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Exclusive - Trump administration has found only $20 mln in existing funds for wall: document


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5 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Got to make up the shortfall in funding. There has been talk of confiscation of all assets held by undocumented migrants at internment/concentration prior to physical expulsion from the country.


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54 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Got to make up the shortfall in funding. There has been talk of confiscation of all assets held by undocumented migrants at internment/concentration prior to physical expulsion from the country.

I assume they will have to change the laws, and probably the constitution, to say that only American citizens can own property?  

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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

Got to make up the shortfall in funding. There has been talk of confiscation of all assets held by undocumented migrants at internment/concentration prior to physical expulsion from the country.

Neurath, is this the wrong thread, are you talking about Saudi or Russia or China? You can't be talking 'first world' country can you?

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Trump and his wall. Billions spent on a non productive, no work.wall. Walls, you go around, over, under or through. What a joke. But this idea got him elected. So what percentage of the US voting public are feeling like total idiots now. But at least Grubster still believes and trusts him. The one poster on this forum who does. At least Grubster is loyal till the bitter truth becomes apparent. How many others voted for this shyster. Not too many others post anymore pro Trump BS. They have all faded away as soon in history Trump will too. Another one term president, if that.

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

Trump and his wall. Billions spent on a non productive, no work.wall. Walls, you go around, over, under or through. What a joke. But this idea got him elected. So what percentage of the US voting public are feeling like total idiots now. But at least Grubster still believes and trusts him. The one poster on this forum who does. At least Grubster is loyal till the bitter truth becomes apparent. How many others voted for this shyster. Not too many others post anymore pro Trump BS. They have all faded away as soon in history Trump will too. Another one term president, if that.

For starters he can put paid advertising on the wall on both sides.   Tour groups can walk on the top and take selfies, for a charge.   Of course, they will have to be careful about making sure none of them are Mexican.   Since it is so long, some sections can be reserved for Graffiti art  competitions.   


In years to come, it can become a major tourist attraction, must like the Great Wall of China, and they will probably have the additional advantage of providing tours of the numerous tunnels under the wall.   


And then when it is torn down, they can sell the pieces, much like the Berlin Wall.   


In the meantime, it will cost a fortune to build and it still has to be manned and protected.   One thing is for sure, it will never serve the purpose for which it was designed.   

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8 hours ago, Redline said:

He said he was going to build a ball. a tremendous wonderful ball

A giant spitball.

Some great walls in history:  

Hadrian's:  Never worked.  Romans posted there, froze their lonely butts off.

China's; estimated to cost about 1 worker's life per brick. Never worked. 

USSR's wall in Berlin; Created decades of bad press for the stone-hearted bosses in the Kremlin.


8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Well, a majority of the electoral college seats don't agree with you. So welcome to continue yapping for the next 8 years

              Trump doesn't have a mandate.  He lost by roughly 3 million votes.  Each day, more former Trump fans are seeing the light, and distancing themselves from him. He has the lowest, I repeat THE LOWEST popularity rating of any president at this stage of a presidency.  


        He stole the election, using some of the following methods:  Clandestine Russian help.  Help from Wikileaks.  A big boost from FBI's Comey (a partisan Republican), lies upon lies upon lies.  ....and also being the rudest SOB on the podium.   A sector of the American people like abject rudeness, similar to how they like 19th century outlaws and the Three Stooges. That's his base. 


               Maybe Trump fans need to be reminded that, for weeks during the recent campaign, Trump read out loud, on the podium, a full article from Russia's primary political newspaper, SPUTNIK.  The article he read was patently fake news.  Trump knew it, but he read the Russian propaganda anyway - to all his gun-hugging racist ignorant fans.    


            I don't know about you, but as an American, I like my presidents to not be treasonous, nor controlled by an adversarial country.

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8 hours ago, Redline said:

He said he was going to build a ball. a tremendous wonderful ball

       Whether he falls off a big wall or a big ball, Humpty Trumpty is going to have a big fall.


       Sessions is just the latest domino (about....) to fall.   Fall is like fail, just change an l to an i.  


       It will be fun to see Melania and the Trump boys screwing their faces into frowns of indignity.


        When I was a little boy, I read Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Emperor's New Clothes.'  It should be required reading for every American school kid, and every Republican congressperson.  It applies perfectly to what's now going on in Washington D.C. (my former home town).

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Wow….4 more guaranted years of this….plus most likely another 4 to come.


who cares what margin someone wins by…usain bolt usually wins by .54 of a second.


a wins a wins a win.


Trump will eat that Perez guy up….psecialy once he throws out all the unregistered latino voters out before 2020.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Wow….4 more guaranted years of this….plus most likely another 4 to come.


who cares what margin someone wins by…usain bolt usually wins by .54 of a second.


a wins a wins a win.


Trump will eat that Perez guy up….psecialy once he throws out all the unregistered latino voters out before 2020.

Nothing is guaranteed.  Especially now with all these investigations.  As for another 4, only if his performance record gets better.  His approval rating is about as low as it can get. LOL


P.S. Trump is now saying he doesn't want to throw them all out.  Must be sad for his ardent supporters to hear him go back on that campaign promise! LOL

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Wow….4 more guaranted years of this….plus most likely another 4 to come.


who cares what margin someone wins by…usain bolt usually wins by .54 of a second.


a wins a wins a win.


Trump will eat that Perez guy up….psecialy once he throws out all the unregistered latino voters out before 2020.

Not only are they imaginary, according to you they're also unregistered.  A double non-threat to the electoral process!

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:



Arriving asylum seekers will be allowed to keep up to 10,000 kroner (£1,000) in cash and valuables but anything above that will be seized to pay for their stay.

