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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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5 hours ago, Rob13 said:

To be fair, he hasn't banned the media,  only a select few news outlets. IMO, the real problem is lack of regular press conferences and the random methods the administration uses to release information.  


NYT has been publishing overly biased 'news' against Trump since the campaign. They sold out their credibility. 


NYT can't be more bias than Breibart, Breibart is allowed in....


"In December, Spicer said barring media access is what a ‘dictatorship’ does. Today, he barred media access."






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As POTUS dictating which media organisations attend his press briefing, could this be unlawful? even as head of state he is still employed by the state...


Just waiting for all the impeachments. Mike Pence must be sure he will be President soon.



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40 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Hmm we will disagree what constitutes a lie but I think Goebbels would have approved of counting 10,000 3 times to make 30,000.  


Sir how many times have you been married?  well first year I had 1 wife and every year until now which is a total of 10 years so I have had 10 wives!  


here's another one:  CNN:  "Trump says media is enemy of the people"


did he say THAT?  no he said "fake news is enemy of the people"


CNN not lying?  really?   (my third example and have to get on with something else - have a nice day)

Please quote correctly:

"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People! "


Which much more equals "Trump says media is enemy of the people" than "fake news is enemy of the people".

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I think was all well & truly deserved, those media outlets not allowed to attend have been very sloppy in some of their reporting recently, even the BBC seems to be getting unverified news from Twitter and repeating it as gospel. I for one have been shocked by huge bias in BBC reporting of late. The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred.


Still Im hope this is a one off slap on the wrists rather than outright bar

Edited by ourmanflint
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46 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

That's not the info I have as Fox's were not cumulative but never mind thanks for being honest. I was hounded to provide some proof that CNN were capable of lying and I posted two examples and there are loads more but i don't have time to sit all afternoon analysing footage to dig them all out  :)  none of them are beyond it but it bugs me that CNN project themselves in such a pure light


And that is how people spin !  You were not 'hounded' to provide proof that CNN were "capable" of lying. YOU said that CNN continually come out with Bile and Lies ABOUT TRUMP! You were asked to list some of the lies ABOUT TRUMP to substantiate your claims. So far you have still failed to do that. This should not involve any time spent in research or scouring google. If you can say that CNN are spouting Lies and bile about Trump then clearly examples of this must be in your mind for you to reach such a conclusion, if reaching that conclusion is in an educated process. The fact can only be that you have no such examples in mind and you have fallen woefully short in trying to find any. You are just spouting the mindless Trump supporter rhetoric.


Tell us some lies that CNN have told about Trump. Banter and inaccuracies from an independent rating organisation about viewer ratings do not fall in line with your claims. Please tell us the lies that you claim CNN have told about TRUMP.


Now these Headlines are FAKE NEWS



All written by BREITBART under the tenure of Steve Bannon. Read the list and tell me it does not make you wince. THIS is fake news from an organisation that Trump just praised for 'good reporting' and the man who wrote the headlines in now the most senior White House advisor to Trump. Trump is now even taking 'advisory calls' from Alex Jones of Info Wars fame.



22 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I have not turned on cnn yet to check but I assume they will be whining about this non stop for the foreseeable future.

I don't think CNN will whine for long. I hope they go in to fifth gear with some good investigative journalism and make Trump eat his own s*** sandwich. There is enough dirt out there on him to do that. Tax returns, Bigotry, Sexual assault, Russian mattresses as well as everything else Russian.

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I think was all well & truly deserved, those media outlets not allowed to attend have been very sloppy in some of their reporting recently, even the BBC seems to be getting unverified news from Twitter and repeating it as gospel. I for one have been shocked by huge bias in BBC reporting of late. The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred.
Still Im hope this is a one off slap on the wrists rather than outright bar

You are worried by unverified news reports? Does Donald claiming "people are saying, I've heard, someone told me that" not bother you?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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3 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

I for one have been shocked by huge bias in BBC reporting of late. The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred.


Still Im hope this is a one off slap on the wrists rather than outright bar

"The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred."


 Now stop and think about that statement for a moment! Doesn't that make you think -omg! The security and intelligence agencies have already made it very clear that there is/was some kind of collusion with the Russians. Why was Flynn fired? For not telling Pence? If there was nothing wrong why would he not discuss this with Pence? Instead of saying the reporting has been sloppy, just think on your own conclusion "The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred." enough said!

