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Video: last tragic moments of European expat on big bike


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5 minutes ago, Kabula said:

I guess you didn't see the question marks!  Having owned a Private Investigation Agency and a Insurance Adjustment Co for 30 years qualifies me as an expert witness in Superior Court.  I specialized in Product Liability investigations for Honda, and Yamaha for 11 years.  We were recommended by the AM best Company for 11 years doing work for over 300 Insurance companies. Most of those product investigations were multi million dollar cases.  What I saw in that video leaves me with questions?  Especially with a prior cry for help!

As a motorcyclist, I can think of much more certain and easier ways to get the job done that hit an overpass barrier at a glancing blow.  However, I just thing this speculation is wrong, wrong wrong! Poor guy and poor family reading this thread

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1 hour ago, tpaul1 said:

If I haven't told you beforehand then just presume it was an accident ok, no need to presume this.

I wouldn't exactly say this is the case here giving that the video we saw would be a bit unorthodox but it also stands to reason that he's been having that issue for half a year, not seeing results with the meds he's had and that it will take a toll on his mental state to whichever degree, as posted already, getting on the bike and going to the hospital by yourself was a deliberate choice. Can only assume from here on out and question certain stuff until more facts come to light.Without having read any details whatsoever.... Questions such as, was he bumped by a car and lost control? Did he lose consciousness for a moment? Did he take a gamble going to a hospital by himself despite not feeling well enough? What was the traffic like behind the car with the dash cam anyhow? How likely is it to lose control on a bike going straight and a bit uphill at moderate speed? (read moderate speed in relations to current flow of traffic; also never driven a motorbike myself thus an honest question from me, doubt it's the same as a bicycle, speed not withstanding).

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2 hours ago, bramds said:

So you are the expert now?

It was in fact a Yamaha XJR 1200. I knew the guy and I knew the bike. So keep your smartass comments to yourself.



Right, sorry for the mistake. It is indeed a XJR 1200 after looking again. The CB400 looks very similar but yea it clearly is the Yamaha.


Anyways sorry if you lost a friend (in case he was your friend). Motorbike accidents are always tragic and a good reminder to everyone how dangerous it is out there. Ride safe.

Edited by eisfeld
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God bless him.

A very ill man on his own and on the way on a motorcycle in the hope of treatment.


Makes me very fortunate to be here where he would have been treated for free and taken by ambulance.


I truly hope he may have been unconscious and didn't suffer his final moments.


RIP fellow biker.

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I had a car accident several years ago in the rain at speed and I bounced off the central barriers a few times before dragging the car to the hard shoulder, a write-off. Shaken, but unscathed. You have a chance in a car, but a motorbike is unforgiving. I can't work out how this happened, did he swerve to avoid something before hitting the barrier? RIP Herr Melzer.


So what? I've survived very serious motorcycle accidents. Also, many people die in car crashes.

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1 minute ago, harleyclarkey said:

God bless him.

A very ill man on his own and on the way on a motorcycle in the hope of treatment.


Makes me very fortunate to be here where he would have been treated for free and taken by ambulance.


I truly hope he may have been unconscious and didn't suffer his final moments.


RIP fellow biker.


What was his illness? How old was he?

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4 hours ago, trogers said:

I would understand an accident. But drunk driving and driving with a medical condition, or on medications that impairs your driving ability is a deliberate choice, and not an accident.


It is fortunate that he was on a bike and not driving a car, and up on an elevated highway that no other parties became a victim.


Maybe there is another report, but nothing above suggests that he was drink driving or under medication that would impair his ability to drive? 


Where did that come from ... or are you just trying to be offensive?



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33 minutes ago, tropo said:


So what? I've survived very serious motorcycle accidents. Also, many people die in car crashes.


Good for you ... my point is that if my car accident had been a motorbike accident I wouldn't have the opportunity today to converse with someone with your inability to understand the point being made, on account of being dead. 


