalent communal locker rooms are in schools in the US?  In the UK even in the public school system private showers were routinely provided for older children back in the 80's, public places such as baths have always had the availability of private cubicles for as long as I can remember.

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This raises a question.  Does anyone know how prevalent communal locker rooms are in schools in the US?  In the UK even in the public school system private showers were routinely provided for older children back in the 80's, public places such as baths have always had the availability of private cubicles for as long as I can remember.

The last I heard privacy showers are now the norm. When I was a kid not.
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Obama's edict was aimed at schools. It included showers and changing rooms.
It has very little to do with going pee pee.
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Okay, I will make this slow for you: do you seriously believe that Bill, Dick and Harry just have to proclaim, they are girls from now on or have to color their nails to get access to the girls shower- room? Don't you think, there will be some psychological backgroundcheck? After all, we are not talking about mentally ill people, purchasing guns!

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6 hours ago, ocddave said:

Tolerance of delusional people who can't tell what is swinging between their legs, or not? Its easy, look between your legs, if there is a penis, you can go to the mens room, not the womens room.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Maybe you should go and read up on this subject before posting such drivel.

Some children are born with Genitalia that is potentially both male and female.

A quick look between the legs is not going to work in this situation.

Once the child identifies with one sex or the other medical procedures and hormone treatment can solidify it.

But a "boy" can be in fact a "girl" and vice versa.

I might be new to this forum, but already I am bewildered at some of the ignorant comments I see.

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5 hours ago, chenierkmer said:

If you were born a man use a men's room , if your were born a woman use the woman's rest room . Enough said you think if I had a daughter I would won't her to see a dong .

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As stated above, it is not that simple. Some Transgender "boys" will in course of time, not have a "dong."

And some transgender girls will.

I would suggest given the total lack of understanding your comment shows that she would see one every day at the breakfast table.

Assuming you were up of course.

Oh, and check your spelling please. I believe you meant want but wrote won't.

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30 minutes ago, Gene1960 said:

It works in France and some other places with a healthier attitude to sex.

Your sex comment doesn't make sense.  It's not relevant for young children in schools.


French, and other visitors, consider North American bathrooms not private enough because stalls don't have full doors.   The stalls usually have a foot of empty space from the floor to the door.  And wide cracks on the sides.



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4 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

I don't want them in the men's room either.  How about if we just made a third one with a question mark on the door?

Yeah! That's a real smart idea, eh?

Transgender people are trying to fit in with how they feel sexually, but you would have them highlighted as "seriously different."

How exactly does that work? When I was a kid, we had ONE black kid in the school.

We didn't make him use a "?" bathroom.

Please people, try to get your brain functioning before you make posts that are almost as stupid as the ones we get from the PM and the Head of Pattaya Police.

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7 hours ago, ocddave said:

Mens rooms for Men, and Womens room for Women.....its worked for a very long time, no need to change that, just get the freaks out of the wrong bathroom. We aren't mind readers, you could identify as anything you want, but don't expect the rest of us to live with your delusions.

Those throwing around negative terms like “freaks” when discussing LGBT people are truly delusional, for they have an understanding of biology that does not fit with reality. 


Human beings are not made to some ISO standard. Biology involves randomness (chaos) so variation is expected, and although heterosexual people are more common, they are no more or less valid than say, a trans person, for example. 


Without this randomness in biology there would not be life as we know it. So it’s amusing to me that those that have benefitted from this same random process would actually be the same people to criticise it when it doesn’t fit their laughably simple idea of how things should be. 


Of course, this randomness also produces people with different levels of intelligence too. This is why I am never too hard on those that seem incapable of understanding even the very basic facts of life. For some, stupidity is a life sentence. 


If you want to ponder something truly weird, then consider this. You are a piece of animated matter that's made up of elements that were created inside of stars. How this matter formed and became animated is already bizarre, yet you also live on a piece of cosmic dust that is spinning in a vast, almost empty, universe, and no one beyond a "big bang", has any real clue as to why. When you think at this level, things like skin color and gender just seem so mundane and petty, that no intelligent person would make a big fuss about them in case they gave others the impression that they were utterly stupid. 



ps that last paragraph is an illustration; I don't need any physicists peer reviewing it - thanks. 

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Okay, I will make this slow for you: do you seriously believe that Bill, Dick and Harry just have to proclaim, they are girls from now on or have to color their nails to get access to the girls shower- room? Don't you think, there will be some psychological backgroundcheck? After all, we are not talking about mentally ill people, purchasing guns!

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I think there should be - but the Obama edict didn't request it. Which is why it's a GREAT thing it was rejected.


I'm glad we found common ground.

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1 hour ago, MarkusAUST said:

Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Maybe you should go and read up on this subject before posting such drivel.

Some children are born with Genitalia that is potentially both male and female.

A quick look between the legs is not going to work in this situation.

Once the child identifies with one sex or the other medical procedures and hormone treatment can solidify it.

But a "boy" can be in fact a "girl" and vice versa.

I might be new to this forum, but already I am bewildered at some of the ignorant comments I see.

Here is the typical liberal debate tactic - Take something that is extremely rare and then use that to try to argue a case, as if it's commonplace.


This whole debate has nothing at all to do with the kids you mention. It is about boys who are CLEARLY boys deciding they should identify as girls.


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I think there should be - but the Obama edict didn't request it. Which is why it's a GREAT thing it was rejected.
I'm glad we found common ground.

We found some common ground because I understand, that Obamas directive was more than 2 sentences ?
It will be rejected, because backwards losers can't accept simple facts of life!

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Unless researchers can substantiate a real contribution of genetics to transexualism, then it's just a man/woman who is delusional and wants everyone else to play along...because liberals in the social sciences refuse to publish or conduct such research (such research might display real differences between sexes and race...surprise, people are not equal in all situations), the rest of us are expected to play along with the stupid mind game...if you have a penis, you're a man...if you have a vagina you're a woman...


Trump is spot on about this one

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33 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Unless researchers can substantiate a real contribution of genetics to transexualism, then it's just a man/woman who is delusional and wants everyone else to play along.

What nonsense. So researchers need to provide evidence yet you don't?


33 minutes ago, hdkane said:

because liberals in the social sciences refuse to publish or conduct such research


Huh? This is just plain wrong. You sound like you're part of the tinfoil hat brigade. Maybe you also believe that these liberals get together in an annual meeting like the Bilderberg's Group where they come up with these policies? It's also laughable to claim that all scientists are liberals. Nevertheless, did you ever consider why learned people are generally liberal minded?


33 minutes ago, hdkane said:

.if you have a penis, you're a man...if you have a vagina you're a woman...

And if you have a simple mind then you will come to an overly simple conclusion. 

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I really need to do some research into this


For me, if you have a Y chromosome you're male.


How can homosexuality be "inherited"


It seems to me that it is a "defect"; how could it be anything else?


I will read up on it.....

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

I really need to do some research into this


For me, if you have a Y chromosome you're male.


How can homosexuality be "inherited"


It seems to me that it is a "defect"; how could it be anything else?


I will read up on it.....

Evolution is just a long list of "defects". 

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I think the problem is that if a man says that he identifies as a woman, then he can use the female toilets.  


I read a news report where a man who appeared totally male claimed that he identified as a woman, and therefore he could use the female toilets.


Believe it or not, there are 'straight' men out there who would love to exploit this legislation and claim their right to enter a female toilet for purposes other than taking a pee.

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