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2 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


You are worried by unverified news reports? Does Donald claiming "people are saying, I've heard, someone told me that" not bother you?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


I am not personally worried, but big news sites like the BBC should not be repeating Twitter gossip as fact. It's gone beyond ridiculous during the past year. 

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

"The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred."


 Now stop and think about that statement for a moment! Doesn't that make you think -omg! The security and intelligence agencies have already made it very clear that there is/was some kind of collusion with the Russians. Why was Flynn fired? For not telling Pence? If there was nothing wrong why would he not discuss this with Pence? Instead of saying the reporting has been sloppy, just think on your own conclusion "The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred." enough said!

No not at all. The whole Russia thing is another example of how media is inflating a story to damage the POTUS. Bigger story is NSA spying on incoming White House Team.

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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And yet in this thread:


You seemed to support the fallacy of muzzling the media?

Not at all, The item you quoted was my approval of truthful editorial. If CNN was to produce something truthful about Trump I would applaud that as well.

Edited by canuckamuck
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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un appears to get by with only one media outlet. Yeow News (loose translation fox). They get the stories right 100% of the time. Kim Jong-un 38 under par playing 1st game of golf, learnt to drive a manual car at age 3, invented the Big Mac, Nth Korea have been to the moon etc. They dont appear to need a second news outlet to question or present alternate opinion. 

Hang on a minute. I have never seen any claim from North Korea that Elvis is very happy in his retirement there

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16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

And that is how people spin !  You were not 'hounded' to provide proof that CNN were "capable" of lying. YOU said that CNN continually come out with Bile and Lies ABOUT TRUMP! You were asked to list some of the lies ABOUT TRUMP to substantiate your claims. So far you have still failed to do that. This should not involve any time spent in research or scouring google. If you can say that CNN are spouting Lies and bile about Trump then clearly examples of this must be in your mind for you to reach such a conclusion, if reaching that conclusion is in an educated process. The fact can only be that you have no such examples in mind and you have fallen woefully short in trying to find any. You are just spouting the mindless Trump supporter rhetoric.


Tell us some lies that CNN have told about Trump. Banter and inaccuracies from an independent rating organisation about viewer ratings do not fall in line with your claims. Please tell us the lies that you claim CNN have told about TRUMP.


Now these Headlines are FAKE NEWS



All written by BREITBART under the tenure of Steve Bannon. Read the list and tell me it does not make you wince. THIS is fake news from an organisation that Trump just praised for 'good reporting' and the man who wrote the headlines in now the most senior White House advisor to Trump. Trump is now even taking 'advisory calls' from Alex Jones of Info Wars fame.



I don't think CNN will whine for long. I hope they go in to fifth gear with some good investigative journalism and make Trump eat his own s*** sandwich. There is enough dirt out there on him to do that. Tax returns, Bigotry, Sexual assault, Russian mattresses as well as everything else Russian.

gave you THREE examples why gloss over those?  bias perhaps??? 

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1 minute ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Hang on a minute. I have never seen any claim from North Korea that Elvis is very happy in his retirement there

You must have been barred from that briefing, lol

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4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Not at all, The item you quoted was my approval of truthful editorial. If CNN was to produce something truthful about Trump I would applaud that as well.

me too... I am not a Trump supporter but the fanatics on here just pump out the 'Trump is Lucifer' all I pump out is 'Give me the TRUTH'. I am pro choice, pro marijuana, pro anti-Zionist how am I a 'Trump supporter'?   yet at least one poster keeps referring to me as such which is nonsense and manipulation to an agenda... if you defend ANYTHING about Trump than you are a Trump supporter!    

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4 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

No not at all. The whole Russia thing is another example of how media is inflating a story to damage the POTUS. Bigger story is NSA spying on incoming White House Team.

The Intelligence agencies in every country spy on their politicians and that is a GOOD thing.


One of the companies I own sells an 'impossible to hack or intercept' mobile phone. Absolutely great for Celebs and you would think for Politicians and Ministers. BUT whenever we sell in a country (particularly to intelligence agencies) they say without exception that they do not want the devices being sold to Government employees such as Politicians or Ministers, because the same Intelligence agencies WANT to intercept and keep an eye on what our Government representatives are doing. They do not want them (Politicians and Ministers) to have totally secure communication devices. Remember it is most of the Politicians that are the "Bad Hombres" and you would do well to remember that it is in fact the intelligence agencies and press that are the instruments that protect the people and inhibit Politicians from doing even more outrageous things than they already do.