And if you care to take a look at the statistics, you have a better chance of surviving a car crash.


Edited by AlexRich
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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Good for you ... my point is that if my car accident had been a motorbike accident I wouldn't have the opportunity today to converse with someone with your inability to understand the point being made, on account of being dead. 


And if you care to take a look at the statistics, you have a better chance of surviving a car crash.



My point was really... why do we need to revisit the car vs motorbike safety debate here and on every other report about motorcycle fatalities. It's pretty obvious that a car is safer, but that won't stop me or others from riding motorbikes or bring back the deceased.

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What no-one here has mentioned is did the wind play a part. I was out on my bike that day and there was quite a blustery wind blowing around Lat Krabang area. Up on that overpass

there could have been a sudden gust that pushed him to the barrier. 



RIP Christian

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2 minutes ago, smew said:

RIP, but seems that he was not very experienced on the bike : passing on left hand side, going too fast for the curve, pe occupied with med issues. Gone while doing what he liked.

I see you probably don't ride a bike here, and you have not met or chatted with Christian.


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20 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Maybe there is another report, but nothing above suggests that he was drink driving or under medication that would impair his ability to drive? 


Where did that come from ... or are you just trying to be offensive?



Medical condition that would impair his driving ability - severly infected leg of 6 months or more...

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He's moving faster than the other traffic and doesn't see the bend coming up. He clips the wall and it drags him off his 1200cc Kwaka and spits him off the overpass. Very sad indeed. You never need more than 600cc bike in Thailand firstly, secondly, you need to ride very carefully wherever you go, in a clear mental state of mind. R.I.P.

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3 hours ago, bramds said:

So you are the expert now?

It was in fact a Yamaha XJR 1200. I knew the guy and I knew the bike. So keep your smartass comments to yourself.


A lot of would be 'experts' on here unfortunately. I don't know what drives them but wish they would keep quiet.

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2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Anyway this case is another drastic warning: either have the money for treatment (no less than a million) or have insurance.

And his case: he was fighting for 6 months with this problem!

Did he not even have the money for a low cost oneway to Germany where he would have been treated without any question.

(in his case a viable option which is not available to accident victims or the like)

       So  many chanchers,   in  LO Smiles  living here on the cheap .  

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3 hours ago, bramds said:

So you are the expert now?

It was in fact a Yamaha XJR 1200. I knew the guy and I knew the bike. So keep your smartass comments to yourself.


Comments like yours ? Thought you were not going to post here again ?  What with the new forum  2 years ago I guess the 85 members just do not have enough content.

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26 minutes ago, trogers said:

Medical condition that would impair his driving ability - severly infected leg of 6 months or more...

So what your saying is that he's been driving for six months with this condition? So it hardly impairs his driving ability, if it did it would have not taken six months to materialise.

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4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

So what your saying is that he's been driving for six months with this condition? So it hardly impairs his driving ability, if it did it would have not taken six months to materialise.

Up to you to surmise which of these 180 days it should occur, but occur it did. But I would be surprised if he was not on some strong pain killer in lieu of the condition of his leg.

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6 hours ago, CanInBKK said:

Quite a sad and unfortunate event. At least the dashcam footage has surfaced putting to rest spurious talk about how the accident happened.

And I will put my hands up as guilty to wondering and posting, if he crashed deliberately given his pain, infection and financial situation.

I apologise to one and all, for that, though at the time it was a question in my head. I thought it a valid question to ask. I was wrong.

RIP mate. My condolences to all his family and friends.


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2 hours ago, thaijoe said:

WHERE are these videos? I cant view any of them, dont even show where to click just a picture

Lately the video links have not been marked in some articles.  In the OP you have to search for the media company's name bolded in black, which in this case is Sanook. From there you will go to the webpage containing the article and from there there is a video link at the bottom.

It would be appreciated if the link in the OP was at least blue and not bold black, and even better if it said link or full story here. But I guess that is old school.

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