The current figure is in line with welfare rules for Danes, who must sell assets worth more than 10,000 kroner (£1,000) before they can receive state benefits. 

This is nothing like confiscating all assets and deporting you is it?

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18 hours ago, Redline said:

He said he was going to build a ball. a tremendous wonderful ball

I will have to check with Fox news to see if this is true, it's where Trump gets all his lies and mad ideas from, America has a 'news' network as President

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


This is nothing like confiscating all assets and deporting you is it?

No, not really.


Here's the reasoning that the administration is apparently using: Just as we can confiscate without trial and without recourse assets thought to have been acquired due to the drug trade,  we should be able confiscate all assets acquired as a consequence of  illegal residence in the US. The assets can stay in the US to build the wall and those who acquired the assets can have their backsides kicked to the other side of it.

Edited by Neurath
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11 minutes ago, Neurath said:

No, not really.


Here's the reasoning that the administration is apparently using: Just as we can confiscate without trial and without recourse assets thought to have been acquired due to the drug trade,  we should be able confiscate all assets acquired as a consequence of  illegal residence in the US. The assets can stay in the US to build the wall and those who acquired the assets can have their backsides kicked to the other side of it.

Good job for you nobody kicked your forefathers asses back to where they had come from. The irony! A nation founded on Genocide and theft of land now claims other immigrants to be illegal. If your idea of laws had been in place 300 years ago then America would only be populated by Indigenous people..............and Buffalo - what a nice thought.  You are not an indigenous person, your rights are based on genocide and theft committed by your ancestors. But you carry on convincing yourself that you have a right to be there but other immigrants do not. The settlers were ALL illegal immigrants.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


This is nothing like confiscating all assets and deporting you is it?


Didn't say it was the same. Somewhat similar sentiment, maybe. People place way too much value on labels, such as that "first world" refference. 

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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Good job for you nobody kicked your forefathers asses back to where they had come from. The irony! A nation founded on Genocide and theft of land now claims other immigrants to be illegal. If your idea of laws had been in place 300 years ago then America would only be populated by Indigenous people..............and Buffalo - what a nice thought.  You are not an indigenous person, your rights are based on genocide and theft committed by your ancestors. But you carry on convincing yourself that you have a right to be there but other immigrants do not. The settlers were ALL illegal immigrants.

Though you are right, and I'm part native American Indian, that was a long time ago.  My father was born on the res, my brother works there now.  My relatives were on the Trail of Tears.  A horrible thing.  But times have changed, time to move on.  And what's happening now is nothing like what happened back then.  I don't think you can compare the two.


But yes, a dark chapter in the history of the US.  Immigration reform is desperately needed.

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On 03/03/2017 at 9:01 PM, Andaman Al said:

Good job for you nobody kicked your forefathers asses back to where they had come from. The irony! A nation founded on Genocide and theft of land now claims other immigrants to be illegal. If your idea of laws had been in place 300 years ago then America would only be populated by Indigenous people..............and Buffalo - what a nice thought.  You are not an indigenous person, your rights are based on genocide and theft committed by your ancestors. But you carry on convincing yourself that you have a right to be there but other immigrants do not. The settlers were ALL illegal immigrants.

Easy friend - I'm not advocating the line of reasoning presented, nor am I in any way a supporter of the policies that would be based on it.


This Wall for which only $20 million has been found, is not now and never will be a "real" thing - Trump might build some crappy Wallish type thing, but it won't stop people crossing the border. No, the Wall is a symbol, a great big signifier, for all that Trump supporters hold dear and all that they dislike. The wall stands for these things, it's a shorthand way to refer to them. When you argue about or against the wall you're not, in their ears, talking of the wall but The Wall - the cluster of love and hate objects orbiting around Trump supporters' heads and hearts. Love (and Hate) are priceless - $20 Million or $40 billion, it makes no difference (to them.)

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It's a little like sandbags for a flood.   His wall will cost a lot of money and will be nothing more than a financial windfall for some contractors and a boon doggle for the US taxpayer.   


Reasonable enforcement of existing laws will be the biggest deterrent to illegal immigrants.   

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2 hours ago, jerojero said:

Just tax everything imported into US from Mexico. That will teach those Mexicans! Meanwhile 300,000,000 Americans see inflation jump to about 25%.

Not to mention US JOB LOSSES as up to 40% of Mexican manufactured products contain US manufactured components. And when the cost of Mexican imports sky-rocket in the US, US businesses that wholesale/retail those imports will GO OUT OF BUSINESS. Furthermore, the US restaurant and grocery industries depend on Mexican agricultural imports. But when no American will pay for example $3 for a head of Mexican lettuce, their very existence will be threatened.


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They  found 20 million to build the wall, unfortunately the study to find the funds cost 20 million. LOL

  Stone age technology  to combat a modern problem. A static solution to a dynamic problem

instead of building a wall all along the southern border, I have a simpler solution.

Build a wall around those who hire illegal aliens,

Problem solved.Illegals leave on their own. or don't come here at all.

But Trump is a bully, and bullies gof after the weak !! let me see him go after those who hire illegal labor.


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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

They  found 20 million to build the wall, unfortunately the study to find the funds cost 20 million. LOL

  Stone age technology  to combat a modern problem. A static solution to a dynamic problem

instead of building a wall all along the southern border, I have a simpler solution.

Build a wall around those who hire illegal aliens,

Problem solved.Illegals leave on their own. or don't come here at all.

But Trump is a bully, and bullies gof after the weak !! let me see him go after those who hire illegal labor.


How about just build a wall around Trump? Putting him in a sanitarium could accomplish the same. As a show of respect he'd be allowed to wear a Trump tie with his straight jacket.

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Here's a link to an article that shows how difficult it will be just to acquire the privately owned land that will be required to build much of the wall.


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