To see how a Politician would truly behave without fear of any exposure or criticism from the press - i.e. absolute corruption and manipulation of a system to increase their own wealth, you need look no further than Thailand 3 -4 years ago.


Checks and balances! That is what is required to maintain Democracy. By virtue of their positions, people in political appointments have already learned to manipulate people, they are only a step away from using that manipulation for great personal enrichment. The one thing that stops them is the fear of exposure and subsequent jail terms. If you really want to screw the system then try and control those elements of the pesky media that may expose you and try and take control of the intelligence agencies sworn to protect the interests of their nation.....................but oh wait, isn't that what Trump is now doing?

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5 minutes ago, captspectre said:

CNN! on a daily basis! coumo, don tinker bell lemon, etc> you will have to look it up as I have stopped watching!

I go there once in a while just to confirm their bias.


Last time I went they had some sad looking girl on with the caption….woman fears she might die if obamacare is repealed.



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10 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

gave you THREE examples why gloss over those?  bias perhaps??? 

What 3 examples? You gave an example of the interpretation of ratings data supplied by an independent rating organisation on viewing figures for the inauguration. What other examples did you give? A few posts ago you said you gave two examples, now it's 3. Sounds like .................. Lies?


Give examples of where CNN as you claim have lied about TRUMP.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The Intelligence agencies in every country spy on their politicians and that is a GOOD thing.


One of the companies I own sells an 'impossible to hack or intercept' mobile phone. Absolutely great for Celebs and you would think for Politicians and Ministers. BUT whenever we sell in a country (particularly to intelligence agencies) they say without exception that they do not want the devices being sold to Government employees such as Politicians or Ministers, because the same Intelligence agencies WANT to intercept and keep an eye on what our Government representatives are doing. They do not want them (Politicians and Ministers) to have totally secure communication devices. Remember it is most of the Politicians that are the "Bad Hombres" and you would do well to remember that it is in fact the intelligence agencies and press that are the instruments that protect the people and inhibit Politicians from doing even more outrageous things than they already do.


To see how a Politician would truly behave without fear of any exposure or criticism from the press - i.e. absolute corruption and manipulation of a system to increase their own wealth, you need look no further than Thailand 3 -4 years ago.


Checks and balances! That is what is required to maintain Democracy. By virtue of their positions, people in political appointments have already learned to manipulate people, they are only a step away from using that manipulation for great personal enrichment. The one thing that stops them is the fear of exposure and subsequent jail terms. If you really want to screw the system then try and control those elements of the pesky media that may expose you and try and take control of the intelligence agencies sworn to protect the interests of their nation.....................but oh wait, isn't that what Trump is now doing?

Thailand 3-4 years ago?  are you serious?  what about TODAY?  3-4 years ago the media was relatively FREE here now there is absolute control and adjustment camps

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

What 3 examples? You gave an example of the interpretation of ratings data supplied by an independent rating organisation on viewing figures for the inauguration. What other examples did you give? A few posts ago you said you gave two examples, now it's 3. Sounds like .................. Lies?


Give examples of where CNN as you claim have lied about TRUMP.

go read my posts and stop calling fellow posters liars...  against TVF rules - I posted 3

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29 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

I think was all well & truly deserved, those media outlets not allowed to attend have been very sloppy in some of their reporting recently, even the BBC seems to be getting unverified news from Twitter and repeating it as gospel. I for one have been shocked by huge bias in BBC reporting of late. The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred.


Still Im hope this is a one off slap on the wrists rather than outright bar

Yes the BBC are certainly not backing Trump in their reporting.  Actually nor are the ITV or Channel 4 news.  As for the newspapers they are also guilty.  Cartoons in just about all of them lampooning poor Donald almost every day.  In fact in the UK it is hard to find any coverage that isn't highly critical or indeed mocking of Trump.  Thank goodness in the USA Fox are covering his back.

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Just now, LannaGuy said:

Thailand 3-4 years ago?  are you serious?  what about TODAY?  3-4 years ago the media was relatively FREE here now there is absolute control and adjustment camps

3-4 years ago we had "elected Politicians", if a newspaper were to report anything bad about a politician they would be sued. Trials for Defamation and Libel in this country are criminal offences and not only have large fines but include jail terms. So yes, I am serious. Think about things a little more deeply before keyboard stomping.

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